Read Madeleine Abducted Page 7

  “Just tell me what you want, you bastard!”

  Fire flashed through his eyes, smoldering and bright, it burned into her as she exhausted herself in futility and fury. Finally his hands came up to hers, quickly enveloping her small form, removing her grip from his clothes. His fingers wrapped tightly around her wrists. She could feel the bruises form from his strong hold.

  Razor sharp and controlled to a point of lethal resolve, his words were spoken with warning. “I recommend you never attempt touching me again without permission, Madeleine. Acts such as those will likely get you beaten or killed.”

  Rebellion and contempt darkened her gaze. “Then why not just get it over with?”

  Like lightning on a clear day, he struck quickly and without notice. Curling his fingers deep within her tangled hair, he pulled her toward him, bending down so that his lips were pressed against her ear. Menacing and cruel, his voice shook her, igniting within her the terror that should have crippled her long before.

  “I warned you,” he said.

  Three words were all he spoke before pulling her behind him as he walked out of the room and down the long corridor to another doorway. His free hand slammed down on a handle, freeing the closed door and revealing the bathroom she’d been led to by Xander the night before. Crying out in pain, her hands went to his, trying desperately to free her hair from his grip. Tears cascaded from her eyes, the earlier swelling and burn relieved by the sudden return of moisture. She was nothing more than a doll being dragged along the bathroom floor, her efforts at escape useless against the strength of his hold. While she struggled and while she screamed, she became aware of the sound of water only moments before she was shoved into the shower.

  So cold, the water that saturated her clothes, wrapping her in a blanket of ice, causing her to scream even louder from the feeling of knives being dragged across her skin. Her muscle spasms tightened and convulsed until she could barely move, barely fight against what he was doing. Finally giving in, she dropped to her knees as sobs escaped her, causing her body to thrash violently against the smooth tiles of the shower floor. She felt as his hands came down to the waistband of her pants, pulling them easily off her before tossing them to the opposite side of the bathroom.

  “No! … Please! … ” She begged while he let go of her hair to use both hands to tug away her shirt. Once removed, he tossed it aside and turned his eyes back to her huddled form.

  “If you’ll promise to behave, I’ll add some warm water to your bath.” His words were matter of fact, lightly brushed with humor as he offered her relief from the freezing water.

  Hurried footsteps could be heard as another person approached the room. Aaron tore his eyes from her to look behind him for a split second before turning back to her.

  “Aaron …? ” A hesitant question. Xander stood in the doorway, obviously confused by the scene playing out before his eyes.

  Ignoring the concerned man behind him, Aaron reached down to once again take Maddy’s hair into his hold. Wrenching her head in his direction, his eyes burned down on her, demanding compliance. “Apologize to me and I will give you the heat you need. Your skin is already turning blue, Madeleine. Apologize and let me correct that.”

  Her teeth chattered violently in response to the deluge of water. She could feel her skin becoming numb, tightening to a point of discomfort against her muscles and bones. “Please … ” Barely a squeak as her breath grated against her cracked lips. “Please … ”

  Aaron released her hair, allowing her to fall against the tiles again. “’Please’ is not an apology, Ms. Clark.”

  On her hands and knees she attempted to crawl along the floor, only to be pulled back underneath the spray of the shower by Aaron. Spasms shook her convulsing muscles again when the water met her skin. She cried out from the pain.

  “Aaron … ”

  Aaron turned to Xander and yelled, “Leave now!” Rage boiled and burst from each word he said to his friend. Xander responded by quickly turning and exiting the room; his eyes momentarily meeting Maddy’s as he left.

  “Apologize, Madeleine.” Aaron’s terse words were a command that would have to be followed if she was to find relief from the agony of the frigid water.

  It took her three attempts to finally be able to rasp the words, “I’m sorry, please, I’m so sorry.”

  Warm tendrils of water found her skin, caressing her, inducing the blood to begin circulating through her restricted veins. She sat still under the water, waiting as Aaron stood above her. At a slow crawl, the minutes ticked past as she allowed the warm water to erase the bite of the cold. Steam quickly filled the air, rolling with her and Aaron’s exhaled breath.

