Read Maori and Settler: A Story of The New Zealand War Page 10



  The captain led the way on to the poop, the chiefs and the natives withthem following, while the first officer with the six sailors with sabreskept in their rear. Once on the quarter-deck Mr. Ryan ranged three ofthe men by the bulwark on either side, telling them to sheath theircutlasses, but to be prepared for instant action in case of treachery.The chiefs preserved a stolid demeanour, scarce glancing at thepassengers, who were gathered on the poop. At the captain's orders thesteward brought up a number of cushions and placed them on the deck in acircle. The captain seated himself on one and motioned to the chiefs tofollow his example, which they did without hesitation. Mr. Ryan nowbrought up a number of things as presents for the chiefs, and each waspresented with a hand mirror, a roll of scarlet cloth, and sometrinkets, as a small supply of these had been brought on board for tradewith the natives in case of the necessity arising.

  The head chief was in addition presented with an axe, and rolls ofcoloured cotton strings of glass beads and some brass rings were givento the inferior chiefs. The natives appeared pleased with theirpresents. The captain then addressed them, and endeavoured to explainthat he wanted a supply of water. An empty barrel was brought up andsome water poured into this, and the captain then pointed to the shore,and by gestures intimated that he wished the barrels to be taken ashoreand filled. The chiefs evidently understood the explanation, and noddedtheir assent. The captain then led them to the stump of the mainmast,pointed to the shore, and taking an axe imitated the action of chopping,and showed that he wanted them to fell a tree and bring it off to thevessel. The chief pointed to the boats hanging on the davits, placed theaxe in the hands of one of the men, and clearly signified that the crewcould go ashore and cut down a tree if they chose. The captain shook hishead and placed the axe in the hands of one of the chiefs. Their leader,however, went up to the foremast, and by spreading out his armssignified that it was a great size, and then held out the small axe thecaptain had presented to him with an action of disdain.

  "The beggar means that with one axe they would never cut down a tree ofthat size," the first officer said.

  "That is all humbug, Ryan; they can bring down the biggest trees for theconstruction of their canoes. I believe they bring them down by fire.However, it is as well to humour them. Tell the carpenter to bring halfa dozen axes."

  This was done, and the axes laid down on the deck. There was now aconsultation between the natives. After a while they nodded, and thenmade signs that someone must go ashore with them to choose the tree.

  "What do you say, Ryan?" the captain asked. "It is of importance that weshould get a stick that will suit us. The question is whether it will besafe to trust a man on shore with these scoundrels?"

  "I will go ashore if you like, captain," Mr. Ryan replied.

  "I do not like it, Ryan," the captain said. "You see, they would makemincemeat of an armed crew in no time."

  "I should not propose to take a crew, sir; they could afford noprotection against a number of natives. I do not think the beggars wouldassault a single man. You see, there would be nothing to gain by it; andif they did it would put the ship on its guard, and their game atpresent is evidently to be friendly. I do not think there is any dangerin the affair. If I did not go they might send off some stick that wouldbe of no use at all to us, and as we came in on purpose to get a mast itis worth while risking something."

  "Well, Ryan," the captain said after a moment's deliberation, "I thinkperhaps you are right, and that one man would be safe with them. It iscertainly of great importance for us to get the sort of stick we want,so as you are ready to volunteer I do not think myself justified inrefusing your offer." The captain then put his hand on the chiefofficer's shoulder and intimated to the natives that he would accompanythem on shore. The party then returned to the poop, and the stewardbrought up some tumblers and two or three bottles of rum. The chiefs'eyes glistened as the liquor was poured out, and each swallowed a halftumbler of the spirit with an air of the deepest satisfaction.

  "That is the present they like best," the captain said; "and I suppose Ihad better give them some for consumption on shore. At any rate it willkeep them in a good temper until Ryan is back again." Accordingly twobottles of rum were presented to the leading chief, a bottle to thethree next in rank, and two or three bottles among the others. The greatcanoe was hailed, the natives again took their places in it, accompaniedby the first officer, and the boat then started for the shore. Some ofthe smaller craft now came alongside, and the process of barter wasagain commenced. Yams, bread-fruit, and other products of the islandwere obtained for the use of the ship in exchange for beads, emptybottles, and small mirrors, while the passengers succeeded in obtainingmany curiously carved weapons, calabashes, woven cloths, and othermementoes of their visit. Only two or three of the canoes were allowedalongside at a time, and a vigilant look-out was maintained to see thatthe others did not approach the ship. The captain walked restlessly upand down the poop, constantly turning his glass upon the shore.

