Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 21

  They got back to his place and Sal felt like a teenage boy barely able to keep his hands and lips to himself. Fortunately, Grace didn’t seem to mind. Once back at their place, the oversized patio sofa Grace liked so much, he found a moment to bring up that weekend.

  “My friend is getting married in a few weeks and he’s having a bachelor para bhe ty this weekend.” He tried to read her expression but it was vacant. She didn’t appear mad, but she certainly wasn’t smiling.

  “I might go to one someday when Joey and Taylor get married.” Even as she said that she still didn’t smile. “Will there be strippers?”

  “No, we’re just all going to Vegas for the weekend. I’m only going to be there overnight on Saturday.”

  Now she laughed. “No strippers in Vegas, uh?” She sat up a bit but Sal held her to him.

  “It’s supposed to be just a bunch of guys drinking and gambling. No ones mentioned strip clubs, but if it comes up I’ll duck out.”

  “When will you be back?”

  “Sunday morning. I’m not even leaving ‘til late Saturday. You won’t even notice I’m gone. I’ll make sure you have a ride. Sofia’s closing that night so she can drive you.”

  Finally, she smiled. “Oh, I’ll notice you’re gone. Trust me.” She leaned in and kissed him so long and deep, he could hardly stand it. “You’ll just have to make it up to me Sunday night.”

  He stared in her eyes, getting that same feeling he’d had when he looked up and saw her walking down the stairs of her apartment building the day of the shower, looking so incredibly beautiful she took his breath away. For an instant, he’d forgotten all about the idiot her mother had set her up with. He’d had that same feeling over and over ever since and he was sure of one thing now. “I love you, Gracie.”

  Her eyes opened wide and she pulled away from him. Not the reaction he was hoping for. Then her hand went to her mouth and she grimaced, her eyes filling with tears. “Don’t say that,” she whispered.

  He sat up, straightening them both up. “Why?”

  “Because I might believe you.”

  He kissed her hand with a chuckle. “I want you to. I wouldn’t be saying it, if it weren’t true.” He cupped her face in his hands. “There is no doubt in my mind—none whatsoever. I’m crazy in love with you.” He wiped the tear that slid down her cheek.

  She leaned her head against his hand that caressed her cheek now and closed her eyes. “I’m afraid to love you, Sal, but I do. So much.”

  He swallowed hard, clearing away the knot in his throat that her words produced instantly. “Don’t be afraid, Gracie. I’m not.” He lay back down, bringing her with him, feeling how her heart beat almost as loudly as his did. They kissed, but not in the frantic way they’d been kissing lately. This had nothing to do with the physical desires that had been building between them. Kissing her suddenly felt different. Now that he knew she loved him too, he wanted to feel just how much she loved him in every stroke of her tongue—every beat of her heart. These were, by far the best kisses he’d ever experienced.


  Friday night, Sal opened up a bottle of wine and they got in the Jacuzzi. Grace had been nervous about him seeing her in a bikini, but the look on his face when she walked out of the house wearing it, didn’t disappoint.

  Everything felt different now. Ever sin nook once Sal had told Grace that he was in love with her even water tasted better. He hadn’t stopped telling her since and she’d never get tired of hearing it. Of course, she cried when she told Joey and Taylor. Joey cried with her and Taylor laughed at them calling them hopeless romantics.

  She wasn’t even worried about Vegas anymore. Admittedly, she had been when he first told her. The thought of him in Vegas, drinking with a bunch of strippers that would probably be willing to strip for him free, scared the hell out of her. Who knew what else they’d be willing to do? But after his heartfelt admission the only thing she was worried about, was how much she was going to miss him that night.

  They sat in the hot Jacuzzi, sipping wine as music played softly from the speakers that looked like rocks in the landscape. She’d had a few glasses now and was really feeling relaxed. Sal pulled her closer to him and they began kissing softly. Having her near-naked body next to his hard bare chest did something to her insides. The wine made Grace feel a little less inhibited and she kissed him with more hunger than usual. She put her glass down and moved her body over his, straddling him.

