Read Maid in the USA Page 6

  “And what, pray tell, were you feeling guilty about?” Pierce pulled up a blade of grass and used it to tickle her shoulder.

  She laughed and shrugged it off. Then her laughter died away and a more serious look settled on her face. “I’ve never shared this with anyone but somehow I feel as if I can trust you.” She turned her face away and looked out at the water.

  That statement got his attention. He wiped the grin off his face and sat up, the better to give her one hundred percent of his attention.

  “Giles and I were in a relationship for all of senior year in college and throughout a whole year of graduate school. During that time he’d asked me…many times if we could…make love. I told him no. I wanted to wait till marriage.”

  Pierce frowned, almost not believing what he was hearing. Was she saying what he thought she was saying?

  “When he got Amelie pregnant I was devastated. I was hurt and confused but I also felt it was all my fault. Maybe if I hadn’t denied him he would still be with me, maybe even be my husband right now.” She turned to Pierce, her eyes earnest. “But you know what? It wasn’t until this trip back home that I realize what a jerk he really is. I’m glad he didn’t wait for me.’

  For a moment Pierce was silent, letting it all sink in. So what she was saying was, for the whole two years of her relationship with this man she’d remained a virgin? In the twenty-first century? Was that even possible?

  He shook his head knowing that he was the one being the jerk right now. Good thing he wasn’t stupid enough to blurt his thoughts out loud.

  “So what was it that made you realize he’s a jerk? You’ve known him for years.”

  “Pierce, do you know what that man said to me? When I asked why he wanted me back, why he hadn’t stayed with his wife, he said he’d never wanted her in the first place. He’d only married her because he got her pregnant.”

  Pierce nodded. That was a stupid and insensitive thing to say. Still, he wouldn’t be the first man who said something like that. Lots of men got women pregnant and married them just to save face. There had to be something more to make Celine so incensed.

  “And when I asked him about his son, the poor little one caught in the middle of this, he said he can always get other children. He wants to have children with me.” Eyes flashing with outrage she released her legs and stood up, apparently too agitated to stay still. “I couldn’t believe he would say something like that. If he can talk like that about his own flesh and blood can you imagine what he’d do with me when he got tired of having me around? The pig.” She spat the words out, not hiding her disgust.

  Pierce nodded. Now that was low. For a man to deny his child he’d have to be lower than a snake crawling on its belly.

  “Anyway,” Celine said with a sigh, “I finally realized how lucky I was for not having slime like that in my life. I wouldn’t want him to rub off on me.” She shuddered as if the thought repulsed her. “And when you saw me with those tears in my eyes they weren’t for me they were for that child who has such a heartless bastard for a father.”

  Pierce got up then. He could see the emotions as they played across her face. Yes, she was angry but she was also in pain. She might not know it but he was reading every emotion that flashed across her face.

  Before he realized what he was doing he reached for her and wrapped her in his arms and this time she did not step back or pull out of his embrace. Instead, she rested her cheek on his chest, right against his beating heart, and she cried.

  She cried, he knew, for many things. She didn’t have to tell him. She’d bottled up her emotions for so many years and now it was time to let them flow free. She cried for what could have been, for what never was, for the guilt she’d borne and now for the relief of knowing she’d made the right decision. She cried because now she was free.

  Pierce let her cry and when, after long moments her hiccups softened into sighs, he put his finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up to his. She was vulnerable but he wanted to kiss her so bad he stifled his better self, lowered his head and pressed his lips to her soft, willing mouth. She responded to him eagerly, almost desperately, and when her arms slipped round his waist he felt a thrill run through him. He pressed her closer and his kiss grew urgent, the hunger he’d felt for her intensifying with the taste of her lips. God, how he wanted this woman.

  Too soon he had to release her lips. He heard Kylie in the distance and knew that in minutes they’d be set upon by a yelling four-year-old girl, two gangly boys and a barking dog.

  For a long while he looked deep into those liquid brown eyes, trying to read their depths. This woman, so seductive and sultry yet so vulnerable and innocent, what was she thinking right now? Was she wanting him as much as he wanted her?

  He didn’t have the chance to find out. As the shouts of the children came closer and closer he slid his hands down her arms to her hand then slowly let go and stepped back.

  Celine stared, wide eyed, back at him.

  He could see that he’d shocked her with that kiss but that was the least of his problems. They were heading back to the United States in a few days and when she was again his roof he’d have a hell of a time keeping his hands off her. God help him.


  Celine arrived in the United States feeling like a new woman. The unexpected all expense paid trip to see her family had been like a miracle, and having both Pierce and Kylie with her made the visit even more special. And to top it off she’d found resolution to that part of her life that had haunted her for so long. Giles St. Juste was not and had never been the man for her. Now she had closure.

  She soon settled into her old routine with Kylie, reviewing letters and numbers and reading stories in the morning then spending the afternoons at play on the lawn, swimming in the pool or working in the garden. She’d been nanny to the little one two months now and she almost saw her as her own daughter. At times her mind would fast forward to the day when she would have to go, return to her life as a student, leaving behind a child who had become so special to her. And Pierce. To think that there would come a day when she would never see him again. It did not bear thinking about.

