Read Macabre Dairies Page 2

throw myself on the wall to hit that beast against walls to make it let go of me.

  My mother started beating the thing while it was still holding me tight, making my body hurt and my heart jump as I felt a cold scaly skin.

  My mother must have hit something important or tired him, so he left me and fell rolling the stairs, close to my dad..

  Before he let me go, I'm sure the knife in my hand scratched deeply his back, but there was no blood ...

  The neighbors came quickly with our cries, but the thing had already left through the front door, which he opened throwing the body against it.

  I could only tremble after that ... And I have no idea of what it was, but the neighbors saw "an animal" running fast to the shadows of the night, disappearing around the corner.

  It is hard to measure the size of my confusion and fear after that, but now I hope it is gone.


  March -1.

  Today marks one year since the madness began, but we never heard anything or had any problems after that.

  Even so, sometimes, at night, I wonder where it should have gone and what it could be ...

  Anyway, I want it to continue forever away from us.

  The siren song.


  July -25.

  My aunt has a house on the beach and, this year, decided to travel and see other beauties, but allowed us to stay at her house meanwhile it.

  Me and my mother came here to take care of the house and enjoy the sea, and it has been so long since we had seen it...

  The first time I saw the beach, I was about 12 years old, very small, and now I see if my way to see it changed.

  Today I am an adult and I always see someone is looking at my body on the beach, and the worst is that it was always like that, even when I was little... But only now I realize and know what those strange looks mean, disguised in the middle normal looks.

  That's why I like my mother around, since I'm kinda afraid of being approached by a stranger in the sand.


  July -26.

  We spent the first night in my aunt's house and, after that, I admire her even more because it is almost impossible to sleep with so many mosquitoes, like an entire orchestra in our ear.

  After sleeping with help of fans, we strolled along the beach in the hot morning.

  I saw some jellyfish, all close to the shore, but I'm a little afraid of them ... Their legs burn like hot coal, but it is beautiful to see these animals.

  Crabs also appeared in the corners with rocks, but they are all shy, hidding wherever they can.

  We didn't went to any restaurant, because prices here are scary for anyone ...


  July -28.

  Last night had a beautiful weather, a good breeze blew the mosquitoes away, so we sat to see the dark sea and the bright moon, a beautiful combination.

  My mother and I sat in front of the water, watching the coming and going of the waters and the moon slowly passing till we got tired and sleep came, calling us home.

  July -29.

  The wind began to bring changes in today's climate, with some denser clouds appearing in the corners and joining us in the late afternoon.

  We took a sun bath until it started to hide behind the clouds.

  I think we've burned the skin a bit, especially my mother, who was red as a strawberry after it.


  August -1.

  In the last days the weather was changing and today we didn't had more sun to tan the skin, but the cloudy sky was welcomed and brought a refreshing wind, with the grey colors.

  It's nice to see the gray moving while standing there listening to the sound of the wind that never stops.

  I've spent a goot time taking a stroll along the shore until my feet slipped into something along the way, I do not know what it was, but it seemed a gelatinous thing that moved fast.

  My foot turned red and then became a little itchy, like an allergy.

  I'm sure I've stepped on a jellyfish or something very similar, or a substance brought by the sea.


  August -2

  No mosquitoes with the change of the weather so I slept well and woke up after my mother had returned from a short walk down the beach.

  We were in good mood and talked about things in general, also about my foot is and how it had improved fast. It wasn't even red anymore.

  Soon came a light rain that began to intensify as the afternoon passed and night fell.

  The change was optimal for one more night of sleep.

  Past midnight, I had impression of floating, hearing the noise of waters and the wind blowing hard.


  August -3

  I woke up sweating, as if I had slept covered or if someone had thrown me a bottle of water.

  Perhaps my aunt's house had some kind of water infiltration. We also found wet spots on the floor close to my bed, room and kitchen, due to the strenght of the rain.

  My mother and I had a good idea in the afternoon, to buy some meat and prepare a small barbecue for two.

