Read Madeleine Abducted Page 5

  Shakily, her legs held her as she stood at full height. Much shorter than the man who stood before her, she could only see his chest, his pants, his shoes; not daring to look up into his watchful eyes. He extended the clothes to her, holding them low so that they would be within her line of sight. “Put these on and then I’ll escort you to the restroom. Are you hungry?”

  Maddy shook her head, the movement barely visible, but Xander still noted her refusal to eat. “Very well. Take the clothes.” His hands pushed them forward, causing to her to jump back when they came in contact with her skin. She forced out a breath before reaching out to accept his offering. Her modesty got the better of her as she turned herself to get dressed.

  “No.” His hands came up to gently grab her shoulders, turning her back to face him. “You must learn to accept your nudity. Outside of these walls, it will be the only thing you know. Your Master is being kind by providing you these clothes, but do not expect that same level of kindness from anyone else within The Estate. You should appreciate him. He risks himself by allowing you this small comfort.” Xander’s words were spoken in a soothing voice, but still the words cut like a razor.

  Anyone else … so she was to be passed around to multiple people; a plaything and nothing more.

  Another rush of air, her breath quickly left her as she accepted her fate. She placed the clothes on the table beside her, choosing to pull on the large t-shirt first, effectively covering herself as quickly as possible. The t-shirt could have been a dress. Hanging down to her knees, it swallowed the majority of her small frame. Xander chuckled softly. “With as small as you are, I see no need for the pants, but I’m sure you would like as much covering as possible.”

  Her hand stilled over the pants while she waited for him to finish his remark. As soon as the last syllable had left his tongue, her hand grasped the fabric, pulling it to her. Putting the pants on one shaky leg at a time, she pulled the full length of the material over her body. Xander chuckled again when he noticed how the waistband met with her chest. “It appears I need to go shopping. It’ll be interesting trying to smuggle clothes in unnoticed.”

  Maddy jumped again when his hands gripped the waistband of the pants, his knuckles brushing across the tips of her breasts through the thin material of her shirt. Arching away from his touch, her eyes peeked up into his. Her breath caught at the sight of his blue eyes; the color reminiscent of a stormy sea. Perfectly white teeth appeared as he grinned. His hands moved the waistband of the pants to the widest part of her hips; his fingers pulled the drawstring tight before tying it in place.

  “Those should do for now. Follow me.” Xander’s lean frame moved with feline grace as he led her down the corridor of a long hallway. The flexion and contraction of his muscular form clearly visible beneath the black shirt that he wore. Like Aaron, Xander exuded a quiescent danger, the same as that of a sleeping tiger. She broke her gaze from him, her eyes moving to take in the expensive wallpaper and chair rails that lined the halls. Stopping suddenly, Xander turned, extending his hand to direct her to a room on her right. “The restroom is in there.”

  Maddy began to brush past him to enter the room when his hand came up to grip around her bicep. His lips tickled against her ear as he spoke. “There is no way for you to escape that room. The window is sealed and I will wait outside this door. Use the bathroom, wash your face, and brush your teeth, then return to the hallway.” Maddy nodded her head in understanding before Xander would let her go. Without a word, she entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her; her continued silence the only escape she had from the hell in which she’d found herself.

  Like the other rooms, the bathroom was large and magnificent. Maddy briefly wondered what amount of money it took to maintain a home like this. The floors of the bathroom were the same dark slate grey stone as the hallway leading into Aaron’s apartment. Black granite was used for the counters, bathtub and shower. Glass brick walls were used to separate the different spaces. Scattered throughout the large room were plush carpets that felt soft against Maddy’s bare feet. The walls were a muted grey but the darkness of the room was broken apart by the dancing light reflected off the polished silver fixtures and crystal soap dishes. Even this bathroom hadn’t been spared the fine works of art that had adorned the walls of each room she’d seen within the estate.

