Read Lure of Oblivion Page 33

  The coolers that had earlier been brimming with drinks were now pretty much empty. Very little food was left, even though there had been a lot of it. Damn, shifters ate like horses. She wasn’t sure how they were still eating. She’d stuffed herself on hamburgers, potato salad, lasagna, cake, and pecan pie, and there was no way she could manage anything else.

  That hadn’t stopped her from enjoying a few drinks, though. She wasn’t gonna lie, she was a little tipsy. She hadn’t touched any of the hard liquor; she only had a couple of beers. Well, she’d intended to only have a couple. But those couple of beers had soon become four. Or maybe it was five. Still, she could feel the effects beginning to wear off.

  As Willow demolished the rest of her cake, Gwen handed her lemon Popsicle to Zander and said, “Hold that for me a sec, please.” Gwen then used a wipe to clean the crumbs and sticky icing from Willow’s fingers.

  That was when the Alphas appeared with Cassidy, the other pup. Nick sighed at his daughter, who was still trying to talk around her food. When Gwen had first arrived, she’d braced herself for an awkward reception from Nick. But his welcome had been genuine, and the pack had actually thrown a really cool party for her.

  “Thanks for cleaning her up,” said Shaya, stabbing a plastic fork into the piece of pie on her paper plate. “Missy, you should be tired by now.” Willow just shrugged.

  Grinning, Cassidy uncurled her hand. “I found a worm.”

  Gwen smiled, taking her Popsicle back from Zander. “A worm, huh?”

  “Let me see!” said Willow, hopping off the chair. But Cassidy sprinted away, laughing, and Willow gave chase.

  Shaya shook her head as she watched them. “I really don’t know where they get all their energy, but I want some.”

  “The motel will be ready in a few months,” Nick said to Gwen. “I appreciate you agreeing to help us run it. After working at a B&B for years, it will be a breeze for you.”

  Zander barely resisted the urge to grunt. He wasn’t so happy about Gwen working at the motel. He’d prefer for her to permanently remain deep in their territory where she’d be safest, which of course would never happen but was a pretty dream. He knew his mate, knew she wouldn’t cope if she didn’t have something to do. He also knew she liked that she’d have a role, of sorts.

  The motel would be well protected at all times, he assured himself. And she was good with that Glock she’d insisted on bringing with her—along with a switchblade, knuckle stun gun, and a bunch of other stuff. The other females of the pack now wanted their own “collection of violent treasures,” as Harley called it.

  Even the Phoenix Pack females wanted their own, especially after watching Gwen give “a basic demonstration” of how to use the stun gun on Dominic—who had idiotically volunteered out of sheer curiosity—at her welcome party. The little shit had also flirted with Gwen, which wasn’t a surprise and meant he got whacked a few times across the head. How the guy didn’t have special needs after years of that shit, Zander didn’t know.

  “Speaking of the B&B,” said Shaya, “the sale went through on it today. Some couple fascinated by paranormal stuff bought it. Ally said the place was spooky.”

  Gwen snorted softly. “Not half as spooky as your kid.”

  “A kid you adore,” Shaya insisted with a smile.

  Gwen shrugged. “She brings me flowers.” Both pups were great. And they knew they were loved, knew the people around them would keep them safe and be there for them. That was a special thing, in Gwen’s opinion.

  Nick quietly swore. “The dog’s lying on our blanket!” He stormed off, reprimanding Bruce. Rolling her eyes, Shaya followed him.

  Glad to be alone with Gwen again, Zander inhaled deeply, taking in their combined scent. Even among the scents of wood smoke, charred meat, and the leftover food, it was damn strong and potent. He cupped her nape. “Do you miss it?”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “The marsh. Oregon.”

  “Not in the way that you’re thinking. I loved the marsh; I’ll always miss it. But I don’t regret coming here. I don’t wish I was there. I’m happy where I am.”

  He lightly squeezed her nape. “Good.”

  Gwen smiled. She’d expected to find it hard to adjust to living within a pack. It had been odd at first, considering how often they socialized and just appeared at each other’s lodges without invitation. But she’d quickly gotten used to it—probably because she’d lived most of her life at a B&B, always sharing her private space.

