Read Mangled Hearts Page 13

  Since moving back, one weeknight a month was dedicated to a girl’s night out. Daphne insisted I wasn’t the type to let loose enough, and demanded I go and have fun with her. I’d made a few new friends over the years, so we actually had a decent sized group to go out with. At first, everyone questioned why I stayed sober, but I always though Daph said something because the questions just stopped one night. Some of them new about Josie’s accident, some did not. I didn’t want to talk about it with any of them.

  Shuffling through my clothing, I groaned in frustration. I couldn’t decide what to wear. Daphne said “look super hot,” and left it at that. Her message was cryptic and left me feeling uneasy. I quickly texted Bree asking if she knew what was up. Everything made me feel huge, ugly. A long day at the office equaled a very grumpy Francesca. Frustrated and discouraged, I texted Daph telling her I wasn’t going this week. Her reply was almost instant, telling me to “shut up and get ready.”

  After slipping out of my suit, I searched my closet for my favorite slinky black skirt. It was snug, but it looked good. It actually made me look like I weighed less, something I never understood. I paired it with strappy sandals and a shirt that showed off my assets perfectly. The mirror showed my hair was still straight from this morning, though limp and my make-up needed minimal touch ups. Flipping my head over so my hair fell all around me, I frantically ran my hands through it to add body. Slamming upright, I gripped the counter to steady myself. My face was almost unrecognizable. Doing without sleep was wearing me down. The nightmares had shifted since Cade came back in the picture. It wasn’t just Josie I dreamed of, but him too. His lips, the way his hands lightly caressed my hair, how I felt whole around him, and how he lived but she died.

  I fought back the tears as I relined my eyes with the dark pencil. My phone chimed, distracting me enough to almost poke myself. Dropping the eyeliner, I muttered curses as I tried to locate it. I turned every which way, certain I’d had it just minutes ago. I fell on the bed, digging under the pillow. Hammy meowed at me, giving me a look of death, and sauntered off. He had attitude for such a pretty little kitty. I gripped my treasure, sliding the screen on to see a text from Bree, a friend I met through Daphne.

  Her: Daph is totally up to something.

  Me: Oh, no. What do you know?

  Her: This is on suspicions only. She told me to make sure you look hot.

  Me: Shit. Daphne was definitely up to no good.

  Her: Did you really just cuss? Lol

  Me: Yep. I wasn’t one to let people hear me when I was angry. I knew lawyers were ruthless, but I wanted to also be considered a lady. So I kept my temper to myself. I tossed the phone back down, sitting on the edge of my bed, and burying my face in my hands. Daphne was my best friend, I loved her to death, but sometimes she meant well but only harmed the situation. My gut told me she was trying to make me forget about Cade, an impossible task. I vowed to stay for dinner only, then I was leaving. Especially if she invited some male companions along.

  I shuffled to the kitchen, filling Hamlet’s food bowl and giving him more water. Checking to make sure everything was turned off, I stuffed my phone and wallet into a small clutch and headed out the door. My car, the not so shiny new Honda that desperately needed a wash, was parked snuggly in my small car port. I planned to build a garage, but couldn’t seem to find the time to get my dad over to help me. I slid in, buckling and adjusting my mirrors. I look tired, sad. It’s not the best feeling to know that’s how I appear to everyone, but what more could I do?

  The smell of sweat hit me as soon as I passed by the bouncer. Daphne, Bree, Kylie, Ava, and Brooke were seated in a corner booth, sipping their drinks and chatting away like only women can do. I rushed over, slipping through the sea of bodies. Hands touched me, fingers brushed my legs, and my chest constricted as anxiety gripped at me. Being near this many drunk people wasn’t my favorite thing, and Daphne knew that, so I was curious why she chose a place I would hate for our girl’s night. I arrived at the table in one piece, sliding in the seat next to Ava, the tall redhead I met in a town meeting.

  “Hey, Ava,” I greeted, then turned sharply to face Daphne. “What were you thinking? I hate bars.”

  Her big eyes widened as she agreed with me. “I know.”

  I stared at her. “And? Why here?”

  “You need to get out more,” she slurred, “and I’m going to help you. You need to forget work, forget Cade, and just have fun.”

  “Who is Cade?” Bree chimed in, looking genuinely confused.

  “No one,” we said in unison.

  Kylie laughed loudly, snorting a little, “Sure, he’s no one.” She used air quotes, her blue eyes wide and glassy as she giggled.

  Brooke, the serious, married one of the group leaned forward. “You love him. I can see it written all over your face. Tell us who he is,” she demanded. Daphne met Brooke in college. I wasn’t her biggest fan, mainly because she was snobby to me half the time. She ran hot and cold. I never really knew if she liked me or not. I never understood why, but it didn’t matter. Seeing her once a month was something I could handle.

  “I loved him at one point, yes, but now he’s just my client,” I said, looking over the menu.

  Bree looked up, her golden brown eyes widening in excitement, “did you say client?” A smile crept over her lovey face. She was petite and curvy. Men loved her. She was also the only mom of the group. Her daughter, Ally, was the cutest kid ever. I loved it when she brought her over. Ally’s dad had split when Bree got pregnant, so she raised her on her own. She was a strong woman. I’d have to remember to tell her to bring Ally to meet Hamlet.

  I nodded, a smile spreading widely across my face.

