Read Madeleine Abducted Page 18

  Her heart a fast staccato against the walls of her chest, she gasped into his mouth as his hand moved away from her cheek finding her breast, cupping its weight, his finger and thumb quickly trapping the tight peak between them. His other hand slowly slid away from her face, his mouth still firmly cemented against hers. She felt as his hand slid down the side of her body, brushed along the side of her other breast, it rested at the apex of her thighs. His finger traced along the crease of her sensitized skin, encircling the nub at the top, sending a chill so gloriously violent through her body that she had to pull away from his kiss. Her head fell back as his the wet heat of his mouth traveled along the arch of her neck, eventually settling at the juncture of her shoulder. His tongue teased her as he moved lower, finally finding the pebbled tip of her other breast, taking it between his teeth as he licked over it with the smooth surface of his tongue. His hand continued its torment, one finger continuing the grueling pace over her clit as another finger slid down the slickened flesh until resting just against the opening to her body. She pushed into his touch, desperately wanting him to continue his exploration, to push inside her, introducing to her the sensation of what it felt like to be invaded by a man. But just as she pushed him inside, barely caused him to breach the surface, he’d pull away, only to replace his finger over the surface once more.

  “Please, Master, please.” Raspy with need, her voice barely broke free of her throat as she begged him to push inside her.

  Aaron released her breast only long enough to chuckle wickedly before asking, “So impatient. What do you need from me, Maddy?”

  Her cheeks an inflamed pink, she built up the nerve to tell him what she needed. “Please push inside me. I … I think I need it … I want to know how it feels.”

  Fuck! He was a bastard, but Aaron couldn’t resist the seductive lilt to her voice, the way her muscles clenched at his fingers, so greedy for his touch. She writhed against him, her hips moving along the chair in erotic rotations that filled his head with images of her moving like that on his lap. Finally losing his ability to resist her, he pushed a finger into the tight heat of her body, the slickened skin undulating against his finger as he pushed up and curled inward to find a spot he was sure would make her scream. If this was the first time any man had been inside her, the first time she would experience what it felt like to be taken by a hand other than her own … A thought occurred to him at that moment, a wicked joke he wanted to play on the woman approaching ecstasy above him. He stopped suddenly, stopped teasing her breasts with his hand and tongue, pulled out of her to rest the tip of his finger against her opening.

  Looking up, he marveled in the lustful expression over her face, her lips, so full, were parted from her panting breath. Her eyes were hooded over and glossy, her cheeks flushed from the way he was making her feel. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Have you ever touched yourself, Maddy … ” Pushing his finger forward, he just barely breached the interior of her core. “ … here?”

  The additional blood surging into her cheeks was enough of an answer, but he wanted to make her say it, to speak the words he knew would not easily roll off her tongue. Catching her breath, her breast rubbed against his chin, back and forth as he waited for her to respond. “No … Master,” was her quiet confession letting him know that she was more innocent than he thought.

  “Give me your hand. Place the other on my head when I kiss you again. I like to feel the pull of a woman’s hand in my hair while I pleasure her.” Reaching over to grasp her shaking hand, Aaron growled as he pulled that hand down while the other wrapped itself into the thickness of his hair. Forcing her hand to cup herself, he ran one of his fingers, slickened by her arousal, over hers, pushing her into herself. Pushing inside with her, he kept pressure on her, navigating her to the spot used to tear a woman apart from the inside, out. A teasing rhythm, he moved her to play along that spot, his heart racing as her other hand gripped into his hair, tugged at the skin at the base.

