Read Magic of the Moonlight Page 14

  “Well . . . I have to tell you something about the dance.”

  “It’s weird,” he interrupted, “but since I got that bite, I feel so different. I feel more alive. Things taste better, I can see better. I have more energy—and I had enough before. It’s like I see the world differently. Fresh. New. Maybe it’s one of those near-death experiences.”

  “Well, I’m not sure how you are going to see this.”


  “I’ve been trying to tell you about the dance. When you asked me . . . I didn’t have the chance to tell you because you ran off so quickly.”

  His jovial mood quickly changed. “You’re going with Brandon,” he said suddenly.

  I was surprised he knew. “Did Ivy and Abby tell you?”

  “They didn’t have to. I can see it in your face.”

  “I’ve been trying to tell you, Nash, honestly. But it seemed like you didn’t want to listen to me.”

  “So you are ditching me for him?”

  “I never said ‘yes.’ You ran off, and it became a misunderstanding. I’ve been trying to tell you ever since.”

  Nash tapped the top of his bat, frustrated. “He’s going to be a werewolf this weekend. Not only are you going to show up with a Westsider—but a werewolf?”

  “Shh,” I said. “He’s not going to be one. His father sent him a cure.”

  “A cure?” he said. “Are you crazy? He can’t be cured. I saw him—he’s a circus freak!”

  “He is not,” I argued. “He’s a really kind person. He saved you, don’t you remember?”

  Nash turned red and got in my face. “Be my guest, Celeste. You could go with me, your first boyfriend, who is one of the most popular guys in this school.” Then he looked at me intently. “A guy who is in love with you.”

  I was surprised by Nash’s confession and left speechless. His words were kind but ultimately too late. When I didn’t respond, his mood suddenly changed. “Or you could show up with a two-bit loner hick who’s a werewolf.”

  I was shocked by his sudden outburst. I figured Nash would be angry, but I wasn’t prepared for him to spew such venom.

  “In fact, I’d rather not go with you,” he said indignantly. “If that’s your taste in men? I wouldn’t want you liking me.”

  He placed his bat over his shoulder, turned, and walked away.

  I was stunned. I knew he’d be mad, but I didn’t know he’d be cruel.

  As I watched my former boyfriend storm off to the field, I thought about what he’d just said. In the mix of his hatred, he had told me that he loved me. After all this time of dating him, Nash Hamilton was finally in love with me. And now I was in love with a werewolf.


  in the company of wolves

  I was on my way to meet Brandon at Willow Park. Brandon planned to take the antidote just before sunset, and he wanted to celebrate with a date by the lake. I tried to convince him he might need time to recover from the serum, but he insisted he wanted to meet me by the shimmering water with a full moon glowing and him being his normal human self.

  As I sat on the bench and watched the sun set, I imagined how nervous he must be, taking the serum by himself and not knowing if his body would respond well or if it would cause him a permanent lycan condition.

  I was camped out by the lake when I felt the prickly sensation of being watched. I looked around and saw a figure standing a few yards away from me in the woods.

  It probably wasn’t the best idea to be waiting alone in the park, but since it was warmer, there were more people milling about. Then I noticed that most were heading home for dinner.

  “Brandon?” I asked.

  But no one responded.

  I thought it might be best to get to my car, so I quickly rose when the figure stepped out of the brush.

  I was surprised when I saw it was Nash approaching me from the woods.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I wanted to see you.” Nash was sincere, but now wasn’t the time for a long talk. Brandon would be here soon.

  “How did you know I was here?” I asked.

  “Ivy told me. I felt weird all day. I wanted you to know. I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” I said. “I understand. I would be mad, too.”

  But Nash was as candid and gentle as I’d ever seen him.

  “I said some awful things. I wanted to tell you that.”

  The sun was setting behind him. The sky was beautiful, with different shades of pink and purple.

  “It’s okay,” I said.

  “No. Brandon saved me that night—and I was really mean.”

