Read Lyon and Moldoff Page 1

Lyon and Moldoff

  Lyon is a lion. When he was little he was loved by everyone. He was handsome, smart, and well behaved. Other young lions liked being around with him and saw him as a role model. Elder lions wished their cubs could grow up to be more like him. Everyone believed that he was going to be the leader of Liontown one day.

  However, Lyon was special, because when he was two years old he noticed that while other young male lions were starting to grow out their manes and he hadn’t. He didn’t have the beautiful, lush, and golden fur around his neck like everyone else. All he had was a few strands of hair on his nearly bald head. He didn’t like being different and was quite ashamed of how he looked.

  Every day he looked into the mirror and counted the strands of hair on his bald head.….. It always stopped at 99. No more, no less. He felt ugly and inferior. He no longer wanted to go outside and play with his friends. He just wanted to stay at home and hide in his dark room. No matter how hard his parents tried to encourage and comfort him he wouldn’t go outside.

  “Lyon, it will grow out one day. Be patient. Your Uncle Steve didn’t have his mane until he was almost four years old.” Lyon’s dad sat beside him on the bed trying to comfort him.

  “But I’m turning four next week! And I still only have 98 strands of hair!” Lyon cried.

  “I thought it was 99?”

  “I accidently pulled one out yesterday trying to make it longer!”

  “Well… Maybe just a few more weeks then, son… you’re just different and special…”

  “But I don't want to be different or special! I just want to be like everyone else!”

  Every morning Lyon’s friends gathered outside his house hoping he would come out and play, but no matter what he refused to go outside. As time went on less and less of Lyon’s friends showed up until eventually they just stopped coming. They thought Lyon was too arrogant to play with them.

  One night Lyon snuck out of the house while everyone was asleep. He walked silently through the main square and for some reason as soon as he reached the edge of town he started to run with excitement. He had not run for a long time and for the first time in a long time he was somewhat happy. He ran so fast that he didn't want to stop. He ran pass grand mountains and winding rivers until he was only a few miles from Sunflower Town. He used to go Sunflower Town with his friends all the time; it was a town full of giant sunflowers. In the day time they were all in bloom. Lyon and his friends used to love chasing each other in the endless fields of beautiful sunflowers.

  Lyon walked quietly into Sunflower Town, it was midnight, very dark and cold, there were no blooming sunflowers. He wandered around feeling sad, because he couldn’t help thinking about his mane again, the mane he didn’t have.

  “I wish I have a mane. Then I can do anything I want, I can hang out with my friends, and I can come here during the daytime.” He lay down on the grass and pressed his face against his front legs.

  “Hey kid, what’s your name?”

  Startled, Lyon lifted up his head; he was surprised to see a giant blooming sunflower in front of him.

  “My name is Lyon. And you, sir?”

  “My name is Moldoff.” Moldoff spoke in a deep manly voice.

  “Mr. Moldoff, do you mind if I ask you a question?”

  “Please, feel free to ask my anything.”

  “How come you’re blooming at night time? Aren’t you supposed to bloom during the day?”

  “I wish I know the answer, kid.”

  “And, how come your petals are… Silver?”

  Unlike the other sunflowers Moldoff was unique; he had silver colored petals instead of golden ones. They might look odd when you compare them to a regular sunflower, but at night they shined and glowed from the reflection of the soft moonlight. They were quite beautiful.

  “I don’t know the answer for that one either.”

  “I guess you are just different and special.”

  “Being different and special is what makes me so sad and lonely. You see, I’m a sunflower that has never seen the sun. Every night before the sunrise, I would fall asleep. No matter how hard I try to stay up I would always miss it. What I would give to see the sun even for just one second. A sunflower’s life is short and they’re supposed to spend their lives basking in the warm sunlight. That’s the meaning of a sunflower’s life, but what’s mine? I still haven’t found it yet.” Moldoff said with sorrow in his voice.

  Lyon looked at Moldoff and instantly knew how he felt.

  “But you’re beautiful Mr. Moldoff. You have these shinning sliver petals. I bet the other flowers will be jealous of you if they see you bloom during the daytime. Look at me, I’m the ugly one. I’m a lion, but I have no mane at all. I only have 98 strands of hair on my stupid bald head. My friends will laugh at me if they see me like this.”

  “Kid, it’s just a look. I’m sure if you spend time with them and let them see that you’re still the same lion even without the mane, they will still want to play with you. But I can’t guarantee that everyone will accept you, but a true friend sees what’s in your heart and not what you look like on the outside. Look at me, I can’t even make one friend. When I’m awake, everyone is asleep and when they’re awake, I’m asleep. If I can run like you, I would run to the top of the mountain and beg the sun to rise an hour early so for once I can feel the warmth from the sunlight, make some friends, and see just how beautiful my town is during the daytime.”