  Ecstasy wrapped in sin, Maddy lost herself to the foreign sensation inflicted inside her body; her breathing so erratic she needed to remind herself to pull in a breath. He’d instructed her to touch his hair when he kissed her, but his face did not move from the side of her breast, the warm heat of his skin rolling along her side, his eyes, the color of jade, blazing up to watch her expression as he moved with her, inside her. When his mouth came down over their hands, when his tongue snaked out to circle over the bundle of hypersensitive nerves, she screamed out her release. A volcano erupting within her, Maddy felt like her body convulsed as her orgasm hit her like an avalanche. Her ears rang from the sudden rush of blood through her body, her skin glistening from the fine sheen of sweat produced by the unbelievable heat Aaron was forcing through her. Just as she thought she would tear apart from the intensity of the release, she started to calm, small tremors still traveling along her skin as she came down from a peak so high, she wasn’t sure how she’d lived so long without experiencing it.

  His mouth continued its suction until the last of her quakes had subsided. When he pulled their hands free, when he sat up and away from her, her body went limp in the chair, her chest heaving … aching from the tight skin of her swollen breasts.

  She looked down at him, her mind nothing but a jumble of mush as he smiled up at her, victory and satisfaction written across his expression. As he stood up, she could see where his pants had become tight against him, it looked painful even from her perspective. He reached down, taking her hand in his and pulling her from the chair. “Let’s take a shower, Mouse, we both need to get cleaned up.”

  He knew he should stop, knew he was skating dangerously close to the edge of that line he dared not cross … but the temptation was too much. Pulling her behind him down the corridor, they entered his room to the sounds of the CD as it neared its end. Maddy walked dizzily behind him, her occasional missed step endearing to a man not used to the inexperienced woman. Leading her into the adjacent bathroom he struggled to remember that this woman was being trained. Finally corralling his lust, he let go of her hand to further instruct her. “Go kneel by the entrance to the shower. Keep your hands in your lap, your eyes trained to the floor until I instruct differently. Any time that we are in public, that is the position you will take by my side. It doesn’t matter whether I’m sitting or standing, when we are not moving, you are to remain on the floor next to my feet.”

  Maddy complied instantly, slightly relieved to be off her shaky legs, but also uncomfortable with her knees against the hard surface of the stone floor. Despite her discomfort, she held that position as Aaron moved where she could not see him, as she listened to the sound of a zipper being drawn down, to the sound of the material of his pants as they fell to the floor.

  Chapter Twenty

  Aaron stepped out of his pants and allowed his eyes to trace over the perfect curve to her body as she knelt on the floor by the shower. Her feet tucked underneath her, the full shape of her ass was pure enticement, the fleshy slope of her hip begging for his bite.

  With his hand running along the hard width of his cock, he looked her over, imagined himself buried in her depths, introducing her to what it feels like to be taken by a man. Shaking off his thoughts, he stepped back from that dangerous edge, remembering that she was still held captive, still not a true willing participant. But his need got the best of him, propelled him forward into the shower to turn on the water, as she remained kneeling in wait of his next command. Rinsing the last of the socialite off his body, he waited, allowed Maddy to sit in wonder as to what he would do next.

  Once the temperature of the water had caused steam to swirl thickly within the sunken space, he called her. He could see as her silhouette moved into a standing position, the supple hourglass curve to her body so lush and exquisitely feminine, his cock swelled even more; anticipation forcing blood south in preparation for his conquest.

  When she stepped into the spray of water, the mahogany brown of her hair plastered itself over her skin, t
he tips of her breasts peeking out from behind its curtain. Aaron’s tongue filled his mouth from his desire to pull one of those peaks into his mouth, to leave a telling mark from the suction. Running his hands along the water as it cascaded over her form, he noticed how her eyes looked down, widening to see a naked man for the first time. Aaron laughed to himself, not sure what to do with a woman who’d never even seen a man at his hardest.

  “Touch me, slave.” His voice was like gravel, rough with need. When her hand shot forward tentatively touching, but then fully grasping his width, he almost released in her hand right then. His head falling back, he ordered, “Stroke back and forth, Mouse; there’s no need to be shy.” Her hand moved gingerly over his cock, barely a tickle compared to his grip. He reached down to grasp her hand, to force it tighter around his width as he showed her the rhythm he preferred. Her eyes remained trained on their hands, on the intimacy of her touch.

