Read MOSA II Page 6

  Chapter 6

  The Outlaws

  Poe Baring was the head of the refugee camp for many years now. He was a vigorous and fatty man. Poe was quite fond of his mustache and managed to maintain it while they were traveling in the wilderness.

  The refugees were mainly consisted of those who got defeated by Veron Komer during the civil war. They ran and hid in the wilderness. Poe was the ex general leading an army, Gilbert was young lieutenant back then. They were warned by Alvin in Cassandra to get out of the country before a chaos and were at the Island of Riddles now. Nancy, Cline, Jake and Tasha were with them.

  They were used to traveling. They knew how to set up the camp, how to find the water stream, hunting and guarding people at night. They doubled the security than usual due to the constant attack from the creatures and bandits. Whenever they came close to the creatures’ nesting ground, they kept coming and coming after waves.

  They’ve found out that the creatures dwelled mostly on the marshy ground covered with thick trees. So, they’ve decided to travel through the mountains. They stopped occasionally in a stream. It was cold and refreshing.

  Poe had an old dog named Donald, Jake was interested in the old hound sticking its tongue out and running inside the woods cheerfully.

  “He is my old buddy, Donald,” said Poe. Jake was excited about his dog. He petted him and threw bones to the dog.

  “That’s a weird name for a dog,” said Jake.

  “Brave one, almost tore up by wolves one time!” exclaimed Poe, ruffling Donald’s head.

  Poe’s son, Evan Baring, about the same age as Jake, didn’t want to share his dog. He always looked at other kids with malicious eyes, attempting to harm them. Evan was training his dog to bark and bite the strangers.

  Poe’s wife, Catherine, was a hysterical woman. She always grumbled and was talking to herself. They didn’t know much about her past as she never mentioned it. Diana saw that curled lips and eyes of hunting prey and refused to go near her.

  Tasha was excited about the hunting. But unfortunately, when Tasha visited the guards to participate in hunting, Catherine was there. She let out a hysterical screeching. “No foreigners, especially underage, are allowed to use gun in the camp!” Catherine shouted.

  People in the refugee camp also, were frightened about some girl from the ‘outside world’ using such a horrible weapon.

  Tasha, as usual, ignored them. Poe and guards at the camp didn’t stop her from doing it either, rather looked at her interestingly. However, night after night when Poe saw his wife with the bubble around her mouth, he started to get worried about whether she might murder Tasha. So, he talked to Gilbert quietly regarding this matter.

  Diana didn’t want to take Tasha’s gun, as she knew what that gun was to Tasha. Plus, recently Tasha stopped calling her name Diana, but she called her, ‘mom.’

  Few of the refugees came to Diana last night, the group mainly consisted of local middle-aged ladies but there were some men with them.

  “Put the gun away from your child! It reminds me a bad memory!” said them. They looked at Diana as if she’s somehow odd. Diana frowned at them but nevertheless she took Tasha’s pistol by force and gave it to Gilbert. Tasha hasn’t noticed until later in the tent, when Diana tried to comb her hair. Tasha, seeing that her pistol is gone, was outraged, saying that it was Alvin’s last present.

  “But mom!” screamed Tasha, her fuzzy hair rising.

  “No honey,” muttered Diana, trying to grab Tasha’s head but she resisted.

  “I may never see him again, is that alright, just giving that to that filthy stranger?” shouted Tasha, her eyes bulging out.

  “You shouldn’t call him like that, Tasha. He is taking care of us,” said Diana, standing up.

  “I don’t care!” shouted Tasha, full of tears. “Look, I’m going to take it from him, I will!”

  And she ran off, out of the tent crying.

  “I can’t do this,” sighed Diana, dropping the comb on the blanket and sat down on the chair.

  Most of the men in the camp were drunkards. They even had their own brewing factory back in Cassandra. But now that they are out in the wilderness, they became sober. Some of them were trying to make wine out of berries but it wasn’t going well. The wives and elders seemed to be pleased at their soberness as they didn’t have to clean the puke on their bed. Today they too, are climbing up and down in the mountains.

  The tents were folded and carried by young men, as it was lightly built. The roads were swampy and bumpy.

  “Hills… it is the hills,” said Nancy, lamenting, shadows looming over her face.

  “Mosquitoes,” said Tasha, slapping Jake’s back. Jake jumped and leered at her.

  Diana missed Alvin, although she acted as if she didn’t. She hoped when all this ends, she will punch him. Nancy was groaning as if she is dying, but luckily she was pretty healthy.

  The air was cold and damp. Gilbert’s shabby beard grew longer and longer, looked like the caveman. Gilbert went to see Nancy and Diana.

  “How are you?” said Diana, slightly touching the rough skin of the tree which some parts covered with the pine juice.

  “It’s the pain,” said Gilbert, wiping his sweat from the forehead, “This untouched ground… dead beat to march.”

