Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 16

  He also wanted to spend as much time with Grace as he could before her two days off. He would’ve gladly just canceled the whole thing but Jason had beaten him to it, calling to tell him he was looking forward to it because he really needed to talk.

  “Yeah, I can come in and open. As long as I can leave early. I have somewhere to be in the afternoon.”

  His phone rang and he picked it up to check the caller ID. Melissa. Shit. “You can leave as soon as I get here.”

  Sofia nodded and started out the door. “Can you close the door behind you?”

  She did and he answered. “Hey, Melissa.”

  “I can’t believe you gave that asshole those tickets.” It was really noisy and Sal couldn’t tell if she was yelling to be heard over the crowd or because she was that mad.

  “I was supposed to go with him. But something came up last minute.”

  “And what about tonight? Will I see you there?”

  He sat back. “No. Can’t do it.”

  “What do you mean you can’t?”

  “I just can’t. I’m sorry.”

  “What? I can barely hear you.”

  “I said, I just can’t.”

  She was quiet and he wondered if she’d heard him. “You can’t just brush me off like that. Do you know what I had to go through to get those tickets?”

  “Sweetheart, I didn’t ask you to, but I do appreciate it. I’m sorry it worked out this way but I won’t be there tonight.” He was trying to be as nice as he could. He knew what she was capable of.

  There was a sudden roar in the background and she didn’t speak until it died down a little. “I can’t hear you. I’ll call you later.”

  The line clicked and he threw the phone down again more frustrated than ever. He’d pay her for the fucking tickets if he had to, but he wasn’t responding to her calls anymore. He shook his head. Never again.


  The evening was spent pretty much the same as the one before only a little less formal and the food Grace prepared was a bit more simple—tacos al pastor. They ate them in the kitchen with beer. She sat on the counter.

  Just like the night before while she cooked she felt completely under control. It was only when she’d sat on the counter and Sal walked up to her, pushing her legs apart to get closer to her that her heart began to hammer away. She thought of how experienced and put together Melissa seemed. She’d probably done things to him that Grace had only read about. How could she possibly live up to that? She still held her bottle of beer in her hand as she draped her arms around his neck keeping up with his deep kisses. He groaned and whispered against her lips. “You’re getting so much better at this.”

  She pulled back a little. “Why? I wasn’t good before?”

  He let out a laugh. “Jesus, your lips have been perfect from the moment I first laid eyes on them and they taste even better, but you were a little tense in the beginning. I wasn’t sure you were enjoying it as much as I was.” He slid her closer to him and she felt his strong hard body against her, making her breathe a little harder.

  “This is all a little new to me. But of course I’m enjoying it.”

  She saw the confusion in his eyes. “You said you’d been in a relationship. I was gonna ask but I’m not sure I wanna hear about it.”

  “I meant the only times I’ve ever been involved with someone it wasn’t just dating. Both times it was understood we were in a relationship, but neither lasted very long and I’ve never…” She felt her face flush when his eyes widened. “I was real young, too. It was right before my grandmother passed.”

  Ah hell. She fell the lump in her throat forming. Not wanting to ruin the moment with her damn tears again, she kissed him, this time putting more into it than before. She put the bottle down and ran her fingers through his hair, kissing him frantically. The arousal she felt was electrifying. A {ectut ny thoughts of crying vanished, instead all she could think of was the possibility that Sal would make love to her one day—maybe soon. She moaned in his mouth and he moaned in response. His hands caressed her back and she wished she had the nerve to tell him to do more. Even though his body was pressed against her and he kissed her just as madly as she kissed him, he was incredibly gentle in every other way.

  Grace moved up even closer to him so her legs straddled him completely. Feeling brave, she wrapped them around him and felt just how aroused he truly was when he pushed up against her. He pulled away from her mouth and made his way down to her neck. Feeling his tongue as he kissed and sucked it made her squirm. She’d made out a few times but it’d never felt like this. “This is crazy,” she said breathlessly.

  He stopped and looked at her. “What is?”

  She stared at him and infuriatingly she felt the lump in her throat again. “The way you make me feel.” She hugged him burying her face in his neck. No one had ever made her feel this way. Ever. She didn’t know what to make of it, but it was getting embarrassing.

  His caressed her slower now and he kissed the side of her head. “Gracie, you have no idea how glad I am that you’re feeling it, too.”

  She took a deep breath before she pulled away from him and looked in his eyes. “Really? What is it, because I don’t understand it. I’ve never felt anything like this.”

  “I’m not sure. But I’m older than you and like I said yesterday. I’ve never felt it either.” He kissed her softly. “Just go with it, Gracie. Whatever it is, it feels damn good.”

  He tilted her chin up and gazed in her eyes for a moment before devouring her mouth again.


  Sunday morning Sal ignored three calls from Melissa and didn’t respond to any of her texts. He’d talk to Jason on the golf course about possibly getting Kat to talk to her about backing off. The last thing he needed was her causing any problems with him with Grace.

