Read MOSA II Page 28

  Chapter 28

  Karl’s greeting

  Sharine was standing before the moonlight; she was fully recovered. She was disarmed but the guards were looking at her suspiciously and with caution. They seem to be afraid of her. She is much calmed down now. She felt as if the bad blood being sucked out. She was wearing Diana’s clothes as her clothes became a rag; she wasn’t even sure which hole was for the arm. Kevin is slowly recovering too; he is much healthy now, although leg was still healing.

  She realized that she is not welcome here. Now that Gilbert was gone from the camp, they might attack her; she raised her alertness. Her body ached but she felt refreshed.

  At the time Sharine didn’t know Tasha, and took no interest in her. Tasha was holding the wooden tool which looked like a bowling pin. Tasha approached her.

  “What?” hissed Sharine.

  “The wooden leg for your friend,” said Tasha, put down the amber oak tree toward her. Sharine glimpsed at the wooden leg, not touching it.

  “I heard about you. You are that legendary assassin,” muttered Tasha, her voice shook a little due to excitement. But Sharine ignored her, her hands on her hip, leaning against the tree.

  “I guess it is true what they talk about you,” said Tasha, looking at her beauty, reflected under the moon.

  “Leave kid,” hissed Sharine.

  “How did you escape?” asked Tasha. Sharine frowned, as she did not yet heard about the news in Cassandra.

  “What do you mean?” asked Sharine.

  “I mean... Cassandra, you are from there right? How did you escape?” said Tasha.

  “I rode a ship,” said Sharine. Tasha seemed to be confused at her comment.

  “Yeah… but… oh never mind,” muttered Tasha, and slowly backed up.

  “… How did you know kid?” inquired Sharine, curious.

  “How. Did. You. Survive. In. Cassandra?” asked Tasha again, slowly as if she is talking to some elderly person.

  “Your chief took my gun. But that doesn’t mean anything to your safety,” hissed Sharine.

  “I mean, really few, almost none, escaped from Cassandra,” said Tasha.

  “...What do you mean?” Sharine stared at Tasha, examining her.

  “Oh, I see. You are here before it happened,” said Tasha, raising her eyebrows. Sharine looked around the camp again; few guards were singing a song under the tent. One man was rolling the big wooden barrel. They seemed quirky enough to be in the island.

  She wondered whether Veron did the ethnic cleansing business.

  ‘Quite probable… Is this why this group came to the island?’ she thought.

  “Are you curious what happened in Cassandra?” said Tasha, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “Yes,” said Sharine, sulkily.

  “Fine, I’ll tell you,” said Tasha, clapping her hand, clearing the throat. “I don’t know whether this is good news for you or not, but Veron’s regime is gone.”

  There was a heavy silence. Sharine snorted and started laughing hard; but she stopped abruptly as her stomach pain aroused.

  “Shit, I feel like I’m on a period,” said Sharine, suffering in pain, spitting on the ground. “So kid, who is this famous coup leader?”

  “He destroyed himself,” said Tasha.

  “Are you sure about your sanity kid?” sneered Sharine.

  “I feel perfectly fine, thank you,” said Tasha, twitching her lips.

  “Then why did you ran away if Veron destroyed himself?” questioned Sharine. “Were you dogs under Veron?”

  “We are not, and we can’t go back. You know, those things are lurking around right now. They were created under Veron’s command,” whispered Tasha.

  Sharine wasn’t sure whether to trust her words, but it was easy to prove after talking to few refugees inside the camps. It explained why such group with women and children arrived in this dangerous place to begin with.

  “Well, Ms., it happened so fast for us too. So, you have arrived before this happened, is that right?” said Tasha.

  Sharine thought of the strange attack she had in the ghost ship operation.

  “Yes,” said Sharine. “What is your name?”

  “Tasha Caravel,” said Tasha. Sharine blinked, nodding slowly. She offered the hand to Tasha.

  “I’m Sharine Pestice. Didn’t know Caravel had a daughter,” chuckled Sharine, shaking hands with Tasha. “So, if you excuse me, Ms. Caravel, I have to lie down a bit.”