  She still remembered his kiss that day by the stream in Thomery-By. She’d relived it so many times in her mind. She hadn’t wanted that moment to end.

  But it did. And it was a good thing, too, because she was losing her heart and soul to Pierce D’Amato.

  What was she going to do? She’d just overcome one hurdle by expunging Giles from her heart and now she’d gone and created another problem? The man was her employer which was bad enough but on top of that he was involved.

  Or was he? Sophia had been over several times since their return but most times it was when Pierce wasn’t around. Each time she’d come she’d made it clear that she was dying for both her and Kylie to disappear. She continued to hint at a long-standing relationship with Pierce but then Celine hardly saw them together. Was their relationship a secret? Was Pierce engaging in love trysts at her house rather than his, seeing that she and Kylie were there? It made her heart ache just thinking about it.

  There was something Celine had to do, something that was against her nature but totally necessary under the circumstances. She was going to have to meddle in somebody else’s business.

  That night after she’d put Kylie to bed she went downstairs to find Pierce. He was lounging in the comfy couch in that room he called his ‘man cave’. Fitted out with a huge television that covered half of one wall it had surround sound that made the room sound like a movie theatre when the TV was on.

  Tonight he didn’t have it on. Instead he lay in the semi-dark room, seeming to be lost in thought.

  “Pierce,” she said as she stood in the doorway, “can we talk?”

  He jumped, clearly startled at the sound of her voice. Then he propped himself on one elbow and looked over at her. “Sure, come on in,” he said

  She stepped into the room but she didn’t go near the couch where he lay. It would not do to get so close to a man who looked so sexy in an A-shirt and faded jeans that hung low on his hips.

  She went to perch on the edge of an easy chair and folded her hands in her lap. She was deliberately trying to look subdued. What she was about to say was something that might rile Pierce up so she didn’t want to come across as aggressive in any way.

  “I want to talk to you about Kylie,” she said quietly.

  Pierce frowned and sat up. He planted his bare feet on the floor and rested his elbows on his knees. He trained his green-eyed gaze on her. “What is it?”

  Celine took a breath. How to begin? She decided to plunge right in. “I’m concerned about Kylie. What’s going to happen to her when I leave in the fall?”

  Pierce expelled his breath and a look of relief passed over his face. “I thought you were going to tell me something was wrong with her.”

  “No, not at all,” she replied quickly. “I’m sorry I scared you and I really don’t mean to pry but…I just need to know what plans you have for Kylie after I’m gone.”

  His eyebrows lifted. He seemed taken aback by her question and for a moment there was silence.

  Had she upset him with her question? She held her breath. She knew she’d taken a risk in digging into his personal business but she had a very good reason for asking.

  “I’ve been giving it some thought,” he said finally then he shook his head, “but to tell the truth, I haven’t made a final decision.”

  “Do you have any ideas, any plans?” Her voice came out breathless with relief. He was actually having a conversation with her about the matter. Thank goodness he hadn’t slammed her for being nosy.

  “I’ve had a few suggestions thrown my way,” he said with a thoughtful look. “A distant relative to come in, a matronly lady who can be like a mother to her, boarding school-.”

  “What did you say?” Celine’s words shot out in a vehement whisper. “ How could you even consider it?”

  “What? The caretaker or the-”

  “The boarding school.” She cut him off before he could even finish the sentence. “Pierce, you are not sending that little girl to a boarding school.”

  “I never said-”

  Celine hopped to her feet, unable to sit still a moment longer. “Yes, you did. You said you were considering it.”

  “Will you calm down?” Pierce straightened his back and glared up at her. “Sit down so we can have a sensible discussion.”

  Celine sucked in her breath. Was he ordering her around?

  “Please,” he said, his tone softer, almost apologetic. But not quite. “Have a seat so we can talk.”

  She sat back down on the chair and waited for him to speak. She’d better get control of her emotions or else she’d be out of Kylie’s life even earlier than scheduled. She couldn’t afford for that to happen. She would cling to her little charge as long as she could.

  “Now,” Pierce began, his tone firm, “I said I got suggestions but that doesn’t mean I was planning to implement any of them. I need to evaluate all the options and then I’ll decide what’s best for Kylie.”

  “And when are you going to decide?” Celine shot back.

  “Soon,” he said, frowning again.

  Celine didn’t know if it was out of annoyance at her questions or simply because he was thinking. She decided to assume he was thinking. Now would be the best time to air her major concern. “I know who made those suggestions. It was Sophia, wasn’t it?”

  He nodded.

  “And did you ever stop to think that she might have an ulterior motive?”

  Pierce cocked an eyebrow and stared back at her. He said nothing. He was obviously waiting on her to explain herself.

  “Sophia has made it very clear that she doesn’t want Kylie…or me…around.” She shook her head as the anger rose in her. “I don’t care what she thinks about me but how could she dislike Kylie?”

  Pierce frowned. “What makes you think that?”

