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  “Walk of shame, Rich?” Briana asked with a chuckle, not looking away from the TV.

  “Shit. I was hoping you’d still be asleep, Bree.”

  “No such luck, Romeo.”

  He walked out with his pants slung around his hips, still unbuttoned, and his shirt in his hand. Briana looked back briefly and turned away when she saw his six pack rippling and started to inadvertently follow his happy trail with her eyes.

  “Can you put your shirt on?” she pleaded.

  He smiled at that and cocked his head to the side as he strolled over to her.

  “What is it, baby? See something you like?” Rich could flirt in any situation, no matter how awkward or inappropriate. It was part of his charm.

  “Been there, done that,” she retorted.

  He sat down next to her on the couch, his cocky smile gone, a serious look in its place.

  “About that. You never said anything to Colin, did you?”

  “No. I haven’t talked to him in four years, Rich. When would it have come up?”

  “I don’t know, but I never told him, either. I don’t know if we should.”

  “Rich, I doubt it would ever enter a conversation, but if it does, I won’t lie to him,” she said, looking him in the eye. “It shouldn’t matter to him, anyway. Don’t worry about it.”

  He looked unsure for a minute, then glanced back towards Kara’s door.

  “Does she know?” he asked.

  “Yeah, she knows. She knew before she met you.” Briana replied. “It’s no big deal, Rich. Seriously, stop worrying.”

  “Alright,” he said finally, then looked back at her, his cocky grin back in place. “You know I’ll always love you, right, Babe?”

  Briana smiled back, but her look turned serious. “I know that, Richie. I’ll always love you too. You’re one of my best friends.” She leaned in to give him a hug, then realized he still didn’t have his shirt on. “I appreciate the fact that you work out and your body is awesome, but can you please put your shirt on? It’s hard to concentrate.”

  Rich looked pleased at that. He stood up to go into the kitchen for coffee, throwing his shirt over his head along the way.

  Kara came stumbling out moments late and grunted at Briana on her way to get some coffee.

  “You’d better have left me some coffee,” she grumbled at Rich.

  “Dang, girl, you’re lookin’ rough.” Rich stated with a laugh, running out of the kitchen to avoid Kara’s wrath.

  “Shove it, Rich,” was Kara’s reply. She walked in holding the warm cup up to her face inhaling briefly, before taking her first sip. “Don’t mess with me before I’ve had my coffee.”

  “Noted,” he replied, as he sat back down on the couch with his mug.

  “So, ladies, what’s on your agenda today?”

  Kara was still waiting for the coffee to take effect and didn’t reply, so Briana answered.

  “Nothing much. I’m off today, so I’m planning to lie out in the sun and read. But Kara has to work.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’ll be serving up some delicious treats at The General Store if you guys want to stop by,” he offered with a wink.

  Kara looked at him blandly over her steaming mug. “No, thanks.”

  “Yeah, I’ll pass, too,” Briana said with a look of regret. “Sorry, but although I know I’m going to run into Colin now that he’s back, that doesn’t mean I’m going to seek him out.”

  “You’re not still mad at him for what happened four years ago, are you?” Rich questioned her. “Bree that was a long time ago. You guys have been apart way longer than you were ever together.”

  “I loved him, Rich,” Briana replied quietly. “He really hurt me.”

  “I know that. Believe me, if anyone knows how much he hurt you, it’s me. But give the dude a chance. It’s been a long time. He’s grown up, and I know he regrets hurting you.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready yet. A lot of time may have passed, but I’ve only just started to see him again. It’s like seeing him has brought back all of those feelings of hurt and resentment, as if it just happened.”

  “Just think about it.” Rich stood up and took his cup back to the kitchen, then came back out to give them each a hug. “Well, ladies, I hate to break it to you, but I have to get going. Work is a’waitin’.”

  “You’re working at a soda fountain,” Kara said, finally waking up enough to get snarky. “It’s not like the city will crumble if you don’t get to work on time.”

