Read MOSA II Page 15

  Chapter 15

  The Rebellion

  Among the muddy trenches, Veron had taken up his old Cassandra flag in the base. They built wooden houses and the fences. He forced the slaves to knit, portraying his face, and he hung it over the wall. Also, he ordered some of them to carve the wood to depict his body.

  They have expanded quite a lot. Having been supplied with water, meats and grains, they were growing even further.

  The guards formed a defense line and the watchmen stood in a tower they’ve made. Logan walked to the commanding center which they have dug the ground and covered with logs.

  Morris was playing with one of the guards with a gurka sword; his fat gloated face wiggled like a pudding as he jumped up and down. Titto and Veron were there, talking, but they stopped when Logan came in.

  “Your highness, it has been a month since we have arrived, surely we are pursuing that Nina the outrageous fiend?” said Logan.

  “We are not pursuing anything here,” said Veron. He was sitting in a carved chair made by his slaves.

  “Are we preparing to go back to Cassandra sir?” asked Logan.

  “If we go back, we will all be executed,” said Titto.

  “I didn’t think I was talking to you, Slade Titto,” sneered Logan, and looked at Veron. “Sir?”

  “My answer’s same, we cannot go back,” muttered Veron.

  Logan looked at the dull face of Veron; he looked like he just woke up from the nap. Logan sensed his blood gushing to his head. Veron leered at him, raising his eyebrows, Logan startled.

  “Is that a problem, Logan?” said Veron, with a threatening tone.

  “No sir,” said Logan. “Have a pleasant afternoon sir.”

  Logan saluted and walked out. Seeing his back, Titto was little worried. Titto knew that Logan was planning to capture Nina Polchinski, which Titto won’t do. Titto hated himself for not being able to make decision to get out of this wall. He was worrying too much about being captured again to Veron.

  On the other hand, he didn’t really care anymore; his heart was filled with too much shit that he didn’t expect anything good for his life.

  Nevertheless, when he sees Thompson family, he wanted to live. He loved them! But at the same time he was afraid, is he really worthy? Was he fit to live?

  Later, after hanging the knitted portrait on Veron’s room, Logan visited the soldiers who were guarding the trenches.

  “There was a big fire in the hill from the eastside,” said one soldier to Logan, handing him the burnt device. “We went there for a checkup but there were no one breathing. But we’ve found few queer types of machinery there.”

  Logan examined it for a while and scoffed. It was damaged and burnt, but it was same as the one Nina’s army was using. He threw the blackened device on the mud and started stepping with his boot.

  “That Nina the fiend! Outrageous! I will go out to get her!” growled Logan, spattering the mud. “Burn her alive I say!”

  “Yes sir! It is that treacherous insolence that caused this destruction; we will torture her first and kill her.” shouted the soldier. And everyone agreed amongst themselves.

  “Yes, my comrades, we do. But now Veron is all worn out, scared of that girl,” sneered Logan. Few of them became cautious at this comment.

  “Time will come for us; there are plenty we can spoil from those weak natives and bandits that come here. Let us crush them and grow bigger! And then, we will finally have our revenge,” said Logan, grabbing his fist hard. And other people put the fist together, interlocking them.

  “When this is over, we will have that bitch walk on the carpet full of nails,” sneered Logan, his eyes bulging out. “Let her bleed to death!”

  “Yes sir!” they shout in unison.

  The soldiers were strengthened, burning with a thought of revenge; their breath fumed the blood vapor. Veron merely thought the recent prop up in the army were due to his mysterious power of portrait. Titto was trying to find the one soul he could trust, but found none under his command.

  “Rotten to the root…” mumbled Titto, shaking his head.

  As the soldiers submit with strict manner again, Veron seemed to be pleased and became haughty. They ruthlessly dealt with the enemies and took slaves to further his kingdom.

  Veron’s son, Morris, was eager to avenge Nina Polchinski too, upon his mother’s death. Night and day he practiced the shooting at the wooden target and even toward the slaves. They did the sick play with the slaves by releasing them in the field and shooting at them like ducks.

  Titto knew the war zone is limited to the certain region. He closely studied the map and the caves for an escape. He told Thompson family to be alert and be ready to leave. Melady seemed to be depending on Titto now. Her eyes were full of tears all the time as they were living in the dirt and muddy trenches.