  He moaned when she pressed herself against him and her heart rate spiked when she felt just how aroused he really was. She pressed against him, making him moan even more.

  Sal pulled his mouth away, breathlessly. “Gracie, maybe we shouldn’t have any more wine.”

  She breathed heavily, staring at his lips. Finally, she understood why she’d avoided being intimate or even coming close to it with anyone. For the longest time she’d associated her first time with the death of her grandmother. She didn’t think she could ever get past the disgust she’d felt that night when her boyfriend had suggested they still go back to the room, especially because anytime anyone asked why they’d broken up the thoughts inundated her.

  Now all she could think of, sitting here straddling Sal, was how much she would love for him to be the one. She always said she’d wait for the perfect guy, knowing full well that no such guy existed. But here he was, staring at her and he was definitely far more experienced than any of the boys she’d ever gone out with. “Make love to me.”

  His eyes opened wide. “Grace have you ever—”

  “Never.” She leaned in, kissing him, wanting him to feel just how badly she wanted him.

  When she finally stopped, Sal caressed her face. “I’d love nothing more, Gracie, but you’ve been drinking.”


  “This whole week you were sober and you never felt ready to go there, but now you’ve had some wine and you are?” He traced her lips with his finger. “I want you…no I need you to be absolutely sure.”

  “No one’s ever made me feel like you do, Sal. Not even close. I know you’re the one. I love you.”

  “Baby, you have no idea how bad I want to, but it just wouldn’t feel right tonight.”

  She glanced away not wanting him to see the disappointment she felt.

  “Can I a0"> nosk you something?”

  Her eyes met his again. “Yes.” She’d answered the hardest question she could think of already and now he knew without a doubt she was a virgin—a virgin who was offering herself to him. He could ask her whatever he wanted.

  “How far have you ever gone?” He brought her hand to his chest and she felt his heart pound. “I won’t lie. I’m feeling a little pressure, not to mention the incredible honor of being your first. When the time comes I just wanna know exactly how gentle I need to be.”

  Okay, so maybe there were still a few tough questions left. “Not far. I hadn’t even kissed anyone in almost year. And before that I had a couple relationships in high school. But I was always too scared to do much.”

  He felt his hand slide up her leg and in between her legs and her breath caught but she didn’t want him to think she was scared, even though she felt her heart jump to her throat. His fingers caressed her as he stared deep in her eyes. “Anyone ever done this to you?”

  Feeling the sudden arousal of his touch, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, shaking her head.

  “Really? No one has ever touched you there?” His fingers continued to move in small circles and she felt tingly from the pit of her stomach all the way down to her toes. She couldn’t even answer him. She shook her head again, breathing harder with every one of his slow strokes.

  He kissed her neck then began to suck softly. A moan escaped her when she felt his fingers move the strip of her bikini bottom aside. Now there was nothing in between his fingers and her burning flesh. He continued to massage finding the spot that made her shudder. “Relax,” he whispered against her ear. “You’re gonna like this.” Then kissed her c
heck softly.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, spreading her legs a little wider for him and felt his hard erection against her pelvis. “I already do,” she whispered in his ear.

  His fingers spread her and teased her, making her heart pound even harder. Would he go there? Then they suddenly stopped. He pulled his face back so that their eyes could meet and he smiled. “I’m saving that for me.” She felt his fingers move back higher to the place that had made her spasm moments ago and she buried her face in his neck, squirming as the sensation began to build. His fingers moved rhythmically but gently. He’d speed up then slow down, driving her crazy. She pulled her face away from his neck and kissed him.

  As her tongue sped up so did his fingers. Until she had to pull away from his mouth to pant, her entire body trembling. “That’s it, Gracie. Enjoy it.”

