Read Madeleine Abducted Page 13

  Looking back at the corpse now bleeding out on Jason's floor, Aaron laughed when noticing that the spy did, in fact, release his bowels upon death. The foul smell slowly filling up the room, he turned to Jason, and with no emotion in his voice, he commented, "You may want to send up any other man you suspect isn't as loyal as they portray themselves to be. Let them see an example of what they will become if discovered."

  Jason coughed from the fetid smell of excrement and death wrapping itself within the enclosed space. "This sight is enough for even a man of my status to grow nervous in your presence. I'm awed by the swiftness of your hand, Aaron. Great power obviously resides within a man of so few words."

  A simple nod in response, Aaron wiped off what blood he could from his face and blade on the sleeve of his jacket before exiting the room and making his way back through the maze of corridors through the house. Hearing Jason's weighted steps following closely behind, Aaron turned and locked eyes with him. "Although it appears my father's dogs haven't yet sniffed out our plans, we should act more carefully from this point forward. It won't be long before more fools believe they can garner a higher position by reporting back. I want Xander notified of any future meetings. They should be coordinated so that he can attend." Aaron turned to continue his path, but stopped short. Quick words spoken from over his shoulder, he ordered, "No man that hasn't proven his loyalty will attend future discussions. I'm somewhat concerned it has been allowed up to this point."

  Aaron didn't allow Jason time to respond. His task complete, he left the large house, his mind drifting back to the small woman held in his quarters.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Maddy sat back against the soft leather of the couch, watched as Xander paced the floors awaiting Aaron's return. Her mind drifted to Xander's words, his acknowledgment that Aaron had a soul as evil as the men who'd watched her in the room earlier that day. Trepidation coiled its way through her bones until it rested on her skin as a fine sheen of sweat.

  When the front door finally slammed open, Maddy watched as Aaron entered, his face covered by the evidence of his activities, the stain of death almost black as it lay smeared across his features. Startled, she curled in on herself. When the deep green of his eyes met hers, a quick flash of light behind the horror that clouded his gaze surprised her.

  Sparing her no more than a quick glance, Aaron made his way to the double doors leading to the back bedrooms, threw them open before walking heavily down the corridor, disappearing as quickly as he'd arrived. Xander sighed while standing next to her, rolled his shoulders back to release the tension built from his wait, eventually pushing himself forward to follow Aaron down the corridor. Locking the front doors on his way through the room, Xander glanced back at Maddy as he asked, "Are you intelligent enough to know that escaping this room would be to your detriment?"

  Maddy nodded, knowing full well that moving from her spot would only lead her into the arms of a far greater form of torture. The flash of white teeth struck her as Xander smiled before turning to follow Aaron down the hall.

  Entering his bedroom, Aaron immediately stripped himself of his jacket and weapons, picked up a rag lying near him to better clean the steel of his blade before re-sheathing it and placing it in the top drawer of his bureau. Reaching behind him, he grasped the collar of his shirt, ripping the soaked material from his body before venturing into the bathroom, looking forward to the sharp bite of hot water.

  Stepping down into the steam laden enclosure, Aaron bent his head into the water, watched as the blood swirled angrily down the drain, changing from a stark red, to a muted pink, and then clear once the remnants of the spy’s death had been washed clean from his body. Only when he felt his skin begin to blister from the heat of the shower's spray did he step out. Grabbing a towel, he wrapped it loosely around his hips before walking back into his room.

  With an arched eyebrow and the shrewd understanding of a man who knew Aaron better than he knew himself, Xander lurked in the doorway of the room awaiting Aaron's report. He stood quietly, his hands tucked casually into the pockets of his dress slacks as Aaron disappeared into the closet to get dressed. Seconds later, Aaron emerged in only a pair of black silk, loosely fitted pants that flowed about his legs like water.

  "Jason has reported back to me that the spy acted on his own, but I was wanting to know your thoughts on the matter." Xander leaned back against the wall, patiently allowing Aaron time to come down from the peak of rage made apparent by the lethal edge to his expression.