  They stopped marching in the lunch time; they were in the middle of nowhere, inside the thick woods. The yellow bee floated around among the dry grass below the tree. Gilbert gave his water bottle to Nancy. She took it and gulped few times.

  “Thank you,” said Nancy, wiping her mouth with the sleeves.

  “Sorry about the location, I think Alvin didn’t consider much about the length we need to walk rather than driving,” muttered Gilbert and added, “That blockhead.”

  “I understand,” said Diana. “How far are we talking?”

  “Well, twenty days,” said Gilbert.

  “Twenty days?” screamed Nancy.

  “Come on Gilbert, we can’t be that far,” said Diana.

  “I’m afraid we are,” said Gilbert, showing her the map. Diana blinked.

  “Why did he choose that place in the first place?” said Diana.

  “It’s a creek, surrounded by mountains. It would be the perfect location to set up the military base. Although I’m concerned that the creek might’ve been occupied already… then it will be very cumbersome,” said Gilbert.

  “So… are we going to fight?” asked Diana.

  “Yes, we will, but we are going to set up the temporary base before we get there. We need a place for women and children to stay during the battle. And then, we’ll send our group of men,” grinned Gilbert. “Possibly we could use some reinforcement from Nina Polchinski.”

  “I always heard the rumors about this island, and it wasn’t a good rumor,” said Gilbert.

  “What rumors?” asked Diana.

  “A ground pursued by cults and robbers,” said Gilbert, darkly. “Furthermore, some part of the region is contaminated by the nuclear waste. It is strangely quiet though.”

  “So why did we come here for?” said Diana.

  “According to Alvin, there is the stronghold in the island. It’s like some sort of shelter for the refugees to hide. I think that is what Alvin is looking for. I certainly hope that we do not have to search the hazardous region,” muttered Gilbert.

  “I want to join the squad,” said Diana.

  “I’m sorry Mrs. Caravel, but that is out of question,” said Gilbert.

  “Why not?” Diana protested.

  “Because if you are hurt, or in this case probably dead, I don’t know what I’m going to say to him,” muttered Gilbert.

  “But,” said Diana, irritably.

  “My answer will be the same,” said Gilbert. The sun appeared from the cloud, the ray of light appeared through the canvas of the leaves and branches. Gilbert went away. Nancy, who was listening from behind approached her.

  “Nuclear wastes?” muttered Nancy.

mother, I have a bad feeling about the river,” said Diana, looking at the dark part of the forest. “Or anything about this island…”

  They avoided traveling through the vast plains, afraid of the snipers. Series of shallow caves were seen from time to time. Poe’s dog seemed excited to lead them. They have encountered with several other militants, but the long time experience of civil war has played the role. They went through the underbrush; they swung the knife to make a way.

  They went up the hills and down again, and in the valley they have found the stream. It looked clean, Diana was relieved as the water looked clear and the fishes were swimming inside. The hazardous region seemed to be far away enough. They started climbing up the mountain. Upon the hill, they have picked the spot near the pond, where they could view the landscape. The scout gathered around and found various tracks for wild animals.

  The camping area was set. Poe had a huge round tent for himself. They went hunting for the afternoon and came back. They cut the thick skin out of wild boars. They broke the bones and to roast it by parts. The ladies made the baking-powder biscuits. They washed blankets, stew pans, coffee pots in the stream. Tasha and Jake were lying down on the grass to relax.

  “Yo, Jake?” said Tasha.

  “What?” said Jake.

  “You want to play a game again?” says she.

  “Nah,” Jake shook his head.

  “I need to get the gun, come on…” urged Tasha.

  “I get too tired of it.” said Jake.

  “Oh… Jake please?” said Tasha, pleading. “You look very handsome today.”

  “… No,” answered Jake.

  “I hate you,” said Tasha.

  “Look, there is no need to play game, go in now, when Gilbert is out for lunch, he is busy roasting the meat,” said Jake. Tasha nodded and smiled. She looked at Jake with beaming eyes and dragged him on the grass.

  “Oh, no, I’m not your watchman,” said Jake. “Diana will kill us.”

  Later on at the lunch time, there was a huge meal. It was a celebration for establishing the temporary base. At the lunch, Tasha saw Poe’s son, Evan, lingering around to get some meat. Evan hated Tasha; he somehow got jealous of her. No one knew the reason why, and he even thought that she was rich, that her parents hid a lot of money in secret. He created a rumor that Alvin was a professional robber and a con-artist, doing all the bad stuff while he pretended to be in the right hand of Nina Polchinski.

  Evan was talking to the group of town girls. “Yeah, I bet Alvin Caravel is just as cruel as Nina, that stupid bitch! She caused all this mess! Alvin is just a thief! That is why he was able to walk around as if nothing bothers! Ha! I bet he made many friends with Veron.”

  “Really Evan?” said one of the girls, her hand on her mouth.