  Titto looked at the cold moon that was shining in the sky; the soldiers caught the wild boars and were eating inside the trenches.

  ‘The soldiers are no longer puppets,’ thought Titto. ‘They are free from the control and surveillance. This is very dangerous situation and Veron doesn’t seem to get a clue as usual.’

  “What is the strategy? Nina, how did you escape?” murmured Titto under his breath, closing his eyes. The numerous thoughts flashed through his mind. “Systemic imbalance… Unwillingness to let go of the control… Because if they let go, they will go mad… They will try to humiliate us, because they love to be in control, to play us under their palm. Helplessness and vulnerability of the victims is what they want. That exhilarant feverish pleasure… but I’m not sure, how to shield from that reckless cruelty…”

  Titto sighed with frustration, pulling his hair out, thinking again at the protocols. The face of Logan appeared in his mind. Titto stroked with anger, grunting.

  “I don’t know, I don’t know. Nina Oh little girl, why do I envy you?” said Titto, bemoaning, looking at the starry sky.

  “Can’t sleep?” said the man from behind. Titto startled and looked around. It was Logan; his white teeth formed a darkish smile.

  “What are you doing here?” snarled Titto.

  “Oh it is just that…” said Logan, with a disgusting voice. “I was concerned about the chief advisor of our honorable army… deeply concerned I see.”

  “Aren’t you?” said Titto.

  “Oh no, I found him disturbed!” said Logan, exaggerating his snobbish tone. “Aren’t you happy that we are rising again, and survived from that fiend?”

  Titto looked at Logan’s snooty face and snorted. He started laughing. Logan frowned at this.

  “Survived? Logan? What do you mean we survived?” chuckled Titto, amused.

  “…” Logan’s smirk faded, as if he chewed on the dung.

  “We are defeated by a little girl, Logan. That is how you describe the situation. We didn’t survive, we ran away,” jeered Titto.

  “Why you…” growled Logan, but he thought a better of it than to finish the sentence. Instead, he continued his mendacious remarks, “Yes Slade Titto, how wise of you to look at the matter in most clear way, I’m sure your practical judgment will be very useful in our army.”

  Logan leered dangerously. Titto felt the shiver on his back. The cold sweat came out; he was fully convinced of the coup now.

  “Well, then… nighty night, sir,” said Logan and walked back to the trenches. Titto looked at him as he went by; he looked around and headed to Veron.

  “There is no way I’m going to submit to Logan; I stayed loyal even in the righteous cause, what kind of man I am if I betray my ruler for unrighteousness?” murmured Titto.

  Next few days, it was a continuance of dry weather. The grass was crunchy, the dust formed. Logan sent some messenger to make compromise with the pirates who were growing stronger each day. Logan was seeking to make a deal with the pirates although he thought himself as superior.

  Daily job for the pirate named Captain Baldi was robbing the ships near shore. He made a h
andsome profit out of it already, as the people had neither proper mooring area nor security when they came to the island; it was an easy plunder. Logan’s base was nearby shore so they came across each other.

  Few days ago, when few of Veron’s officers and the crews of Captain Baldi confronted each other in the shore, Captain Baldi waved his hand and approached them. Playing with his fancy classical pistol sealed in gold, he grinned widely. His golden tooth shined under the sunlight.

  “Your highness, we have no reason to fight, I do my work on the sea you do it on the mountains,” said Captain Baldi, smiling, bowing like a performance actor. “So, if we stick together, we’ll be better off, Aye? What do you think?”

  Baldi reached for his brown bag and Veron’s officers aimed at him, raising the tension between them. But as soon as Baldi took out the shining stuff from the bag, they lowered the gun and dropped their jaws.

  He gave the handsome amount of jewelry to them. The officers murmured something to each other and went back to Veron. The pirates then played at the shore, with rum in their hands.

  Veron was excited about the jewelry, fumbling with it greedily. But after long consideration, he said no, although he is going to keep the jewelry. Logan protested but Veron merely dismissed him. The reason behind is because Nina was doing the same thing before she came to power. Titto was actually proud of Veron that he eventually learned something.

  However, Titto was concerned that they need to protect the trading route in the sea, given the fact they are living in the island. It wasn’t very good idea if they were isolated.

