Read Madeleine Abducted Page 15

  Aaron moved quickly into his closet, emerging with a long strip of chocolate brown cloth, a silk scarf worn by men of esteem, of wealth. His strides were powerful and long as he approached the bed. Maddy huddled into herself, frightened and excited, confused at the conflicting emotions tearing through her body. Crawling back onto the bed, he was a predator stalking his prey, a nightmare overtaking her mind. His movements were hurried as he bound one wrist and then another with the scarf he’d just retrieved. Maddy flinched back, tried to keep him from binding her, but losing quickly as he wrapped the scarf around the posts of the headboard, wrenching it so tight, her arms protested the position they were forced to take. Once she was bound, his hands slid down her body, gripping and pinching in the soft areas they reached. With each flinch of her body, each small cry that escaped her lips still swollen from his kiss, he smiled brighter, looking every bit the savage captor overpowering his conquest. Reaching her ankles, he stripped of her pants. She thought she glimpsed his movements turn more cautious as he used a sheet to wrap the skin of her ankles that had been broken from chains; but it was gone as fast as it’d appeared when her legs were forced apart. Now bound and spread before him, Maddy’s chest heaved in and out, her breath, short pants, as she was made helpless to a man who confused and terrified her.

  His fingertips dug into her skin as they traveled up her body. She was overcome with shock, yet immersed in seduction. Not knowing what he would do, but recognizing his earlier promise of pain, her eyes widened, a fine sheen of sweat across her skin. His lips, stained red from the blood she’d drawn, were held slightly apart. Every muscle on his chest, shoulders and back tensed and defined, his control slipping from his grip. A beast disturbed, something dark was emerging from Aaron and he had her completely exposed to him, locked down and at his mercy alone. As his face reached hers, he pressed his hips down into the apex of her thighs; only the silk of his pants between them, he let her feel the entire length of him, the hot and hard truth to his masculinity, the reaction her bite had caused.

  The warmth of his mouth pressed to her ear, he growled, “I promised you pain for pain, Madeleine, and it only makes my cock harder when you fight back. Keep writhing beneath me, it’ll only help me along as I fuck your body and as I fuck your mind.” Her shirt lifted at the sides as his hands pushed forcefully up along her torso, his thumbs brushing the peaks of her breasts as he pulled the front of her shirt up over her head, effectively locking her head in a position facing down the length of her body. “Now you’ll watch me as I deliver that pain back to its source.”

  His lips came down on hers, the spice and musk of his scent completely overtaking her as she was frozen in place, pulling against bindings that were tight, yet sinfully soft on her skin. His tongue invaded her mouth, stole her breath from her lungs just before he pulled back suddenly, lightly nipping at her lip while pulling away. Moist heat, and tantalizing suction as his mouth traveled along her throat until finding the peak of her breast and sucking it so far in that the taut skin became nothing but pain and debauched pleasure combined. His tongue skillfully worked at the pebbled nipple, every once in a while breaking so that his teeth could graze and bite the sensitive skin. Electric shocks traveled from her breast, down along some unknown circuit connected directly to her core. Her hips bucked in anticipation while her mind became blank, the panic too much for her to process. When his hand gripped the weight of her other breast a cry escaped her lips from the strength of his grip. She closed her eyes, but opened them again, not able to look away from the wickedly erotic assault on her body.

  Stopping suddenly, his eyes briefly met hers before Aaron moved lower on her body. The stubble on his chin scraped against her stomach, until, finally, the burning heat of his mouth covered her core, his tongue snaking out quickly to tease the swollen flesh. She was forced to watch as he kissed her in an area so intimate, her cheeks reddened from embarrassment and shame. Her breasts swelled impossibly full, the feeling so foreign and so satisfying, she felt her body as it reacted to his touch, readied itself for his invasion.

