Read Magic, New Mexico_A Tangled Fate Page 4

  Her magic had never gone this haywire before. A few bursts of electricity every once in a while, she’d been able to stir her coffee with a thought instead of spoon for years, but she’d never stopped time.

  At least she didn’t think she had. No. That wasn’t possible. This must be some sort of illusion she was casting.

  She really should have stuck out that whole witchcraft phase she’d been through last year. She really wanted to know who she was and where these powers came from but hated that it was all so unexplained.

  Science was the answer, she knew it was. Everything could eventually be explained with hard science. It was what sent her on the long road to get her doctorate in the first place.

  So far science hadn’t answered her questions, and she went looking for answers in the metaphysical. It hadn’t helped her either

  Then the TFO came knocking and she’d set aside any thoughts of finding herself on that path. She’s pushed the magic back inside, tried to forget about it. Screw her past, she had a future to worry about.

  Now it was out of control.

  She reached out and poked the man who’ d been softly, fabulously kissing her only moment before. A kiss with one of them had been strange enough. But, both?

  Ash was not the kind of girl sexy men went around randomly kissing. She wasn’t even the kind of girl nerdy men went around kissing. Guys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses and have really big asses.

  Sure, she’d tried to have the odd relationship, and by odd, she meant three, in college. She wasn’t a virgin, but she’d never experienced anything like the fire igniting in her belly and between her legs. All from a few kisses.

  It had to be because they were aliens. They had some extra pheromones or something. It was the only logical explanation for why she’d let them both tango with her tongue and wanted more.

  Enough of that. If her magic was throwing a fit and creating this altered reality, she needed to take advantage of it and figure out how to escape.

  She slipped out of the grasp those big muscled arms had on her and stepped away. There. That helped, not touching him.

  Now, if she simply assessed the situation, and applied her mind, she’d come up with a perfectly logical solution to her problem.

  She’d science the shit out of it until she knew what to do.

  The spaceship looked pretty much like she would have thought it would. One of her captors sat in a cockpit type area and she and the other guy were in a cargo bay.

  Surely there were materials she could use to MacGyver her way out of here. Just as she decided to do that, whatever spell she’d been doing collapsed on her and the freeze frame of time returned to normal.

  Crap. She had no more control over it going than manifesting.

  “Mate?” The alien who’d had her in his arms held them up, clearly surprised she wasn’t in them anymore. Both of them spotted her right away, not like she had anywhere to hide.

  “That is an interesting power you have. I can see how it would come in handy. But, come back and let me finish our kiss, sweet one.” He moved closer and his eyes twinkled just like his brother’s had. They were both so completely focused on her and it was completely disconcerting.

  Being kidnapped by aliens was enough to do her head in, but this ridiculous attraction she had to them was overwhelming.

  “No. You keep your pheromones to yourself there, big guy. I do not intend to become your sex slave, or whatever you do to kidnapped Earth women.”

  The one flying the ship laughed out loud at her. “I think we’ll be the ones who are going to be your sex slaves. If I didn’t have to fly us back to Magic, we’d have you between us, worshipping your body as it was meant to be already. It’s a short flight though.”

  Ash wasn’t sure which part of his statement was more alarming, the bit about magic, or the between and worshipping bit. She backed away until she ran into a wall. She didn’t have anywhere to run now. “What do you want with me?”

  Kisser number two – she really needed to figure out better designation for them – stalked closer to her again.

  They reminded her of a certain shaggy headed character from the cartoons. If that skinny snack-eater had grown up to have the body of The Rock. These two weren’t bumbling, if funny idiots. Just like she was no Daphne, a Velma through and through.

  Velma was smart, she noticed things the others didn’t. Like the subtle differences in their hair color. They were twins, but Ash could tell them apart.

  Stalker’s hair and beard had a tinge of red to it, russet she’d say. The one flying had a browner tone to his hair, a dunn brown.

  “A lot of things, but to start, your help with the spectral warriors, the non-photonic beings as you called them. Unless you’d rather we claim you first.”

  And there it was. She didn’t know what claiming meant, but she wasn’t about to be dominated and manipulated by the forces of evil. “Your mind control won’t work on me. I won’t be party to the destruction of the people of Earth.”

  So there.

  Her two captors exchanged a look with each other. Did twins from other planets have the same connection as human ones did?

  “You already have been.”

  “No. I’m trying to help save people from those monsters. You’re the ones who brought them here.”

  “We’re Star Rangers. We’re sworn to serve and protect. Our mission is to find the spectrals and learn how to stop or destroy them.”

  Sounded like the aliens weren’t any smarter than humans. “Created a monster you can’t contain, huh?”

  “We don’t know where they came from, only that they have decimated the galaxy with their wrath. Star Coalition thinks you have the knowledge to help us stop them.”

  That had to be some bullshit. They obviously had advanced technology. She was in a friggin spaceship. But, they had run from the spectral just as she had. “Then why did you attack the Omega compound? We should be working together.”

  “Sweet hearted one, Task Force Omega are creating more spectrals. You’ve been working for the bad guys.”