  It felt so incredible she cried out and squeezed her eyes shut, pulling herself away from him because she couldn’t take his fingers anymore. He pulled his hand away but brought her back to him, hugging her tightly. “Goddamn, Grace. You drive me crazy.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck breathing hard. She kissed his temple still enjoying the waves of pleasure that rolled through her entire body.

  “Did you like that, Gracie?”

  Still unable to speak she nodded.

  “Good,” he whispered. “I love you, baby.”

  Even though she’d heard him say it all week it still felt too good to be true. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea that Sal Moreno loved her. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever fully believe it. “I love you too, Sal, with all my heart.” That she was absolutely sure of.


  Knowing he’d be gone that evening, Sal made sure to schedule Grace for the opening shift Saturday. He picked her up and together they opened the restaurant. In the little time Grace had worked there she’d caught on to everything quickly. She walked in with him and helped him set everything up, get the registers counted and going, start the ovens, set up the kitchen and get everything else for the day—she was incredible. Only he and his siblings did as much with so much care. To all the other employees it was just a job, but Grace really cared, he saw it in her face. She wanted things done right, just as much as he did.

  He walked up behind her as she worked in the kitchen, and wrapped his arms around her waist. “God, I’m gonna miss you tonight.” He kissed her just above the ear.

  “Just hurry home tomorrow.” She spun around, wrapping her arms around his neck. He took her mouth in his, thinking about the things he’d do to her when he got back. Unable to hold back he kissed her even deeper. Hearing a small moan escape her drove him crazy. The kiss became even more frenzied now as he imagined doing things to her right here in this kitchen.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly and Grace pulled away. Alex chuckled as he walked away from the kitchen door and into the office. Sal gulped trying to catch his breath as he glared a his brother’s grinning face. What an ass. In Sal’s hurry to pick up Grace, he’d forgotten Alex said he’d be in early to do the payroll.

  “How embarrassing,” Grace whispered, pulling even further away from Sal.

  He pulled her back to him. “Don’t be embarrassed. That guys has no qualms about attacking his wife in front of anyone. He’s worse than Angel.”

  “Still,” she said her face a bit flushed.

  “No still.” He kissed her, then hugged her tight, running his arms all over her back. “Damn, I can’t , be /p>

  “I can’t either.”

  Several times throughout the day he debated about just canceling his trip to Vegas and staying home to be with Grace. He could do to her tonight what he’d now have to put off for another time. But he didn’t.

  Romero showed up as expected to drive him to the airport that afternoon. They dropped off Grace at her apartment and after a very long goodbye, he finally got back in the car with Romero. “Next time get a room and I can come back to pick you up.”

  Sal smirked. “I can’t believe your wuss ass can’t come with me to Vegas. It’s one night!”

  Romero shook his head, pulling a fast U-turn. “Nope. Are you kidding me? And risk Izzy turning this on me and taking off sometime on her own? Hell no.”

  Sal stared out the window, hoping Grace would never think that way and make him have to worry about her taking off for the weekend to party with her friends. So far, she’d said nothing of the sort, but if she ever did, he’d just have to suck it up. One thing was for sure. This was the last time he ever left without her.


  It didn’t take long to find the guys at the bar in Vegas. Sal had checked in, gone to his room and settled in before going back downstairs. He’d texted Jason and knew which bar to head to. Most of the guys were already getting loud. He knew a few from school but there were others he’d never met before. Jason walked up to him with a shot as soon as he saw him. “You need to catch up.” He handed Sal the shot, slinging his arm over his shoulders. “Everybody say hi to Sal, my college roommate.”

  Sal got a loud greeting from all the drunken idiots and he lifted his shot in the air before downing it. At first, Jason was on him, handing him one shot after another. Sal was glad he’d eaten before leaving the restaurant that afternoon. Grace had made him something special and they sat in a back booth eating together. But after several shots he began to feel the slow buzz. He figured he was in Vegas for that reason and he wasn’t driving anywhere so he went with the flow, but he hated hangovers. He’d only had a few in his life and they weren’t fun. Talk about wasting an entire day. So he had a plan. He knew lushes hated partying alone, but he also knew once drunk enough they were easily fooled into thinking he was drinking just as much. Since Jason already had a head start this should be easy.