  As Maddy was taught how to touch a man, she seemed to marvel at the feel of the silken skin over the engorged muscle and flesh underneath. Finally, pulling her eyes from what they were doing, she looked up into his face, surprise in her eyes to find that he was staring down at her; but when she peaked up, her breath caught, her hand no longer moving on her own accord, but only because he continued to push it along.

  “Do you want to know what it means to kiss a man?” This was quickly becoming way more dangerous than Aaron should have allowed, but there was nothing stopping him from his desire to know what it felt like to have those luscious lips wrapped around his width. She blinked in response to his question, small drops of water dripping from her lashes. “Kneel, slave.”

  Maddy did as instructed, no questions asked, no protest in word or movement. Once she was firmly planted on her knees before him, guilt wound through his veins and into his thoughts. Releasing her hand from his cock, he placed a finger under her chin, pulling her face up to look at him. “Do you want to do this?”

  Her eyes searched his, an odd light shining behind them. “I don’t know how … but I can try.”

  Those words, spoken from lips so pure, they broke straight through Aaron’s resolve. “Then kiss me, Madeleine.”

  Her lips parted as she leaned forward not sure exactly what she was supposed to do. The tip of her tongue flicked out, wetting her lips as she turned her head attempting to find an angle with which to proceed. Having found one, she opened her mouth wider and attempted to take the girth of him into her mouth all at once. As soon as her lips and tongue met the taut skin of his shaft, he bucked, anticipation too heavy a thing for him to remain still as she suckled at the tip. Her teeth grazed his skin from her lack of experience, but he welcomed the sharp sting of pain, had to try harder to keep himself from exploding into her mouth. Hesitantly, she shifted forward, the suction of her mouth, not strong, but enough to work him into a quivering mess.

  “Fuck!” His head fell back again, before he immediately brought it forward so he could watch as she worked at his cock. The warm heat of her mouth felt like an inferno on the sensitive skin. He couldn’t last must longer, this woman who knew nothing of what she did, but somehow surpassed even the most experienced woman. Was it the best blowjob he’d ever received? Not even close; but it was the woman who delivered it, the woman who had him wrapped so tightly into a ball that his breaking point was as short as it was when he was a post pubescent teen.

  “Let go, Mouse, pull off me now.”

  She moved back just in time for his lust to spill out from the tip of his cock and down the fullness of her breasts. It was almost painful as he watched his seed drip casually off of her tits. She looked shocked for a moment, causing him to smile, once again, at her inexperience. He could have shot off in her mouth, but he didn’t want to do something like that until she knew what would occur.

  “Clean yourself, Maddy. Wash me off your skin.”

  Her hands moved over her breasts as she used the gathered water to wash him off her body. It was an innocent enough activity, but to him, it was the most sensual thing he’d ever seen. “Stand.” Maddy stood up, her eyes seeking his as if searching for some sign of approval. “You’re a good girl, Madeleine. There is no need for you to question what you’ve just done for me.” Not wanting this to go any further, Aaron kissed her softly on her swollen mouth before reaching around her to turn off the water.

  Aaron led his slave up the steps of the shower, leaving her at the entrance as he traversed the room to retrieve a towel. His breath caught in his lungs when he turned back to find Maddy knelt down in the position he’d instructed her to take before. When he approached her, he bent down to wrap the towel around her, gripping along the side of her body to pull her up to her feet. She looked up at him with something different in her eyes, the blue so serene it mimicked a long forgotten mountain lake … a crisp blue, reflective like a mirror.

  Once dried, Aaron walked into his bedroom, Madeleine following closely behind. “Go kneel by the bed, Mouse.” As Maddy complied without hesitation, Aaron moved into his closet to get dressed. Pulling on a pair of slate grey dress slacks, a plain leather belt and a black fitted t-shirt, he finished dressing quickly and stepped out to discover Xander standing in his doorway. Dread instantly crawled up Aaron’s spine when he noticed the look on Xander’s face.

