Read Mangled Hearts Page 32

  Cade’s Second Month of Rehab

  The days were becoming easier, the cravings not so intense. Reid was quickly becoming my best friend, my confidante. The more I learned about him, the more I compared it to me and discovered new things. The facility was nothing short of amazing. All the nurses, counselors, coordinators, and even janitors were friendly and helpful. I was getting closer to some of the other patients, going to them when I wanted a drink or couldn’t get it out of my head. Francesca’s letters still kept me going. I came to expect them at the end of each week, and reread them until I worried the paper would tear.

  I lay back on the bed, waiting for the morning group meeting, when the letter came. Two pieces of paper fell out, one a letter, and one looked like a poem. I smoothed the paper, reading the poem first.

  Sizzling lips scorch my skin

  Rough hands pull me close

  Hearts beating fast

  Breaths becoming ragged

  Eager bodies with trembling limbs

  Melding together, again and again

  Grazing teeth against luscious lips

  Nails sinking deep in shoulders

  Gasping in sync

  A trail of fire left in your descent

  Eager bodies with trembling limbs

  Melding together, again and again

  Her words hit my heart, speeding up my rhythm. They jumped off the paper, playing out our night of lovemaking in my brain. My insides tightened, my temperature rose at the thoughts of her body next to mine. Shaking my head, I held the other paper in front of me, desperately trying to steady it and make my mind concentrate on her words.


  I hope you are doing well and getting more in control. I wish I could talk to you. I keep having dreams of you, and these words in the poem were on my mind one morning, so I wrote them down. I know it sounds corny, but I had to let it out. You consume my mind, Cade. I don’t know why, I don’t know how to stop it, but it’s happening. I think of you more than I’d like to. And I just confessed it all. I understand if you don’t send any letters back after this, I sound like a crazy person.

  The office is almost finished! The landlord said I can be in and open for business on October fifth. So as soon as the renovations and everything are over, I have to get the move on getting everything set up. Zander finally told me to stop buying stuff and had me put his name on the accounts so he could cancel my obsessive ordering. It’s bad, Cade. I have a problem. It’s just so exciting to be able to create this space that’s mine and people will come here for help, from me, and I want it to look amazing and feel homey. It’s a lot of pressure now that I think about it.

  The lawsuit is officially going to court next month. They aren’t cooperating. It is what it is. It’s going to be a really big pain, but I can’t back down now.

  The last of my flowers died today. So I took the petals and put them in a jar. They smell amazing, and remind me of you. I have them on my bedside table. The vase is going to be the home for some fake flowers soon. I don’t want to get rid of any of it. You have no idea how much it meant to me that you went to that trouble, the effort you put into it, just because you knew I would smile. Thank you again.

  Hammy is getting fat. He eats too much, then pukes it up. It’s a very bad habit. I don’t know how to make him stop! I guess I need to put my cat on a diet. I’ve considered getting another cat so he can play with someone. I’m not around enough for him to chase my shoe strings.

  I hope the visit went well with your dad. I hope he showed up, actually. I know you were worried, but I think it went great. I haven’t heard from Cason lately, but I know he’s been busy with work. Reid called me the other day though. That guy is hilarious, Cade! I still don’t know exactly why he called, but I assumed it was because he wanted me to know you were thinking about me. He talks in circles sometimes. I don’t think you’ll be getting rid of him either.

  I must go now. There are lots of things to do and never enough time. I wish the best for your recovery. I can’t wait until I can see you again. If our reunion meeting is anything like my dreams have been, we are in for a fun night ;) I’m sending pictures of the office. I finally got in to take some! The landlord can be a pain at times. Of course, these photos are the before. I’ll send after’s later.

  Good luck, Cade. I’m thinking of you and wishing I was with you, always.



  My heart fluttered more, knowing I was stuck in her mind as well. My thoughts never wandered far from her, to the point of obsession at times. Not the bad obsession, but the consuming, loving kind. sl placed the letter back in the envelope, sliding it into the top drawer of my dresser. I would write her back after the morning meetings. I practically danced out of my room, the joy that only Francesca could bring radiating off of me.