  Softly, she felt hands slide along her skin, starting at the bottom of her back, moving it’s way along her spine, eventually touching her, holding her at the base of her head. Her body flinched at his touch, tightened as he moved along her soaked skin. “It’s time we start discussing the rules, Madeleine … the first being that you are to bathe at least once a day. I do not tolerate lack of hygiene in my home.”

  She could only nod her head in response. His voice was unsettling; smooth and deep, wrapping itself around her, providing comfort for reasons she could not understand. However, that voice … no … it didn’t match the viciousness of his words, the cruelty of his intent, and his complete lack of compassion toward her.

  Reaching over her, he grabbed a bottle of shampoo as his other hand moved deeper into the hair at the base of her scalp. She winced, her scalp still sensitive and sore from having been dragged down the hall by her hair. Slowly he poured and then massaged the contents of the bottle into her hair. Sensual musk, the smell of a product intended for a man, a smell most women would find inviting, would want to bring close to them. She wanted it nowhere near her, much less rubbed onto her head and her skin. Small iridescent spheres sliding over her, the suds picking up light and throwing it back to her eyes in all colors of the spectrum; beauty once again masking the abhorrence of the act, abuse wrapped in feigned care.

  “Lean back.”

  When she didn’t move fast enough, his hands gripped into her hair, pulling her lightly to encourage her compliance. Resisting only met with pain. Swallowing her pride, her modesty, she uncurled from herself, displaying her body to him as she moved backwards against his hand. He held her in that position, not moving to touch her, simply looking at her, studying her skin, her breasts, those parts of her that no other person had seen until she’d been brought to this place.

  “Another rule you must obey is that when I tell you to do something, you do it without hesitation. If you can do that, you’ll save yourself from the unpleasant events of this morning.”

  Without another word, he reached up to retrieve the showerhead, using it to rinse the shampoo from her hair. He moved her into an upright position, letting her go briefly to grab a washcloth and soap. Her body flinched involuntarily, occurring before she could consciously hide the reaction. Aaron reached down, holding the washcloth and soap out to her.

  “I certainly hope you didn’t flinch in reaction to the threat of MY touch. If that were to happen again, I might take offense …. ” Aaron’s pregnant pause made Maddy feel that much more helpless. “Take the soap and wash yourself while I watch you. Make sure certain parts receive more attention than others. I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure out which ones.”

  Heat filled her cheeks, embarrassment openly displayed to her captor. Shaking, her hands hesitantly reached up to take the soap, to act as he’d demanded. A whimper escaped her lips, but she obediently lathered the washcloth with the soap, scrubbed it against the skin of her arms, her legs, her stomach … anywhere but those areas she’d known he been referring to previously.

  His hand moved down to grasp her, to lead her hands to her breasts. Tears streamed down her face as he cupped his hand over hers; forcing her to touch herself — squeeze herself — beneath his hold. She feared this was the beginning of the worst violence of all, the vio
lation of her in ways she’d never before allowed. Her face twisted at his touch, his hold, at the invasion she knew was to come.

  Chapter Nine

  Pain, both physical and psychological; Aaron could tell both consumed her as she washed herself in the shower. For him, her pain was suffocating, making him want to scream at the injustice of the events in this young woman’s life. However, he couldn’t show her mercy if she was to survive this fate. Shame enveloped him. His body had responded to touching her, running his fingers along the silk of her flawless skin. Arousal, a nagging sensation rubbed itself along his thoughts as he bathed her, demanded that she display herself. Fear hit, hard and solid; fear that he’d started to lose his resolve; that his father had succeeded in his attempt at corruption.

  “Now the other area, Madeleine. Wash yourself there.”