  It would not be a big party, but a simple thing between us. A good barbecue needed no special occasion to be made.

  Hopefully we found a good market with a nice price, then I helped my mother prepare everything for the next day.


  August -4

  We woke up and had the impression that we've been victims of some weird thief...

  Someone ate some of our meat, and we know it ate because of the few pieces that had fallen on the floor out of the refrigerator.

  It should not be a bandit, maybe some hungry animal.

  Whatever opened the refrigerator, ate some meat portions and filled the house of water pools, a sign that it came from outside.

  Tonight we close the door and the outside gate with Lock and key.


  August -5

  Today I woke up not as sweaty as in previous days, and we had our portion of barbecue.

  I've never been so hungre, I think it could be our walks by the sea or the mood of the vacation.


  August -8

  I woke up in the kitchen!

  I had no idea but, as it seems, I'm a sleepwalker!

  I went to bed as usual, and in the middle of the night, I found myself in the middle of the kitchen with my mother watching me closely, seeing me walk side to side, afraid to wake me up and give me some kind of shock.

  They say it's not good wake sleepwalkers, so she was looking at, being careful to not let me hurt myself until I woke up suddenly.

  We ended laughing about everything and going back to sleep.

  Maybe it's one episode... Or I had it all my life without even knowing.

  It didn't last too long, so I think it is not very dangerous.


  August -9

  Today I had a low fever, which I do not know if it's even a fever or a strong heat, but my foot turned red again and slightly swollen.

  I regretted not having gone to a hospital after stepping in that strange thing on the beach, but I think it will be nothing.

  I'll wait a day or two and see if it does not go away or change anything... All the symptoms are almost nothing, and I also feel some hard pimples close to my chin.

  These are things that come and go quickly.


  August -12

  I'm much better than that day, but I'm too distracted by the beauty of the sea...

  I had never stopped to see how all this place is so beautiful... It makes me want to swim all day.

  I think my gaze to the sea now looks a bit like the gaze of strangers admiring my body, but the sea is open to everyone and invites us.

  I only have stopped admiring it to eat very well, especially meat.

  I think my mother has improved her cooking really fast.


  August -14

  I guess it was not sleepwalking before ... because I woke up on the beach, away from home, feeling the sea water hi
tting my legs.

  I despaired and entered the house running, but I'm afraid to tell my mom and see her afraid.

  I almost died walking asleep!

  I do not know what to do, but I think I have to find a way for my mom to deal with it and we still spend or vacation here...


  August -16

  My mother now sleeps with the bedroom door open, where she feels if I go out walking asleep, but it seems to not to have happened so frequently.

  Even so the entire stay has been very good and I do not want a simple problem to spoil it.

  Soon the gray weather will pass and the sun will shine again with strength and paint the sea of blue.

  My leg worries me a bit and now both of them, but I think it has no connection with the day I stepped on that strange thing on the beach.

  Both legs are kinda red, and my face still has those pimples.


  Four days later the annotations in the diary ended because Laura disappeared without a trace.

  On the night of the disappearance, her mother got up to contain her, who walked through the kitchen as she did in sleepwalking episodes.

  The mother, completely shaken, repeated the words:


  "It was as if it wasn't my daughter ...

  Her legs were deformed, covered in some thick stuff, like skin, shells and meat ...

  It was horrible to see ...To remember ,,,

  It had the body of my daughter, but the head had big thorns and that great mouth ... And that huge smile... As if it were all a joke.

  She tried to run and opened the door, and I was behind herwithout stopping.

  She was too fast and, when I saw she were already at the sea, where she swam until I lost sight and the waves pushed me to the beach...

  If someone know something ... Please tell me that what I saw was not my daughter ... "


  Laura has not been seen and is believed that the mother's description is the result of hallucinations caused by strong emotion.

  Merry Christmas.


  December -1

  Today is the first day of December and the Christmas preparations begin!

  This year the biggest part of the family won't be visiting, but I