  An hour after the great canoe had reached it he exclaimed in a tone ofintense satisfaction, "There is Ryan coming down to the beach. Thankheaven he is safe!" The first-mate was seen to take his place in a smallcanoe, which at once rowed off to the ship. The captain shook himheartily by the hand as he stepped on deck. "Thank heaven you have gotback safely, Ryan! it has been a hazardous business, and I shall takecare to let the owners know how you have risked your life by goingashore in their service. Well, how have you succeeded?"

  "I found a grand pine growing within thirty or forty yards of the water,about a quarter of a mile beyond that point to the left. As I expected,the natives had no idea of using the axes for such a purpose. When Ileft them a party were piling wood round the foot of the tree, and Ihave no doubt they will soon get it down in their own way. I supposethey will waste ten or twelve feet at the base, but that is of noconsequence, for the tree is long enough and to spare to make us afair-sized mainmast."

  "That is right; and as it is so close to the water we can send a boat tosee how they are getting on. How about water?"

  "They showed me a spring about fifty yards from the beach, nearly facingus. There is plenty of water there, and it is perfectly fresh and sweet,for I tasted it. If they make any bother about bringing it off, a coupleof boats with well-armed parties could fetch it without difficulty asthe distance is so short."

  "That is capital, Ryan. I hope our difficulties are pretty well over,and that we shall get off without any trouble with these fellows."

  "I hope so, sir. They certainly seemed friendly enough with me onshore."

  In the evening Mr. Ryan, with a crew of six men, went in the captain'sgig to see how the natives were getting on with the tree. The men hadtheir muskets and cutlasses laid under the thwarts in readiness foraction. The natives, however, appeared perfectly friendly. The crews ofseveral of the canoes near which they passed shouted some sort ofgreeting, but paid no other attention to them. On rounding the point thefirst officer steered straight for the tree he had chosen. A light smokewas ascending from its foot, and half a dozen natives were gatheredthere. When close to the spot he ordered the men to turn the boat roundand back her ashore.

  "I am going to land, lads," he said, "and see how they are getting on. Ido not think that there is the least danger, but you had best keep inreadiness to row off the instant I jump on board."

  Mr. Ryan then proceeded to the tree. He found that a circle of smallfires had been built against it. These were fed with dry wood, and wereslowly but steadily eating their way into the tree, and he saw that onlytwo or three feet of the base would be injured by their action. Henodded approvingly to the natives, but muttered to himself: "It's amighty slow way of bringing down a tree. It is not much above three feetand a half in diameter, even at the base, and a couple of men with axeswould bring it down in an hour, while there is no saying how long theywill be with these fires of theirs. However, I should say that they willget through
it to-night or some time to-morrow. It is a fine stick, andruns up as straight as an arrow, and is thick enough for fifty feet forour purpose."

  He walked quietly back to the boat, took his seat, and was rowed back tothe ship, where he reported that the natives were carrying out theirpromise, and that by the next day the tree would be down. On visitingthe spot again on the following morning it was found that the tree hadfallen.

  "The fellows know their business," Mr. Ryan said to the man who rowedthe stroke-oar. "You see that they managed so that it should falltowards the water. Now, lads, you can take to the axes we have broughtwith us and chop it through at the point where we want it cut; it willsave the trouble of getting off the upper branches, and render it muchmore handy for getting afloat."

  Leaving two of the men in the boat, Mr. Ryan and the other four leaptashore, and were not long in cutting through the tree. Another half-hoursufficed to lop off all the branches below this point, and the trunk wasthen ready for launching. The natives stood round watching the work withexclamations of surprise at the speed with which the keen axes did theirwork. Mr. Ryan had brought with him from the ship a number of presents,and these he distributed among the party who had been engaged in fellingthe tree.

  "I do not know," he said to the captain when he returned, "whether theymean to get the stick in the water and bring it here, or whether theyexpect we shall do that part of the business ourselves."

  "I think we will wait until to-morrow morning, Mr. Ryan. If we hearnothing of them by then you had better take two boats--one with men todo the work, the other to lie just off and protect them while they doit."

  There was, however, no occasion for this, for early the next morningseven or eight canoes were seen coming round the point with much beatingof tom-toms and sounding of conch horns.

  "Here comes the spar!" the captain exclaimed; "the worst of ourdifficulties is over, thank goodness!"

  "I would keep an eye open, Ryan, if I were you," Mr. Atherton said asthe mate passed him to give orders for preparing to get the spar ondeck. "There are a good many other canoes coming off from the shore,and they might take the opportunity for making a sudden attack."

  "Right you are," the mate said. "Let the starboard watch," he shouted,"keep their arms handy! Four men with muskets take their place at thetop of the gangway, but do not show the arms unless you get orders to doso!"