  “Hey, Ms. Grumpy Pants, this is my last summer before I’m a college graduate and have to get a real job, with all of the stress and long hours that come along with it. I plan to make the most of my time at the counter, and vow to have the happiest customers in town,” he declared with a wink and a smile. Then he walked out the door.

  Briana couldn’t help but giggle at his dramatic exit.

  “You shouldn’t encourage that clown.” Kara said dryly.

  “Hey, that clown is one of my best friends. Be nice.”

  “Sorry. Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night,” Kara said with a satisfied smile.

  “Please, spare me the details about two of my best friends’ night of passion,” Briana begged her. “This situation is strange enough without getting the play-by-play.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  “You gonna see him again?”

  “Nah… We talked it out last night. It was just a casual thing between friends, no big deal.” Kara got to her feet and walked out. “Gotta grab a shower.”

  Briana knew that it was hypocritical, but she couldn’t help but wish that Kara would give a guy a chance. She had so much to offer and Briana knew that Kara would be a wonderful girlfriend for any guy, but Kara didn’t see it that way. Her mother had spent her life telling her that she would never be good enough for anyone, and Kara believed every word. She figured her mother knew her better than anyone, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. Kara was the most loving, loyal, and funny person that Briana had ever met, and she wished that she would allow herself to fall in love.

  Although Briana would be the first one to say that love really did hurt, and that hurting really sucked, the love part really made it all worth it.

  Having someone who listened to you, really listened. Who cared what happened to you. Who offered you comfort when you needed it. Someone you could laugh or cry hysterically with, someone who would allow you to just be yourself, no matter what. There was nothing like kissing someone that you truly loved. It made her sigh just thinking about it.

  That was really the reason why Briana hadn’t had a serious relationship since Colin. No one else made her feel the way that she had when they were together. She worried that no one else ever could.

  Chapter Eight

  Colin knew that it was a thinly veiled excuse to stop by and see Briana, but a guy had to eat, didn’t he?

  He’d talked Rich into heading down to the Bar & Grill after work. It didn’t really take that much convincing; Rich was always ready to eat. He seemed especially after the work out he’d been treated to that morning.

  When they walked into the crowded restaurant, Colin scanned the room for signs of Briana. He knew she’d more than likely be in the back, but he still hoped for a glimpse. He hadn’t seen her in a few days, and he’d missed the sight of her.

  He realized that he wasn’t going to get to see her yet, so he walked up to where Rich was chatting up the hostess.

  “C’mon, sweet Nicole. I’m sure you can find us a table somewhere in this place. There are just two of us.”

  The blonde hostess turned red at Rich’s flirting and said that she’d see what she could do to find them a table right away.

  “Leave that poor girl alone, Rich,” Colin said as Nicole scurried off in search of a table. “She looks pretty sweet. I don’t think she knows how to handle the likes of you.”

  “No harm,” Rich smiled. “And see? It worked. She’s fixin’ something up for us right now

  Colin couldn’t help but chuckle softly as they were led to their seats. Rich could charm the pants off anyone, and very nearly had.

  They thanked Nicole, and she flushed again, murmuring, “You’re welcome,” as she walked back to her post.

  They didn’t need to look at the menu. It was Wednesday after all, so wings were pretty much a given.

  “Well, lucky me. Two of the most eligible bachelors in town, sitting at my table,” Kara drawled with a sexy grin.

  “Hey, Kara,” Colin said. “How you doin’?”

  “Can’t complain,” she replied. “Can I start ya’ll off with a beer?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” This was delivered by Rich, with a sexy grin of his own.

  “Comin’ right up, Sugar.” They both took a moment to watch Kara sashay to the bar. “She’s the female version of you,” Colin said shaking his head and turning back to Rich.

  Rich just leaned back and grinned. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  They got their beer and watched the game for a bit, drinking and talking. While they waited for their wings to come out, Rich asked Colin if he felt better about working at The General Store.