  A cord winding it’s way up, pulling tight, the feeling reminiscent of a rubber band ready to snap. Just as he drove her to a point where all she could hear was the hum of her blood rushing through her veins, he stopped, turning suddenly and biting down on the soft flesh at the insides of her thigh. A louder cry broke from her mouth, but all she could do was watch with wide eyes, the heavy scent of sex and lust suddenly filling the air from her body’s reaction. Not giving her a chance to recover, he took her back into his mouth, swirled the tip of his tongue over her swollen nub, winding her up again and pushing her back dangerously close to the edge. Pleasure so intense, it was painful to endure, he would bring her to an almost release only to drop her back down with small bits of pain that served to excite her body even more; every nerve ending alive, each touch a direct contributor to her frenzied state. Placing his mouth on her one more time, he dipped his tongue between the swollen skin, breaching the entrance to her just slightly, but taking her rapidly back to the peak of an explosion. One more touch, it would have taken one more touch to push her over the edge into ecstasy, but instead, Aaron suddenly pulled away, her juices glistening over his stubbly face.

  “I warned you, Mouse.” His chest heaved with his own excitement, but there was a chill to his eyes that she’d never before seen. “I’ll leave you within the madness that comes before the release, a punishment for your disobedience.” He chuckled wickedly. “I’ll also leave you bound so that your hand cannot finish what my mouth has started.”

  Maddy watched as Aaron marched quickly into the adjacent room, leaving her pulled tight both inside and out, her heart breaking for not having been given the release she’d so desperately needed. Split apart, her mind fought against her body, detesting the actions of her captor, yet tormented by the denial of her release. His touch was electrifying and frightening at the same time; his soul, so very dark that the little bit of light she’d thought she’d seen the night before had been all but extinguished. Tears broke free from her eyes as she was left sitting in the evidence of her arousal and left drowning in the misery of a torrent of hormones and anger, pleasure and the torture of the peak he’d left her gripping but never achieving fully.

  Aaron’s pain was as agonizing as what he’d just inflicted on Maddy. His cock so full and solid that even the brush of his silken pants was too much sensation, the skin too sensitive. He needed relief, something he would not grant her, but something he had to have so he didn’t return and finish what he’d started. He’d barely been able to pull himself from the edge of the line that he’d vowed not to cross. Even if she begged he could never take her, not unless it was a choice between that and her life.

  Turning on the shower, he set it to pure heat, not bothering to dilute it with cool water. The sunken tiled space quickly filled with steam as he stepped in, allowing the stream of what felt like fire to grate against his skin. His skin instantly turned red upon contact, but it was enough to reduce his length enough that he could grip along its width and milk himself of the deadly desire that the woman had driven into his body. He needed pain, a fight or a good hard fuck, but he would not find those things with the woman tied up in his room. Spending only moments allowing himself relief, he hurriedly turned the water off and stepped out, lazily holding a towel to cover his cock while he stormed back into the bedroom becoming hard immediately when seeing her stretched and spread on the top of his bed. Fuck! He cursed under his breath at the sight of her. She was a drug, the soft and supple parts of her body calling to him as he moved through the room. Her eyes widened when he approached, but losing his control again, he turned suddenly to move into his closet and get dressed. He needed to leave this place, and even immediately wouldn’t be fast enough.

  Quickly pulling on some black slacks, he didn’t bother with underwear, knowing he would set out to find one of the immoral women he used frequently when in search of violent relief. Hurriedly he buttoned up a black sh
irt over his broad chest and started for his bedroom door. It was impossible to not look over at her, to not acknowledge the temptation left sullen and spent on his bed. He stopped, his head dropping to look at the floor, before he changed course, moving over to the bed to tell her why she’d been punished in such a way. He couldn’t lose sight that he only had three more days to train her in her role, three more days to keep a tight hold over himself while he broke her down completely.

  Her eyes, the color of the sky peaking through the clouds of a storm stared up at him. Her face was streaked red from the tears on her cheeks and her mouth was inflamed and red from his kiss and the way he’d nipped at those deliciously full lips just moments before.