  She moved quickly across the room, having needed to relieve herself for several hours. The sensation of such a simple thing as emptying her bladder was a welcome gift, a thing she’d never considered would one day be something of a courtesy bestowed upon her by another individual. She grimaced to realize that even the most basic human needs could be denied upon the whim of her captors. Two taps on the door alerted her to the fact that she’d apparently taken too long. Hurriedly, she moved to the sink, splashed warm water on her face before unwrapping one of the guest toothbrushes and cleaning her mouth. The feeling of clean teeth was suddenly a luxury that she had, up until her capture, always taken for granted.

  After placing the toothbrush on the counter, Maddy returned to the hallway as instructed. Silently, Xander led her deeper down the corridor to another room. He opened the door and motioned for her to enter. Maddy’s steps failed her, causing her to stumble at the sight of the large bed in the center of the room. Her head spun to look at Xander, a silent question of his intent. His eyes looked deep within hers; his lips, a pinched line across his face.

  “Tonight, it is for sleeping only, per your Master’s instructions.”

  A relieved sigh racked her body, a shiver snaking along her spine. However, still not quite trusting Xander’s words, Maddy moved to the opposite corner of the room, as far from the bed as possible. She watched as his shoulders shook with silent laughter. “If I wanted to take you, Cricket, the distance you put between the bed and yourself wouldn’t prevent me from doing so.” Flashing her a quick grin, he turned and sauntered out of the room, closing and locking the door behind him as he left.

  Her posture relaxed at his absence and, suddenly, her eyelids felt heavy. As exhaustion consumed every muscle in her body, Maddy’s eyes set upon the soft blankets of the bed. Sleep. She needed sleep, but she knew that the fear of what she would awaken to in the morning would keep her from ever crossing that blessed edge between wakefulness and slumber. Still, lying down would bring her some peace, another small courtesy extended by Aaron. She wondered about his intentions. Was he being kind now, only to gain her trust so that his eventual violation of her would be easier to accomplish?

  The plush carpeting rubbed against her feet, forcing itself up between her toes as she slowly crept toward the bed. Reaching out, she ran her hand along the soft fabrics, the quiet only amplifying the sound of skin sliding against silk. She was hesitant as she climbed up onto the mattress, not sure if Aaron’s kindness would be rescinded. The exhaustion finally taking over, Madeleine curled up with the velvety throw blanket that had been spread along the base of the bed. The thick material instantly warmed her.

  As her eyes drifted closed and she hovered between consciousness and dreamless sleep, she heard the door to her room open, a familiar rattling soon followed. She was pulled violently from her lethargic state, her heart skipping slightly due to its sudden return to a fast pace. She pushed up on the mattress with both arms, instinctively forcing her body backwards off the bed, and moving to crouch in a corner at the farthest wall.

  A dark laugh, Xander was amused at her behavior. “Ahhh, my little Cricket, whatever will I do with you?” The loud clatter of chains hitting the floor. “I thought I’d bring you something else to wear. You do remember the shackles, don’t you? Unfortunately, little one, you’ll be wearing these tonight as well. We can’t take the risk of your escape.”

  All hint of affection gone, Xander bent down, retrieving one end of the chain before moving to secure it to the heavy foot of the bed. The threat of tears burned Maddy’s eyes as she put her hands out and shook her head; silently begging for him to leave her unchained. A sympathe
tic mask fell over his face, but was quickly replaced with an expression of disinterest.

  He moved quickly across the room, catching her as easily as if she hadn’t moved at all. His speed was disorienting, catching her off guard before she could even react. She screamed, the volume of her cry scratching painfully against her already raw throat.

  “Cricket, calm down!” With a quickness akin to that of a snake, Xander pushed Maddy face down across the bed. Pressing one large hand against the center of her back, he used his other to restrain her legs. His chest heaved against her shoulder as he leaned over her. Maddy screamed again, unable to simply accept what was being done.

  The bedroom door burst open again. “What in the hell is going on in here?!” Aaron came marching through the open door, stopping suddenly when he saw Xander pressed down against Maddy’s back. “Xander. Explain, NOW!”