  “No, man,” Colin said with a frown. “I love my parents and this town and everything, but I can’t help but resent the fact that I’m here doing the one thing I swore I’d never do.”

  “Then why are you?”

  “Everything just went to hell when I got hurt. I focused on finishing school, but then I just had to get out of there. I couldn’t stand to face the team and my coaches, knowing that I wasn’t a part of the game anymore.”

  “It’s not like coming here and running the store is your only option. If you hate it so much, look for something else,” Rich offered.

  Colin took a long drink, then replied, “Nothing means as much to me as football, so I might as well be miserable here, where I know people.”

  “That’s a shitty way to look at it,” Rich argued. “Dude, I know you’re pissed I would be too, but playing football isn’t the only way to be involved in the game.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Colin said thoughtfully. “I could look into coaching or something; I just don’t know where to start.”

  “Well, you’re gonna start at the bottom, but at least you’ll be happy,” Rich replied. Then he looked up at someone approaching their table.

  Figuring it was Kara, Colin didn’t look up. Then he heard Kent’s voice.

  “Hey, guys. How’s it goin’?” he said when he got to the table. He had his arm slung around a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and amazing gray eyes. She smiled and Colin noticed she had a dimple on the left side of her face. “This is my sister, Roni. She’s staying with me for a while and I wanted to introduce her around, make her feel welcome.”

  Colin and Rich stood up and shook her hand. Rich held on long enough for Kent to narrow his eyes at him.

  Rich just smiled and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Roni. You need anything, you just look for me.”

  Kent bent down to say something to Roni and she turned and walked back towards the bar.

  “All right. The real reason I wanted to introduce you is because Roni will be at Kara and Bree’s party tonight, and I wanted you both to know that she’s my sister, so hands off,” Kent said. “Especially you, Rich. I didn’t like the way you were looking at her.”

  “No harm, man,” Rich said, holding his hands up as if to prove he was no threat. “You’re sister’s pretty man, that’s all. I’ll leave her alone.”

  Kent looked at Colin, who just nodded.

  Kent nodded back at both of them and said, “Later,” as he walked back in the direction his sister went.

  They both sat down and Rich whistled. “Holy, shit. That was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen up close.” He declared with a look of wonder.

  “I wouldn’t mess with Kent if I were you. He looked pretty serious.”

  Rich was saved from answering when Kara arrived with their food, but Colin noticed that he couldn’t help but look over to where the tall, slender blonde leaned against the bar talking with Pete.

  Chapter Nine

  Briana was thrilled when they finally closed for the night. She felt so greasy and gross that she couldn’t wait to get home and shower.

  She put the finishing touches on her dish, then took it out to the bar to share with her co-workers.

  “That looks so good, Bree,” Kara moaned from her perch at the bar. She’d kicked off her heels and was rubbing her sore feet. “I’m so hungry, I could eat that whole plate of pasta.”

  “Get in line,” Pete said as he poured some drinks to go with their meal.

  “Wine for me, please,” Nicole chimed in as she walked to the back of the room. “I can’t wait to get everything cleaned and head to your place. I was so bummed I had to miss out last week, but I had to go home to watch my brothers and sisters.”

  “No problem,” Briana said. “At least you’re free tonight.” Then she turned to Pete, “Wine sounds good. Would you pour me the red?”

  They all sat down to enjoy the food and drinks, then went about cleaning up the front and back of the house as quickly as possible so they could head to Kara and Briana’s apartment. They yelled goodnight to Pam, who thanked Briana for the pasta, then locked up behind them.

  Kara and Briana hosted this get together most Wednesdays, so they knew the routine and got themselves and the apartment ready when they got home. Pretty soon the place was filled with people and the party was in full swing.

  Briana and Kara both opted for sundresses, since it was a hot Texas night. When Nicole arrived wearing her hostess uniform, Briana offered to loan her something to wear.