  Since it was a last minute change in time, they weren’t able to start as soon as they got there and he wouldn’t be done as early as he hoped. Jason had walked off to get them both coffee and Sal read Melissa’s latest text.

  You know better than to ignore me. I’d say after what you did yesterday the least you could do is offer to make up for it.

  He texted her back.

  I’ll pay you for the tickets.

  He could kick himself for having listened to Romero. His phone buzzed again.

  U know that’s not what I mean. You owe me a night out, Salvador!

  Exhaling, he knew what he had to do. He may as well get it over with.

  Can’t do it. I’m seeing someone now. Sorry.

  Jason got back with the two coffee’s and Sal put his phone away. He could go back and forth with Melissa all day if he left it up to her.

  “So the bachelor party {achith is in two weeks. You’re gonna be there right?”

  Sal had forgotten about the damn party. Just being here right now when he could be back at the restaurant with Grace had him feeling antsy. He didn’t even want to think about giving up a whole weekend with her just to go to some stupid bachelor party, but there was no way out of this one. He’d already agreed and Jason and him went too far back. Plus there was no way he was explaining that he didn’t want to be away from a girl he’d only just started seeing. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “Good.” Jason smiled, getting in the cart. “We’re all flying out Friday and coming back Monday.”

  Hell no. Sal climbed in on the passenger side of the cart. “I can’t do all that. But I’ll meet you guys up there Saturday, then I gotta get back Sunday.”

  Jason’s shook his head. “You work too much, man. You need a vacation.”

  “Partying all weekend is not my idea of a vacation. I’m only doing this because it’s for you.”

  “Well you can’t show up and be a dud either. This is Vegas we’re talking about remember? What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

  Sal took a drink of his coffee and glared at Jason. “Dude, you’re getting married.”

  “I’m not talking about me, I’m talki
ng ‘bout you.”

  “I’ll have a few drinks with you. I’m not flying out there for nothing. But I’m not doing anything crazy either.” He had Grace to think about now. Jason was lucky he was even going.

  Turned out what Jason wanted to talk about was the cold feet he was beginning to feel. Sal did his best to assure him it was normal. The guy had been living with his girlfriend for years now. What difference would it make if he got married?

  Talking about marriage inevitably made him think of Grace. Though in the last couple of days everything made him think of her. Even the phone that continued to buzz in his pocket made him think of her. He was really going to have to do something about Melissa before she did anything stupid.



  Grace tried not to let the disappointment of knowing Sal wouldn’t be there all morning take from the excitement of adding her new dish to the Sunday brunch. She knew this was huge. There were many waiting to be seated already and her newest dish would be out there. Sofia had tried it and loved it. Alex was coming in just to try it. Her dream was slowly being realized.

  She was showing the cooks the basics on how to make it just like her grandmother had always taught her. A quick but informal lesson, and they had it. Unlike Sal, she believed in their ability to make it work. The recipe wasn’t that complicated and she hadn’t even written it down.

  Sofia walked into the kitchen after a couple of hours. “Grace. They’re loving it. It can’t be replaced fast enough. Mexican shrimp fried rice is the bomb! Angel is gonna be so pissed!” She laughed.

  Grace didn’t think her week could get any better. “Are they really?”

  “Would I lie?” Sofia walked over and hugged her. “Sal is gonna flip!”

  After Sofia walked out she was still walking on air then Alex walked in with a plate in his hands. “Are you shitting me with this?”

  Sofia looked up from the stove she’d been cleaning off. “You don’t like it?”

  “Hell yeah, I like it! It’s delicious!”

  Just as she was allowing the awesomeness of this day to sink in, there was a commotion out in the restaurant. Someone was complaining a little too loudly. Alex turned around and put his plate down. “I’ll be back.”

  Grace walked slowly to the door and watched as Alex charged out into the dining room.

  “I need to see Sal.” She heard a woman demand.

  “He’s not here,” Alex said. “What can I do for you?”

  Grace reached the door in time to see it was Melissa smirking at Alex. “Oh, you could do plenty I’m sure, but I need Sal.”

  Alex glanced around the restaurant. “Like I said, he’s not here.”

  Melissa didn’t look like her usual power chick self. She wore denim shorts and a tank top. But her hair and make up were still flawless.

  “Your brother’s blowing me off, Alex. I don’t get blown off. He tried throwing the ‘I’m seeing someone else now,’ crap on me. I don’t buy that.”

  Grace’s days of going nose to nose with bullies came back to her in a flash. She’d kicked some ass back in her day. She had to. Being new to the states with an accent had made the kids tease her endlessly. When the words didn’t come fast enough to defend herself, the ~ht=dis wfists went flying.

  If Sal actually did tell this bitch he was seeing someone, then he was serious.

  “I don’t know anything about it, and he’s not here,” Alex insisted.

  “When will he be? Because he if he thinks he can just blow me off, he’s sadly mistaken.”

  Before Alex could respond, Grace walked up from behind him, pulling off her earrings off one by one. “He’s seeing me now. Do you have a problem with that?”