  She hesitated, her tear streaked face poorly hiding her distress at being displayed so openly to a man he was sure she despised. Reaching down slowly, he reminded her that if not done willingly, he would force her to act. Resignation flowed in the release of air forcing itself across her lips. Trembling, her hand reached down to the apex of her thighs, her eyes tightening as she rubbed at herself with the cloth. The tightening of his pants infuriated him, but this woman was a sight to behold. Small, so small, but built more perfectly than any of the women he’d had the pleasure to touch. The healthy weight of her breasts perfectly accentuated the pinch of her waist, the sensuous curve of her hip. It was becoming too much, he needed relief and he wouldn’t find it in her company; at least, not like this.

  “Enough … ” He cleared his throat of the constricting desire. “ … Enough. Stand so that you can be dried off.” He turned to grab a towel, shaking himself from the erotic heat slowly creeping through his blood. When his eyes returned to hers, her stare struck him physically. Closing his eyes quickly, he regained his composure, once again, donning a mask of indifference. Regaining control, he brushed the back of his hand down her cheek, noting her attempt at concealing her body’s reaction. Surprised by her ability to remain still, to allow him to touch her, he brought his hand down further, testing his restraint while testing hers. His hand traveled slowly down her neck. He could feel her body twitch, her disgust and fear overpowering her. Lips parting slightly, he watched his hand as it reached her neck, her shoulder, eventually running down along the side of her body before he pulled away.

  He had to stop.

  Shoving the towel toward her, he ordered, “Dry yourself and meet me in the hallway when you are done.” Not waiting for an answer, he turned, stormed out of the room and beat his hands against the walls of the hallway when he’d crossed it. Resting his forehead against the wall, he resented his father … himself. His weakness in her presence was stifling, a thing so unnatural, he wasn’t sure he could stand it. Not wanting her to see his struggle, he forced himself upright, turning to lean casually, appear unaffected. The pads of her bare feet could be heard approaching before her small form occupied the doorway. Naked, the silk of her skin called to him, the palms of his hands itching to touch her in ways she would never approve.

  “You will eat.” Not saying another word, distancing himself by refusing more than what was necessary, he simply indicated for her to walk down the corridor in front of him. She complied immediately, not wanting a repeat of the events of that morning. Emerging from the hallway, Aaron’s eyes met Xander’s. Concerned etched itself within Xander’s gaze, a silent question that would be saved to be asked at another time. Aaron moved to pull out a chair at the large table. Turning to Maddy, he indicated for her to sit. Instantly, she complied. Neither one spoke to the other, as Xander eyed them both, wondering what had occurred in the bathroom.

  Aaron stepped away. Directing his attention to Xander, he commanded, “Feed her. Return her to the room when she is done.” Having missed enough time from business as it was, Aaron moved across the room to enter his office. He let go of his held breath once he heard the soft click of the door locking behind him. Defeated, he dropped into the large leather chair behind his desk. Work would distract him, would help take his mind off Madeleine. But it proved useless; his focus was locked on the woman currently sitting at his dining table. Papers flew from his desk from the force of his fist coming down on the surface of the wood. Rage boiling within him, igniting every nerve, eliciting physical pain from its intensity. His head dropped into his hands as he contemplated how he would train her without losing himself in the process.

  A brisk knock sounded on the door, followed by the metal against metal sound of a key releasing the lock. As Xander strode through, Aaron sighed loudly, leaning back into the plush leather of his chair. Xander closed the door behind him as his eyes surveyed the paperwork strewn across the floor. One eyebrow raised, he looked up at Aaron, an unasked question hanging between the two men.

  “Just spit it out, Xander. I don’t have time to decipher your facial expressions this morning.”

  Xander approached Aaron’s desk, unbuttoned the jacket of his pinstripe suit jacket and sat down in one of the chairs facing his friend. “Do you care to explain what that was this morning? Should I be concerned that your father has succeeded?”

  More papers fluttered through the air as Aaron’s hands came down hard on the desk again. Xander remained stoic, not even flinching at the show of anger.

  “Where is Madeleine?” Wanting to forget her, Aaron surprised himself with his instant question about the woman who could destroy him just by her presence in his home.

