Read MOSA II Page 2

  Chapter 2

  The Aquarium

  One orange lady bug was walking on the yellow leave fallen on the pavement. A moment later, the group of people ran over, squashing the bug, fleeing away for their lives. Suddenly the car appeared from the corner, turning wildly, making a loud screeching sound; it smashed few people and crashed on the wall. The driver plunged through the window to the car, hitting his head on the wall. The flame broke out; the wind drove away the ashes. Scream and gunshots were heard, it was worse than the days of civil war.

  The destruction in Cassandra was great, many have tried to get off the island but end up getting devoured by the creatures. There were no poor or rich, no ruler or slave; they all clustered around the shores grabbing the boats and ships to get out of the land. The night was dark, the thunder roared and the rain fell to the blood soaked ground.

  People were helpless, all things swiftly passed away. Their body broke like bread; they cried and wailed. The storm raged in the sea, the giant wave engulfed the overloaded boat.

  Titto peeked outside from the window, the black smoke rose and the series of panicking gunshots were heard. Veron Komer and other officers were still inside the base as they were afraid to go out.

  Titto assumed there will be snipers covering the ground. Also, he was afraid of a possible ambush from Nina Polchinski, as she will make sure that Veron doesn’t escape. So he thought it is better to release the creatures and create an utter chaos.

  “We will ride the tank as our runaway vehicle; we will head to the nearest Navy Fleet and use the submarine to escape,” said Titto, toward the officers whose faces were white as sheet.

  Those creatures can attack those who were using a cloaking device, as they rely on the smell and sound rather than their vision. Also, a massive attack from this monstrous creatures will be able to make everyone panic.

  Titto ordered officers to release Valentine and Melady from the cell. Also he fetched Thompson family from their house. Melady Thompson was a mute girl who worked at the small restaurant until Veron took her to his chamber and forced her to become his concubines. Valentine Komer, Veron’s wife, was disturbed and frightened by this chaotic situation. The officers brought Veron’s heir, his only son, Morris.

  Morris was a fat, spoiled, annoying little kid who liked to kick and wail at every living creature. Even when Veron locked up his mother in the cell, he didn’t even flinch, let alone visiting her.

  Valentine looked extremely haggard and bloodless due to recent turmoil. Seeing Veron, she merely looked away, not talking to him, and grabbed Morris to her bosom. Melady was crying upon seeing her family, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, whom they have not seen her for years. Titto was walking around in circle impatiently, looking at the clock on the wall. A little later, the army general named Logan Muller came into the room.

  “Tank is ready, your highness,” said Logan.

  Logan was the officer who has long served the army; he was a cruel and valiant. He won many battle during civil war, but he lost miserably against Nina Polchinski. His wounded pride made him burned with rage, pleading revenge ever since.

  “Let’s go then!” bellowed Veron.

  The only problem with this trip was that they had to step outside of the tanks at some point, where the situation was far from controllable if the base is overtaken. There were ten tanks ready to go, they divided and entered the hatch. In the square, the soldiers ran and ran so they could escape. Quivering soldiers were firing their gun randomly as the creatures gushed right in the middle of the group, biting them. The bullets hit the others and many fell on the ground. The creatures dragged their limbs and shook them violently. The tanks ruthlessly crushed them and went out to the main street. The street was extremely congested. They crushed everything on their way.

  After a rushed trip through the street, they could see the blue ocean. The check up area was deserted; the blood was splattered on the window. The ripped flesh lay on the ground. The yellow, black striped barricade was blocking the entrance, their huge thorns spiked up, but the tanks just crushed it and went inside. One of the tanks almost drove over to the sea as the driver was panicking. They moored right on the main building where the most navy ceremonies were hosted at. They opened up the hatch, looked around, seeing nothing, they went down quietly. The ships were out of light, merely floated on the water, the mooring rope stretched and loosened by the tide, making a loud noise. All looked like haunted ships, dark and lifeless. They had to reach the submarine base which was located inside the building.

  The moon was pale, there was a silence. They entered the building. Tall bronze statue of Veron stood in the front. The hallway was dark, they used flashlights. The dim light flashed on the dark corridor, heavy dusts formed in the air. The windows were cracked, only heavy breathings and the anxious footsteps were heard in the deserted hallway. They needed to get to the floor where the submarines were located.

  “How far is it, Veron?” whispered Valentine, soaked with sweat. She was grabbing Morris tightly. They could see the corpses and the puddle of blood. There were bullet holes on the side.

  “Very near… very near,” gulped Veron, flashing the seriously ripped corpses, his hand shaking. The fragments of the window cracked and snapped under their boots. Veron pinched his face; he is hoping that this was merely a dream, but he groaned in pain. They walked slowly, going down to the huge stone stair case, their gun raised.

  When they approached the huge door, Titto pushed it open, it creaked. Mrs. Thompson made a whimping sound.

  “Shh…” said Titto, looking at Mr. and Mrs. Thompson embracing Melady. Melady was shaking, confused and scared, trying to calm down. When they arrived on the main floor, there was a huge garden in the middle, full of luxurious pine trees, and the pond. They normally have circled around to get to the end, which led to the dock.

  Titto halted, extending his arm on the side, stopping people from approaching the garden. There were creatures feasting over some prey they have hunted. The lifeless corpse of some soldier was being ripped apart by the herd.

  “… We can’t go this way,” said Titto, feeling like he was walking inside the lion’s den.

  “We can take them, can we?” said Veron, brusquely, looking at several creatures lurking around, but Titto gazed at the slightly open door across the garden. There were many shadows under the light. He led them with his pistol ready.