  The trunk was towed alongside the ship. Mr. Atherton and the party whohad placed themselves under his orders kept a vigilant watch on thecanoes to see if the occupants were armed. There was a deal of talkingand gesticulating going on among them, but no arms could be seen, andMr. Atherton soon concluded that if treachery was intended the presentwas not the time at which it would be shown. The crew were all on deck,and the natives must have known their arms were close at hand, for eachday a few of those who came to trade had been permitted to come on deck,partly to show confidence on the part of those on board, partly that thevisitors might see the arms lying in readiness for use, and be able toreport on shore that the ship was not to be taken by surprise.

  No sooner was the spar alongside than a couple of sailors loweredthemselves down and passed ropes round it. These ropes were then passedthrough blocks and taken to the capstan. The bars were fitted and seizedby a dozen men. The boatswain's whistle sounded, and starting theiranchor song the men tramped round and round, the ropes tightened, andthe heavy spar was parbuckled up on to the deck. No sooner was it goton board than the four chiefs who had before visited the ship camealongside. There was another talk, and they were presented with aconsiderable number of presents for themselves and followers as a rewardfor their service in sending off the spar. Mr. Atherton and Wilfrid didnot approach the group of passengers round the chiefs, keeping theirattention vigilantly upon the boats, from which the danger, if itexisted, would come.

  The Allens, however, in accordance with Mr. Atherton's instructions,watched the natives closely, and noticed as they came on deck they castquick and scrutinizing glances round them as if to see what were thechances of a surprise. Mr. Ryan, however, had, when he saw the greatcanoe approaching, placed ten men with muskets on guard, and the chiefsdoubtless perceived that a surprise could not be effected. After a stayof about a quarter of an hour the chiefs departed with their presents,of which, by the care they took of it, it was evident that theyconsidered a case of rum to be by far the most precious. No sooner wasthe trunk of the pine fairly on board than a gang of men provided withadzes began, under the direction of the carpenter, to prepare it. Thebark was chipped off, the stumps of the branches shaved close, and theythen began to chip it down to the required thickness from end to end.

  "It will make a fine spar," the captain said in a tone of greatsatisfaction, after he had examined it. "I think it will do for herpermanent mast. If it will it will save us a lot of trouble when we getinto Wellington."

  "I think it will be a little light, sir," Mr. Ryan said, "by the time wehave got it perfectly smooth and even. Still, I have seen lighter sparsin a ship of this size, and I certainly think we are most fortunate ingetting such a stick. When do you think you will get it ready, Watson?"

  "I should say we shall have it nearly ready for getting into its placeby to-morrow night, Mr. Ryan," the carpenter replied, "though we may notquite finish it until next day; for, you see, when it comes to gettingit smoothed, I and my mate must do it by ourselves."

  "I should not be particular about smoothing it," the captain said, "butof course you must make it so that it will take the spare irons we havegot for the topmast. We shall have plenty of time to put the finishingtouches to it when we get to Wellington. I begin to think these nativesare not so black as they are painted, Mr. Ryan."

  "Perhaps not, sir; but maybe if they had not seen that we were so readyfor them there would be a different tale to tell."

  "That is so," the captain agreed. "There is no doubt that the best wayof dealing with natives is never to give them a chance."

  The carpenter's gang continued steadily at their work, while the firstofficer got up the sheer-legs and hoisted the stump of the mainmast fromits place. The butt of the new mainmast was cut to match this, and onthe second day after it arrived alongside it was hoisted into itsposition. The whole of the stays and rigging of the mainmast had beencut away as soon as it went overboard; but there was plenty of sparerope on board, and before evening the new mast was firmly stayed in itsplace, and all was in readiness for hoisting the spar that was to serveas topmast.

  The natives had watched the proceedings with great interest. Quite acrowd of canoes gathered round the ship, and were greatly surprised atseeing the heavy spar raised by the sheers and dropped into its place;and they replied to the hearty cheers that rose from the crew andpassengers when this was accomplished by wild yells and cries and thesounding of their horns.

  "I begin to think," the captain said to Mr. Atherton, "that the nativeshave got a worse name than they deserve. I do not mean, of course, thatthey have not perpetrated several atrocious massacres, but I expectthese must have been the result of extreme carelessness on the part ofthose on ships, or perhaps of rough treatment, for some captains treatthe natives of islands like these like dogs. As far as they could havetold there was an excellent chance of attacking the ship to-day, thoughwe know that we kept up a vigilant watch all the time, and yet nothingcould have been more friendly than they were."