  A tiny, metallic click as Xander finished locking the shackle around Madeleine’s ankle. Pushing himself up, he smoothed down the front of his shirt and pants, his already messy hair made even more so by the struggle. “I was attaching a chain to the woman, ensuring that you and I sleep well tonight, not worrying about whether she would attempt escape.” Seeing the rage behind Aaron’s eyes, Xander quickly realized what it must have looked like when Aaron walked in. “I promise you, Aaron, that is all that was happening in here. You can ask the little cricket yourself … if she’ll speak, that is.”

  Aaron’s eyes narrowed; rage, a smoldering ember building within him. “And who instructed you to chain the girl?” The tone of his words sent chills over Maddy’s skin; dark and lethal, Aaron’s voice betrayed the menace within his thoughts.

  Xander stood speechless for several seconds, finally brushing off Aaron’s veiled question and the implied threat. “No one, Aaron. I assumed … ”

  “YOU ASSUMED WRONG!” His voice boomed throughout the room, rattling the windows, causing Maddy to jump from the sudden anger that rolled from his voice. “Now remove that fucking chain before I shackle your ass to a bed tonight!”

  Maddy was sure Xander would flinch at Aaron’s threat, but when she dared look up at him, she noticed a coolness about him that was unexpected. Xander simply nodded at Aaron and reached down to remove the shackle from her ankle. After he’d removed the chain, he let it slip from his hand to the floor. “Aaron, I do not want to question you in front of the woman, can we speak privately in the hallway … please?” Disdain dripped from that last word, his lack of trust in Aaron’s decision evident in his tone.

  Aaron’s hand reached behind him, finding the handle to the door and forcefully pushing the door open, before stepping backwards out into the hall. His eyes never left Xander as he exited the room. Once Aaron had moved to accept Xander’s request, Xander walked swiftly across the room, exiting through the door before shutting it silently behind him.

  Maddy could not hear the discussion between the two men, but instead, she used the opportunity to remove herself from the bed, moving to the corner of the room where she sunk to the ground, curling herself back into a protective ball. Her heart pounded against her chest and her chest heaved from her heavy breath and the sobs she attempted to suppress. Her muscles, once again, screamed at the constriction of being curved in on herself; the tight ball she assumed, an unforgiving position that her body had never known until arriving to this place.

  The door swung open again; both men, silhouettes against the bright light of the hallway. Xander silently marched around the bed picking up the chain and moving back to the door. He brushed past Aaron as he exited out into the hall. Aaron stepped into the room, slowly closing the door behind him. Once closed, the room was reduced to darkness, only the moonlight from the windows providing enough light so that Maddy could track him as he crossed the room. He stopped just short of her, his tall frame hovering over her like she was a child.

  Her sobs finally broke free of her throat and tears that she wasn’t sure she could produce trailed down her cheeks. Fear crippled her body as Aaron stood above her. After a few moments, he reached down, stopping suddenly when her body trembled violently in response to his movement.

  “I’m going to lead you back to the bed, Madeleine. You need sleep. I have ordered Xander to leave you unchained, however I will tell you that your escape is impossible from this room. The windows cannot be broken and the door will remain locked from the outside.”

  His large hand wrapped around her upper arm as he gently pulled her up from the floor. She attempted to stand, having no choice but to comply, but her muscles failed her and were unable to hold up her weight. She dared look up into Aaron’s eyes and was surprised to be met with compassion behind those gorgeous green orbs. His smooth voice softly rubbed against her as he said, “I’m going to pick you up. Nothing will be done to you, except to be placed back in bed. Do not scream.”

  Madeleine stared up at him, confused as to why he protected her. He was, after all, one of the monsters, one of the men who were holding her against her will, forcefully taking her freedom. Curling up into herself, she dared not move, too afraid that he would change his mind; too afraid that she would not escape being beaten or raped by either of the men who’d been handling her.