  No. Nope. That wasn’t right. Ash had to grab on to the wall behind her to keep her legs under her. She was helping to stop the bad guys. Omega was a part of the US government.

  She swallowed back the foul taste of bile in the back of her throat. Her body rebelled against what her mind was presenting her with.

  “I...I don’t believe you. I can’t. They wouldn’t do that. Let those monsters out on our own people.”

  “They can, and they have.”

  She dropped Jacquie’s bag and sat down hard on the metal floor, putting her head between her legs.

  “We’re coming in for a landing.”

  The ship touched down much smoother than any airplane or helicopter, but it still jarred her. She didn’t want to know where they had taken her. It didn’t really matter anyway. Her cozy little world was crashing down around her.

  One of the men knelt beside her. “Mah wah, I understand this is a shock to you. But, I promise Dunn and I will help you through this. We’re here for you, always.”

  “What? Why? What?” She frowned up at him.

  “There’s a lot more to explain, but know that together, we will keep you safe. Now, I need you to come with me. There is a lot of work to be done.”

  “She doesn’t need to work right now. It’s been a fucking rough ride. Titian and Passion can wait until she’s had a chance to adjust.”

  The same door they’d dragged her through whooshed open and sunlight poured in. Okay, at least they hadn’t taken her to some space station or something. She could see grass and trees, and was that a tiny house made from a shipping container?

  While the two men argued over what was best for her, like they knew, she got up, grabbed Jacquie and walked outside. She was in some sort of a garden and the same sights and smells of New Mexico surrounded her. They couldn’t be more than a hundred miles from the Omega compound.

  But, there was someth
ing else in the air here. Some sixth sense prickled across her skin. She had that same feeling as when her magic manifested, but it was all around her not just inside.

  Before she could walk another foot, the men were on either side of her, staring down as if she was some sort of scared wild animal who was either going to lash out or bolt.

  She’d like to do both. It wouldn’t do to lose her head again.

  “Where are we?”

  “Meow.” Jacquie wriggled and scratched at the bag, trying her best to get out.


  Ash patted the bag trying to soothe both her cat and herself. “That’s not a place.”

  “Welcome to our little town, Ashmiza. I wondered when these boys would find you.” A woman with purple hair who was somewhere in between being a millennial and a grandmother, sat on cross-legged on a rock a couple of yards away looking like she was doing some yoga pose.

  “Umm, hello. It’s just Ash, thanks.” Wait, how did this woman know her?

  The purple topped woman stood and stretched. “I have a hard time with nicknames. Names have power you know.”

  No, she didn’t know. “Okay, but that’s not my name.”

  “Sure it is, honey child. You’re Ashmiza Ayininkalbi. Second daughter of the Ayinin clan. We’ve been waiting for you. Have you met your sister yet?” Purple top covered her mouth and winked. “Oops, I might have spoiled that surprise.”

  This woman was crazy and talking crazy pants. Ash did not have a sister. She didn’t have any family and she definitely wasn’t part of some clan.

  “Auntie, you can’t spring stuff like that on people.” Another woman with a large pregnant belly covered by a lacy shirt waddled over and shook a finger at the woman.

  “Sure, I can. Didn’t you just see me do it?”

  The pregnant woman rolled her eyes, but continued over to Ash, hand outstretched. She grabbed Ash’s hand and gave her a warm two-handed shake. “Sorry about my Aunt Topper. She takes some getting used to. I’m Lacey. Welcome to Magic.”

  “Why do people keep saying that. Magic isn’t a place.”

  “I think you’ll find that it is.” Lacey outstretched her arm indicating the town just on the other side of the trees. “You’re safe here. All magical folk and beings are welcome here without judgement or fear of being exposed.”

  As if on cue a dragon flew over their heads.

  “I think I need to sit down.”

  “That’s enough of the introductions. We will take care of our mate now, thank you.” The dunn haired man picked Ash up, arms under her knees and behind her back and walked away from the small group. That same shockwave pulsed through her body and settled low in her belly. Swirls of golden light that matched a talisman he wore around his neck lifted off her skin and sizzled through the air.

  While that was interesting, and she could already see herself conducting late night experiments to see if the phenomenon could be replicated by touching him in other places, that was not going to happen.

  She was on information overload and really just wanted to curl up with her cat and a graphic novel or a superhero movie and forget this day had ever happened.

  Enough was enough. “Put me down you shaggy-headed bear, man, alien, sexy guy.”

  He did not set her down, but he did grin. “I am sexy, aren’t I?”

  Holy hell, Batman. Had she said that? “That’s not the important part of that sentence. Put me down.”

  “I will, as soon as I find a bed.”

  She looked around for help, but Lacey and her Aunt Topper were grinning like loons and the russet-haired guy was talking to... a garden gnome?

  “Dunn, I have secured one of the Gunderson’s teeny tiny houses. He assures me there is a bed for a king in the bedroom.” He pointed them toward one of the other container homes. It was painted to look like an extension of the garden.

  “You are not taking me anywhere. Stop treating me like a baby. I’m not tired, I can take care of myself.” It was strange how she wasn’t scared of the big galoot hulking her around.

  “I’d love to watch you take care of yourself, mate.”