  “Of course!” exclaimed Evan. He leered at Tasha from a distance. “There is that girl who thinks she is some kind of gunman. I mean you know, like father and daughter, they are alike!”

  The girls giggled and looked at her also.

  “How horrible she is, she grew up in the orphanage, I bet her mother is a whore,” said one of the girls, filled with malice. Her eyes widened and blinked rapidly.

  “What? I thought she was Alvin Caravel’s daughter,” said the other girl.

  “She’s not Alvin’s daughter,” said the boy with a large squashed-in face. “She is adapted.”

  “No, she is not! Dumbass, do you have a brain?” shouted one girl. “Alvin Caravel, that war maniac adopting a child? You fucking think that’s possible? I’m telling you they made up the story, she has that filthy whore blood.”

  “I mean look, she’s so fucking cunt, Oh Evan, I’m bored, let’s make her know who we are!” said the other girl.

  “No, she’s friend with Gilbert, he is my father’s friend. You see, my father is too generous…” said Evan. “But I don’t like Gilbert either, he is Caravel’s friend after all! Why can’t they get along with the normal civilized people like us? Those freaks…”

  “Oh, Evan, you are so noble,” said one girl.

  “Wait, where is she?” said the boy. They looked around, she was gone. Only people were busily roasting the meat in the camp fire.

  “I’ll find her,” growled Evan, and he ran to find Tasha. Tasha was inside Gilbert’s tent, her heart pumping intensely. Jake ran off as he saw one man walking towards him. Tasha frowned at Jake leaving her and startled as she heard someone approaching. When the man entered the tent, whistling, Tasha hid under the sleeping blanket. The man didn’t notice that Tasha was there, he was looking through the shelves. He was whirling around the room, scratching his head.

  “Oh!” he exclaimed. He grabbed the Kerosene bottle next to the entrance. When the man was gone, she hurriedly looked for the pistol. On the top drawer next to Gilbert’s books, there laid Tasha’s pistol. She was filled with adrenaline. Tasha grabbed it and tucked it inside her pants; she hurriedly tided up the blanket to remove suspicion. She looked around, the room looked just like when she came in. Tasha crouched and slowly peeked outside. Seeing no one, she sneaked out.

  “That little brat!” said Tasha, mad about Jake, trying to get him.

  ‘He probably went to the woods, he’ll come back when I’m sleeping and hope that my fury went down!’ she thought. “It’s not going to happen!” She ran past by the people and went to the deserted area behind the tent. She was looking at the woods to find Jake but abruptly, someone yelled from her back.

  “Hey! Hey you!” shouted Even, running toward her. Tasha froze at the spot and looked at him. Evan was tall, broad shouldered boy. She merely stared at him, worried that he might’ve seen her coming out of Gilbert’s tent. The smell of roasted meat filled the camp. Someone was playing guitar in a distance.

  “What?” said Tasha, harshly, trying to cover the suspicions.

  “You are new here, so I would like for you to join our club,” smiled Evan, catching his breath. Tasha breathed out slowly, relieved. She glimpsed at Evan and walked toward him slowly.

  “Fuck you and your club,” snorted Tasha. “What am I, your cunt?”

  Evan was shocked at her reaction, the anger roused inside but he suppressed it. He coughed and broadened his shoulder, to make himself bigger.

  “Do you know who I am?” said he.

  “You are Poe’s son,” said Tasha.

  “Yes, I am,” said Evan.



  “Uhh… yeah, and I want you to pay the respect to me, since you are under my hostility. You can bring me some food, and clean my room.” muttered Evan, coming near her. The shadow of him shaded Tasha; he looked down at Tasha who was about half of his size.

  “Is that so?” said Tasha, frowning.

  “Oh and if my toilet paper runs out, make sure to make a fluffy dry leaves and pile it right near my bed,” said Evan, tapping Tasha’s cheek.

  “Or, what?” growled Tasha, stepping back.

  “I… I’ll make you!” shouted Evan, raising his fists. Tasha took out the gun and pushed it against his chest. Evan’s arm lost his strength, seeing the metal barrel pointing at him.

  “Give me a break, will ya?” said Tasha, coldly, cocking the pistol.

  “How did… How did you get that!” muttered Evan, raising his arm, backing up from her.

  “Gilbert gave me,” she lied.

  “You… you can’t! I’m Poe’s son! Just because you are friends with Gilbert, doesn’t mean you are outside our law! Don’t… Don’t you dare point that on me!” screeched Evan, with the high pitched voice. His face went white as sheet.

  “Outside the law huh?” Tasha smiled shrewdly. “Yes, indeed, we are the best outlaw ever existed.” She pulled the trigger three times, which hit his hair, and slightly scratched his ear. He shuddered and muttered gibberish, wailing and peeing in his pants.

  “You… you are cruel!” he screamed and ran away. Tasha stared at Evan’s back for a while, standing there.

  “I’m in trouble,” mu
ttered Tasha.