  Sal texted Grace a few times to tell her how much he missed her. Even with all the noise and everything going on around him, she was all he could think of.

  A few hours later, Sal knew Jason was cooked. Jason hung on him, talking and Sal could barely make out what he was saying. Sal had had enough shots to be feeling a comfortable buzz but he was no where near the state Jason was.“Maybe we should call it a night.”

  “No, man.” Jason pointed a finger at him, smiling. “The girls are coming.”

  “What girls?”

  “Kitty…” Jason laughed. “My kitty Kat and her bridesmaids are out here, too.”

  The waitress came to their table with a tray full of what looked like more shots. “These are compliments of some of your admirers, gentlemen.”

  All the guys spoke at once, cheering and asking her who sent the drinks and what they were. The waitress simply pointed at a group of women on the other side of the bar and said, “Tequila. Casadores.” She turned to Sal with that unmistakable gleam he was so used to getting from women. “This one’s for you.”

  Sal smiled taking it from her. Jason already held his and lifted it toward the group of women. “There’s my kitty Kat.”

  Sal squinted barely able to make out the girls in the smoky crowded room. Jason handed him the drink and held his up for a toast. “You sure you wanna drink another one?” Sal asked.

  “This is my bachelor party, man!” Jason slurred, hanging on to Sal’s arm for support. “Don’t get all Mother Teresa on me!”

  Sal clinked Jason’s glass with his then took a sip of the drink. Casadores tequila wasn’t the smoothest tequila out there but he didn’t remember it being this rough. Maybe it was because the Third Generation tequila they’d been drinking earlier was one of the smoothest out there.

  Jason downed his. “Whoa!” He lifted his empty glass in the air then frowned at Sal’s still almost-full glass. “C’mon! Don’t be a pussy!”

  There was no arguing with a drunk so Sal drank the rest instantly feeling his entire body warm. Jason smiled big. Another waitress walked up to them with a tray of drinks. Not shots this time but Sal didn’t recognize the drink. “The ladies are intent on getting you guys loaded,”
she said passing out the drinks.

  Sal rolled his eyes. As if Jason needed even one more shot. He took the drink the waitress handed him and smelled it. Whatever it was it was potent.

  “What is this?” he asked with a frown.

  She smiled. “Liquid Cocaine. It tastes better than it smells, trust me. Your ladies know their drinks.”

  Sal turned to the corner where the ladies were feeling a lot more buzzed than he had just earlier. It wasn’t until those ladies looked like nothing more than a bunch of fuzzy bodies in motion that he realized just how buzzed he was.

  He took the drink and held it up in the direction of the fuzzy bodies, losing his footing for a moment. Half the drink spilled onto his wrist and he licked it, holding on to a barstool for support. He’d never even heard of Liquid Cocaine but if he had to guess it was straight gasoline laced with acid.

  There was a commotion by the bar with the guys and Sal looked over to see Jason on the floor between the barstools, laughing and telling everyone he was okay. Some of the fuzzies rushed over and one of them bent down to help the other guys get Jason up. Sal couldn’t make out what the fuzzy said. She sounded like the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons. After that so did everyone else. Someone else handed him another Liquid Cocaine. He wasn’t even aware that he’d drunk the first one.

  It got harder and harder to open his eyes after every blink but he was sure no one noticed as he stood there, holding on for dear life to the bar stool next to him. Jason said something to him he didn’t understand and he felt an arm link onto his. Stupidly, he let go of the barstool, apparently the only thing that was keepinhatid somethig him up. If whoever held his arm hadn’t been there he would’ve gone down for sure.