  Sitting down on the edge of the king sized bed, Aaron let his head fall forward, watched as the drops of water fell from his damp hair to the floor. Letting out a sigh of exasperation, he looked back up. "Jason's correct. The man's name was Mark Collinsworth, a bottom feeder, I presume, who thought he could make his place in the network by reporting back to my father."

  Xander chuckled. "I'm sure your father would have appreciated that information, it's too bad that Mr. Collinsworth didn't understand he would have lost his head either way. Loose tongues are never acceptable in a den of criminals."

  Aaron allowed Xander's levity to breach his rage, chuckled in response to the sad truth of Xander's words. The two men remained quiet, both resigned to their thoughts when Aaron finally breached the silence with a question. "What shall we do with the mouse for the evening? Can she be trusted not to make a scene of herself again?"

  Considering the situation carefully, Xander choose an answer tailored toward the needs of Aaron over the woman who was, unknowingly, working her way into the cold hearts of her captors. "I could chain her again, ensure that she does not draw attention to herself," Xander said.

  "No." Aaron's response was sudden and assured. "Her wounds are still too raw, if they were to grow worse, she'd be denied the medical attention necessary to heal." Sighing loudly, Aaron ran his hand through his hair before resigning to his next command. "Bring her to my room, I'll let her sleep beside me, keep her from becoming a danger to herself."

  Biting back his desire to protest Aaron's decision, Xander strode out of the room without another word, leaving Aaron to his thoughts that were overflowing with blood, torment and deceit.

  Maddy sat in the tranquil living room, looked around at the luxury that filled the space; the fine linens, statues that she imagined would cost more than the small house she'd called home her entire life. Not daring to move, she was oddly relieved to hear footsteps approaching in the corridor. Although these men would never let her go, had hurt her in ways deemed evil by the world around her, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were protecting her from even greater monsters, men who would feed on her pain, gain pleasure from tearing her mind, body and spirit to shreds.

  Xander appeared from the dark recesses of the hall. Standing with his shoulders held back, and his hands folded together in front him, he eyed Maddy before speaking. "Aaron has requested you stay in his room with him tonight."

  Her breath hitched and anxiety rolled through her small body in waves as she wondered about the extent of Aaron's plans. Having no other choice, Maddy began to stand, but Xander waved his hand indicating for her to remain seated. A serious look plastered across his face, he stated, "You should know, Cricket, there is nothing more important to me than your Master. If you were to hurt him while he sleeps, or even make so much as an attempt, I will make sure that your death is as slow and agonizing as possible."

  A violent shudder tore through her body as she listened to words spoken without apology, so truthful to their depths that just the sound was terrifying. Maddy looked down into her lap, waited for Xander to finish what he had to say, to give her his next command.

  "Let's go, Cricket. Your Master awaits you."

  Standing on weak legs, Maddy moved slowly across the stone floor of the living room, the broken skin at her ankles sore and burning with each step. The conflicting feelings flooding her heart were unexpected and alarming; desire for a man that held her captive, fear of what the man would do to her next, but also,
anticipation for his touch, a feeling of safety when in his presence. She wondered if she was losing her mind, succumbing to psychological abuse at the hands of the people who stole her from her life. Her eyes shadowed as she passed Xander, her steps light as she traversed the hall, her body heavy as she led herself toward the unknown.

  When she entered the room, Aaron was sitting on the edge of the large bed in the center of the room. His body bent forward, he held his head in his hands, the muscles of his back and strong shoulders made even more defined by the lights in the room. His black hair was damp but still appeared as fine silk, the color of the onyx colored strands tempting her touch as it contrasted against his sun-kissed skin. Maddy waited in the doorway, not sure if he was aware of her presence, if she was free to enter the room without his command. Standing silently, she waited for him to look up at her, but he stayed in his position, his back and shoulders moving only with his breath.

  After several minutes, Maddy finally cleared her throat to gain his attention. His head shot up, the dark emerald of his eyes burning into hers. Her knees faltered slightly, but she stood strong, perfectly still until such time as he asked that she move forward. Darkness and phantoms of some unknown source darkened his expression. His full lips were pulled tight into a fine line, the skin at his brows furrowed in agitation. His eyes remained locked with hers for only a few seconds before they started to travel down the length of her body, stopping only when they’d reached the wounds at her wrists and ankles.