  “But you did say one nice thing,” I said.

  “Yes, I did,” he said with a glint in his eye. “I guess I just said it too late.”

  We stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say next.

  As the darkness fell and the full moonlight began to glow, I stared up at my former boyfriend as he gazed down at me. He smiled a sweet smile. Then suddenly his bright expression turned sour.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  Nash’s face looked strained, and then suddenly he fell to his knees.

  “Nash!” I exclaimed.

  He grabbed his stomach as if he was in severe pain.

  “What’s wrong? Are you all right?”

  He gripped the grass like he was holding on for his life. He arched his back and then leaned back on his knees. He pulled his shirt off over his head.

  “I’m freaking hot!” he shouted.

  “Oh no!” I said.

  Nash jumped up and kicked off his sneakers and pulled off his tube socks.

  “No, Nash! No!” I yelled as I watched in horror.

  Nash was standing in his cargo shorts. He breathed deeply and when he exhaled, out came mist like it was wintertime—only the air outside was at least sixty degrees.

  “Nash—” I said. “This can’t be happening!”

  “What is wrong with me?” he said. “I’m burning up!”

  “It might just be a fever.” I tried to reassure him and myself.

  I was afraid of what was happening to him. It couldn’t be. Not two guys in Legend’s Run. This had to be something different. He had to just be having a spring fever. Or so I hoped.

  Then Nash’s eyes turned a piercing blue gray, and I knew it was worse than spring fever. He stumbled into the woods.

  “Nash—” I called. “Nash.”

  I couldn’t find him. The brush was thick, and with new leaves and buds sprouting, it was hard to see.

  I heard Nash yell.

  “Nash,” I called back. “I’ll get help!”

  Then I heard a maddening howl.

  I was so frightened. I covered my ears.

  “Not again!” I yelled to the moon.

  Nash stepped out from behind a tree. His eyes were a sharp blue gray, and his sandy-blond hair was shoulder length. His chest was chiseled and coated with a layer of blond hair that also covered his arms and legs. His face sported blond sideburns, and his chin was covered with flaxen hair.

  I was stunned at how handsome and riveting he appeared but scared by his transformation. Then he snarled, and wolf fangs caught the light of the full moon.

  Frightened, I retreated. “I have to go get help,” I said.

  I inched back, but he wasn’t about to let me out of his sight. I felt like prey, the way he watched me, his eyes glued to me like he was a hunter.

  Nash breathed heavily. And paced, slowly like a wolf—all the while his blue-gray gaze locked on me.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “I’ll be right back.”

  I wasn’t sure if Nash knew who I was or what had just happened.

  When Brandon had first transformed, he wasn’t aware of what was going on. But Nash seemed to be stalking me. I continued to step back, not wanting to stay in the woods alone with him in this condition.

  I wanted to run, but Nash was a star athlete on a good
day. Now he’d be twice as fast. My only hope was to trick him. I started forward, then lurched back and ran. Nash had done this a million times, and I learned his fake-out from the football field. There was no way to outrun him, but I had to at least get a head start.

  I screamed as I raced as fast as I could. The parking lot was far away, but the lake glistened only a few dozen yards from us. I was quaking as I tore down the hill.

  I could feel his breath on my neck. I knew any minute he’d be on my back. It was only a few feet more to reach the lake when I felt his hand on my shoulder and I went down with a thud.

  For a moment I was stunned. When I got my bearings, two blue-gray eyes were staring into mine. Nash was leaning over me, blocking me from getting up. He growled, bearing the fangs of a wolf. And I knew I was in danger.

  He leaned farther into me and drew his fangs up the nape of my neck, sliding them up as if they were a knife. I didn’t feel pain—just the threat of it. Then he took his finger and traced around my face.

  I felt like he was checking me out. I wasn’t sure if he knew that I was Celeste and that he was in fact a human, too. I wasn’t ready to be his dinner.

  As he locked his gaze on me again, I pried my foot between us and kicked against him with all my might. He fell back a few inches, which gave me enough space to slither out from his grasp.