  “I will go for you!” Lyon shouted with determination.

  Lyon started to run; he ran and ran and ran. He ran to the top of the mountain, where it was the closest to the sun. It was so close and hot his hair begun to burn and singe, but he didn’t care and only let out a howl.

  “Oh Great Sun, I beg you to rise an hour early tomorrow for my friend Mr. Moldoff. He’s a sunflower but he can only bloom at night. His only wish is to see the sun once in his life.”

  “Kid, I’m sorry but I can’t do it. You see, Moon is in charge of night, if I rise an hour earlier for no particular reason it will screw up the order of things.”

  “I see.” Lyon lowered his head in defeat.

  “But you can try talking to Moon.” Sun proclaimed, giving Lyon some hope.

  “Ok, I will give it a try!” Lyon nodded.

  “Good luck kid. And please say Hi to your friend Moldoff for me, I wish to see him one day too.”

  Lyon ran and ran and ran. He ran down the mountain, through the forest, and finally reached the beach. Once there, he sat on the soft sand and took a moment to admire the extraordinary sunset while waiting for the moon to rise.

  “Oh Great Moon, I beg you to let the sun rise an hour earlier tomorrow for my friend Mr. Moldoff. He’s a sunflower but he can only bloom at night. His only wish is to see the sun once in his life.”

  “Tell me kid, why doesn't Moldoff like to bloom during nighttime? Does he hate the night?”

  “No no no no no no no….” Lyon shook his head furiously. “I’m sure he loves the night. He just wishes to see the sun for once in his life. He has never seen any of his friends or how beautiful his town can be lit up by the warm sunlight. He is also a sunflower; it’s their purpose in life to see the sun.”


  “Please. Please help him.”

  “You’re a lion, why do you want to help a sunflower?”

  “Because I know how he feels. Look at me, Great Moon, I’m a lion, I’m turning four next week, but I have no mane. It’s the biggest shame for a male lion. I don’t know if there is anything I can do to fix my problem but there is a chance I can help Mr. Moldoff and make his wish come true.”

  “Well, let me think about it. If tomorrow you see sunrise an hour earlier, it means yo
ur request was granted. If not, please don't hate me, I just can’t simply change the natural order of thing or anyone could come and ask me to do the same.”

  “Thank you very much, Great Moon.” Although it was not the answer Lyon wanted to hear, there was still some hope.

  Lyon ran and ran and ran. He never ran so fast in his life. He wanted to reach Mr. Moldoff before it was too late. There was a chance they could watch Mr. Moldoff’s first sunrise together. Lyon wanted to be the one to introduce him to the sun and see his reaction when he sees just how beautiful Sunflower Town is lit up by the warm sunlight.

  “Mr. Moldoff! Mr. Moldoff! I’m back!” Lyon happily circled around Mr. Moldoff. He was out of breath, but he couldn't wait to tell him the good news.

  “I think you have chance to see the sun today!”

  “Really!?? Thank you so much, Lyon!” Mr. Moldoff said with excitement.

  “Lyon… I don't think it’s going to happen today.” After few hours Mr. Moldoff started to yawn.

  “Maybe a few more minutes! Please stay up, Mr. Moldoff.” Lyon begged.

  “Sorry kid. I have to sleep now. But I really appreciate that you tried so hard to help me. Look at you, you even have less hair now… poor kid, I’m very sorry.” Mr. Moldoff gently touched Lyon’s head with one of his leaf and then slowly closed his eyes. His head lowered and his petals closed around his face.

  Lyon lay beside Mr. Moldoff feeling dejected. After few minutes the sun rose and the first morning light shined into his eyes. Lyon let out a yawn, placed his head on his front legs, and fell asleep.

  Lyon woke up in the afternoon and when he looked up Mr. Moldoff was still asleep. He stayed beside him while looking out at Sunflower Town. It was very pretty but so what? He didn’t have anyone to share this moment with.

  After a few hours, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, but… it seemed like it took a little bit longer today than usual.


  “Mr. Moldoff!!!?????? You’re up already!!??”

  Lyon jumped up staring at Mr. Moldoff with his mouth wild open.

  “Look! The sun is still there! That’s the sunset! “

  “Oh my god… it’s so beautiful.” Mr. Moldoff cried in disbelief. “Look how amazing those colors are, what are they? Orange? Pink? Purple?“

  Mr. Moldoff looked around and unfortunately all the other sunflowers were already going to sleep.