  Men were so dense. How could he not know what the woman was really like? “Pierce, haven’t you noticed how cool her interaction is with Kylie? It was only after the death of Kylie’s mother that she acted with any kind of warmth… if you can call giving a few stuffed toys being warm.”

  Celine got up, unable to stay seated any longer. She needed to express herself and she needed her hands, her whole body in order to do that. She was wound too tight sit still. And she had to make him understand.

  She wrung her hands together then she blurted it out, that thing that had been worrying her all this time. “What’s going to happen to Kylie when you and Sophia get married? How is she going to live with a woman like that?”

  “What?” Pierce looked at her as if she’d gone mad. “What are you talking about?”

  “You and Sophia,” Celine said exasperated. Why was he pretending? “She said you’ve been seeing each other for years and that it was only because of your business and frequent travels that you decided to delay marriage.” When Pierce still looked dumbstruck she waved her hand in an expression of frustration. “Think about it. Now that there’s a child in your home there’s no reason to delay the marriage. In fact, it’s a very good reason to settle down. But then who’s going to protect Kylie from…her?”

  Her voice cracked and she felt the sting of a tear in the corner of her eye. She turned away. The last thing she wanted was for him to see how this was affecting her. Let him think this was only about Kylie because Kylie was, in truth, her greatest concern. But deep down inside she had to admit it was about her, too. How could she bear the pain of knowing that she didn’t have a chance in this world of being with the man who had stolen her heart?

  Pierce burst out laughing.

  Celine whirled round to face him. What in the world did he find so funny? Before she could move he was on his feet and walking toward her. Then he was close enough that she breathed in the fragrance of what must have been the bath gel he showered with. It was a fresh, masculine scent that had her reeling.

  He put his hand on her shoulder. “Rest assured, Sophia and I are not getting married.”

  She looked up into his eyes, her heart pounding loudly in her ears. “You’re not?”

  “No,” he said, “we’re not.” He let his hand slid from her shoulder but he did not step away. Instead, he took her hands in his. “I’ve known Sophia for many years. I met her through her husband.” When Celine frowned he smiled. “They’re divorced. She got the house.” Then he shook his head. “Trust me, whatever Sophia led you to believe, there is nothing going on between us. We’re just friends.”

  “Then why would she…” Celine’s voice trailed away.

  “Who knows? Maybe she just enjoyed leading you astray.” Pierce shrugged. “Maybe she thinks you’re a threat to our friendship.”

  Now Celine was really confused. “Me? How? I’m just the nanny.”

  “Oh, but a very beautiful, extremely seductive nanny.”

  Celine’s heart lurched at his words. She looked up quickly, her eyes searching his. Was he toying with her? But no, his green eyes had clouded over with a passion that could not be mistaken.

  “Let me kiss you, Celine,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. “I’ve been dying to taste your lips again and it’s driving me crazy.”

  Celine looked deep into his eyes. She should resist him. Dear God, she knew she should. But how could she when her body was reacting so strongly to his? Her breath caught in her throat as her nipples pebbled in response to his closeness and, oh Lord, she was growing moist. Down there. She ducked her head as a wave of embarrassment washed over her.

  But, just as he’d done by the stream, Pierce took control. He would not let her flee. With a gentle hand under her chin he tilted her head up. Then he dipped his head and covered her mouth with his.
  The kiss by the stream had been gentle and sweet. This kiss was nothing of the sort. Pierce kissed her with a fervor that spoke of pent-up passion and desire and this time it seemed he was holding nothing back.

  His tongue slipped past her lips to plunder her mouth till she was gasping. Her hands slid up to his shoulders, so solid and strong, and there she clung. Her legs, like jelly, could no longer support her. She’d turned to chocolate and had melted in his heated hands.

  Pierce released her lips just long enough to bend and lift her off her feet and into his arms.

  “Pierce,” she gasped. “What are you doing?”

  “Just making you more comfortable.” He grinned wickedly, his green eyes glinting in the light cast by the lamp in the corner of the room. “Just relax,” he whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  He took her over to the long black couch and laid her gently in the cushions then he was leaning over her, blocking out the light and all she could see was his handsome face - his strong forehead, firm lips and his rugged jaw with the captivating cleft in his chin.

  Celine shivered, suddenly feeling out of her depth. Reste tranquile, Celine. Calm down. He’s only a man after all. But that was the problem. Pierce D’Amato was all man and he wanted her. She could see it in the flash of his eyes. She could hear it in the rasping of his breath as he dipped his head to kiss her neck. She could feel it in the pounding of his heart as she pressed her hand against his chest. And even worse, she could feel the intensity of his passion in the hardness that now pressed against her leg.

  If Celine had any fear it fled when Pierce began to nibble on her ear lobe. She sighed and arched her back in response. He must have seen her reaction as a signal to go farther because his lips shifted from her neck and slid down to the shadow between her breasts. His hands came up to cup them and then his thumbs were circling her nipples through the fabric of her blouse, making them pucker into deliciously painful pebbles, sending jolts of lightning coursing through her body.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered then with a groan he pushed away the blouse and the top of her bra and took the distended rosebud into his mouth.