  I raced ahead and realized I was trapped by the lake. With no other alternative, I jumped in and swam for my life. When I got a moment, I looked back. Nash just stood at the edge and paced. I treaded water, waiting as the ripples calmed.

  Nash peered into the moonlit water and saw his reflection. What he saw staring back startled him. He touched his face and arms. He looked around at the lake and then at me. His hunter’s eyes softened.

  I think then he realized what had happened, and his face filled with sorrow. Nash paused, as if in despair. Then he let out a maddening howl and tore off into the woods.

  I waited for a few seconds but he didn’t return. There was no one else in the park but me. I didn’t have much time to escape. Dripping wet, my shoes filled with lake water, I raced back through the park. When I got to my car, I locked the doors and sobbed. I didn’t know who to call—the police, Ivy, my parents, or Brandon.

  I called Brandon, but he didn’t answer. I hurried back home, locked myself in my room, and was changing into dry clothes and softly crying when I heard a tapping at my window.

  I was afraid to peer out. I knew Nash might be stalking me. When I heard a tap again, it took all my strength to be brave enough to pull back my curtain. What I saw surprised me.

  A werewolf was indeed standing outside—but it was Brandon.

  I ran downstairs, out the back door, and flew into his arms.

  “I’m so glad to see you,” I exclaimed.

  “You are? But you weren’t at the park. Are you okay?”

  “You took the serum?” I asked, his wolf fangs shining at me. “It didn’t work?”

  “No,” he said, caressing my hair. “I just didn’t take it. I wanted one last night like this. I wanted to be cured, but then when I had the chance, I just froze.”

  “You want to be a werewolf?” I asked.

  “I don’t think so. But there was a part of me—I just figured one more night. But when I got to the park—you weren’t there. The place was empty, but the scent of other wolves was there. I’m glad you didn’t come.”

  “I did go. I was there—but so was Nash,” I said.

  “What was he doing there?”

  “He wanted to apologize to me.”

  “Is that all?” he asked.

  “Yes, but then the full moon came out and he changed! Nash changed!”

  Brandon stepped back. “What?”

  “He became a werewolf!”

  Brandon’s expression was severe. “Did he hurt you?”

  “I think he wanted to. I was so scared—I’m not sure he knew what was going on. I felt so bad for him, but I was truly frightened—for him and for me.”

  “So did he attack you?”

  “No, it was more like he was stalking me—like the wolf was doing to that deer the night Nash was bitten. He saw what he looked like in the lake’s reflection. Then he took off.”

  “I should have been there for you,” he said.

  “There was no way to know for sure that this would happen—that he’d be there.”

  I was shaken up. I sat with Brandon beside a tree. He kissed and caressed me. I could feel his heart racing as he tried to calm me down.

  “What do we do?” I asked.

  “There is nothing we can do tonight,” he insisted. “We can try to take our minds off of it for a while.” He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. It was extra soothing with the soft, thin layer of dark hair that wasn’t there during the day. “Would you like to?”

  “Yes,” I agreed.

  “We can have our date out here,” he said. “Back behind the houses.”

  “I’d like that,” I said. “With you, I’ll feel safe.”

  We walked in the woods, holding hands. Brandon gently guided me over fallen branches and through rough terrain. When we were deep in the woods, Brandon perked up like he’d sensed something.

  “What?” I asked as he stopped in his tracks.

  All of a sudden we were joined by a pack of wolves.

  I hid behind him. I was nervous, even though I knew I must be safe with Brandon here. It was hard for me to let down my guard—it was my instinct to fear them. But the wolves just looked to Brandon as if he was the alpha male.

  Brandon tried to reassure me it was safe. He patted the leader of the pack and I watched, as I always did, in awe. A few minutes later, he took my hand again and we continued walking as the wolves followed close behind like a pet dog might around the yard. It was as magical an experience as I could have imagined. I had longed to do nature activities with my friends, who preferred walking in the mall to the woods or a park. Not only did I get to experience wonderful outdoorsy activities with Brandon, but when he was in werewolf form they were truly extraordinary.

