Read Man and Master Page 16

  “Detach my feelings from my physical body…” Gabriele repeated Joshua’s words back to him, pondering their true significance. “So I should learn to act with willing sexual desire at any suggestion my Master makes, regardless of how I feel personally?”

  Joshua nodded.

  Gabriele’s frown deepened and then her features crumbled into confusion. But behind her expression, she was thinking furiously.

  “The whole dynamic confuses me,” she said at last in slow measured words like she was groping for understanding. “You said that a sexual submissive would be required just to give pleasure, right?”

  “Not just pleasure,” Joshua said. “Sometimes she would be challenged to perform tasks, but those challenges would be based on sexual situations.”

  Gabriele was still shaking her head, mimicking confusion. She wondered cunningly if Joshua had seen her trap. “Can you give me a practical example?”

  Joshua narrowed his eyes warily. From somewhere in the dark recesses of his subconscious an alarm bell rang a dull warning. He studied Gabriele’s innocent expression and then shrugged his shoulders.

  “Come here to me.”

  Gabriele got out of the chair and glided to the kitchen counter where Joshua stood. “Yes, Master?” she asked in a syrupy-sweet voice. She lowered her eyes dutifully, lest Joshua see the mischief there.

  “Undress me.”

  Despite herself, Gabriele blinked. She balked for an instant, but Joshua was suddenly impatient. “Immediately,” he demanded, “but do not touch my skin with your hands. If you do, you will be denied orgasms for another ten days.”

  Gabriele’s blood began to rush. Quickly she unfastened the top button of his shirt. Through the fabric she could feel the hard strata of Joshua’s chest muscles and the beat of his heart. Her mouth turned dry, and her fingers began to tremble. She was holding her breath as though the act was some delicate and dangerous surgery. When the first button was unfastened and she could see the first whorls of Joshua’s hairy chest, she gasped and drew fresh air into her lungs.

  “This is an example of a sexual challenge that a submissive might be set,” Joshua explained in a calm voice as Gabriele deftly unfastened two more of Joshua’s shirt buttons. “The situation is clearly of a sexual nature. You have been ordered to remove your Master’s clothes. And yet the task is made into a challenge by the strict conditions you must perform the task under. You cannot touch my skin with yours for fear of punishment. In ways like this a Master can challenge his submissive.”

  Gabriele nodded her head. She was trembling with a delicious excitement that she found almost impossible to control. She tugged the tail of Joshua’s shirt from the waistband of his jeans and concentrated fiercely on the lowest buttons. The tremors that had started in her fingers had coursed all the way through her body. She could feel her legs shaking and there was a nervous quiver in her lips that she could not stop. Joshua kept talking in a manner that was almost icy.

  “A domestic slave might be given similar tests that challenge their cooking ability. It all depends on the Master and the levels of his creativity and experience.”

  “Does a Master’s experience make a difference?” Gabriele whispered through a tremulous breath. She unfastened another button and exhaled with tense relief.

  “Certainly,” Joshua said. “In this situation, for example, I would be reluctant to punish you too severely for any error because I would be planning on using your body for sex once I had been undressed.”

  “You would…?” Gabriele’s voice rose in a small lift of hope.

  “If I was your Master…”

  Gabriele reached the last button of Joshua’s shirt and stopped herself suddenly. She bit down on her lip. “If you were my Master, would you use me as a domestic slave?”

  “No,” Joshua was adamant. “You would be trained in sexual submission.”

  “But I’m not very good in bed,” Gabriele reminded him.

  “That’s not the case at all. You’re just not confident in bed. And as I have just explained to you, skill is something that needs to be acquired. It comes with learning the specific needs of a Master’s mind and imagination. But willingness and eagerness are traits that are instinctive. You have those attributes already.”

  Gabriele dedicated herself to the task of unfastening the last button on Joshua’s shirt. It came free at last, and she gasped a deep breath of relief. The shirt gaped open and once again she gave Joshua’s muscled torso a lingering caress with slanted, sensual eyes. She unfastened both sleeve buttons and moved behind Joshua to draw the shirt off his shoulders. She let it fall to the ground at his feet, and inhaled the musky man-scent of him like it was oxygen.