  “You are not allowed thought anymore, your choices are mine, your actions are mine, everything you think or do will only be because I have allowed it. You have reached a point of no return, Madeleine, a place in your life where you cannot have the luxury of freedom. Let go of what you were before, what you thought you knew about life. It was all a grand illusion. I’ll leave you bound while I go find that which I would not allow you, while I relieve myself on someone who deserves the sting of my bite, the pleasure of my cock as I rid myself of the poison you have left within me. When I return, be ready to listen, to OBEY every command I give.” He leaned down, deliberately brushing his lips across her cheek as he moved to her ear. “Your life depends on your submission. Do not fight against me now only to be handed over to men far more cruel than I can ever be.”

  Turning, he strode out the door and down the long corridor to the living room. Xander stood in the kitchen, the skin under his eyes black and puffy from Aaron’s interruption the night before. Aaron simply shot him a look as he reached for the handle of the front doors. Stepping through, his conscience nagged at him, causing him to pause, to consider his mouse. He didn’t bother turning back in Xander’s direction when he ordered, “In one hour, go in my room and untie her. She’ll need to use the restroom and she’ll need to be fed. Do not give her clothes. Her training begins when I return.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Aaron’s steps were weighted as he quickly left the building. Reaching his car, he climbed inside, hitting his fists against the steering wheel while throwing his head back against the seat. Forcing Maddy from his mind, he drove off the compound grounds heading out to a woman who’d been available to him over the past several years for a quick fuck. Emily was a socialite and was more attracted to man’s wallet than she was his face or personality; but it didn’t matter to Aaron. Getting her to spread her legs was as easy as telling her what she wanted to hear. Aaron didn’t mind lying to find his release … the added bonus being that this particular bitch didn’t mind his penchant for pleasure spiced with pain.

  Pulling up to her sprawling mansion, Aaron parked his car by the front doors. This was going to be a short visit and the ability to leave quickly was a necessity. Emily typically had many visitors throughout the day, but would set some time aside to see to Aaron’s needs. It was a beneficial exchange, he got his release and she was left free to continue pilfering off the bank accounts of the other men she’d met by being invited to the more ‘formal’ events held by The Estate’s legitimate business. That’s not to say that she wouldn’t sink her claws into Aaron if she could, she’d tried on many occasions to sway him into a relationship or marriage. Aaron had declined each and every time. He had no time or desire for a woman in his life, and the last thing he needed was the added weakness of having someone he cared for that could be used to coerce his will when it came to criminal matters.

  The door opened as he approached and the doorman immediately alerted Emily to Aaron’s presence. In her typical style, she came meandering down the long winding staircase that was to the left of the grand entry room. Aaron watched as she intentionally swayed her hips, pushed out her chest to make her smaller breasts appear larger to his eyes. Her body was covered with nothing more then a blue silk robe, casually left open to reveal the lace-covered slope of her breasts. As usual, her long white-blonde hair was perfectly styled to appear as if she didn’t spend hours on her looks.

  “Aaaaaaaron … ” Her voice grated against his nerves as she spoke with what he swore was a fake accent, only used by those of affluence and wealth. “It’s such a nice surprise to see you. I take it you’re here for your usual slap and tickle.” Her ruby stained lips curled into a salacious grin revealing perfectly straight, white teeth as she laughed seductively at her own joke.

  Steeling himself against the tinkling quality to her voice that she’d no doubt practiced and perfected over the years, Aaron plastered on a fake smile and addressed her, “Emily … ” Reaching out his hand, he assisted her down the last two steps. “This will only be a quick visit as I have business that I must attend to; however, I was driving by and couldn’t resist stopping in to say ‘hello.’”

  She laughed again, the sound irritating and contrived. “I’m so sure that’s why you decided to stop in.” Looking him up and down, Emily walked toward him, her body held in such a way as to seduce any man in her presence. “Since this is a quick visit, where did you want me? Against a wall? On the couch? Or did you have something a bit more vulgar in mind?” she asked.