  We eventually stopped by a massive tree, and Brandon drew me into him and kissed me with extra intensity. I leaned my head on his chest as the wolves lay at his feet. But as I felt his werewolf heart race, I knew that there was another one racing in some other woods as well. I gazed up at Brandon and he, too, was staring off, with a burden in his gray eyes that hadn’t been there before.

  Another werewolf was running around Legend’s Run now. And though Brandon and I tried to make this date perfect, neither one of us could lose the concern we had for Nash and the ramifications that were caused by the bite under a full moon.



  Beware of a bite under a full moon. It will complicate your love life. I recalled Dr. Meadows’s prediction when Ivy and I had visited her shop. I thought perhaps she’d been talking about me or Dr. Maddox, but it was in fact Nash whom the psychic was channeling. Dr. Meadows’s prediction had been accurate again. And now that Nash had been bitten and become a werewolf, I feared for him, and it was sure to complicate matters for Brandon and me.

  At school the next morning, we girls met Dylan and Jake outside the front steps of school.

  “The baseball storage shed was trashed last night!” Jake said, having just come from the field.

  “We don’t know who got into it—or what,” Dylan said.

  “Well, maybe you won’t be able to play, and then you can spend more time with us,” Ivy said.

  “I’m not kidding. Thousands of dollars in damages,” Dylan said. “The coach was really upset.”

  “Perhaps you are being paid back for trashing Brandon’s locker,” Abby said.

  “What?” Ivy asked, dumbfounded.

  Abby went stone-cold silent.

  “Jake didn’t do that,” Ivy shot back.

  “Uh . . . maybe you should ask Jake,” Abby said.

  “You vandalized Brandon’s stuff?” Ivy asked
like a disappointed parent.

  “Just the once . . .” he confessed. “I mean twice . . . if you include the Jeep.”

  “How could you?” Ivy asked. “You aren’t a juvie! What were you thinking?”

  “That maybe he could use a lesson to back off of you girls,” Jake said.

  “Well, that is just totally ignorant,” Ivy scolded. “And you knew?” She glared at Abby.

  “I saw some paint cans in Dylan’s truck and he told me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Ivy asked.

  “He swore me to secrecy.”

  “So you are the friend who kept a secret from me that Dr. Meadows warned me about,” Ivy said. “Wait, both of my best friends did that to me?”

  “Do you think Brandon did this?” she asked gently. “To get back at you guys?”

  “Maybe it was Dylan and Jake—” Abby said.

  “Hey—we wouldn’t trash our own stuff,” Dylan said.

  “It looks like an animal did it,” Jake offered.

  “We’re going to have to replace a lot of this equipment,” Dylan added. “Maybe someone was very angry he didn’t make the team.”

  “I still think it was an animal,” Jake said.

  Just then Nash came down the steps and joined us.

  “Wow—you look ragged out, man,” Dylan said. “Late night?”

  “You guys went out?” Abby asked.

  I remained silent.

  “You have a scratch on your arm,” Dylan said to me. “What gives?”

  “Were you out with Nash?” Abby whispered.

  “No, I didn’t go out with him,” I finally said.

  “Did you hear about the storage shed being trashed?” Dylan asked Nash.

  “Yes,” Nash said. “Animals, real animals.”

  “Well, the Moonlight Dance is tonight,” Abby said.

  “I can’t wait,” Ivy added. “It’s going to be a blast.”

  “Yes, I can’t, either,” Nash said.

  The gang was heading for their lockers when Nash stopped me at the top of the stairs.

  “I need to talk to you, Celeste, in private.”

  “I’ll catch up with you,” I called to Ivy and Abby, who were still at odds because of Abby’s secrecy.

  “Something happened last night,” Nash said. “I have to tell someone—and I know you won’t tell anyone, right?”