Read Magic Study Page 16

  “Do you need me?” Irys asked.


  “We don’t have much time,” Irys warned as she left the room.

  She didn’t need to remind me that Tula’s attacker still roamed free, possibly hunting for another victim. However, I knew in my heart that if I rushed this, I wouldn’t succeed.

  I asked Opal to tell me about her sister. In halting sentences, the young girl told me only a couple stories of their childhood.

  “Tula once made me a large glass tiger to protect me from nightmares.” Opal smiled at the memory. “It worked and the tiger looked so lifelike that Tula started making other glass animals.” She glanced from her sister’s still form to the guard in the corner.

  Opal seemed hesitant and distracted by her sister’s condition. So I changed the subject and asked about her trip to the Citadel.

  Her dark brown eyes widened. “Fourth Magician woke us all up in the dead of night.”

  At the word dead, the young girl glanced with dread at Tula.

  “I was barely awake. Before I knew it, I was on the magician’s horse, riding flat out for the Keep.” Opal clutched her arms to herself. “When Tula was found, the healers rushed her to the Citadel. My parents had to find people to work the kilns and take care of us before they could follow her. They’re on the road somewhere.” Opal began to ramble. “We didn’t pass them. They don’t know I’m here. It’s my first trip away from home, and we stopped only to eat. I slept in the saddle.”

  That would explain Irys’s exhaustion. Even today she had dark circles under her eyes. That also explained why Opal seemed so distressed. I switched tactics and invited Opal to take a walk. She appeared reluctant to leave her sister until I assured her that Tula would be fine.

  I showed her the campus. The air temperature felt comfortable. With warm afternoons and chilly evenings, the weather during the cooling season was my favorite.

  Eventually, we wandered out into the Citadel. I guided Opal toward the market. Fisk appeared with a ready smile and led us to a dress shop. I bought Opal a change of clothes and Fisk played tour guide for her.

  When Opal seemed more relaxed, my questions about Tula grew more specific. As she remembered more stories, I pulled a thread of magic and linked my mind with Opal’s, witnessing her memories as she spoke. I smelled the hot furnace of their family’s glass factory, and felt the coarse sand in my hands.

  “Tula and I used to hide from Mara, our older sister. We had found the perfect spot. Mara still doesn’t know where it is,” Opal said, smiling.

  The image of an awning of tree limbs and sun-dappled grass filled Opal’s mind as the cool scent of moist earth reached my nose.

  “That’s it.” I grabbed Opal’s arm. “Hold that place in your mind. Concentrate on it.”

  She did as I asked. I closed my eyes and put myself into the memory. Blades of grass brushed my arms as I lay in the small hollow behind a row of overgrown bushes. The smell of sweet honeysuckles hung heavy in the fresh air. Dewdrops sparkled in the morning sunlight. Instinctively, I knew this place hid Tula’s soul.

  “Come on.” I pulled Opal toward the Keep, waving goodbye to Fisk. A guard stood outside Tula’s door. He nodded to us as we went inside.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for Fourth Magician and the others?” Opal asked.

  “No time. I don’t want to lose the image.” I took one of Tula’s hands and held my other out to Opal. “Take my hand. Now, I want you to imagine yourself in your hiding spot with Tula. Close your eyes and really concentrate. Can you do that?”

  Opal nodded, her pale face drawn.

  I linked with Tula. The ghosts of her horrors still floated in the emptiness, but they seemed less tangible than before. Connecting with Opal, I followed the smell of honeysuckles and dew through Tula’s mind.

  The ghosts thickened with a sudden fury, flying at me, blocking my passage. The air pressed and clung like molasses. I pushed past them only to be ensnared in a row of thorn bushes. My clothing snagged on branches and the barbs dug into my skin.

  “Go away,” Tula called. “I don’t want to come back.”

  “Your family misses you,” I said.

  Vines began to wrap around my arms and waist, anchoring me.

  “Go away!”

  I showed her Opal’s memories of what her family suffered when Tula had disappeared.

  The thorny bushes thinned a bit. Through their branches I spotted Tula curled up in her childhood hiding spot.