  Stepping so close to her, he had to look down just to stare into the golden brown of her eyes. “Does it matter where I take you? I thought simply making you scream would suffice,” he said.

  The corner of her mouth quirked up, her eyes hooded at his sinful implication. “Well, then I have a surprise for you, Mr. Carmichael,” she said. “A room I had designed with the executioner in mind.” Leading him from the foyer, down a hallway to their left, Emily climbed another staircase up two floors. Turning right she pulled a key from the pocket of her robe to unlock the first door they approached. Flashing him a grin over her shoulder, she cooed, “I do hope you like it, I thought long and hard on what would turn you on.”

  Opening the door, she revealed a room set up for seductive torture; tools and devices tied to the walls that could be used to drive any person who craved the sting of torment to pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Light bounced off the polished steel of the shackles placed randomly around the room; however, that same light was absorbed by the darker colors of the wood and the walls painted a dark, dangerous red and black. Aaron wasn’t surprised by the inclusion of whips, canes and floggers, but when his eyes spied the collection of knives laid out on a small table to his right, his brow arched in amusement. Turning to look at Emily as she watched his reaction, he reached out and grabbed the largest knife, unsheathing it and holding it up to inspect the blade. “Do you wish for death, Emily? Or are you truly confident I wouldn’t lose control in my use of your body?”

  The perfection of her face was momentarily marred by her rejected expression, a telling response to his implication that she was nothing more than a tool for his gratification. “I thought the scent of blood might turn you on … drive you to desire me more than just for play.” A scorned pout puckered her face as she slid a single finger along the seam of the zipper of his pants.

  Aaron moved into her touch, inviting her to pull him free, to focus on the true purpose of his visit. Running his finger along the edge of the blade, he stated, “Drawing a woman’s blood is not something I have much interest in doing … ” His eyes shifted from the blade to hers. “ … to do so would be the sign of an amateur.”

  Purring, she pulled at his waist and unbuckled his belt, freeing him of his clothing. “Interesting … except I thought it was the blood, itself, that turned you on. Many men have reported back about the pure ecstasy in the expression of The Estate’s assassin when he makes his kill.” The warmth of her fingers sent a shiver through his body when she’d finally freed him enough to grip the full width of him. Stroking slowly, her tongue flitted out to run along her lip, her lips becoming full from the heat building in her body.

  Aaron didn’t respond, didn’t feed the perversion of her need to connect the feel of death to that of sex. His
head falling back, he allowed her to stroke him, to bring him to a slow fullness that he could use to temporarily drive away the demons created in him by Maddy. As Emily’s hand slid forward and back, he imagined it to be the touch of his mouse, her fear finally replaced with a longing only he could fulfill. When his cock had been awakened to the point his skin felt ready to tear, he grabbed Emily’s hand, used it to quickly turn her around and bend her over the table behind her.

  She gasped at first but her shock was quickly replaced by a chuckle, so wicked, Aaron was instantly sickened with how different this woman was to Maddy. Attempting to shake himself of the thought of his captive, he pulled Emily’s arms taught across the table, chaining her and tightening the binds so that she could not move from her bent position.

  “Is it torture you seek?” His voice was dangerously low as he snarled into her ear. A smile crept across her face, making her appear thoroughly entranced by his seduction. Pushing back into a standing position he looked down at her body as it trembled … not fear … no, this woman anticipated the sting of his touch, wanted to play at the nightmare only truly known by the woman he was attempting to exorcise from his soul. His hand came up to play along the crease of her ass, light pinches as he moved the robe aside revealing the black lace thong running up the center. A pink bow was placed at the top giving the mock appearance of innocence, which was anything but a characteristic of this particular woman. His finger slipped beneath the thin string of cloth that made up her underwear and slid it down so sinfully slow, he could see her body quake with expectation. When he reached down into the soft skin he felt how wet she’d already become, her core greedy for him to fill her, pump her full of his aggression and want.