  Melissa seemed stunned for a second then she smirked. “No way. I knew he probably did the help but to tell them he’s seeing them?” She turned to Alex and scoffed. “That’s just low.”

  Grace almost jumped at her but she felt Alex’s hand around her waist and before she knew it, he was in front of her and spoke through his teeth. “Get the fuck out of here, Melissa.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I talk to Sal.”

  Sofia got in front of Alex and he pulled her back too. “No, Sof.” Melissa had the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Alex turned to Oscar, who stood by the bar. He still held both Grace and Sofia back. “Help me out here. Walk her out, man.”

  “Tell your brother he owes me.” Melissa glared at Alex. Then she looked at Grace. “You’re a joke. What on earth could your wetback ass have to offer Sal, besides an easy lay?”

  Grace tried but there was no getting around Alex. Sofia almost did though. “Get her out!” She screamed, surprising Grace. “Before I throw her ass out!”

  “Stop, Sof!” Alex obviously had a good hold on Sofia because she didn’t budge from his side.

  Oscar managed to walk Melissa out, but not before she made quite a scene, flinging her arms and shouting obscenities at his attempts to take her by the arm. Grace walked back into the kitchen still reeling from the sting of Melissa’s words. Her entire life she’d been judged by her looks and accent. This was not the first time she’d been referred to as a wetback. Having it spat at her in front of Alex and Sofia and the rest of the staff was humiliating.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” Alex hurried into the kitchen behind her.

  She nodded unable to even look at him. One of the other kitchen helpers touched her arm. “No te aguites por esa pendeja.”

  Grace put her earrings back on but didn’t respond. She was surprised she didn’t feel the emotion that lately had overwhelmed her. Instead, she felt the same anger that had consumed her for so many years when she was younger. Anger of having been forced to come to a country where she always thought people like Melissa would never take her seriously. People who assumed an accent meant she was stupid or less then them somehow.

  She watched as another tray of the Mexican shrimp fried rice was prepped to go out into the dining room.

  “Grace, you can be sure I’m telling Sal I don’t wanna see that bitch in here ever again,” Sofia said, standing behind Alex.

  Grace turned to both Alex and Sofia who were staring at her looking very concerned. She’d put it out there so they knew. Hell, anyone within hearing distance knew now and Sal said he didn’t care if anyone found out. She didn’t. ="0" widtht either. Joey would be proud. “I’ll be sure to tell him, too.”


  Sal got the call just as he drove up to the restaurant. He had a few voicemails but hadn’t bothered to listen to them, assuming they were from Melissa since he had so many missed calls from her number. “What?” He brought the car to a grinding stop.

  “She made a fucking scene and she insulted Gracie.” Alex was his usual furious self.

  He felt his own rage begin to go off. “How’s Grace? Is she still here?”

  “Yeah, she’s still here. She actually handled it pretty well. I had to hold her back though. Dude, I hope you’re done with that chick. If she ever comes back in here and Sofia is here it’s gonna get ugly. She was ready to go at her today.”

  Alex filled him in on the rest of the morning as Sal sat in his car, resting his forehead against his hand. His other line had been beeping the whole time. As soon as he hung up with Alex he answered the other line.

  “You can’t be serious with that girl, Sal. Are you? What does she work for free or for food? I mean—”

  “I’m gonna pay you for those fucking tickets and then you’re going to disappear, you hear me? I’ll give the money to Jason. I don’t want you anywhere near the restaurant or my place.”

  She laughed. “I just wanted to talk to you. Her ghetto ass is the one that came at me. But what do you expect from someone who probably just came over the border. It’s laughable. What can you possible see—”

  “She has the one thing you’ve never had, Melissa. My respect.”

  He hung up on her and got out of his car. Rushing into the restaurant, he scanned it, look
ing for Grace. He didn’t care who knew now. All he wanted was to make sure she wasn’t upset. He hurried into the kitchen, his heart fluttering when she came into view. She was smiling, talking to one of the other cooks. As much as it irritated to him to see how chummy the cooks had gotten with her so quickly, he was glad she didn’t look upset. He walked to her with only one thing in mind. She looked up when she heard one of the other cooks greet him.

  “I’m so sorry about what happened,” he said as soon as he reached her. Unable to hold back he pulled her to him.

  Surprisingly she didn’t protest. “It’s not your fault.” She caressed his face and smiled. “I’m fine.”

  “You sure?”

  She nodded, smiling even bigger, making it impossible for him not to kiss her right there in front of everybody. Someone whistled while a few others sniggered and made jabs. He pulled his lips away from her, giving them all a warning look and they all pretended to go back to being engrossed in their work.

  “The rice is a hit,” she said.

  “I heard. I knew it would be.” He pulled her by the hand through the kitchen door and into the back room. Alex and Sofia were in there, looking at something on the computer. Alex turned when he heard them walk in and smiled when he saw Grace’s handGrabac firmly in Sal’s. “I just finished the schedule for next week. You said you’ll be at Angel’s on Mondays and Tuesdays right?”