Read Macabre Delights Page 2


  Trinity took Annabelle to a room where a small group of people had convened. The room was filled with wall to wall books that looked like they hadn’t been dusted in years. The pair found an empty couch in the corner. The other two couches were taken. Sitting on a dark green one were two men talking to one another. On the other couch, a woman sat between two men. They were laughing and drinking the champagne Annabelle had drunk earlier. A waiter walked around the room with a tray full of drinks. Trinity took two glasses, handing one to her. As she took the glass from Trinity, her stomach made a gurgling sound.

  “Excuse me. I haven’t eaten much today because I was nervous about tonight. I’m surprised waiters aren’t carrying around food.”

  “It does seem strange, doesn’t it? I’m pretty famished myself.” Trinity licked her lips. Annabelle wondered what Trinity was hungry for.

  “I can go ask…”

  Trinity interrupted by placing a hand on Annabelle’s knee. “Why don’t we wait and get to know one another better? Then we can feed.”

  She giggled and took a sip from her glass. “You have a funny way of saying things.”

  “I’ve heard that before,” Trinity replied in a dry tone and drained her glass. She draped an arm across the back of the couch.

  Annabelle finished drinking and placed the glass on the floor. She took a glance around the room. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves. Two men in black masks sat next to a woman wearing and ivory colored one. She seemed to be a bit tipsy and didn’t mind the men touching her in a way that was better suited for in private, rather than in public.

  She glanced at Trinity who also watched the scene before her. Her lips were still smudged. “Do you want to fix your lipstick? You have some near the corner of your mouth.”

  Trinity licked her finger and wiped away at her cheek. Her tongue came out and circled her lips, leaving them wet.

  She swallowed and placed her own fingers against her lips. Her legs locked together to stop her growing arousal. “Um, so what would you like to talk about?”

  “Anything you want,” Trinity responded.

  The waiter appeared once again. Trinity grabbed two more glasses and nodded at him. He moved away without saying a word.

  “I’m not sure if I should have anymore.” She watched as the other party guests took more glasses.

  “Live a little, if only for tonight,” Trinity said, swiping a finger down Annabelle’s cheek.

  “Am I the only one not wearing a mask?” She looked down at her glass

  and sighed. She then peeked back at Trinity who sipped her drink.

  Trinity touched her mask and caressed it. “It keeps the mystery going. I can remove it before the night is over. But first, let’s toast to us.” She lifted her glass and tapped Annabelle’s.

  “This is my last one. I don’t want to be too drunk. God forbid I fall on my face or become sick.”

  “We wouldn’t want that.” Trinity dropped her hand back on Annabelle’s knee and rubbed her fingers up and down her silk gown.

  By the time Annabelle had finished drinking, she couldn’t remember any of the conversation with Trinity. Her head felt fuzzy and the room was spinning.

  “What’s in this stuff?” she asked as the glass fell from her hand and onto the rug. She tipped to the side. Trinity placed an arm around her shoulder and brought her up against her. She nuzzled the side of Annabelle’s face.

  Annabelle let out a sigh. “That feels nice,” she moaned, not caring what Trinity did to her. She was throbbing in places she never felt before and suddenly her dress had become very tight.

  “Are you wet for me, my lovely?” Trinity asked and licked Annabelle’s cheek.

  “I-I think so,” she replied in a hushed voice and cupped the back of Trinity’s head.

  As Trinity kissed her neck, her hand moved up and down the front of Annabelle’s bodice. She sat back, enjoying the way Trinity made her feel. Since they were in public, things between them couldn’t go too far.

  The room tilted again and the laughter from the group across from her had grown quite loud. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The two men were kissing and undressing the woman. One of the men went down on his knees and pulled up the woman’s gown, licking the inside of her leg. She moaned and fell onto the lap of the other man who kissed her mouth and squeezed her naked breasts that had popped out of her dress. The kneeling man pulled the woman’s legs apart and moved his head down in between her legs and licked her center. His tongue came out and disappeared in between her bushy slit.

  She gasped as Trinity’s mouth pulled on her own breast. She looked down in amazement as Trinity’s tongue circled her nipple. When had the top of her dress fallen to her waist? It felt incredible, and even though she knew this was wrong, she didn’t want Trinity to stop.

  She moaned loudly and turned her head. The two men on the opposite side of the room were now both naked from the waist down. One was on his stomach and the other was rubbing his front against the prone man’s back. She had never seen gay sex before and couldn’t look away.

  “What type of party is this? I shouldn’t…”

  Trinity pressed her down onto the cushions and kissed her deeply. She tried to stop her, but Trinity pushed her hands away and sucked on her tongue.

  “Oh,” she cried out in pleasure, allowing Trinity’s tongue deep inside her mouth. When cool air rushed over her legs, she spread them apart.

  Trinity’s hand went in between her legs and did things she’d only done with her own fingers. She squirmed and winced when one of Trinity’s fingers slid deep inside her and pumped slowly.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked around Trinity’s rough kiss.

  “Be quiet and behave.” Trinity cupped her harder and Annabelle whimpered as her inner tissues stretched further to take more of Trinity’s fingers.

  “Please stop, I can’t breathe.” She moved away from Trinity’s mouth. Trinity made a sound she’d never heard before, and she shivered as Trinity’s teeth grew into sharp points. She let out a scream at the same time Trinity touched her in such a way that sent a jolt of ecstasy throughout her body.

  A loud boom of thunder and a flash of lightening lit up the room. The mansion shook and the lights went off. Everything went dark.

  Her breathing echoed in her ears and she tried to push Trinity off of her. A loud yell and then a scream came from within the room.

  “What the…” she said out loud, and then lost all speech when the hem of her dress was lifted and a person fell in between her legs. The bite of someone’s fingernails dug into her legs. Before she could cry out for help, a mouth latched down hard on her mound. She let out a painful loud screech.

  The last thing she remembered was seeing bright yellow spots and feeling her body’s release of both pleasure and pain combined.