  “Sorry Mr. Moldoff, it was too short, you didn't get the chance to see your friends.”

  “What are you talking about kid? This is the best day of my life; I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

  Lyon sat next to Mr. Moldoff as they watched the sunset and then the moonrise together. They talked the entire night about life, friendship, and everything in general.

  “Wait, is that the sunset again?” Mr. Moldoff looked into distance. “Maybe I’m dreaming because it’s going to be morning soon and I’m so tired. But if it’s a dream what a beautiful dream to have!”

  “Oh my god! Mr. Moldoff, you’re not dreaming! That’s the sunrise! Great Sun and Great Moon must have decided to grant your wish by working together!”

  All the sunflowers in Sunflower Town started to bloom. Mr. Moldoff was so happy to see everyone’s shinning golden petals. The other sunflowers were also happy to see Mr. Moldoff. They were all amazed by his sliver petals and everyone wanted to talk to him. No one cared that he was different from everyone else.

  “Sorry my dear friends.” Said Mr. Moldoff to other sunflowers. “I have to sleep now. I really wish I could talk to you longer… but I can’t. Thank you all! If I don't see you again, please remember me.”

  “Goodbye Moldoff! Of course I will remember you. Please remember me too, my name is Amelia.”

  “Goodbye Moldoff. Please wake up earlier tomorrow so I can talk to you, I really want to know what’s it like during nighttime. By the way my name is Jeff.”

  Everyone was fighting for the chance to say goodbye to Moldoff, they all wanted to be his friend, and they all wanted Moldoff to remember them.

  After Mr. Moldoff fell asleep, everyone started to talk to Lyon. They also wanted to be friends with him because they admire how generous and courageous he was to help out a fellow sunflower. Lyon was so happy, he couldn’t wait for Mr. Moldoff to wake up to tell him about all the conversations he had with the other sunflowers.

  The sun went down and Mr. Moldoff finally woke up. Lyon was excited and couldn’t stop talking about all the conversation he had with the other sunflowers. But something was not right, Mr. Moldoff didn’t respond as much as before, he looked weak, and his silver petals didn’t shine as usual.

  “What’s wrong Mr. Moldoff? Are you sick?” Lyon asked.

  “No, I’m not sick. I’m dying.” Mr. Moldoff replied with a smile.

  “What!? NO!” Lyon wrinkled his forehead and screamed.

  “I’m a flower and a flower’s life is short.”

  “Please don't go, Mr. Moldoff.” Lyon started to cry. “You’re my only friend now.”

  “My dear Lyon, I’m not your only friend, you still have many other good friends and a family waiting for you back home. However, you’re the only friend I really ever had in my whole life. Do you know what you have given me these past two days? Not only the chance to see the sun and all the beautiful colors, but also the wonderful gift of friendship. That’s more than I could ever wish for because you finally gave meaning to my life.”

  Lyon sniffed, he didn’t know what to say, he didn’t want to see Mr. Moldoff go.

  “Lyon, don't cry and don’t be sad. This is just the natural order of things, but before I go I want you to have something. When I die my petals will fall off, please put them around your neck as a reminder of our friendship and as an early birthday gift from me to you.”

  Lyon and Mr. Moldoff spent that night together talking and looking at the stars in the sky. They both wished that this moment could last forever. And just before the sunrise, Mr. Moldoff finally stopped talking, lowered his head, and his petals fell to ground, forming a ring.

  Lyon picked up the ring of sliver petals with tears in his eyes, placed it around his neck, and walked away silently. He left Sunflower Town and wandered aimlessly in the forest until he stopped by a river to have a drink of water. It was then he saw his reflection in the water. He was surprised to see himself with a mane, a beautiful and elegant silver mane.

  Lyon then decided it was time to go home. He ran and ran and ran. He ran all the way back to Liontown. His parents were worried sick because he had been gone for three whole days. They were glad to have him back home but they also surprised to see that he had a beautiful silver mane.

  “Son, didn’t I say you were different and special?” Lyon’s dad embraced him.

  “Everyone is different and special, dad.”

  The following week, Lyon celebrated his birthday with a grand party. It was filled of gifts and friends, he was very happy.

  Lyon’s friends all loved his silver mane. They all started to play together again and even started going back to Sunflower Town. Lyon would often go back to the spot where he met Mr. Moldoff and once there he would begin talking about his day, which girl he liked, and life in general as if Mr. Moldoff was still there. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, he would just sit there silently with a gentle smile across his face.


  Lyon and Moldoff

  Text Copyright © 2014 by Kidwoman N.H Lin

  Illustrations Copyright © 2014 by Kidwoman N.H Lin

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