  “I can’t face them,” Tula said.

  “Your family?”

  “Yes. I’ve done…things. Terrible things so he wouldn’t hurt me.” Tula shuddered. “But he hurt me anyway.”

  The vines climbed up my arms and circled my neck.

  “Your family still loves you.”

  “They won’t. He’ll tell them what I did. They’ll be disgusted. I was his slave, but I didn’t try hard enough for him. I couldn’t get anything right. I didn’t even die for him.”

  I controlled my anger; my desire to slaughter the beast would have to wait. “Tula, he is the disgusting one. He is the one who should die. Your family knows what he did to your body. They only want you back.”

  She drew her body into a tighter ball. “What do you know? You know nothing about what I went through. Go away.”

  “You assume too much,” I choked out as the vines around my throat squeezed tight. I struggled to breathe. Could I face my own horrors again? To find this monster, I would. I opened my mind to hers and showed her Reyad. His delight in torturing me. My willingness to make him happy so he wouldn’t harm me. And the night I slit his throat after he had raped me.

  Tula peeked at me through her arms. The vines lessened the pressure. “You killed your torturer. Mine is still out there, waiting.”

  I tried again. “Then he is free to make someone else his slave. What if Opal is his next victim?”

  Tula jumped up in horror. “No!” she screamed.

  I linked Opal’s mind with ours. For a moment, Opal stood stunned, blinking in surprise. Then she ran to Tula and hugged her. Together they wept. The vines withdrew, and the bushes died away.

  But this was just the beginning. The grassy hollow soon faded and Tula’s ghosts hovered around us.

  “There are too many,” Tula said in defeat. “I will never be rid of them.”

  I drew my bow from its holder on my back and broke it into three pieces. Handing one to Tula and the other to Opal, I said, “You’re not alone. We’ll fight together.”

  The ghosts attacked. They were tenacious and quick. I swung at them over and over until my arms felt like lead. A few of Tula’s horrors disappeared, others shrank, but some seemed to grow as they fought.

  My energy drained at an alarming pace. I felt my bow become stuck inside one of the ghosts. The spirit expanded and consumed me. I screamed as the pain of being whipped racked my body.

  “You’re weak. Tell me you’ll obey and I’ll stop,” a voice whispered in my ear.

  “No.” Near panic I reached out for help. A powerful presence formed and handed me a full-size bow that pulsed with energy. Strength returned to me and I beat at the horror until it fled.

  We had repelled the attack, but I could see that Tula’s ghosts prepared for another.

  “Tula, this is merely the first battle in an ongoing war. It will take time and effort to be free of your fears, but you’ll have plenty of help from your family. Are you coming with us?” I asked.

  She bit her lip, gazing at the piece of bow in her hands. Opal added her bow to Tula’s. Tula clutched them both close to her chest. “Yes. I’ll come.”

  Tula’s mind filled with memories of her life. Vertigo twirled in my stomach as I broke my mental links with Tula and Opal. Relief descended, and I sank into blackness.

  When I came to my senses, I felt hard stone against my back. For the third time I had collapsed on Tula’s floor. This time I had no hope of moving. My energy was completely depleted. After a while I noticed that so
meone gripped my hands. Strong fingers wrapped around mine, encompassing them with warmth.

  With effort I opened my eyes to see who held me. Then I closed them tight. I must still be asleep. But after hearing Irys’s insistent calls, I looked again. And there sat my brother, holding my hands and sharing his energy with me.


  WEARINESS LINED LEIF’S FACE. “You’re in big trouble,” he said.

  His words didn’t seem malicious, just factual, and, as expected, past his shoulders, I saw Irys, Roze, Hayes and Bain all frowning at me. Leif released my hands, but remained on the floor beside me.

  Roze eyed him, her displeasure evident in the tight twist of her lips. “You should have let her die,” she scolded him. “One less magician to taint our land with her incredible stupidity.”

  “A little too harsh, Roze,” Bain said. “Though I agree about the stupidity. Child, why did you try that alone?” Bain asked.

  I couldn’t even speak in my defense for I hadn’t the energy to form words, let alone try and explain myself.