  “You need more ointment on your cuts.” Standing, Aaron moved toward the adjacent bathroom, looked back over his shoulder when Maddy didn’t immediately follow. “Come with me, Mouse, so that I may tend to your wounds.”

  Finding her voice, Maddy spoke out of turn, not thinking about the repercussions her words could elicit. “I would prefer you call me by my name.” She peaked up at him through her lashes. “Maddy, I would prefer that you call me Maddy.”

  Aaron stopped with his bare back turned to her, taking several minutes to finally respond, he asked, “What makes you think you are allowed to ask that? If I wanted, I could call you slave … ” He turned to face her, the contours of his chest perfectly shadowed, his strength unquestionable. “ … or whore.” His swagger was slow as he approached her, a hunter skilled in pursuit. “Would you prefer those names to ‘Mouse’?”

  Sucking her bottom lip between her teeth, Maddy fidgeted with her hands, refusing to look Aaron in the eyes. She could feel his gaze touching her skin, his perusal of the woman barely half his size. The heat of his body rolled off of him as he circled her. It was the feeling of a soft blanket and lustful threat wrapped around her at the same time. When the deep resonation of his voice occurred again, she cringed, fearing he would strike out at her for the incorrect answer. “Why do you dislike the name I have given you?”

  Continuing to fidget, Maddy trained her eyes on her feet, not daring to look up into the endless green she knew stared down at her. Gripping her under her chin, Aaron pulled her face up to look at him, his eyes searching hers for the answer to his question. “You will speak when I tell you.” Dropping his hand from her face, he took a step back placing distance between them. “Now answer me.”

  Her heart pounded against the walls of her chest, her throat constricted, making it difficult for her to breath. Fear consumed her as she stood in the shadow of the man who’d taken at least two lives that day. Barely a whisper, her voice squeaked out the answer to his question. “Because a mouse is a furry little rodent, something detested.”

  Aaron stood thoughtful and silent above her. When he didn’t respond, Maddy quietly added, “I guess it’s better than Xander’s name for me.”

  Laughter bellowed out, causing the toned muscles of Aaron’s broad chest to flex and relax before her eyes. The sound of his amusement so real, it caused her to want to smile in response to seeing a piece of his mask falling away, revealing parts of him not witnessed by many people. Containing himself, Aaron’s eyes sparkled as he asked, “And what, exactly, is Xander’s name for you?”

  A scowl creased the fine skin between her eyes, her mouth pulled into the pout of a sulking child. “He calls me ‘Cricket’ … an insect. It’s odd that you both refer to me as nothing more than a common household pest.”

  Aaron’s smile faltered as he looked down upon the beautiful girl who didn’t fully understand her role. “No, Madeleine, you are not a common household pest … ”

  Maddy looked up at him, anticipating what he would say next.

  For a fleeting second, he looked genuinely amused, but his expression was quickly replaced with indifference and contempt as he stated, “you are lower than even a pest in your role as a slave.”

  Her heart broke at those words. Any inclination she had that Aaron and Xander had protected her, could be concerned for her, was blown away by the vile truth to his statement.

  Turning back in the direction of the bathroom, Aaron snapped his fingers, indicating his command for her to follow. Her feet padded across the cold floor as she submitted to his command. Once they’d entered the room, he motioned for her to sit in the same chair he’d occupied when he’d bathed her only hours before. Retrieving the white box, he moved to kneel in front of her. Her eyes raked down the smooth lines of his back as she took in the way the muscles bulged and stretched under his smooth skin with his movements. The sting of the ointment wrenched her from her perusal of his body. Drawing in a sharp breath, the chill of the air brushed across her teeth, a slightly painful tingle running down the bones of her jaw as a result. Desperately, Maddy tried not to notice how Aaron’s strong hands massaged over the skin of her ankles and wrists. He was at least twice her size, the large area of his hand easily wrapping around the width of her arms and legs. So firm, she remembered what those hands had felt like when causing her pain … or when causing her to lose herself, to float on the wave of a sensation she had never before known. Bumps ran along her skin, betraying the warring emotions currently ravishing her body. She should fear this man, hate him, detest him with all that she was worth; but, yet, she couldn’t stop her eyes from closing, her head from lulling back from the feeling of his touch.