  Logan however, disobeyed the order. He thought he was a good negotiator that pirates will go for the treasure like low lives and not like his royal body. Logan sent the messenger secretly to pirates in the night. He was planning to overthrow Veron.

  Morris was practicing how to shoot in the forest. He was always angry as he wasn’t good at it. So he decided that he should climb up the trees to hide from them. It was his own way of expressing anger other than kicking and spitting at the instructors, as he knew they will get into a big trouble if they lose him.

  He was looking at the landscape from the trees. It was beautiful, the flock of white birds flew into the air and the river reflected the sun from a distance. About an hour later, Morris was trying to get down but realized he is too afraid to go down. It didn’t look so high when he started climbing. He squealed for help but no one came. So, he just sat there.

  The night came, the air became colder. The crickets were singing. The mosquitoes started attacking Morris, which he resisted and scratched violently. He started whimping like a dog. He shivered; he tried to crouch but was too afraid that he might fall from the trees. So instead he hugged the tree.

  Suddenly he heard the bushes rustling. Morris first thought it was the creatures; but when he looked down, he saw one man running. He didn’t seem like he was looking for Morris, as he zoomed past Morris before Morris could cry out for help. Morris frowned, wondered why he was in such a hurry. His voice became hoarse as he was shivering. It was very cold, he was suddenly afraid of being freezing to death. About an hour later, the rays of flashlights were seen among the dark and the officers were crying out for Morris.

  “I’m here!” shouted Morris. They came and saw him on the tree. He was waving at them with a big smile. His piggy eyes glittered and his jell-like body vibrated with excitement. They gathered around the spot and spread their arms so he could jump down. Morris smiled like a little pig and jumped. The men there caught him, stumbling at his weight.

  “Adler! Adler!” shouted Morris to one of the soldiers.

  “Yes, your highness” said Adler, grabbing his back.

  “I saw one soldier escaping!” bellowed Morris.

  “Sir?” said Adler.

  “I saw one soldier escaping! I’ve seen his face too!” squealed Morris.

  “I don’t understand sir, I, maybe you’ve seen a wild animal. There’s no one left the base today except us, I’ve already…” said Adler, his face became darkened.

  “Udall! Yes, Udall, I remember his name! Yeah! I’m smart!” Morris said delightfully. Adler looked at the officers with concerned eyes. They went up to Logan who was waiting in the forest to meet them. Adler went and whispered to Logan, Logan’s face got distorted.

  “Well, our plan just got changed,” said he, looking at Morris loathsomely. The cold breeze swiftly passed by.

  “You stupid kid,” smirked Logan. He pulled out his gun and shot him. Morris dropped dead on the ground.

  Veron’s officers easily toppled off Veron from his throne. Along with him, Titto, Melady, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were also held as prisoners.

  They were waiting at the Veron’s house, where the soldiers were taking the portrait out of the walls and trampled over it. Veron yelled with rage, threatening to kill them. Later the door creaked and Logan went inside, smirking.

  “Logan! What’s going on!” shouted Veron.

  “Well, your highness, I thought you are being sluggish,” sneered Logan, curling his lips. “So I thought it was the time to step in.”

  Logan put out the cigarette and breathed in, calming down.

  “You! You are breaking the law! Our ideology! Don’t you know I’m descendants of gods?” bellowed Veron.

  “What are you? A retard?” sniggered Logan, and other soldiers laughed too. He fumed out the smoke. “We are the law.”

  Veron try to say something but the word didn’t come out. With his trembling eyes he just stared at Logan with reproach.

  “What are you trying to do Logan?” said Titto, with a low tone.

  “We’ll take revenge toward that rotten bitch that has driven us out of our home and left us in this stinking place. Ha! Her death won’t be pretty!” said Logan.

  “If you are thinking of going full blown war against Nina Polchinski, you are an idiot,” sneered Titto.

  “Ha! It’s because this stone head right here did a lousy job. But me, I’m a gentleman, and civilized. I’ll spare your girl, Slade Titto, not raping her like he did,” said Logan, glimpsing at Melady.

  “You will pay for this Logan!” bellowed Veron, inflamed with anger.

  “Think again, before you spit out,” said Logan and gestured to the soldiers, they started beating him up. Veron screamed. And then he turned to Titto, with his threatening stature. “And you too, Titto, watch your tongue,”

  They tied them up with ropes and threw them inside the prison.