Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 14

  “I’m just in and out. I had to grab something.” Alex glanced back at Grace as she avoided looking at Sal at all costs. “Gracie thought maybe that was your girlfriend you were talking to outside.”

  Grace turned back to the cabinet, squeezing her eyes shut. Where were all the California earthquakes when you needed one?

  Sal was quiet for a moment and she was sure Alex was grinning from ear to ear. “Nope. Not even close.”

  “You see? Told you, Gracie.”

  She didn’t bother turning around. She couldn’t. She knew her face was probably bright red so she simply nodded, hoping kddehe Alex would just drop it. No such luck.

  “So I was asking her about the guy last night. Is he your boyfriend?”

  Damn it. It was supposed to be Sal asking her not Alex. How was she supposed to turn this around now? “No he’s not. Just a friend.”

  Sal took a seat at the desk. “Do all your friends bring you roses?” he asked.

  Finally, Grace turned to face him then glanced at Alex, who was still smiling. “Do you two always ask your employees about their personal lives or am I just special?”

  “No and yes,” Sal responded.

  Alex waved. “I’m out. I’ll let you two work this out.”

  Gracie fidgeted with her apron, still trying to figure out what was going on. She watched as Sal stood up and closed the door. “I don’t mean to pry, but I will since Alex brought it up. Who was that guy last night?”

  This was it. Joey would kill her if she didn’t do this. Sal was obviously calling her out. “He’s a friend of my step-dad’s.” She cleared her throat. “Are you seeing that girl you were talking to outside?”

  His eyebrow lifted and he smiled. “Melissa? No. She just got me tickets for the big game this weekend.” He leaned back in his chair apparently enjoying the quid-pro-quo. “So why’s your step-dad’s friend bringing you roses?”

  She shrugged. “I think my mom gave him the idea I might be interested in him.” She stared him straight in the eye, feeling her heartbeat thud against her chest and trying desperately not to read too much into what was happening here, but it was impossible. “I won’t be seeing him again, but you’re going out with Melissa right? After the game.”

  His expression went tense. “I’m not sure yet. I really don’t want to. She’s... well lets just say she’s a long story.” For the first time since she met him, he looked her up and down, unnerving her even further. “Where would your mom get the idea you were interested in that guy? He’s a little old for you isn’t he?”

  Grace shifted her weight. “My mom gets a lot of crazy ideas. She’s a long story, too.” She bit her bottom lip debating on whether or not she should say what she wanted to and finally did, “Melissa sounded pretty convinced you’d be willing to go.” She glanced at her feet then back at him. “It sounds like fun.”

  “Actually.” He paused for a moment, staring at her. “I may not even go to the game.”

  Grace had to refrain from smiling. “But she got you tickets.”

  “I can give them both to Romero and he can take Isabel,” he smiled. “What are you doing this weekend?”

  She feigned a pout, feeling her heart speed up. “I work all weekend.”

  “After work?”

  Grace struggled to remain poised. “Nothing.”

  “Maybe we can spend some time after work this weekend so we can share our long stories.”

  Grace wasn’t sure she even wanted to hear about Melissa and s kMelike fun.he certainly didn’t want to tell him about her mom, but spending time with Sal sounded like heaven. “Yeah, okay. That sounds good.”

  He smiled, flashing the dimples that were beginning to own her heart. “Then it’s a date.”

  After agreeing and finally able to pull her eyes away from his, she was on her way out the door still unable to believe she had a date with Sal. As excited as she felt, she also could barely catch her breath. What if she was just this week’s date for him? She’d already cried for this man and nothing had even happened between them. What was she going to do the next time she saw him with another girl?

  “Gracie.” She stopped and turned around to meet his eyes. “It’s Friday so technically the weekend starts tonight.”

  Tonight? She planned on going over Joey and Taylor’s tonight so they could help her mentally prepare. Now she was on her own. She gulped hard but nodded. “Okay. I didn’t have a ride tonight anyway.”


  Grace walked out into the restaurant’s main dining room in a daze. Usually she left her phone in the back room but she brought it out with her in her pocket. She had to tell Joey but she didn’t want anyone to hear so she texted him.

  We’re going on a date tonight!

  She hadn’t even put her phone back in her pocket when it buzzed.

  Get out!

  She started to respond but it buzzed again.

  I knew it! Sexy Mama! I knew it!

  This was making her more nervous. She didn’t even know how to begin to be sexy. Taylor and Joey told her she didn’t have to try, that’s what made her even sexier. She always told them she didn’t know what that meant. Joey said her accent had a lot to do with it. The accent she tried so hard to hide but apparently it was still present. She didn’t know what was so sexy about it. She’d always thought people thought less of her because of it.

  Gotta get to work but I’ll call you tonight.

  The day literally dragged, especially since Sal left to do some interviewing at Angel’s restaurant. Sofia came in to cover for him while he was gone.

  “Hey, you.” Sofia walked up to the bar with a big smile. “I heard you handled the kitchen beautifully yesterday while we were busy.”

  “Yep. And it was actually Sal’s idea.”

