Read Making You Mine (The Moreno Brothers 5) Page 38

  “Let’s go in the water.” Isabel said, tugging at his hand.

  “You sure?” Isabel hadn’t felt like doing much since they got here. The damn morning sickness really was doing a number on her.

  “Yeah, I’m sure,” she said with a smile.

  Once in the water up to their chests, Romero pulled her to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “So is this kid going to go by Romero, too?” she asked.

  “Not if it’s a girl.”

  Isabel tilted her head. “And if it’s a boy?”

  “How does Romero Romero sound?”

  Isabel laughed. “No!”

  “Why not? There was a guy in high school named Gaspar Gaspar. It was fucking hilarious.”

  She eyed him. “And that’s what you want your son to be? Fucking hilarious?”

  “Oh he’s gonna be funny. I guarantee you that.”

  Her smile softened. “And if it’s a girl?”

  God that scared him more than anything. How would he ever deal with a little girl? A son he wouldn’t have a problem roughing him up and making him tough as nails but a little girl? He’d go fucking nuts if anyone ever messed with her. He glanced back at the shore and watched Alex holding both his girls in his arms now. He supposed if Alex could deal with two at once he could handle one. He’d have to follow Alex’s lead. So far he seemed to be doing a pretty good job with the twins and growing up he’d been damn good about looking out for Sof. Yeah, that’s what he’d do. Follow Alex’s lead.

  “Hello?” Isabel said, snapping him out of his thoughts. widtoughts. I asked you a question. What if it’s a girl?”

  “She’s gonna be perfect.” He kissed her softly. “Like her mommy.”

  Isabel’s face flushed. After all these years he could still make her blush. God he loved her.

  “I meant her name.”

  Romero thought about it for a moment. “I like Amanda.”

  Her face brightened up suddenly. “I’ve always liked Amanda.”

  “Amanda Romero.” Romero said, his mind wandering off to a little girl being fawned over by him and his uncles. Ballerina classes, painted flowers in her bedroom like the ones in the twin’s room.

  Isabel dipped her head in the water as Romero continued to day dream about his little girl. He watched as Isabel smoothed her hair back after coming back up smiling, looking as beautiful as only she could. “I like Romeo,” she said.

  All his thoughts came to a screeching halt as he took in her words. “Who the fuck is Romeo?”

  She laughed. “The name. For a boy. Romeo Romero. Isn’t that cool?”

  She’d stepped away from him when she dipped her head in the water and he pulled her to him again. “I don’t know. I’ll have to think about that one.”

  Then she smiled wickedly and wrapped her legs around his waist. “I’m feeling better now. What do you say we go deeper in?”

  Romero kissed her instantly hard, already thinking about just how deep in her he wanted to be. “You really are perfect you know?”


  With his son finally out, Sal could now enjoy a few relaxing minutes in front of the fire with his wife.

  Valerie peeked into her tent and smiled. “I think Alex might’ve passed out with them.”

  “Wasn’t he supposed to be putting them to sleep not the other way around?” Sal asked.

  “He might be just pretending to sleep until he’s sure they’re out before making a move.” Valerie grabbed a stick and stuck a marshmallow on it.

  “Grab me another one please?” Grace said.

  “You don’t wanna roast marshmallows, Rose?” Sal asked, moving his marshmallow around in the fire.

  Rose shook her head, placing her earphones back in her ears as she sat back in her chair. Sal couldn’t help still wonder if she blamed him for how things went down with Vincent. Grace assured him she didn’t.

  All Sal knew is he’d stuck his neck out for Vince last summer when he’d come back for another stint at the stint atrestaurant and Vince blew it. Grace had caught them making out in the backyard. While they finally fessed up that yes they were a couple now, Vince assured him that he wouldn’t take it past making out. Sal had convinced Grace that it would be okay and they’d just keep a close eye out. Everything was fine all summer. Then just five months later after the summer was over Sal got the call from Vince’s dad and shit hit the fan.

  The zipper on the tent where Alex had been putting his twins to sleep opened and Alex emerged. “Damn,” he said, shaking his head. “Savannah was out almost as soon as I laid her down but Sienna fights it tooth and nail every time.”

  “Tee hee,” Romero said, taking a swig of his beer as he sat down next to Isabel in front of the fire. “Now we know which one’s gonna give you trouble.”

  Alex frowned, taking the seat next to Valerie. “No she’s not. They’re both daddy’s little angels. They’re never gonna give me trouble.”

  Sofia laughed, snuggling up against Eric. “Alex, you are so in for it.”

  Alex rolled his eyes and kissed Valerie then licked his lips. “What is that?”

  “S’mores,” she said, shoving another one in her mouth.

  “How many of those have you had?”

  She shrugged. “Lost count.”