  After placing her on the bed, he immediately released her, backing away so that distance was between them; but he never left the room. He watched her, his broad shoulders, thin waist and hips, silhouetted by the hallway light behind him. She wanted to beg for him to let her go, convince him in some way that she deserved her freedom, but her voice failed her. Frozen in place, she remained huddled, knowing full well she was at the mercy of the man that stood before her.

  Chapter Seven

  Aaron stood watching her as she lay perfectly still on the large bed. Not wanting to further torment her with his touch, he’d placed her down and immediately stepped away. Although she would need to learn to accept the touch of a stranger, to obey his commands; tonight, he would let her sleep, so that she could better accept the fate that had been handed to her.

  Her entire body was bathed in shadow, only a large black mass existed where he knew she lay; but still, he couldn’t look away. Achingly, his heart went out to this gentle musician; one who’d done nothing wrong, who’d dedicated her life to her music. She knew nothing of the evils that awaited her, the futility of existing as nothing more than property … an object to be used and tossed aside. Aaron knew he had to do something for the poor mouse, anything that could keep her moderately safe, while not seeming to defy his father’s instructions. Even though she was veiled by the cold, darkness of the room, he could see her body tremble at his presence.

  “I truly am sorry for this, Madeleine.” His voice was nothing more than a whisper as he stepped out into the hall, softly shutting and locking the door behind him.

  Aaron’s steps were surefooted and strong as he marched down the corridor to the living room. Xander silently fell in step behind him, matching each of Aaron’s steps with his own. Shutting the doors to the hallway, Aaron continued forward, directly through the living room and through the doors of his office. He took a seat behind his large desk, leaning back into his chair while steepling his fingers before touching the tips of his index fingers to his mouth. Xander moved to sit in one of the large wingback chairs opposite Aaron, the smooth surface of the desk creating a barrier between the two men.

  Silence, a heavy weight hanging over their heads, Xander finally spoke. “I’m sorry for my actions earlier. I thought you would want the woman bound. She could easily break the windows to attempt escape.”

  Aaron’s eyes ran over the tapestries and paintings that adorned the walls of his office. His mind was a ticking machine as he pondered how he would handle his father’s gift. Finally coming to a decision, he turned suddenly to face Xander across the large wooden expanse of the desk. “Even if she were to able to break one of those windows, we both know she would not make it off the grounds of the compound. She would be found … returned.”

  “But in what condition??

  A humorless laugh escaped Aaron as he responded, “Now, THAT, Xander, is something I intend to take care of this evening.” His movement was fluid as he stood, crossing the room, expecting fully that Xander would follow. He stopped suddenly, twisting to look over his shoulder at his best friend. “Don’t tell me you meant to protect her with those chains …. ” His voice carried an air of mockery. “Have you come to care about our little mouse?”

  Bowing his head slightly, Xander responded, “She is so weak, Aaron. I wonder how she will survive.” Aaron was shocked at Xander’s confession. Although he knew his best friend and first guard was, at the core, a moral man, he’d never witnessed him show concern for anyone’s safety but Aaron’s.

  “She’ll survive; but I’ll need to speak with daddy to make sure of it.” Xander’s eyes widened in response to Aaron’s statement, but he faithfully fell in step behind him nonetheless. The two men traveled the distance from Aaron’s apartment to the ballroom where he knew he would still find his father, piss drunk and covered with whores. Now was the perfect opportunity to cement another rule in this game. His father wanted nothing more than to corrupt his son with his gift, but Aaron wanted to publicly ensure that no one was to touch Madeleine beside himself. If he could get his father to agree to the new condition in front of the members of the Estate, his father would have to honor that condition, forbidding every man at the compound to touch that which was Aaron’s.

  Two men, both dressed in black on black suits, moved to open the large, double doors so that Aaron and Xander could pass through. After their grand entrance, the chaos of the room quickly hushed when the revelers noticed who had returned to the party. As expected, his father sat upon his would-be throne; one woman massaging his shoulders while another had her head buried in his lap. His face showed no reaction to the bobbing of her head, his shame at public displays such as this, lost years before. Eyes the color of steel moved to look at Aaron; the father finally acknowledged the presence of the son.