  “Cocky and stupid,” Roze said for me. “Since she cured Tula of her physical injuries, she must have believed she was an all-powerful magician and could do anything. The fool will probably be asking to take the Master level test next.” Roze snorted with disgust. “Maybe she’ll feel differently after we assign her to the first year’s barracks. There she can learn the basics of magic while scrubbing the floors, like every new student.”

  I glanced at Irys. Roze’s punishment sounded horrible. Irys said nothing. Disapproval pulsed off her. I braced for an outburst.

  Instead, Opal called, “Tula’s awake!”

  I closed my eyes in relief as everyone focused on Tula. When I opened my eyes, the magicians had all disappeared from my view.

  “You’re still headstrong and reckless; an out of control strangler fig,” Leif said. “I guess Ixia didn’t change everything about you.” He stood on shaking legs, and I watched him join the others by Tula’s bedside.

  I puzzled over his comment. Good or bad? I couldn’t decide. But then Roze’s harsh voice jarred me out of my reflection. She bombarded Tula with questions about her attacker, but Tula wouldn’t answer. I cringed, knowing that Tula wasn’t up to Roze’s interrogation. Thank fate, Hayes intervened.

  “Give her some time,” he said.

  “There is no time,” Roze replied.

  A thin raspy voice asked, “Who are all these people? Where’s Yelena? I can’t see her.”

  “She’s here,” Opal said. “She’s just exhausted from helping you, Tullie.”

  “Hayes, get some assistants and go dump the fool girl into another room,” Roze instructed. “She’s done enough damage for one day.”

  When Hayes moved to obey, Tula said, “No. You leave. All of you. I won’t tell you anything. Yelena stays with me. I’ll talk to her.”

  A mummer of irritation and discussion rumbled through the magicians before Roze agreed with reluctance to bring a bed in for me. Hayes and Irys hoisted me off the floor and dropped me without fanfare onto the mattress. Irys still hadn’t said a word, and her silence scared me.

  “Child,” Bain said to Tula. “I understand your fear. You have awakened to a room full of strangers.” He then introduced everyone in the room. “First Magician and Leif are the ones you need to tell about your abduction. They will find your kidnapper.”

  Tula pulled the sheet up to her chin. “I’ll tell Yelena. No one else. She’ll take care of him.”

  Roze’s harsh laughter scraped in my ears. “She can’t even talk! If your attacker walked into this room, he would kill you both.” She shook her head in disbelief. “You’re not thinking clearly. I’ll be back in the morning, and you will talk to me. Come, Leif.” Roze strode out the door with Leif on her heels.

  Hayes shooed everyone else out. As the door closed, I heard Bain tell Irys to assign an extra guard for the evening. A good idea. If Goel came in, I couldn’t prevent him from carrying out his promises to torture me.

  Apprehension about being so helpless crawled along my spine. A similar situation that haunted Tula. One of her many ghosts was being at the mercy of another. Her promise to tell me everything weighed on my mind; I had just gotten rid of my own ghost. Though, I hated to admit, Reyad still retained some power. Whenever I had doubts, he seemed to enjoy visiting my nightmares. Or did he cause them? Or did I invite him?

  To distract myself from such troublesome thoughts, I tried to muster some energy to talk to Tula, but exhaustion claimed me instead and I sank into a deep dreamless sleep.

  I felt a little better in the morning, but had only enough strength to sit up in bed. At least I could ask Tula how she felt.

  She closed her eyes. Pointing to her temple she said, “Come.”

  I sighed with regret. “I don’t have the energy to link our minds, Tula.”

  “Perhaps I can help,” Leif said from the doorway.

  “No! Go away.” Tula shielded her face with her arms.

  “If you don’t talk to me, First Magician will come and take the information she needs from you,” Leif explained.

  Tula peeked out at me in confusion.

  “It won’t be pleasant,” I said. “It’s almost as bad as what your attacker did to you. I know.”

  Leif averted his eyes. I hoped he felt guilty. Studying him closer, I wondered why he had aided me the day before. What had happened to his smirk? Where was his derision and condescension? I realized I barely knew this man.