  Angel stood up and walked over to the ice chest and grabbed a beer then started pouring some wine into a cup. “Anyone else want a beer?” Sal, Eric and Alex all lifted their hands. “Sofie looks like you’re the only girl here besides Sarah that can drink. You want one, too?”

  “Uh,” Sofia shook her head. “No, I just opened an iced tea.” She lifted it for him to see.

  After passing the beer around Angel sat down next to Sarah. “This place is a cool park, Grace. We should do this every year, Sal. Make it a family tradition.”

  “I’m down with that.” Sal said.

  “Us too,” Romero said, his eyes opening wide. “Izzy, next year we’ll have our baby with us.”

  “Yep,” Grace smiled. “There will be three more little ones by next summer. Its gonna be a circus.”

  “That’s if Valerie and Al

  ex don’t pop out another two-fer,” Romero laughed.

  Valerie dropped her head back. “Don’t even say that. My God.”

  “Why not?” Alex frowned. “We can handle it.”

  “Yeah, you’re not the one that has to carry them for nine months.”

  Sal glanced at Sarah and Angel. They were the only ones who didn’t seem to be smiling as big as everyone else. “Since this is our first night doing our new family tradition, I propose a toast.” Sal lifted his beer. “To family.”

  kquote ="0ng asMay it only get bigger,” Alex added

  “And may we always stay this close.” Sofia said.

  “Love you guys.” Angel lifted his beer.

  “Salud!” Romero said.

  “To family,” they all said before finally taking a drink.

  The End

  Alright you guys, I’m sure you’re wondering why Angel didn’t get his own POV in the epilogue. Well, that’s because he gets his own bonus short story! You guys asked for more Angel and Sarah and what my readers want my readers get. Enjoy!

  Only Eight Days

  A Moreno Brothers bonus short story

  Chapter 1

  An entire ten minutes had passed or maybe more and Sarah still sat staring at the phone. She knew she was being silly for getting choked up about something like this but Angel had to know that hearing about other couples getting pregnant was hard for her. Sure she played it off when Valerie and Isabel announced their pregnancies a few months ago, and she’d cried in private in the restroom when they got home. Even if she didn’t say it Angel had to pick up on her change in mood. Didn’t he?

  How could he drop the news on her like that so nonchalantly? Oh by the way Sofie’s pregnant. They’d only been married three months and already they had what she wanted so bad. She was happy for them. She really was, but she couldn’t help the pain
in her heart—and yes, the jealousy—from their news.

  A tear slid down her cheek. They were all pregnant now. In nine months they’d all have new babies. The pain was becoming excruciating and the worst part is she was sure it was her. Obviously the Moreno’s baby making powers were just fine. And it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying.

  Painfully she and Angel knew they could make a baby. Just eight months ago she was delighted to find out she was pregnant, then six weeks into it she lost it. It was the most devastating loss of her life. The doctors told them it was nature’s way of saying that baby just wasn’t meant to be but they could try again as soon as she got her next period. Sarah was almost afraid to. She didn’t know if she could survive a loss like that again. But they had tried again and ever since. Each month that passed and it didn’t happen was more painful than the last.

  By that afternoon, Angel’s announcement to her about Sofia and his total disregard for her feelings when slapping her with the news had her so worked up she needed to vent.

  Ever since Sydney married and moved clear across the country to North untry trCarolina, their communication had dwindled down to a phone call every few weeks then it turned into months, with texts and Facebook comments and messages replacing the calls. During the past year he’d reached out to her a bit more often since he’d begun to have marital problems. It didn’t look good from what he’d told her. Every time she spoke with him it was worse. He wasn’t even sure he was in love with his wife anymore. The last time he called he sounded really distraught.

  Sarah was completely open with Angel about Sydney and had been for years since he didn’t seem to be bothered by their relationship anymore. She wasn’t sure if it was because he finally got that Syd was truly just her friend or because the times she actually spoke with him were so far and few in between it wasn’t worth getting worked up for.

  Usually it was one of the girls she’d reach out to whenever she was upset with Angel and needed to talk. But how could she tell any of them, their pregnancies were part of the reason she was feeling so down? And she wasn’t about to call her mom on her honeymoon. She’d be gone the whole week. She needed Syd now. She called him but it went to voicemail so she left a message.

  When she heard the garage door open that evening she couldn’t help feel angry. She wasn’t really angry at Angel as much as she was angry at the world. The past thirteen months since they’d begun this baby making journey had really begun taking its toll on her emotionally.

  She was just days away from when she was supposed to get her period and if her mood was any indication it looked like it was going to be right on time… again.

  Angel walked in from the garage door that opened into the kitchen. He smiled as soon as he saw her and she had to look away. “What’s wrong?”

  Oh now he was attuned to her feelings. She shook her head and walked away toward the stove where she had rice simmering. He came up from behind her and hugged her, kissing the side of her head. “You not feeling well?”

  “I’m fine, Angel.”