  Some of their ways had taken a little getting used to, though. Like eating pretty much every meal together, answering to Alphas, and adhering to all kinds of security measures. Despite being human, she’d gone along on their pack runs, which had been awesome. Watching them all play and interact in their animal forms was supercool.

  The mating ceremony . . . well, that had been weird. It had taken place a week after she moved there. Basically, she’d gotten all dolled up in a dress that Ally had chosen before Shaya applied her makeup. Then Nick had escorted Gwen through the forest to the center of a huge circle of people that consisted of her other pack mates, the Phoenix Pack, her family, Zander’s sister—who Gwen thought was great—and a few others.

  Inside the circle, Zander had waited, looking absolutely edible in a suit and staring at her with eyes that said she’d be getting ruthlessly fucked if they were alone. Nick had then asked them to make their vows, spouting the ceremonial words that had no power. According to Kathy, it was all a big excuse for a party. Still, it had been fun.

  Yvonne and Donnie, who’d moved into the house near the lake that Yvonne had once spoken of, had attended the ceremony. Marlon and Dylan had also been there; they were now living together and were ridiculously happy. They’d brought along the unexpected news that Colt had retired from his position as sheriff. Gwen figured it was a good thing for Oregon in general.

  They’d also told her that Aidan had not only closed his practice, he’d been dealt a thorough beating by someone. When Gwen had mentioned it to Zander, he’d looked at her with such innocence that she knew he was behind it.

  Her family melded with the pack just fine. Donnie had loved Mercury territory, and he got along with Shaya’s ex-military human father like a house on fire. Yvonne and Kathy had become fast friends, probably because they both knew what it was like to lose the man they loved. Marlon and Dylan had gravitated toward Caleb and Kent, a mated couple whom Gwen found hilarious.

  To her surprise, Kenny hadn’t disowned her on hearing from Geena that she’d mated into a pack. He’d actually passed on a congratulatory message through Geena, who said he wasn’t being sarcastic about it and truly seemed happy for her. Gwen wasn’t sure what to think of that, so she’d decided not to think of it at all. It was probably dumb to expect a normal response from someone like him anyway.

  “Roni!” shouted Eli from a deck chair. “Why do you have to be such a goddamn bitch?!”

  Lifting his head up from the blanket, Marcus chuckled. “What did she do?” Lying beside him, Roni didn’t even stir.

  Face red, Eli ground his teeth. “She changed my Facebook profile picture!”

  “To what?” asked Marcus.

  “To a picture of a guy in a black rubber bondage suit! She then put on my status, ‘Do I look cute in this or what?’ Roni, you are dead! Do you hear me?”

  Roni lifted her head to glare at her brother. “Well, next time you’re thinking about fucking with me, you won’t put laxatives in my coffee machine!”

  Marcus arched a brow at Eli. “Did it not bother you that I could have used the coffee machine before her?”

  “Nope.” Eli barely ducked the spoon that Marcus flung at his head.

  Cassidy wrinkled her nose as she looked at Eli. “What’s a bondage suit?”

  Snorting a laugh, Gwen turned to Zander. “Don’t know about you, but I’m tired. Ready to hit the sack yet?”

  Zander took her hand, twining his fingers through hers. “Baby, I’ve been hard as a ro
ck watching you suck on a Popsicle for the last fifteen minutes. I’m more than ready to go.”

  She chuckled. “Then let’s go.”

  They said their good nights and then headed through the trees to their lodge. He liked that it was their lodge. Liked that their combined scent was all over the place and all over their things. Liked that she’d put her own personal touches here and there, making the space theirs and marking her territory.

  Inside the lodge, they kicked off their shoes. Zander smiled at Gwen’s sparkly, painted toenails. He never thought he could have described feet as pretty, but hers were.

  As they walked into the den, he pulled her to him and kissed her. Savored her. Indulged in a long, deep taste. She melted against him, moaning. He nipped her lip. “I like drunk sex with my baby. And make-up sex. And kinky sex. And just about any sex.”

  “You’re easy that way.”

