Read Magic Gone Wrong Page 1

ne Wrong

  Alexandra A. Cheshire

  Copyright 2014 Alexandra A. Cheshire

  All characters, events and places in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people or places past or present is strictly coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Magic Gone Wrong

  About Alexandra A. Cheshire

  Magic Gone Wrong

  Her eyes widen in shock, her jaw dropping open. A hush falls over the crowded ballroom. Even the music falters to a stop. Abruptly Zariah gathers up her skirts and flees the room, roughly pushing aside anyone so unfortunate as to be in her way. Once she is clear of the room, she sprints through the palace corridors to her personal suite of rooms. Inside, she locks the door before leaning her back against it. Tears flow unbidden and unhindered as she slumps down to the floor. Her head rests on her arms on her knees as her whole body shudders with each sob.

  Eventually, the tears slow and a numb sort of calm settles over her. Slowly, Zariah gathers herself up, easing herself to her feet. Going into her dressing room, she sheds the ballgown along with all her undergarments, shoes, jewelry, and hair ornaments. When no trace of her party finery is left on her body, she goes into the bathroom next door and sets the giant tub to filling with steaming water. After adding a generous double handful of beautifully scented bathsalts to the water, she slips into the tub. Her head rests on a contoured floating pillow as she allows her body to relax, one tense, straining muscle at a time.

  The water is chilly when Zariah hauls herself out of the tub. She grabs a fluffy soft robe to pull around herself and slips her feet into equally luxurious slippers. Using a thick towel, she wrings the excess water out of her hair before leaving the bathroom.

  As she is considering ringing for some food from the kitchen, Zariah hears the faintest of sounds coming from her private balcony. Wary and frowning, she crosses the dressing room, sitting room, and private study to the sliding glass doors. She pushes back the gossamer curtains and swallows hard on realizing there is a half size woman fluttering on large translucent wings on the other side of the glass. Zariah stares into jade green eyes for a time before catching herself. She blinks, shaking her head in a futile attempt to clear it.

  The woman outside raps on the glass as if requesting admittance.

  Zariah frowns warily, but unlocks the door and slides it open a crack, “What are you?”

  The small woman flutters over to the gap, “I'm your fairy godmother, my dear girl. I'm here to make everything right.”

  Zariah's frown deepens, “Nothing can do that now.”

  “Ah, ah, ah,” The fairy shakes what appears to be a slender length of rowan branch, “Anything is possible with magic.”

  “Magic?” Zariah remains wary.

  The fairy chuckles gently, “You'll see. Just allow me to help you.”

  “You really think anything is possible?” But Zariah slides the door open wide enough for the fairy to flutter through.

  “Of course I do.” The fairy studies the young woman critically, using the length of rowan to eyeball approximate measurements.

  “So do you grant my wishes?” Zariah pulls her robe tighter around her, “Or do you just whip up what you think I need?”

  “Oh, just trust me,” The fairy smiles broadly, “I can give you everything any princess could ever wish for. Just watch and see.”

  Zariah swallows hard, but slowly nods.

  The fairy taps the length of rowan against her other hand and a rainbow of sparks fly into the air. Seconds later, the length of rowan swishes through the air and the room fills with sparks and streamers and a rising mist which slowly obscures everything. Zariah finds herself yawning widely. A moment later, she slumps back into something soft, warm, and comfortable.

  Her eyelids blink once, then twice as the aroma of her favourite foods teases her nose. Zariah yawns, stretches, and opens her eyes fully. She blinks again, uncertain whether what she is seeing is a real or just a very vivid dream. Her eye go wide as she stares around the most fantastic bed chamber she ever could have imagined. She pinches herself, wincing at the sudden pain. Then she swallows hard.

  “Your highness?”

  Zariah frowns at the formal address, “Yes?”

  “Your breakfast is here,” A uniformed maid servant curtsies, “Are you ready to rise?”

  Zariah nods. It takes her a moment to extricate herself from the giant soft bed covered with pillows and thick blankets. Once she is on her feet, the maid holds up a luxurious robe for her to slip into. Zariah wraps it around herself and allows equally comfortable slippers to be slid onto her feet. After that, she is led to a small table where a tray full of her favourite breakfast foods is waiting.

  As she begins eating, the maid asks, “What would you like to wear today?”

  Zariah takes a deep breath, “You know what, just pick out something appropriate.”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  By the time Zariah is finished eating as much as she wants, the maid has a gorgeous outfit picked out for her to get dressed in. Once Zariah is dressed, the maid styles her hair.

  “Now, your highness,” The maid takes a step back, “You're expected in the great hall.”

  Zariah nods. However, when she leaves the bed chamber, she finds herself in another unfamiliar room. Which leads to yet another unfamiliar room. The young woman quickly finds herself confused and lost. Finally, she finds her way out to a corridor as unfamiliar as the rooms she has just been through.

  “Does your highness need anything?”

  Zariah glances around and spots a uniformed guard, “I'm expected in the great hall, but...” She takes a deep breath, “I seem to be disoriented today.”

  The guard frowns, “Are you feeling well?”

  “I think so.”

  “The great hall is down there.” The guard points down the corridor.

  “Thank you.” Zariah sets off in the indicated direction and quickly discovers there is nothing at all familiar about the building she is in. She eventually finds the great hall, but more by accident than intention.

  Inside, she finds a crowd of young women, all around her own age. There is no sign of any of her family. Or anyone else she recognizes. Realizing those gathered seem to expect her to take the throne at the front, Zariah walks up to it and gingerly seats herself. As soon as she does, all the young women curtsy.

  Zariah swallows hard as the main doors of the room swing open and a line of uniformed young men approach. Each of them is bearing a small chest. One by one, they present the contents of the chests to her. Some are filled with precious metals. Others are filled with unset jewels. Still others are filled with jewelry and ornamental items. By the time the last chest has been presented, Zariah is feeling completely bewildered.

  She gets uncertainly to her feet and all the young women curtsy again. Zariah makes her unsteady way out of the great hall. After a few wrong turns, she finally finds a door to a balcony. Out there, in the fresh air, she can see the grounds of this building are as unfamiliar as the rooms. She takes one deep breath after another until she feels a little more like herself.

  “Fairy godmother?” She hopes the little woman will be able to hear her.

  With a pop, the half size woman appears right in front of the startled young woman, “Yes?”

  “What is all this?” Zariah gestures to the building and grounds.

  “What every princess dreams of, dear girl,” The fairy smiles, “Don't you like it?”

  “It just seems strange,” Zariah shivers, “What happened to my family?”

  “They're all just fine, dear girl. Don't you worry about them. Just enjoy what you have.”

  Zariah nods uncertainly.

  “Go on, dear girl,” The fairy mak
es a shooing motion, “You're wanted inside.”

  “Okay...” Zariah goes back into the building. Before she has gone far, she encounters a worried looking guard.

  “Your highness,” His concern is clear as he studies her, “You have an audience today. Have you forgotten?”

  “I just needed a breath of fresh air,” Zariah explains quickly, “I'm fine now.” She returns to the great hall and the throne.

  The audience turns out to consist of one young man after another, all seeking either a favour or her hand in marriage. She turns down all the proposals and any favours which seem unreasonable. Those young men whose requests she grants seem entirely too happy. Zariah is relieved and even more confused by the time the audience ends.

  From the great hall, she is directed to a grand dining hall where the midday meal is served. Again, there are all her favourite foods, but Zariah finds she has trouble eating much of anything.

  In the afternoon, she discovers she is expected to watch two teams of young men play an unfamiliar sport. Following that is a walk through the