  Gabriele ran her smoldering gaze across the broad of Joshua’s back and shoulders, and she ached with the need to touch him; to press her face against the hard resilient warmth of his body and wrap her arms around his chest. She felt it like a throbbing pulse deep within her burning body. She felt herself cramp with the force of her wanting and stole a secret touch of herself through her panties. Her pussy was swollen and so sensitive to her touch that even the lace of the fabric was a painful abrasion.

  “Now the jeans,” Joshua said thickly.

  Gabriele came and knelt before him. Her lips were parted and glossy, and her hands as she reached for his belt shook feverishly.

  “Remember,” Joshua whispered the warning to remind Gabriele of the dire consequences of failure. “Ten more days without an orgasm…”

  Gabriele didn’t need to be reminded. Joshua’s ominous recap only served to ratchet up her desperation and tension another notch.

  She said nothing, but instead focused all her effort into the careful movement of her fingers while Joshua stood before her like a statue.

  He was hard. He looked down at Gabriele’s bowed head and felt her hands tugging at the leather belt and buckle. Her knuckles grazed across the bulge in his pants, sending a tingle of flickering flame down the length of his cock. He closed his eyes.

  When Gabriele had the belt unbuckled, she set herself for the challenge of the big brass button at the front of the jeans. She needed both hands, squeezing the two flaps of the fabric close together with painstaking care, and then forcing the edge of the button through the eyehole. The jeans gaped open. Gabriele sat back on her haunches and exhaled a deep breath of melting relief.

  Joshua’s jeans were held together only by the zipper. Gabriele swallowed another deep breath of air and held it. Slowly – very slowly – she began to unzip Joshua’s pants.

  His cock was too hard, too large to be contained any longer. As the zipper drew down, it pushed through the gaping denim. Gabriele gasped with the same awe that had struck her to numbness in the bathroom.

  “Stop!” Joshua snapped.

  Gabriele gaped in crestfallen despair. She looked up into Joshua’s eyes with her features filled by confusion and devastation.

  “But I did it, Master,” she protested. “I passed the task you set me.”

  “Yes,” Joshua said as he began to step back from her. His breathing was hoarse and strained with his own tension. “And you have earned yourself five days of reprieve from your orgasm denial punishment. Now the task is over.”

  Gabriele swallowed down her bitter sense of rejection like it was poison. Then a mad and reckless impulse overtook her. She hesitated for just an instant, as fearful of the consequences as she was of the impetuous action.

  Take the chance!

  Suddenly she leaned forward and engulfed the swollen throbbing head of Joshua’s cock between her wide open lips, and at the same time wrapped her arms around the thick muscles of his thigh to hold him. She felt the thrill of Joshua’s cock press against her tongue and her whole body melted with intense satisfaction. A warm flood of wanting desire filled her panties.

  “What are you doing?” Joshua growled. He fisted his hands tightly into Gabriele’s hair to pull her away, but she clung to him with her mouth, sucking his shaft deeply down her thr
oat, painting it with the wet warmth of her drooling saliva. She felt Joshua’s instinctive primal reaction; the pulsing leap of his cock against the roof of her mouth, and it thrilled her like nothing she had ever experienced before. She was groaning, gasping. The pain of her pulled hair brought tears to her eyes, but she clung to Joshua and clawed her nails into the back of his legs with her desperation.

  Damn the consequences!

  Temptation had drawn Gabriele far beyond the edge of obedience. Now there was only this that mattered.

  And it was everything to her!

  Joshua grunted and reached down to painfully squeeze Gabriele’s breast, pinching the skin with his fingers and feeling it swell beneath his touch. He felt her flinch and recoil, but still her lips stayed locked around the length of his cock. She was swirling her tongue around the engorged head, plucking at the thick veined length with determined clenches of her lips. Joshua felt an unholy shudder of desire break over him like a flood of water that breaches a straining dam wall.