  When Nicole walked out wearing the dress, she looked uncertainly at Briana.

  “I think it’s too small.”

  “No, you just have bigger boobs than I do. It’s perfect,” Briana assured her. She fluffed out Nicole’s hair to give it a fuller look, and told her to stop standing with her hands crossed over her chest.

  “C’mon, let’s go get you a drink. Stop worrying. You look amazing.”

  They went out to join the party and ran into Kent and Roni in the hall. Kent paused momentarily, taking in Nicole’s drastic change in appearance. They all stood there for a moment, until Nicole blushed and looked down, and Roni cleared her throat.

  “Oh, ahh, hey. What’s up?” Kent said hoarsely, before clearing his throat. “Nicole, you met my sister, Roni, but Roni, you didn’t get a chance to meet Bree yet.”

  Briana smiled at Roni, surprised at the striking resemblance between the two. It almost hurt to look at the pair of them, they were so beautiful.

  “Wow, Kent, you never said you had a sister.” Briana said, wondering what other things they’d never shared with each other.

  “Yeah, Roni’s my twin. She’s going to be staying with me for a while,” he said with a smile for his sister. He tried not to stare at Nicole’s amazing body.

  “Hi, Roni. It’s great to meet you. Would you like something to drink?” Briana offered, taking her arm and steering her towards the kitchen.

  That left Kent and Nicole standing in the hallway, her eyes on the floor and his on the ceiling.

  “Um, I’m going to go get a drink,” Nicole said softly, excusing herself and following the girls.

  Kent gave himself a moment to regain control, before turning and heading to join Pete and Kara in the living room.

  Briana strolled around her apartment, talking with people and sipping on a beer. Eventually, she decided she’d ignored the corner where Colin and Rich sat deep in conversation, long enough.

  She couldn’t believe that it had only been a week since she first found out that Colin was back in town. Now he was in her living room. Weird.

  There were a couple of empty beer cans next to their seats, and she heard them talking about college as she got closer.

  “Hey guys,” she said when she got close enough to be heard over the noise of t
he room.

  They both stood up. She walked stepped closer to Rich to give him a hug. They embraced each other and murmured hello before pulling away and smiling.

  When she turned away from Rich, she noticed Colin staring at them with a strange expression on his face.

  “You guys never used to be that close before. I mean, back in high school we all hung out, but you guys were never on a hugging basis. Anyone watching would think that you were more than just friends,” he stated, looking guarded.

  “She’s one of my best friends.” Rich said, trying not to make a big deal out of Colin’s observation.

  “Hmm. Okay, I guess.” Colin still looked confused. “It’s just, Bree only went to A & M for like, a year, right? And you’ve been gone this whole time. When have you guys had time to get so close?”

  “What’s your point, Colin?” Briana asked, starting to get frustrated with the way he was acting.

  “All I’m saying is that it seems like there’s more to the story.” He took a deep breath, then asked, “Did you guys hook up or something?”

  Briana and Rich looked at each other and then looked at him. Both silent, but with expressions of guilt and regret.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Colin asked in a low voice. “I was fishing! Did something really happen between the two of you?”

  “Bro…” Rich started.

  “Don’t Bro, me, Rich. Answer the fucking question.”

  Briana stepped in between the two guys. “It was just one time, Colin. It was never anything serious,” she said.

  “That’s. Just. Fucking. Great,” he managed before turning and storming out of the apartment.

  Briana turned to Rich, who had gone ashen with regret.

  “Shit,” he said simply, before sitting back down in his chair.

  Briana went to find Kara, Kent, or Pete, but ran into Roni first.

  “Roni,” she said, grabbing her hand and pulling her over to Rich. “Can you keep an eye on him for me? Make sure he doesn’t leave this apartment, okay?”

  “Sure,” Roni replied, looking anything but sure as she looked at the gorgeous guy sitting there like he’d just seen a ghost.