  “I know. He also said as soon as we get a couple more bartenders you’ll be in the kitchen full time.” Sofia held up her hand to high five Grace. “That’s what you wanted right?”

  Grace high fived her, letting the delight sink in. Everything was working out like she’d only dreamed, and spending time with Sal hadn’t even been part of that dream until very recently. Icing on the cake if this didn’t all blow up somehow. Things never seemed to work out for her like this.

  “What are we high fiving about?” Melanie walked over and held her hand up for Grace.

  Grace high fived her, laughing. “I’ll be in the kitchen full time soon.”

  “What’s cool is you’re so young you’ll add spice to the kitchen,” Sofia said.

  “But I’m old-school when it comes to cooking. I don’t do recipes. I hope Sal realizes that.”

  Sofia laughed. “None of our vets do recipes either. Trust me. Just humor Sal if he ever wants you to. It’s not like he’ll have time to be policing you.”

  “Did he leave with that chick?” Melanie asked.

  Grace bit her bottom lip, hoping she wasn’t so damn obvious again about this subject.

  “What chick?” Sofia asked.

  “That one from the other day.”

  “Which one? Geez, my brother has a load of chicks.”

  Grace took advantage when she saw Julie walk up to the bar, by taking her order and she started putting the drinks together, trying not to think about what Sofia had just said. The bad feeling she had in her stomach about letting herself get caught up with Sal just got bigger.

  “You know the blonde girl in the suits,” Melanie said. “She’s been here a couple of times. I wonder if he’s actually getting serious with her.”

  “No way,” Sofia said, as she walked away. “Sal doesn’t do serious. She’s probably just another one of his many. I don’t think he left with anyone. He was on his way to Angel’s.” Sofia stopped and turned back to Melanie. “He’s coming back. Why did you need something?”

  “No,” Melanie smiled. “Just being nosey.”

  Oscar walked up to the bar with another order for her, reminding her about what Sal had told him. Maybe she’d bring it up tonigh
t. This time of day usually got busy and Grace welcomed the distraction—anything to get her mind off worrying.

  By the time Sal returned, things were slowing down. She saw him stop and talk to Julie, giving her that smile she wished he could reserve for just her. Julie was the only other single girl around his age that worked at the restaurant and Grace could tell even on that very first day when she walked in for the interview that she enjoyed flirting with him. Her phone buzzed in her pocket snapping her out of her thoughts. It was a text from Joey.

  I can hardly wait! You better not forget to call me tonight. No matter how late. =)

  She frowned texting him back.

  I won’t cause I’m worried now.

  She didn’t bother putting the phone back in her pocket she knew he’d be texting right back. Her phone buzzed almost immediately.

  What now woman?!

  That made her laugh. Joey always said she was a worrywart. But she had very good reason to be this time. She’d never been this emotional about any guy much less one who she wasn’t even in a relationship with. It scared her to death to think what it might do to her if something actually happened between them and like Sofia said—he didn’t do serious. Joey had been right. kd beath to th She evidently wouldn’t be able to handle anything less.

  She texted back.

  EVERYTHING! We’ll talk tonight. =/

  They’d gotten so busy and with Grace continuing to think about Sal she’d forgotten all about eating.

  At the end of the night, everyone trickled out until it was just Sal and Grace. He walked up to the bar where she’d just finished cleaning everything. “So did you think about where you wanna go on our date?”

  The smoldering stare was the same one that made her insides mush the first time he told her he’d been impressed by her cooking. There was an overload of mushing going on now. She cleared her throat. “I’m kind of hungry. I skipped my lunch.”

  His eyebrows pinched. “Why?”

  “I dunno. We got busy and I just forgot.”

  “You can’t be doing that, Gracie. I’m gonna have to write you up,” He smiled and she had to take a deep breath. His smile this close was breathtaking. “So what do you feel like eating?”

  Nothing sounded particularly appetizing, but then she had a thought. “I know. Why don’t I make us something here? You can try out another one of my grandmother’s recipes.”

  His brows shot up. “Sounds good to me. But it’s still a date, Gracie. Just so you know.”

  “Got it.” She started walking toward the kitchen; her insides were completely out of control now. He had to stop saying that. She was ready to swoon again. And as obvious as her emotions were to everyone else, he was bound to notice.

  It took a few minutes to get everything she needed gathered over by the stove. She knew exactly what she would make for him.

  “I’m gonna grab a beer. You want something?” he asked, walking out of the kitchen.

  “I’ll take a beer too.”

  A few minutes later Sal walked back into the kitchen, carrying a tin bucket of Coronas on ice and small bowl with sliced up lime wedges. “So what are you making?” He opened up a beer bottle then stuck a wedge of lime in it and handed it to Grace.

  She took the beer. “It’s a surprise.” She squeezed the lime into the beer and pushed the wedge all the way in. It wasn’t until she sprinkled the salt on the rim that she noticed he was staring at her. Her heart fluttered and she took a longer drink than she normally would, hoping it would take a little edge off her nerves. “This isn’t on your menu either, but I think after you taste it you’ll consider adding it.”