  Was that an innuendo? She didn’t have a lot of experience with flirting. But, she was pretty sure this cave man act was not turning her on in the least. Like not at all, not even a little.


  She was not lithe and light. No man had ever even attempted to pick her up, carry her off to bed. The way he walked around with her like she was some sort of princess made her all swoony on the inside. Everyone wanted to be swept off their feet. However, she wanted to be wooed by someone who wanted her for her, not some Neanderthal who decided to pee a circle around her. She might indulge in the fantasy of an alpha male wanting her for a minute, but she was a strong, independent, smart woman. She didn’t need a man...alien...bear.

  She poked him in the chest. “Put me down. I am not having sex with you.”

  That stopped him short. His brother almost ran into them.

  “Why not? Would you prefer to begin the mating with Russet? It is your choice, mah wah. But, know that once we have both marked and claimed you, we will also take you together.”

  Oh. My. Holy. Alfred Kinsey.

  “Because I don’t know you. I don’t have sex with strangers. Or aliens for that matter. Are our species even compatible?”

  The other guy, whose name apparently matched his hair joined them. “We will get to know each other, little mate.”

  He reached out and touched a strand of her hair and she slapped his hand away. Then she pushed against the arms holding her so tight and he finally released her.

  “That’s another thing. Why do you keep calling me mate and ma-wa? I am neither your friend nor your mother.”

  The two men stared at her, one frowning and the other grinning. Two sides of the same equation.

  “Uh-oh. Black, you need to talk to your brothers about wooing Earth women.”

  Ash couldn’t see who was talking, but she was glad to have another female around who sounded like she had some sense of what was going on.

  Her aliens...wait, uh when did she start thinking of them as hers? Ash mentally frowned at herself and tucked that away to analyze later.

  The men parted when they turned to see the speaker and Ash got a look at a woman with the same build as hers, also wore glasses, and gah, the only difference between them was their hair color. This woman was brunette compared to Ash’s own blonde.

  A shiver, like the kind she got when she’d bought her first ever comic book, the first time she went to ComicCon, the first time she’d encountered the Friedmann equations. Then and now she had this deep-seated sense she had found something special, somewhere she belonged.

  “Hi.” The woman outstretched her hand and Ash stared at it and her like a complete imbecile. The woman smiled and took her hand anyway. They didn’t shake, it was more like hand hugging.

  A soft golden glow shimmered up from their skin and swirled gently around and around where they touched. Was Ash doing that or was this woman a witch of some kind too?

  “I’m Kady.”

  She swallowed trying to remember her own name. “Ash. I’m Ash Ayininkalbi.”

  “That’s interesting, our last names are so similar, mine is Ayininkizi. Maybe our families were from the same part of the world. Where are you from?”

  The golden glow of magic grew out from their hands, bubbling around them. It wasn’t only coming from Kady, Ash felt the tingle of her own magic rising up and joining. She almost let it crash back inside of her, wanting to pull away, not wanting to admit she didn’t have any family.

  Because then they might see all the flaws and faults everyone else did. The bits of her that obviously made her unwanted, uninvited, unworthy.

  No family, not even of her own making.

  Ash glanced around at the other people standing near them. Lacey and Topper, the garden gnome who’d been joined by a female counterpart, her two men, and another big behemoth of a man who had the
same eyes as the twins.

  His gaze was focused entirely on Kady. The love and downright lust in his eyes gave Ash a pang of jealousy. Kady was loved. Deeply, by a man who must be the brother of her aliens.

  She didn’t know until this moment, hadn’t even really thought it existed. Love like that, worn out in the open for everyone to see, didn’t exist out in the real world.

  Kady spoke again, saving Ash from her own social bumbling. Her voice was quiet, low enough that only the two of the would hear. “I get it. I’m an orphan too.”

  The glow around them intensified, growing until it almost completely surrounded them. They were so connected in this warm bubble they’d created.

  “I never knew my parents. I was in foster care for as long as I can remember. I don’t have a family.” That hadn’t been as hard to admit as she’d thought it would be.

  “Me too. But, do you get the feeling, that maybe... I know this is going to sound crazy, but... do you think it’s possible, we’re—”


  They said the word at the same time. The swirls of magical energy around them burst into a million sparkles that floated in the air and slowly drifted down covering both of them in a fine shimmer of golden light.

  “Told ya so,” a voice shouted with glee.

  “Auntie, shush. Let them have their moment.”

  A sister.


  A town of magical people.

  Ash shook her head. None of this made sense. It didn’t fit into the regulated boxes of logic and science. Everything that had happened to her so far today was so far outside her comfort zone that she might explode, exactly like the magic had.

  At the same time, it all felt so right.

  She wasn’t one to go on feelings. They were hard to weight and measure. Don’t trust your gut, her head said. Tell your head to mind its own business, her gut said.

  “Mate? Is everything okay?” Russet stood on one side of her, Dunn, yeah, that was his name, stood on the other.

  She avoided answering by asking Kady a question. “Why do they keep calling me that? Did they learn their English in Australia?”

  Kady giggled. “Think mate in the biological, scientific way.”