  He staggered back and the edge of the kitchen counter pressed into the small of his back to support him. His hand fell away from Gabriele’s breast. The other hand changed its grip in her hair. Now he was pulling her forward, deeper onto his cock. He grunted, his features twisted into a mask of both pain and pleasure.

  Gabriele recognized the exact instant when Joshua’s resistance broke into incoherent abandon, and her heart filled with exultation and triumph. She was swooning on his cock, devouring every inch of the long shaft that she could physically take into her mouth. She was ravenous. This was so different to the way she had timidly allowed Randall to get himself off when he had insisted. Now Gabriele felt strangely empowered by her submission and the realization seemed incredible to her. It had taken complete surrender to find her true feminine power! She lavished Joshua’s cock with adoring kisses and long sensuous licks with the flat of her tongue. Then she daringly brought her hand to his shaft, wrapping her fingers tight at the base, within the nest of springy hair, and gently stroking him through the slick coating of her drool in time with the sucking tempo of her lips.

  Every hissed groan and grunt through Joshua’s clenched teeth was like music to Gabriele’s ears; ringing like encouragement as she compensated for a lack of technique with raw passion and desire. Incredibly, she could feel Joshua beginning to thicken further within the tight ring of her lips, stretching her mouth wonderfully, flinching and throbbing as she concentrated on the most sensitive few inches of his cock. She was rocking from her hips, bobbing her head back and forth and gliding her lips over the thick corded veins along the underside of his shaft. Her eyes were closed but all her other senses were heightened. It was like being blindfolded again; her skin tingled, her pussy clenched, her ears heard every sound, and the scent of her own musky arousal seemed to fill and flare in her nostrils. Gabriele had never felt so alive – so immersed and engaged in a sex act.

  At last there was a tangy taste across her tongue; a leak of Joshua’s pre-cum, like a single drop of dew. Gabriele’s lips were puffed and swollen, her jaw numbed by the enduring strain. Her tongue felt weary, but she was too eager to let the fatigue slow her efforts. She arched her back to change the height and angle of her mouth and began to suck harder, concaving her cheeks around the top of Joshua’s cock as if she could draw his orgasm from him by her will and desire alone.

  Joshua felt the strain of holding himself back burn into the tensed muscles of his thighs and then cramp all the way up to his chest. He was flexed rigid to hold himself in check. Every sinew in his body began to seize. He had his head thrown back, and when at last he reached the threshold of no-return, he instinctively clamped his hands into Gabriele’s hair to hold her face still and began to buck his hips.

  It was primitive; primal. It was raw animal desire overcoming all sense of reason and restraint. Joshua growled a thick grunt of lust and drove himself deeper into the pliant opening of Gabriele’s gasping mouth. He came up onto the balls of his feet, and the muscles in his ass were like a hammer driving the long nail of his cock. He felt a rash of sweat break out across his brow. It ran stinging into his eyes and down to his jaw. His chest swelled with a long last lungful of air… and then finally he felt himself cumming.

  Joshua gasped with the force of his release. The air whooshed from him like vicious punch to the guts. The orgasm erupted as white-hot lava. He felt his toes curl and then his back arched. His cock pulsed once, then again, and one final time. Bright pinwheels of dazzling light flashed behind his eyes as he reeled gasping and staggering. He clutched desperately at the counter’s edge to hold himself upright.

  Gabriele took the rush of Joshua’s cum across her tongue. It broke like a flash flood, filling her mouth. She swallowed just in time to capture the second pulse. She could taste the salty tang and the thick creaminess of Joshua’s essence. She gasped for breath and felt a third pulse splash against her bottom lip. It was warm on her chin. She caught the spill on the tip of her finger and sucked it greedily into her mouth. She was panting for breath, giddy from the effort and the intense glow of satisfaction that washed over her.

  Gabriele stole a glance up into Joshua’s face. His eyes were screwed shut, and his mouth wrenched in a tight clenched line. His cock was still hard, still swollen, though drained of all its desperate energy. She took it lovingly back between her lips, humming with content as it slowly began to soften.