  Sharine groaned and grabbed the wooden leg. She used it like a cane and walked back to her tent. Tasha grinned widely and went back to Diana too.

  At the time, Karl was looking at the camp, examining it from a distance. He held his gun and aimed it toward the gate.

  Karl was still quite drowsy. Tyler screamed at snake last night, waking him up twice. Also, Tyler was murmuring in his sleep, having a nightmare.

  Karl yawned and cocked the rifle. But in the next moment, he stopped and lowered his gun. He frowned at one of the guards, taking out his binocular and watching it closely. The huge smile appeared from his rigid face.

  “Wait here,” said Karl, giving Tyler his rifle. Tyler looked at him, dumbfounded.

  “Go up to the trees. If I signal by raising my arm,” said Karl, waving his hand in the air. “Then be alert. If I raise my arm second times, shoot whatever that is breathing near me.”

  Tyler looked frightened but nodded quickly. He started climbing up the trees next to him. Tyler wobbled but managed to get to the high ground; he grabbed the trunk of the tree and positioned himself. Karl glimpsed at him and pulled out his pistol. Sniffing, he walked toward the gate.

  Jake was on his first duty today, shit-scared. He walked around anxiously; the other guard was dozing, leaning against the wooden fence. When Karl marched toward him Jake startled and aimed at him.

  “Don’t aim that to me boy!” shouted Karl, raspy in voice, aiming his pistol at the dozing guard. Jake’s eyes became big, his hand quivered a little.

  “Karl,” Jake muttered. Amazed, but he did not put the gun down.

  “You got some hardworking watchman here eh?” said Karl, looking at the dozing guard who just woke up. The guard startled and filled with horror, looking at Karl and Jake respectively.

  “He’s about to wet himself…” said Karl, chuckling. He turned to the guard and gazed at him threateningly. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

  “Don’t move,” said Jake, aiming at Karl’s chest.

  “Really Jake, are you going to shoot the one who saved your life?” grinned Karl.

  “…”Jake gulped, sweating from his neck.

  “Drop your gun, or I’ll blow his head,” growled Karl, cocking his pistol.

  “Not a smart move Karl,” said Jake, glimpsing at the further trees to check whether there are snipers; he moved to the side, slowly, hoping to see the reflection of moonlight from their scopes.

  “What, are you trying to teach me now?” Karl laughed.

  “You are outnumbered,” snarled Jake.

  “Throughout my whole life,” said Karl, grinning.

  “You are cannibal, my father told me,” said Jake, snorting.

  “Really? And who that might be?” said Karl, chuckling. As Jake stepped further, he saw the little flicker from the one of the trees; his sweat formed from his forehead.

  “Alvin Caravel,” smiled Jake. “Ha! You are no match for him.”

  Karl frowned at Jake, still fixing his gun to the man. He raised his left hand in the air.

  “One more move, Jake, and then those guys will blow your head,” threatened Karl, glimpsing at the forest. “Also, if you scream, they will blow your head.”

  Jake gulped, the other guard seemed like he peed in his pants.

  “Liar,” said Jake, aiming at Karl.

  “Why don’t you test it?” snarled Karl.

  “What do you want? Food?” growled Jake. Karl laughed aloud; he seemed not caring about the men hearing him.

  “Kid, l
et’s say you don’t know me at all…” chuckled Karl. “Disappointing though, I thought I’ve properly introduced myself to Caravel,” his eyes glowed dangerously; Jake felt a chill from the back of his spine.

  “I just came for a truce. I presume you know that we have no way of surviving in this island unless we find Ricky’s underground bunker.” said Karl, dropping his pistol on the ground. “And it seemed foolish not to use some help from you rogues.”

  The bunch of men appeared from Jake’s back, aiming at Karl. They slowly surrounded Karl.

  “Aye aye, I surrender,” grinned Karl, the man hit his head with a butt of the rifle, he fell on the ground. They took him to the camp.