  She felt him go stiff and he turned her around to face him. “All right what is it?”

  Before she could answer her phone rang. “Ignore it,” he said staring into her eyes.

  “No, I have to get it. I’m expecting a call.” She walked away from him and grabbed her phone off the counter. “Can you watch that rice for me please?”

  She answered her phone, “Hey Sydney.” She headed out to the front room and toward the front door already feeling her throat tighten.

  “Lynni how are you?”

  She’d barely walked out the door when she managed to whisper. “Not good.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Sofia is pregnant. I just found out today.”

  Sydney was quiet. That’s all she’d had to say and she knew he got it. She’d called him the day after Valerie and Isabel’s announcements too and just like then he reminded her that she and Angel hadn’t even gone to a fertility expert yet. “For all you know it idt

  She had only brought up the possibility of seeking medical help five months after they’d lost the baby and they still weren’t pregnant. Angel didn’t think it necessary but said he would if she really wanted to. She said she’d give it some more time but hadn’t brought it up since. It was almost as if they did it was their first step toward the real possibility of finding out they may never be able to have children. She couldn’t even bear the thought.

  As she talked to Sydney she walked all the way around their property. It reminded her of how excited they’d been when they purchased it. They’d lived in a duplex for the first year and a half of their marriage. They were too excited about getting the restaurant up and running to think about buying a house. It was only when they decided they were ready to start a family that they went to Valerie to help them find a home. They fell in love with it the moment they saw it.

  The excitement of owning their own home began to fade after the first several months of trying to conceive with no success. Even now neither wanted to admit they were worried. It was as if they said it out loud made it more real.

  She was in the back patio now and had been on the phone with Syd for almost a half hour when Angel slid the back door open and stuck his head out. “You almost done? This rice has been ready for a while now. What were you gonna do with it?”

  Sarah knew that tone. He wasn’t happy about her being on the phone with Syd this long. It had been a while that she’d even been on the phone with Syd while Angel was home and it’d never been this long. She tended to cut the calls short when Angel was around but today she just needed to let it out.

  Turning her face away from him quickly to hide a tear that escaped she said, “Yeah, I was wrapping it up.”


  She blinked her eyes in hopes of making the tears less noticeable before turning to face Angel again.

  His eyebrows pinched and he slid the door wider and took a step outside. “You okay?”

  She nodded and smiled. “I’ll be right in.”

  Angel stared at her for bit too long before nodding and stepping back in the house.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, Syd. Angel is home and waiting for me.”

  “Okay and listen going to a doctor about this doesn’t mean you’re admitting anything. All it means is you’re getting a little help. Thousands of couples go through this. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I’m not ashamed. I’m just scared.”

  “Don’t be. You’re both surrounded by people that love you. You’ll have a ton of support and family to hold your hands through this, including me.”

  She took a deep breath feeling emotional all over again. “I love you, Sydney.”

  She hadn’t said that to him in years. Once they were both married it felt a little weird. They’d replaced it with I miss you. But at this moment it felt rigdivnalht. She’d needed the comfort he’d brought to her in just those few words.

  “I love you too, Lynni.”

  After hanging up she took a few deep breaths to try and wash the emotions away, before making her way back inside.


  It’d been years since he had to even think about Sarah and Syd. And even longer since he’d worried about it. She was his wife now. He owned her body and soul just like she owned him. She assured him of this, and it went both ways. So why the fuck was he getting so worked up? To walk into his kitchen and feel that vibe. A vibe he didn’t like from Sarah and then have her pull away from him because she had to take this call—a call from Syd. Really?

  As if that weren’t bad enough she walked out of the house. She’d never done that. Not that she talked to Sydney often these days but if she happened to she did so openly and freely without any reservation about Angel hearing her conversation.

  The sliding door opened and Angel leaned against the counter in the kitchen waiting for her to come around the corner. She did but avoided his eyes placing her phone on the counter nearest to her. “Wh
at’s going on with Syd?”

  She shrugged. “He’s getting divorced.”

  That only intensified what he was feeling. “Is that right? For sure? Or is he just thinking about it.”

  “No. It’s a sure thing. He’s not even staying with her anymore and he got served with the papers a few days ago.”

  Sarah walked up to the stove removing the lid from the pot of rice. Angel reached out for her hand and pulled her to him. “Let’s try this again. What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and said nothing staring at his chest. He lifted her chin and saw her tear filled eyes. Immediately his worries about Syd were gone, replaced by overwhelming concern. “What is it?”

  She shook her head again, wiping a tear that escaped down her cheek. Angel wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her even closer, refusing to drop the eye contact. “Look at me, Sarah. You can tell me.”

  “I’m ashamed to.”

  Angel’s breath caught. He wouldn’t let that statement and the fact that she just had a long conversation with Sydney, one she obviously didn’t want Angel to hear manifest into something ugly. “Don’t be silly. Just tell me.”