  After a very long time, Joshua reached down and drew Gabriele to her feet. She was shaky; her knees felt weak. Joshua’s eyes were strange; they flickered with a strange glimmer, like the first tenuous light breaking through the aftermath of a terrible storm.

  “I wanted to know the real you,” Gabriele whispered in timid apology. “I wanted you to show me how you feel.”

  The look in Joshua’s eyes snatched her breath away.

  “I know what I feel,” he growled. And then he kissed her.

  There was anger and frustration and remorse and despair in the way Joshua savagely took Gabriele’s mouth. Through his lips she understood everything he felt; his guilty sense of betrayal to his lost wife, his fierce sexual desire for her… even his desperate need to break free of the chains that fettered him to his grieving past. Gabriele clung to him while Joshua’s emotions broke like storm surf upon the rocks until at last he was shaking from the raw intensity of the moment.

  They came apart at last, Gabriele still clinging to Joshua, never wanting to leave his side.

  “I know what I feel…” Joshua said again slowly. His voice was unsteady and his breathing ragged. “I just don’t understand how you make me feel it.”

  Chapter 10:

  At sunrise the next morning, Joshua backed the black sports car out of his garage, and headed north.

  He bypassed the outskirts of the city and drove towards the coast. When he picked up the highway, the traffic was flowing in a steady stream. He idled along – in no hurry – heading relentlessly towards his past.

  The naval base loomed low on the horizon two hours later; grey buildings and high antennae masts against a hazed horizon. Joshua smiled to himself with a twinge of recollection, then turned off the highway onto a long stretch of blacktop that ran like an arrow towards the skyline. He flattened the gas pedal, and the big engine under the hood snarled like a wounded beast. The scent of salty air filled Joshua’s nostrils. The memories came crashing in then, thick as cobwebs. He opened the windows and let the buffeting air through the car sweep them away.

  He recognized familiar signposts and slowed the car. A turnoff leaped out at him from behind a thick grove of bushes that had grown wild to the verge of the roadside. Joshua stomped on the brakes and the car’s engine snarled in protest. He turned off the road into a small sand-swept parking lot, bordered by an undulating wall of great golden dunes.

  There were more signs and a low log fence. Joshua licked his lips with a nervous kind of apprehension. The day was clear and cloudless, the sun warm on his back through the fabric of his shirt. H
e kicked off his shoes and rolled up the legs of his denim jeans until they were below his knees.

  Barefoot, he went across the parking lot and followed a path in the sand that was defined by the log fence. He could hear the distant restless rush of the ocean as it pounded on the shore.

  The high surrounding wall of dunes was like a mirror, reflecting and amplifying the heat. Joshua was sweating lightly when the path suddenly veered to the left. The sand dunes seemed to melt into the beach before him.

  He was here.

  He was at the beach where Jan had drowned three years before.

  The terrible pain of loss draped itself around him.

  He stood on the fringe of the beach, his feet squelching in the hot sand, and ran his eye along the ribbon of yellow shore. To the north he could see a craggy promontory of rock, jutting out into the blue ocean like an accusing finger. The headland was overgrown with trees and scrub, the base of the rocky outcrop laced in the white foam of breaking waves. To his south, the beach curved like a slice of moon, ending in another natural break wall of ground. It was a low flat escarpment, and perched atop it were expensive cliff-side houses behind facades of full-length windows.

  Joshua felt his shoulders slump. The salty air was carried by a light offshore breeze that curled the rolling waves over upon themselves as they broached the shallow sandbars beyond the tide line.

  Joshua walked slowly down to the water’s edge. There was a thick suffocating cramp in his chest; a tightening like his heart was wrapped in steel bands. His breathing became short and shallow. The beach was deserted. He stood in the ice-cold shallow water and heard the bubbling hiss as each spent wave lapped around his feet before being sucked back into the depths.

  High overhead, gulls were wheeling on the breeze. It reminded Joshua of the dreadful day that Jan had drowned. Then it had been helicopters; two of them that flew low overhead, beating the ocean flat with their giant throbbing rotor blades as the pilots frantically searched for her body.