Read M.u.r.s.e. #1 Page 4

  Chapter 4

  It was going on 11am, and I was still recovering from what had happened with Ruby. How had she started floating? Had I done it with…well, it doesn’t sound as silly now, but at the time of course, it sure as heck did, but…here goes. Had I stopped her from falling with my mind?

  Every time I thought it, I dismissed it immediately. But then the image of Ruby floating in midair would flash in my mind and I would be right back to wondering the same thing again. That was enough to fill my head with all sorts of questions. I hadn’t even begun to think about how easily I had lifted her, like I was roiding out or something. My increased strength was about to be front and center, however.

  I was standing at the nurse’s station, too jittery and anxious to sit down. A chart was open in front of me, but I had no idea what I was looking at. Or what I was writing, for that matter. I really should go back and check my charting for that day, just to be safe. Who knows what I wrote? I could have written about what happened with Ruby. Or I could have mindlessly written about something embarrassing. Or maybe even-hmm, what’s that?

  Sorry, chill out, alright? I know I’ve given you a hard time for interrupting and now I’m going off on a tangent. I said I was sorry, okay. Anyways, yes, I will get back to the story that you are now all of the sudden so interested in.

  Standing at the nurse’s station, I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn’t even notice Regina come up and plop some charts down a few feet away. It wasn’t until her boyfriend, a physician intern named Chad, sauntered up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he nuzzled his face into her hair. When that happened, I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed. I remember being jealous, wishing I could be him, breathing in the aroma of her hair. It always smelled like strawberry kiwi. How did I know? I don’t know, I guess from taking a quick sniff here and there when I’d been behind her in line at the cafeteria or something. Whatever, not important. No, I’m not a creeper. Zip it and just listen.

  So, as Chad is basically making out with her from behind, Regina shrugs him off, looking upset. She looked around to see if anyone was looking, and I just managed to glance back at my charts before she noticed I had been watching. Then, although she was talking hushed, I could hear her loud and clear. I didn’t think of it at the time, but it seemed that my hearing too had been supercharged. Anyways, this is what I heard.

  “Chad, I’ve told you not to do stuff like that at work. It isn’t professional. It looks bad for both of us,” Regina said.

  Chad just smiled, and began moving in for some more loving.

  “Come on, baby. Nobody is even watching.”

  Before he could hug her again, Regina stopped him, shoving him back and crossing her arms.

  “I don’t care, Chad. And besides, after what happened last night, I told you we were through. So, you shouldn’t be hugging me or calling me baby, at work or anywhere else,” Regina said angrily.

  Chad didn’t like that.

  “Whatever, Regina. I didn’t know we were serious or anything. Come on, it was just a one night thing. She didn’t mean anything to me. Now that I know we are a couple it won’t happen again, okay? Let me make it up to you tonight, with dinner.”

  He smiled his cheesy grin and once again tried to move in for some cuddling. Too smart for his crap, Regina put both hands up and shut her eyes, a look of disgust on her face.

  “No, Chad, no. We have been together for six months…you knew we were a couple. And I’m sure that girl wasn’t the first one you have been with since we started our relationship. But now you can do whatever you want, because you are single. Now, excuse me, I have work to do.”

  As she tried to push her way past him, Chad grabbed her arm. Regina let out a tiny squeal, obviously in pain, from his grasp on her arm, and obviously frightened. He leaned in close to her with his teeth gritted.

  “Listen, bitch. You don’t get to tell me we are done, got it? You are mine, and I get what I want, when I want it. I am going to be a doctor, and you are always going to be just a nurse…a joke. A nobody. You are nothing without me. Now give me a kiss and let’s make up.”

  As he leaned in, trying to force a kiss onto the lips of a whimpering and struggling Regina, I’d seen enough. Before I could stop myself, I intervened.

  “Hey, she doesn’t want you to kiss her. Leave her alone.”

  I had taken a few steps towards them at this point. Chad’s head and attention snapped towards me, he didn’t look happy. Keeping hold of Regina’s arm, he approached me, dragging her along with him.

  “What did you say to me…murse?” He asked mockingly.

  People were starting to gather now. My better judgment beginning to kick in, I began to doubt myself.

  “Nothing, I-” Looking past the angry, much more athletic and much bigger Chad, I saw the fearful and pained look on Regina’s face, and my doubts disappeared. “You heard me, jerk. I said, leave her alone.”

  Pushing her arm away from him, Chad took a swing at me as Regina tumbled backwards to the ground from the force of his shove. Two things happened then that had never happened in my life. One, I blocked his punch with my forearm. Two, I hit him back.

  I’d been punched in my life. Believe it or not, I had been picked on by bullies throughout my younger years. Your lack of shock coupled with your smirk tell me you aren’t surprised.

  Anyways, I had been punched many times, but never once had I blocked one. And never ever before had I hit someone back.

  My fist connected with Chad’s face and the force of it sent him flying. Literally. Chad soared backwards like he had been shot out of a cannon. He flew at least 15 feet before he smashed into a wall, splintering and denting the drywall. Chad slumped forward, obviously unconscious. Even from 15 feet away, I could tell his nose and possibly his jaw were broken.

  Complete silence filled the hallway, only the sound of IV machines and oxygen dispensers filling the air. I looked around at everyone’s faces, all were shocked. Then I looked at Regina and she was just staring at me. I couldn’t tell if it was shock, awe…or fear. Maybe it was all three.

  All I knew was I didn’t know what to say to explain what had just happened, and I didn’t like all the attention as everyone waited for me to do just that. So, I just shook my head and shrugged, and then quickly walked away. I made a beeline for the cafeteria and for Alan Victor, hoping he could help me shed some light on what the heck was happening to me.