  “It is completely blocked, your highness; we have to go down to the aquarium, and then go up.” said Titto. Valentine didn’t like the idea, her eyes widened. Titto waved them back and they were out in the hallway again. They stepped toward the spiral case on the left corner. One of them tangled his foot and fell, making a huge metal sound, as the gun hit the rock. He almost rolled down the stairs, but the guy next to him caught him. All of them leered at him, held their breath, worried that those things might hear them. The area was clear. They pushed open the fancy door, which the carved fish and octopus were carved on it.

  “Do. Not. Shoot.” hissed Valentine, seeing the massive glass ceiling surrounding them. Rare, colorful fishes swam around, showing off their shining fins, playing inside the water.

  “Everyone, draw the knife,” said Logan, lighting up his cigar. He unbuttoned his sweat-soaked collar and took out the blue knife. It glowed in the dark. “If men falls from the front, next row replace them.”

  The soldiers did as he said, babbling with anxieties. One ugly dolphin appeared from the side, cheerfully jeering at them.

  They moved on, the gold, red, grey fishes with various sizes and shapes swam. Turtle swam really close to the window, showing its yellow belly, paddling its short leg. Originally, this aquarium was made by some flattering officers for their career. It normally had that beautiful twinkling light on the ceiling but now only dim flashlight loomed in a darkest corner.

  Veron seemed to be reminiscing the past when it first came out. Things seemed not too distorted back then. He was boiling with anger every time he thought about Nina Po
lchinski, ‘her selfishness brought the destruction,’ he said to himself. Blushing, he growled lowly with the hatred against Nina.

  “Daddy?” whispered Morris.

  “Yes my son?” said Veron.

  “Why are they so cruel? Those underlings?” asked Morris, with his whining voice.

  “Oh son, you don’t know them, all they want is to rebel against me, you have learned this from the institution, daddy is really proud of you.” said Veron.

  “Yes, those people will pay for this. Those… those insolent people,” said Morris. Veron gladdened his heart as his son shared his thought.

  “Yes, that’s my boy. It is used to describe those people. You are going to be a good ruler someday, I know it. Now when the time comes, daddy will punish those bad people,” said Veron.

  Valentine looked at them sadly and bitterly, but she no longer had a tear left to shed. They were about a halfway through. The soldiers seemed to be getting courage as nothing happened so far. Their eyes turned from fear to contempt.

  Titto was starting to regret his decision, it would have been better to face Nina than this gruesome death, also he was worried about what these corrupted officers might do later on. As now the regime has been collapsed, there were no reason for them to continue serve Veron, although they seem to have a difficulty understanding the situation. But soon, he knew they will go for Veron’s throne and during the course, he and Thompson family won’t be safe. He was full of worries and anxieties.

  “Those ugly creatures…” muttered one of the soldiers. “How dare they touch the royal army?” the others looked at him and agreed.

  “Yes, we should show that we are glad to serve Veron our ruler, the descendents of gods,” cackled one of the soldiers. They chuckled.

  “We are almost there,” said Logan.

  But suddenly one of them kicked something dull. And their laughter died immediately, frozen. It was one creature on the floor, sleeping. It was smaller than others, about the size of a rabbit. It opened its reddish eyes and looked at them, sniffing. Melady startled, grabbing her father’s arm tightly.

  “Ha!” said Logan, taking out the gun. He went up to the creature and shot its head few times. It squealed and died.

  “I said no gun!” screamed Valentine. “Don’t you know what’ll happen if you hit the window?”

  “Pardon me my lady,” muttered Logan. “But we have arrived,” he said and opened the door. The smell of sea was getting stronger. They have entered the big open space; dim moonlight was shining from above.

  “The submarines are near,” said Titto, his gun raised, staying close to Thompson family. “Don’t stop.”

  A moment later, they were right in the middle of the wooden boxes containing ropes, anchors and also some torpedo launchers. They could see the submarine from a distance. One guy was on the submarine, he looked as if he was forced to come out to look. He looked as if he was scared to death, looking around restlessly.

  Logan cackled. “I guess the creatures didn’t bother to come to such a royal ground,”

  “Hey rookie! We are here!” shouted Logan.

  “Shut it officer,” hissed Valentine, but soldiers didn’t listen to her and talked among themselves, cheerfully waving at the submarine.

  “We are here! You glutton!” shouted one of the officer.

  “It’s an order!” shrieked Valentine.

  “Alright, alright, shut up my comrades, let’s move, shall…” said Logan.

  And then they were attacked by the herd of creatures running toward them from the corner and from the top of the boxes. The soldiers surrounding them were shooting at the creatures in the dark, fell like a doll so they starting to run for their lives. Without luck, one of the creatures jumped from the building and plunged to Valentine’s body, and bit her head. She made an awful gurgling sound. Veron cried out, grabbing the creature and wrestled to take it away, but it was an useless attempt, Valentine’s body was lifeless, helplessly gave the last breath.

  Morris panicked, Veron cried out, pulling the pistol out and shot its head, and bellowing with rage. But soon other creatures jumped from the building. They all gushed toward the submarine with a full speed, the soldier who was standing on the submarine waved at them intensely.

  They ran and grabbed the hatch and just jumped inside. Some of the creatures jumped toward the water, Mrs. Thompson screamed with horror as the creature went near her but it slipped its foot on the metal skin of the submarine and fell on the water. The survivors were now in the submarine, they closed the hatch. The creatures howled and jumped on to the submarine, scratching the surface. The submarine dived into the water and they escaped from Cassandra.

  The citizens of Cassandra were throwing money for their lives but it was no use. All people, men, women and children were left to die. There were agonizing cries and shrieks of terror.