  “Finally!” Kylie yelled, throwing her arms up. She was tall, lanky, and the tomboy of the group. I’d never seen her in a dress or skirt, and doubted I ever would. Her blue peepers were framed with dark lashes to match her equally dark hair.

  Ava smiled, downing the rest of her drink. She slammed the glass on the table, causing me to jump. Her flaming red hair was piled on top of her head, a few tendrils framing her freckled face. Her big blue eyes shone in the dim light and a mischievous smile plastered her face. “Yesssss,” she hissed, though I didn’t know if it was for the drink or because I had a client. Bree laughed, leaning around her to give me a high five. She was the only other one that didn’t get inebriated, so we usually ended up laughing at everyone else. I slapped her hand back, turning in time to see the waiter walk up. He was tall, muscular, and very attractive. Kylie instantly started flirting with him.

  Twisting her brown locks around her finger, she batted her lashes and coyly asked, “Hey, handsome, care to get me another drink?” Her voice was as smooth as velvet. “Vodka on the rocks, please,” she said, licking her lips.

  Rolling my eyes, I ordered a cheeseburger and water. The other ladies told him what they wanted, then we all watched him walk away. His fitted black pants made his backside look just right.

  “Mmhmm,” Daphne sighed in front of me, a dreamy look on her face.

  I laughed, shaking my head at them. Girl’s night out was never dull with these women. I thanked Matthew, our waiter, for my water and sipped it as I studied the bar. People were hanging all over one another, so much so that it was embarrassing for me to even watch. I diverted my eyes, focusing my attention on Bree.

  “How’s Ally?” I asked, moving my head back and forth around Ava’s winding body. I felt like a duck.

  “She’s good, she made honor roll again, my little super smart girl,” she said proudly.

  I hoped to know that pride someday. I sat my water down, getting lost in my thoughts when a foot kicked me under the table. I snapped my eyes up, seeing Daph giggling and looking behind me. “What?” I questioned, about to turn.

  Ava grasped my arm, “Don’t,” she whispered a little too loudly as she laughed.

  I stared at Daph expectantly. She leaned forwa
rd, “A guy is checking you out and coming over here.” Her eyes widened and she nodded at me, as if telling me to go for it.

  Rolling my eyes yet again, I reached for my phone as a shorter man stopped by the edge of the booth. I looked up, seeing brown eyes and curly blonde hair. He wasn’t what I would call attractive, but wasn’t hideous either. He smiled widely, showing perfectly straight, white teeth.

  “Hi,” he said, holding his hand out. “I’m Ryan.”

  I took his hand hesitantly. Ryan, I thought, what an ordinary name. Nothing like Cade. I cursed my mind for thinking of him, smiled slightly, and said, “Francesca.”

  He held on to my hand , the sweat of his skin streaking my palm. I tried not to grimace.

  “Wanna dance?” he asked, his beady eyes looking me over.

  Why did I wear a low shirt? “Umm…” I started, but was interrupted by Daphne.

  “Yes, she will! Go on now, Franny. Dance with this nice man,” she cooed at me, a devious look in her eyes.

  I glared at her, silently telling her how much trouble she was in when this was over. Standing, I contained the groan that tried to slip out as I realized I was almost a head taller than him. I glanced back at my friends, seeing them all trying to contain their laughter. I scrunched up my face in anger, letting Ryan lead me to the floor. His sweaty hands grasped my waist, going to my hips, and I directed them back up.

  “Sorry, Franny,” he said, leaning closer.

  “My name is Francesca,” I corrected him, stepping back.

  “You friends call you Franny. Am I not a friend?” he asked. I could smell the alcohol rolling off his breath.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Can I be?” he mumbled, his face inching closer to my chest.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said, moving back once again.

  “You’re pretty,” he hissed, his eyes unclothing me.

  “Thanks,” I said, disgustedly.

  He stumbled forward, “Can I mix my baby batter with your eggs?” he slurred trying to reach up and kiss me.

  I pushed him off me, yelling, “Get away!”

  His hands moved upward, trying to grope me, when a strong body pulled me away. I looked around, shocked to see Cade rescuing me.

  “Don’t touch her,” he commanded. His eyes were wide, angry, his voice deep and threatening. He, too, smelled like alcohol, but I didn’t care in this moment. He was here getting this creep away from he. His hands held me tightly, pressing my body to his. My breath quickened being so close to Cade. He sensed my distress, giving me a slight squeeze.

  “Hey, she was dancing with me,” Ryan declared, puffing his chest out, making himself look like a fish of some sort. He was at least a foot shorter than Cade, his body could be smashed in seconds.

  I laughed, loudly, as I imagined Cade squashing him like a bug.

  “Now she’s not. Go,” Cade said, pointing towards the door. His nostrils flared. He was angry.

  I placed my hand on his chest, trying to not think of how hard and muscular it felt, “Cade,” I whispered, leaning closer, “it’s ok. Let’s just go.”

  Ryan moved closer, grabbing at my hand. “Come on, Franny, leave this jerk behind. Let’s finish dancing.”

  “Ok, one: don’t call me Franny. Two: I’m not dancing with you. And three: I’m a lawyer…I’m about to call my buddies at the police department to come see you about harassment for trying to grope me one more time.”

  His eyes widened in surprise and he backed away, his hands raised up and head shaking.

  Cade laughed, his voice deep and alluring next to my ear. I realized I was still pressed into him, but I couldn’t make myself back away. Our eyes locked, the fluttering sensation starting in my tummy that always happened with Cade. He spun me around, pulling me to the dance floor.