  “I’m going to wrap gauze around the broken skin at your ankles, ensure that the ointment stays in place as you sleep.” Aaron continued tending to her injuries while Maddy looked him over, wondered how a man so lethal, so cruel, could also be as kind as he was in this moment. He had the body of a warrior, hard, bulky muscles that were cut into his back and chest, as if a master sculptor had molded him from clay. His skin was golden brown, a color that contrasted sharply against the pale white of hers. The black silk that adorned his head had almost dried and she couldn’t help but reach out to see if it truly was as soft as it appeared. When her hand lightly brushed against the raven-black hair, Aaron looked up, the light behind his eyes a mixture of anger, sympathy and raging desire.

  Correcting her behavior, Aaron reached up, grabbed the wrist of the hand she’d extended out to him, placed her hand back in her lap softly while his words wounded her more than the shackles had done that day. “You may not touch me without permission, Mouse; you do not have that right.” The tone of his remark was razor sharp, a warning wrapped in luxurious baritone, cutting and soothing at the same time.

  Having completed his task, Aaron repacked the box of supplies, stood up and quickly moved to the closet to put it away. Without turning back to her, he strode toward his bedroom, snapping his fingers once, calling her as if she was nothing more than a dog. Standing, Maddy had to balance herself from falling on trembling legs. Following him into the room, she noticed how Aaron seemed to know where she stood without having to look back. She watched as he crossed the room, disappeared into his closet, only to emerge again holding something small and white in the palm of his hand. Briefly, he glanced at her, his words curt and without emotion as he instructed her to sit on the bed. Apprehension and unease filled her body. She’d never slept in a bed with a man, wasn’t sure that, toni
ght, this man wouldn’t take her fully, use her as she’d been intended. Staring at her hands, she didn’t watch as Aaron moved into the bathroom and back out into the bedroom carrying a glass of water.

  Extending his hand out where she could see what he held, Aaron towered above her. Focusing on what he held rather than the proximity of his large body to hers, Maddy realized that he was handing her two small pills and a glass of water with which she could swallow them down.

  “Take these. They’ll help you sleep.”

  Staring at the pills, Maddy shook her head in protest. He was drugging her, making it so she could not fight against him. Finding a cache of strength somewhere deep within, somewhere hidden to even her, Maddy glanced up at the man staring back down at her. “I know what you are doing. I’m not stupid. If you are to rape me tonight, use me as nothing more than a method to get off, at least leave me conscious so that I’ll remember just how cruel you are.”

  Green, the color of jade, the color of budding life in spring, burned down into her; backlit and heated by a fire of rage, of need. Aaron’s mouth curved at the ends, an unknown thought amusing to him as she attempted to stand up to a man who controlled her completely … owned her in a way that no man should be allowed.

  Like lightning, he moved quickly, so fast and unexpected, that Maddy gasped when the weight of his body came down on her. The pills fell from her hand to the floor as Aaron pushed her back on the bed, held his body above her, his hand roughly traveling up the side of her torso, lifting her shirt to expose her breasts to his gaze. “If I wanted to take you, Madeleine, I wouldn’t have to drug you to do so.” The heat of his mouth stung as he wrapped his full lips around the peak of her breast. His tongue laved against the sensitive tip, his teeth grazing the same area where he had marked her before. A cry escaped her lips, part fear, part surprise; part lust so subtle, it caused her heart to skip in its rhythm. As he worked her body into a frenzy, his hand traveled down to cup her between her thighs. A single finger tapped against the opening to her body, she cried out again, not understanding the heat that bloomed within her core. He pushed up suddenly, watched as she lay panting beneath him. “Even if your mind did not remember my cruelty, your body certainly would. The pain of being split apart when I bury myself within you cannot be easily forgotten … even if done while drugged.”