  Not wanting to guess his motives anymore, I demanded, “Why did you help me?”

  A scowl gripped his face, but, with a sigh, he smoothed his features, shuttering his emotions. “Mother would kill me if I had let you die,” he said.

  He turned to Tula, but I refused to let him get away with such a flippant response. “What’s the real reason?”

  Hatred blazed in Leif’s jade eyes, but a second later his posture softened, as if someone had blown out a candle. He whispered, “I couldn’t bear to do nothing and lose you again.”

  Then, his mental defenses dropped and I heard his thoughts. I still hate you.

  His trust surprised me, though his petulant comment failed to concern me. An emotion, even hatred, was better than apathy. Could this be a first step in bridging the distance between us?

  “What did he say?” Tula asked.

  “He wants to help you,” I said. “Tula, this is my brother. Without him we wouldn’t have gotten you back. If you want me to find your attacker, I’ll need his strength.”

  “But, he’ll see. He’ll know about…” Tula squeezed her arms together.

  “I already know,” Leif said.

  He pulled Tula’s arms away from her face with a gentleness that amazed me. I thought back to my mother’s comments about Leif’s magic. She had said he helped with crimes, sensing a person’s guilt and history. Now, as I watched him with Tula, I wanted to know more about him and how he used his magic.

  “We need to find him and stop him from hurting another girl,” Leif explained.

  She swallowed and bit her lip before nodding. Leif stood between our beds, took Tula’s hand, and reached for mine. I reclined on the mattress and grabbed his hand. Then, using his energy, I formed a mental link with Tula.

  In her mind, the two of us stood by a gray stone furnace. Leif’s power roared around us like the fire under the kiln.

  “I was here, putting coal into the furnace. It was close to midnight when…” She clutched her apron. Black soot streaked the white fabric. “A dark cloth wrapped around my face. Before I could scream, I felt a sharp stab in my arm. Then…then…” Tula stopped speaking.

  On our mental stage, she stepped toward me. I hugged her trembling body, and within the space of a breath I became Tula, witnessing my own abduction.

  Numbness spread from the stab wound, freezing my muscles. Dizziness was the only indication I’d been moved. Time passed. When the cloth was removed from my face, I was lying inside a tent. Unable to move, I s
tared up at a lean man with short brown hair that was streaked with gold. He wore only a red mask. Strange crimson symbols had been painted all over his sand-colored skin. He held four wooden stakes, rope and a mallet. Feeling returned to my limbs.

  “Tula, no. I can’t,” I said in my mind. I knew what horrors threatened to come. I lacked the strength to endure them with her right now. “Just show him to me.”

  She froze the image of the man so I could study the symbols. The circular patterns resided within bigger patterns of animals. Triangles traced down his smooth arms and legs. Though thin, he radiated power.

  A complete stranger to Tula, everything about him seemed foreign to her. Even the harsh way he pronounced her name, emphasizing the la, sounded odd. But he knew her. Knew the names of her sisters and parents. Knew how they melted sand, working it into glass.

  Then, in a whirl of sound and color, she showed me the man at different times. She wasn’t permitted to leave the tent, but whenever he entered or left, Tula caught a glimpse of the outside, a tease of freedom. Long thick grass filled the whole view.

  When he came to her, he always wore a mask. Letting the numbness in her body wear off before beating or raping her. Letting her feel the pain he applied with seeming reverence. After he finished the torture, he took a thorn and scratched her skin.

  Puzzled at first by this action, Tula soon learned to dread and to crave the ointment he would rub into the thorn’s bleeding gash. It was the numbing lotion that would paralyze her, taking away all her pain and any chance she might have to escape.

  The ointment, though, had a strong crisp scent, similar to the sharp smell of alcohol mixed with a citrus perfume. The aroma remained around me like a poisonous fog as Leif’s energy waned. He broke the magical connection to Tula.

  “That smell…” Leif said as he perched on the edge of my bed. “I couldn’t get a good whiff. All my effort went into keeping you and Tula connected.”

  “It’s horrible,” Tula said, shuddering. “I shall never forget it.”

  “What about those symbols?” I asked Leif. “Did you recognize them?”