  He kissed his way down her neck and licked at the claiming mark there. His wolf rumbled in contentment at the sight of it. Nothing had ever truly belonged to Zander before—not in the way that she did. Gwen had given herself fully to him, held nothing back, and was his with no strings attached. He treasured that. Treasured her.

  He yanked out her hair tie and unraveled her braid. He fucking loved her hair. Loved how soft and glossy it was. Loved how it always smelled of vanilla and coconut. Loved the feel of it when it was wrapped around his fist as he fucked her mouth. Zander thrust his hands into the silky curls left by the braid. “So pretty and soft.”

  “If you’re finished playing with my hair, can we get down to business?” Gwen’s knees went a little weak as Zander began sucking on her claiming bite. She was in the mood to fuck. Hard and fast. But it was clear that he had no plans to rush, that he was in the mood to savor. She wasn’t sure she had the patience for that. There were ways to eat at that control he kept so carefully over himself.

  Slipping her hands under his shirt, she smoothed them up his back. The muscles beneath that sleek skin bunched slightly, and she could almost feel the contained power there. Gwen lightly dragged her nails down to his lower back and then followed the waistline of his jeans around to his stomach. His abdomen reflexively contracted, and he growled.

  As Gwen snapped open the top button of his jeans, Zander placed his hands over hers. “Not yet.” Instead of protesting as he’d expected, she smiled, pulled her hands free, and stepped back. Before he could close the distance, she snapped open her own fly. The sound of her zipper lowering made his cock twitch.

  Zander shot her a reprimanding look. “I’m not ready for you to get undre—” The little minx let her shorts puddle at her feet. While he was busy admiring her black lacy panties, she peeled off her tank top. No bra. With a smirk, she turned toward the stairs. Apparently his mate thought she was in control.

  Gwen wasn’t sure exactly what had happened. She’d been heading for the stairs, quite pleased with herself. Then big hands had grabbed her, and she suddenly found herself flat on her back on the soft rug in front of the fireplace. She smiled at the male standing over her. “Smoothly done, Devlin.”

  “Tonight . . . there will be some rules.”

  “Rules? I don’t like rules. I vote we scrap the rules.”

  “You can’t vote—it’s against the rules.” He pinned her gaze. “Tonight, I say what goes. You don’t argue. You don’t defy me for the hell of it. You don’t try to take control. You do what I tell you to do.”

  Gwen pursed her lips. “Yeah, I’m not sure that’s gonna work for me.”

  “No point in lying, Gwen. I can sense how much you like that idea.”

  Yeah, okay, she did. Damn that fucking bond. Was it weird that she just wanted him to use her? Probably. She’d worry about it tomorrow, when she was sober. When he wasn’t using his sex-tone—it was almost hypnotic, and it seemed to make her entire body melt for him.

  Zander whipped off his shirt. “You don’t have to worry, Gwen. I’d never hurt you. I take care of what I own.” He arched a brow. “And I do own you.”

  Gwen opened her mouth to speak, but he chose that moment to tear open the rest of his fly, and bam, she was officially distracted. His cock sprang out, so long and thick that her pussy fluttered. She wanted him inside her badly, but he still seemed in no rush.

  She let her thighs fall open, inviting him. “You own me, huh? Then what’s stopping you from taking what’s yours?” Oh yeah, that made his eyes blaze with heat. Not just heat, but possessiveness and determination. Still, he remained standing. Awkward fucker.

  Drinking in the delectable sight of her from head to toe, Zander felt his mouth water. His wolf released a territorial growl. “There are so many things I want to do to you.” And there was one thing he needed to do. Snatching her gaze, he said, “I’m going to claim your ass tonight.”

  Gwen shook her head. “I’m not curious about what it’s like to have my ass split open.”

  Mouth curving, Zander shoved his jeans to the floor and kicked them aside. He knew through their bond that she wanted this, that she was using humor to get past her nerves. “We’ve been working up to it. You’re ready. I told you before, you were made to take me.” He fisted his cock. “And you will, because you’re not in control tonight. I am.”

  Watching him unashamedly pump his cock, Gwen bit her lip. She loved seeing him do that. It made her think of that night he’d told her to finger herself while he watched, jerking himself off. He’d come all over her pussy and stomach, marking her, he’d said.