  Sal opened a beer for himself and leaned against the counter. “Consider? If it’s anywhere near as good as your casserole I’ll be demanding it is.”

  Grace regretted taking such a big drink of her beer because she needed to burp now. It wasn’t happening in front of Sal. She turned her back on him and placed her hand on her mouth praying it wasn’t loud. Thankfully, it wasn’t and she turned around to face him again.

  “You okay?”

  She as kh="acesured him she was and put the beer down to begin cooking.

  “Oscar said you’re seeing someone. Yet here you are on a date with me. So what gives?”

  Grace looked up at him completely taken off guard by his question. She knew they’d be talking tonight but this was totally unexpected. Even when he mentioned this being a date several times, she didn’t actually expect him to take it this seriously. His eyebrows went up and he didn’t smile. Apparently, he was very serious.


  Grace’s expression wasn’t what he expected when he asked the question and Sal wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing, so he waited while she picked up her beer and took another drink.

  “You asked him if I was seeing someone?”

  “No. He just mentioned it the day after he gave you a ride home—said you were talking to someone.”

  She put the beer down and began pouring rice into a saucepan. “Did you say something to him about staying away from me or me being off limits?”

  Sal laughed. “He told you?”

  She stopped what she was doing again and looked at him. “So you did?”

  With a shrug he took another drink of his beer. “Something like that.”

  “Why?” She walked away to pour water into a cup.

  Sal took advantage of the moment to size her up. The craziest thing was happening. The more he had her here to himself the more intense his need to know if she was free for him to make his move got. “Oscar’s a good guy but he tends to look at women like objects. I just reminded him not to do that with you or any of the employees.”

  Grace glanced at him before pouring the water in the saucepan with the rice. She hadn’t fried it beforehand and she added nothing else but a little salt. Steamed white rice was not something he’d ever considered putting on their Mexican menu.

  “Oh. I think he took it differently,” she said, looking up at him.

  “I know he did, and I’m glad.” Sal stared at her. “Means he’ll definitely be staying away. But Gracie…you haven’t answered the question.”

  “Can I ask you something first?”

  Sal took a deep breath. He didn’t care what it took he was getting an answer tonight. “Go ahead.”

  “Why does it matter?”

  He squeezed the bottle of beer. “Why wouldn’t it? We are on a date right? I’m not in the habit of dating girls who are seeing someone else. That’s not my thing.”

  “What is your thing?” She took a pan down from where it hung and splashed a little cooking oil on it, setting it aside. “Because I hear serious relationships are not it.”

  Sal was usually very patient but for some reason this really irritated him. “Who said this? Oscar?”

  “No, your sister did, actually.” She began dicing peppers.

  Sal noticed how at ease she seemed in spite of the nature of their conversation and his obvious growing impatience. She appeared a little nervous earlier but it was almost as if being in her element had calmed her. He wished he could say the same for himself. He’d grown more anxious by the minute.

  She shrugged. “Just seems that if that’s the case, dating someone who’s not looking for anything serious because they’re already seeing someone else would be ideal.”

  He clenched his jaw, surprised at how much that irritated him. “No. It wouldn’t. And for the record, just because I’ve never had a serious relationship doesn’t mean I don’t do them.”

  She hadn’t looked at him since she begun dicing but she stopped now and glanced at him. Then she took a drink of her beer, but still didn’t answer his damn question.

  “So is that a yes?”

  She shook her head and he exhaled slowly. Now for his next question: something he’d thought about all night. “So whatcha do last night? With your dad’s friend.”

  “Step-dad.” That had a little bite to it and she began dicing a bit fast

  “Okay, step-dad’s friend. Were you two on a date?”

  “Sort of.”

  Sal clenched his jaw. Was she being vague on purpose? “What does that mean? Are you into this guy?” He was going to throw all the questions at her tonight. He had to know now.

  “Just because I go out with someone doesn’t mean I’m into them.”

  Ouch. “Is that right?”

  “Yeah, my mom wanted to make sure my step-dad got a job with this guy so she asked me to entertain him a few times.”

  “What? Your mother asked you to? What kind so? divof entertaining?”

  Adding to the incredible annoyance he now felt, Grace laughed. “Nothing bad. Just go out and have dinner one time and last night we took a walk on the pier then had a drink. ”

  Even that pissed him off. What kind of mother asks her daughter to entertain a man to get her husband a job?

  “So tell me about Melissa.” She started frying chorizo in the pan.

  At this point Sal had given up trying to figure out what she was making. He’d fill her in on Melissa, but he was getting back to her mom. She did say it was a long story and they had all night. At the time her mother hadn’t interested him much but now she did. He knew where Grace came from, she couldn’t have the best lifestyle but having a mom that pimped her out was a whole other ballgame. He wanted to know more.

  He told her about how he met Melissa, not mentioning too much about Melissa being so clingy, but he did make it clear that he wasn’t interested in her.

  “So you were just using her for her basketball tickets?” She smirked, taking a break from her cooking and drinking the last of her beer.