Read Lynna's Rogue (Curse of the Conjure Woman, Book One) Page 3

After having assured Nathan Rhodes for the umpteenth time that he would care for his offspring as though she were his very own sibling and escorting him off the ship, finally, Joshua strode toward his cabin to console the forsaken child. He had put off his duty as long as he could, now he must see to his charge. No doubt she would cower in the corner when he entered and scream bloody murder if he so much as looked at her sideways.

  Fortunately, there was one other female passenger onboard who might be persuaded to befriend the young recluse and perhaps share sleeping quarters with her. He would make a few inquiries on the morrow. No, that wouldn’t work. Nathan would have his head if he allowed her out of his sight.

  Surely the girl must be as overwrought by this situation as her father after being banished from the only home she had ever known, without so much as her maidservant. After living such a secluded life, albeit a spoiled and pampered one for so many years, she could hardly be expected to be a social butterfly, more like a painfully shy hermit.

  Already dreading the long, sleepless nights ahead spent calming the grief stricken heiress, his consolation would be that he would certainly be well compensated for any disturbed sleep.

  Joshua plastered a cheery smile on his lips and tried to prepare himself for her caterwauling as he knocked softly and slowly opened the door.

  For the love of God!

  What charade was this?

  The vision before him was certainly no homesick or grief stricken wallflower. He would bet his ship on that.

  His jaw dropped to his chest as he stood perfectly still, inhaling sharply as the exquisite creature before him beamed a radiant smile. Surely the ravishing beauty on his bed could not be Nathan Rhodes’s painfully shy and withdrawn daughter. She looked anything but upset at the thought of leaving her father, or her country, behind.

  Joshua had viewed beautiful women in ports all over the world, yet, Lynna Rhodes far surpassed them all. She had been blessed at birth with smooth, creamy skin and breathtaking vivid blue eyes that sparkled up at him, enticing moist, pink lips, a dainty upturned nose, and waist length, feathery golden curls that hugged her enchanting curves. And she was far from shedding the tears that he had assumed would be flowing at the thought of putting an ocean between herself and her sire.

  “Oh hello, you must be Captain Jordan, enchante’.” Her soft lilting voice caused a tightening in his midsection. “I am Lynna Rhodes. Although, I’m sure you must already know who is occupying your cabin in your stead.” She giggled, tumbling from the bed and standing to offer her hand. “I can hardly wait for us to set sail. Will it be very much longer?”

  Shocked to the roots of his hair, Joshua accepted her delicate hand as her sparkling azure gaze held his captive. Then, as if she had read his mind and sought to fulfill his wildest fantasy, she moved into his arms, pressing her soft and very feminine curves against him.

  “Thank you, Captain, for giving up the comforts of your bed. I was dreading the very thought of trying to sleep on a hard bunk bed. I trust your new quarters are suitable?”

  With her soft breasts pressed against his chest, Joshua’s pulse quickened as a powerful surge of blood shot toward his lower anatomy. Was he really expected to hold her voluptuous body in his arms and not… touch.

  Only if he had a desire to continue living.

  Grabbing her shoulders, he stood her at arms length and moved toward his bed, trying desperately to think mundane thoughts.

  Indeed, his quarters were quite suitable. Where had she gotten the erroneous notion that he would be abandoning the comforts of his cabin? Her father had given him strict orders that he was to share the cabin with her, sleeping on a hard cot in the corner of course, but always within sight of her. Certainly her father had not been remiss in sharing this knowledge with his beguiling offspring?

  Once again his eyes strayed toward the body of a woman who seemed to possess the innocence of a child. A hazardous combination, to be sure. Her embrace was a cordial display of affection, nothing more. No coy flirtatious move designed to send a man’s blood racing and have him drooling at her feet.

  Joshua would bet every coin that Nathan Rhodes had deposited in his safe that his daughter did not possess the slightest notion of how her affectionate hug would affect him, or any other member of the opposite sex for that matter. Her father’s words repeated over and over in his mind. “If you find my daughter lacking in worldly ways, Captain Jordan…”

  “Oh, Captain Jordan, I am terribly excited about this voyage.” Lynna Rhodes’ sapphire blue eyes danced up at him. “However, to be perfectly honest, you are not at all what I expected.”

  “An understatement if ever there was one, my lady.” Joshua leaned against the doorjamb and observed the enchanting imp at his leisure. “But, pray tell, what did you expect?”

  She turned her exquisite head sideways, studying him with a creased brow. “Um…someone much older, saltier perhaps. More rugged. Yes, that’s the word I was searching for. More rugged from the many years spent on the deck of a ship.”

  “I have spent many years on the deck of the Windjammer, to be sure.” Joshua chuckled. “As for my age, I don’t believe I’m ready to be put out to pasture just yet.”

  “And neither do I, sir. At any rate, I must confess that all of my knowledge comes from books. I have never been to your country, though I have read much about America. Our journey should be about an eight-week voyage. Is this correct?”

  “Yes, if we have good wind at our backs.”

  “You will tell me what to expect when we arrive, oui?”

  Joshua watched as a tiny trickle of perspiration slid down her neck to the valley between her breasts. Her full, creamy and, oh… so tempting… breasts. What he would not give to wipe it off with his... Stop! Why was he thinking such ludicrous and life endangering thoughts? Not only would Nathan Rhodes have his head, he would mount it and hang it on his office wall as a daily reminder of the man who stole his daughter’s virginity.

  Raking a trembling hand through his hair, Joshua tore his eyes from her lovely features and spent the next several minutes perusing a tiny speck of dirt on the toe of his boot. He had been hired to protect this girl as he would his own sister.

  But damn Nathan Rhodes all to hell.

  He should have warned him of what a truly delectable creature his daughter was instead of rambling on and on about her supposed lack of social graces. There was not a red blooded man alive, be he French, American, or any other nationality who would not be caught completely off guard by the stunning beauty of Lynna Rhodes.

  “I came to see to your comfort and,” he mumbled as his eyes raked her from head to toe, “you look extremely… comfortable. Now, if all is to your satisfaction, I will return to my duties.”

  Lynna motioned toward the inviting four poster bed. “I could not have asked for more comfortable quarters.”

  He certainly could have. “I’m glad you approve,” he choked out, swiping at the sweat that continued to bead furiously upon his creased brow. “In that case, I bid you good day and will endeavor to return in time to share the evening meal with you.”

  “Good day, Captain.” Lynna sat down on the bed feeling…something.

  Heavenly days, but the captain was a terribly handsome man.

  He was tall, at least six feet two inches, with black wavy hair that fell carelessly across his forehead and skin tanned golden from many hours spent on the deck of a ship. His teeth were pearly white and she was sure they would sparkle were he ever to even attempt a smile.

  Lynna’s thoughts meandered back to the impulsive hug that she had given the Captain. She had felt… what was it that she had felt exactly? A strange, yet, entirely delicious feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  The feeling had begun as butterflies in her midsection and then rapidly spread to all parts of her body, leaving a noticeable sensitivity in her breasts and at the apex of her thighs. Brushing her hands across her bodice, she remembered vividly the feelings that had awake
ned there when she had pressed against his broad chest.

  In that moment, Lynna knew one thing for certain. Captain Joshua Jordan was a force to be reckoned with.

  Chapter 4