  “You don’t just want what’s going to happen, Gwen. You need it. You need me. Like I need you.” Zander dropped to his knees between her legs and skimmed his hands up the velvety skin of her thighs as he spread them wider. Eyes locked with hers, he slipped his thumbs under her panties and stroked the plump folds of her pussy. He could scent how wet she was; the smell made his wolf crazy. He needed a taste.

  With a low growl, Zander tore off her panties, liking her little gasp. He cupped her ass, curled her hips, and stabbed his tongue inside her. God, her taste . . . it was like an electric shock to his senses. It shot straight to his cock, making it throb painfully. “I could spend hours right here, tasting you.”

  Gwen frowned. “No, I don’t want to wait hours to come.”

  “It’s not about what you want.”

  She gaped. “Oh, you bastard.”

  He chuckled. “I told you. Tonight, you do what I tell you.”

  “See, you’re an utter bastard.” But the words came out kind of breathy because he was fluttering his tongue between her folds. “You need to—”

  “I don’t have time to talk. My priority right now is making my baby come.” He set about making that happen, teasing her pussy with long, sensual licks before driving his tongue inside her. He feasted. Gorged. Fucked her with his tongue just like he intended to fuck her with his cock.

  Needing more, Zander sat back on his heels, lifted her, and dropped her right on his cock. Her eyes snapped to his, shocked and a little dazed. He groaned as her walls contracted around him. “My baby’s pussy is so hot and tight.” Cinching her hips, he slowly raised her until only the head of his cock was inside her. Then he impaled her in one smooth, fast move. “Fuck yourself on me.”

  Gwen rode him hard. The feel of his cock slicing through her again and again was exactly what she needed. One of his hands alternated between pinching and tugging her nipples to cupping and squeezing her breasts. It was so much sensation, and she could feel her orgasm coming toward her. Stilling her with his hands, he began punching his hips, fucking her hard. He dug his teeth into her neck. Didn’t bite. Just held her skin between his teeth. And that was all it took to throw her over.

  Zander battled the urge to come as her back bowed, her pussy clamped down on his dick, and she groaned his name. He brushed her bangs out of her face. “That’s my girl. I love watching you come.” Carefully, he lay her back down on the rug.

  She blinked up at him. “You didn’t come.”

  “No, because
I’m not done with you yet.” Feeling a little nervousness hum along their bond, he said, “Shh. Just lie back, let me have you.”

  Using her cream to lubricate his finger, Zander gently worked it into her ass. He thrust it in and out, and he quickly got caught up in the rhythm of it. They’d played with her ass enough times for him to add another finger pretty soon. But only when she was moaning, squirming, and trying to counter his thrusts did he slip a third inside her. She didn’t even flinch. At that point, the tension in her muscles was gone, and her body was begging for more.

  Satisfied that she was ready, Zander used his free hand to angle her hips just right. “I’m going to take your ass like this so I can look in those big blue eyes.” In one quick movement, he replaced his fingers with the head of his cock. “Now, push out as I push in.” It was so damn hard not to just thrust fast and deep, but he held on to his control and slowly sank inside.

  His eyes fell closed for a second. She was tighter than anything he’d ever felt, and he just wanted more. When he was finally fully sheathed, he groaned. “My baby is fucking amazing. And such a good girl.” He squeezed her hip. “You okay?”

  Okay? Gwen was a lot of things—full from his dick, totally turned on, and surprised by just how much she liked it. Although she’d enjoyed their past anal play, she’d expected this to be less fun and more painful. But as he’d assured her it would, her body had accommodated him. “Zander . . . I really won’t last long.”

  “You never do.”

  She couldn’t help smiling at that. He was totally right. “Get moving, Devlin.” He kept his thrusts slow and deep, hitting all kinds of virginal nerve endings that were making her wind tighter and tighter. It was the slow part that she had a problem with. “Faster, Zander. In fact, make it faster and harder.”

  “Such a slutty little girl at times,” Zander teased. She gasped, and he chuckled. “My slutty little girl.”