  “In her room, as you instructed. She ate … somewhat … more like a bird. However, I’m not sure she can be blamed, considering the morning she’s had.” The condemnation in his tone shook Aaron, made what happened between him and Madeleine even more real by the acknowledgment.

  “Fuck!” Aaron stood up suddenly, damn near knocking over his chair as he rose. Running his hand through his hair, he began pacing back and forth along the bookshelves that lined his walls. “She needs to be trained, Xander. I have only so much time before the old man will ask that she be presented. She can’t go in there without being absolute in her submission. What good would mercy do for her? If nothing else, it will only cost her more than what’s already been taken from her.”

  A curt nod as Xander considered Aaron’s words. “Are you able to do this? You seemed … overtaken … when I saw you with her in the bathroom. I feared you would take it too far, lose yourself to the task.” Framed as a simple question, Aaron knew Xander’s words also held warning. They’d known each other since childhood; there was nothing Aaron could do that would fool his friend.

  Relenting, Aaron admitted, “I almost did lose myself.” Snorting, Aaron continued moving, releasing emotional energy through physical movement. “The old man has really outdone himself this time, found the chink in my armor, so to say. This girl … ”

  “What exactly is it about her, Aaron? Yes, her body is something that would drive any man to insanity, but you’ve had so many, you are not some post pubescent teen whose dick swells at the sight of a naked woman, I don’t understand your lack of control.” Harsh words, but necessary; Xander often took risks speaking aloud the thoughts that he knew were already running rampant through Aaron’s head.

  No answer was given to Xander’s inquiry. Aaron didn’t want to face what demons drove him when faced with Madeleine. Pushing his fascination to the side, he aligned himself back with the business aspects, the plots and conspiracies already in play within The Estate. “Have you spoken with Jason?”

  Xander rolled his eyes at Aaron’s deflection, but answered, “I spoke with him this morning. He’s on our side and will align his men to our needs. Your father’s strength fails within the network; most of the men are concerned with his dip into insanity. Your exchange last night helped seal Jason’s allegiance.”

  “How so?”

  Clearing his throat, Xander prepared himself for the lengthy explanation. Settling himself even farther into his chair, he leaned on the armrest, his p
ause obviously annoying Aaron. “Your father is so focused on you, on corrupting his own men, that he’s lost sight of the needs of the network. Every man in that room knows who runs The Estate. Your father has become nothing more than a figurehead, one who takes advantage of every man at his service. His mind, Aaron, is slipping so deep, that he never noticed your intention last night; his only desire is to succeed in his games against you. He is losing his hold on so many men. Jason understands that you are the only man within this family that will be able to maintain control over the entire house. You haven’t been lost to the power of your position … not like your father.”

  Finally, having calmed himself, Aaron leaned back against the bookcase while considering Xander’s words. “How do we know that Jason speaks truthfully, that he isn’t whispering in the old man’s ear as we speak?”

  “I told him that those who assist will be given higher ranking once The Estate falls within your hands. He’s not a dumb man, Aaron; he knows that while your father reigns, he’ll remain on the lower end of the food chain, so to speak. Emory and Vincent will never promote him, they’re too nervous that he would overtake them if given the chance. Plus, this is house full of murderers, thieves and liars. Loyalty is only given to those that benefit the entire house … your father has not been that man since he allowed his lead guards to make his decisions.”

  Aaron nodded at the truth of what Xander was saying. Twenty years ago, it would have been a different story. No man would have dared speak against his father, much less act against him. To do so would have been an immediate death sentence. However, twenty years ago, his father had not yet started his gradual slide into madness and he’d been careful to ensure that all men benefited from the network, kept them rolling in cash so deep, that their loyalty was assured. Slowly, however, whether from boredom or extreme hubris, his father stopped concerning himself with the needs of the many and focused instead on the needs of those within his innermost circle. While he fed his depravity with whores and drugs, his two top men, Emory and Vincent, made decisions that would eventually give the members of The Estate two choices … loyalty or death … despite whether they benefited or not. Whereas his father had gone mad, his men had become pure evil.