  “I have news, Aaron. You’re not going to like it.” Xander’s voice held an edge to it that told Aaron his reaction was going to be much darker than simply not liking what he had to hear. When Aaron didn’t respond, Xander quickly took it as a hint to continue. “Your slave is to be presented to The Estate within the hour. Your father has reneged on the week of training he’d granted you.”

  Silence, a razor sharp blade slicing through the nerves of every person who stood in Aaron’s bedroom. Xander understood that when Aaron was silent, he was lethal; but Maddy couldn’t understand why she was suddenly terrified, she just instinctively knew that the darkness within Aaron had surfaced; that the assassin had taken over.

  Without speaking, Aaron moved to his bureau to pull out his guns and to select five blades. He would be fully armed walking into that ballroom tonight; the fact that his father had broken their agreement, a clear indication that games were to be played. While arming himself, Aaron observed Maddy in the large mirror. Secretively, she lifted her head at times, attempting to glance in his direction. Fearing she would fail during her presentation with behavior such as that, there was no room for mercy in his reaction to her noncompliance. Quickly spinning in her direction, he grabbed her by her wet hair and pushed her face to the floor, her lip busting open from the impact with the ground. His voice was overbearing and cruel as he growled, “You are to remain looking at the floor, DO NOT steal glances in any other direction when you are out there.” The sound of her loud cry shot through him like ice. Her voice, smothered in fear and the shocking pain of his grip was tearing him apart, but there was no room for error; it was either train her or watch her die. “Stop crying, or so help me, I will ensure the pain becomes much worse!”

  Steeling herself to the immediate shift in Aaron’s behavior, Maddy bit her tongue, attempting to hold back the sobs that shook her to her core. Calming her breath, she quieted, waited out the agony of what Aaron was doing to her. She was released only when Aaron was satisfied with her compliance. Even when he let go of her hair, she did not dare sit up, having quickly learned the truth to his words from that morning; every action she took, every thought in her mind could only happen if he had allowed it.

  “Good, Mouse; very smart. You may sit up now.” Aaron’s chest still heaved from his spurt of rage, and when he looked from Maddy to Xander, he was met with a concerned stare. Like the sea churning in a violent storm, the blue of Xander’s eyes had darkened to a dangerous black; bits of light bouncing through like waves. Brushing off the obvious concern of his guard, Aaron ordered, “Follow me, slave.”

  When they reached the living room, Aaron ordered that Madeleine kneel next to the couch while he continued his path to his office.
Xander following closely behind, Aaron waited for him to fully enter the room before shutting the doors. “Why is she being demanded now? What happened to the agreed five days?”

  Xander turned toward Aaron, took a position with his feet spaced slightly apart, his hands folded together behind his back. “There was no explanation given by Vincent when he delivered the directive; only that she was to be presented within the hour rather than at the end of the week.”

  Aaron ran his hand through his still damp hair. “When did he arrive? How long has it been since you spoke with him?”

  “We have twenty minutes from now to present her in the ballroom, if that answers your question. He arrived while the two of you were in the music room. By the time I stepped back into the apartment from the hall where we spoke, you’d already moved along to the shower. I couldn’t be sure, but I believed it would be unwise to interrupt.” The implication in his tone was loud and clear; Xander was concerned about how far Aaron had taken his desire for Maddy.

  “What happened between Madeleine and I is nothing when compared to what will be done to her if she fails in her presentation. Your concern is ill placed at the moment.”

  Xander nodded, understanding that this particular conversation would have to wait until after the presentation. “Is there anything we can do within the few minutes we have left?”

  “No.” Walking back toward the door, his hand gripped the handle as he turned back to order, “Go retrieve the blindfold I keep in my room. It’s in the third drawer of the bureau on the left.” Exiting the room, Aaron found Madeleine kneeling by the couch, her hands folded together in her lap and her head pointed down toward the floor. Her hair had dried some, but still appeared bunched and matted from the moisture of the water. “Madeleine, come with me. We need to prepare you.”