  "There is no doubt something in what you say, captain," Mr. Athertonagreed. "Many of the captains of the ships who trade among these islandsare certainly rough fellows, who would think nothing of knocking anative down, and others again are so culpably careless as to offeralmost an inducement to the natives to grasp what is to them untoldwealth. Still, I think it is as well to be cautious."

  "Of course we shall be cautious," the captain replied; "but I really donot think that you and the others need bother yourselves to be alwaysstanding on sentry."

  "It is no trouble," Mr. Atherton said, "and I think we will keep it upuntil we are fairly under wei

  Mr. Atherton was not pleased at seeing that the captain the next dayrelaxed somewhat in the strictness of the rules he laid down, and thecrew were allowed to trade freely with the natives.

  "We must be more vigilant than ever," he said to Wilfrid and the Allens."The captain is so pleased at having got his mast on board that he isdisposed to view the natives with friendly eyes, which, if they meantreachery, is just what they want. Finding that we were too much on thewatch to be taken by surprise, they would naturally try to lull us witha sense of false security."

  In the afternoon the chief again came off and formally invited thecaptain to a feast on shore. He accepted the invitation, and went backwith them, accompanied by three or four of the passengers who hadscoffed at the idea of danger. After a stay of two or three hours theyreturned on board.

  "I think, Mr. Ryan," the captain said that evening, "you had better takea couple of boats in the morning and go ashore for water. We shall haveeverything ready for getting up our anchor after dinner. Of course yourcrew will be well armed and take every precaution, but I do not thinkthat there is the slightest danger."

  "Very well, sir. You may be sure I will keep my weather-eye open."

  Mr. Atherton shook his head when in the morning he saw the boats beinglowered, and heard from the first officer the orders he had received.

  "From what you say there is water enough to last us to Wellington if weare all put on somewhat shorter allowance, and that would be infinitelybetter than running the risk of your going ashore."

  "The water might last if all goes well," the mate said, "but if we wereto get becalmed for some time, which is likely enough in theselatitudes, we should be in an awkward fix. I shall keep a sharp look-outon shore, never fear. The distance to the spring is, as I told you, notabove fifty yards, and I will keep half the men filling and the otherhalf on guard. If they should mean mischief we will give it them hot."

  "How many men will you take?"

  "Sixteen--ten in the cutter and six in the gig."

  "That would only leave us ten on board," Mr. Atherton said. "If theyattack you they will attack us too, that is a moral certainty. At anyrate, I will hint to some of the passengers that they had better keeptheir arms in readiness while you are away."

  Mr. Atherton refused to go down to breakfast when the Allens came up torelieve him after finishing their meal.

  "We will have both watches on deck this morning," he said. "We shall bevery short-handed while Ryan and his party are away. Unfortunately thecaptain is convinced there is not the slightest danger. He snubbed methis morning quite smartly when I said casually that I supposed that hewould not let any of the natives on board while Ryan was away."

  As the rest of the passengers came up from breakfast, Mr. Atherton spoketo some of those with whom he had been most intimate on the voyage, andtold them that he thought it would be just as well for them to bringtheir arms on deck and keep them close at hand until the watering partyreturned.

  "It is no great trouble," he said, "and it is just as well to be readyin case the natives mean mischief. I know that some of the youngstersconsider me to be an alarmist, and I will give them free leave to laughat me when we are once safely out at sea, but the stake is too heavy toadmit of carelessness; there are not only our own lives but those of theladies to be thought of."

  Three or four of the passengers followed this advice and brought theirmuskets or double-barrelled guns on deck. They were a good deal laughedat by the rest, who asked them if they had joined Atherton's army, asthe little party who had kept watch were called. However, when the boatspushed off with the empty casks, and the passengers saw how large wasthe complement of the crew who had left them, three of the othersstrolled down to the cabin and got their guns. In half an hour the greatcanoe with the chiefs came off, and as it approached the ship Mr.Atherton told Wilfrid to go forward, and tell the five men there to comeaft and be in readiness to mount to the poop the moment they saw anysign of trouble. "If there is a row," he said, "we have to hold thepoop. There are only the two ladders to defend, and we can do that; butit would be useless to try to hold the whole of the ship."

  As the captain left the poop and went down into the waist to receive thechiefs, Mr. Atherton went up to where Mrs. Renshaw was sitting.

  "Will you take my advice, Mrs. Renshaw?"

  "Certainly I will," she said, smiling; "for I am sure it will be good,whatever it is."

  "Then, Mrs. Renshaw, I advise you at once to go below with your daughterand the Miss Mitfords. I do not say that we are going to have trouble,but if we are this is the time. Pray oblige me by doing as I ask."

  Mrs. Renshaw at once rose, called Marion and the other two girls, whowere gaily chatting with a group of the passengers, and asked them to gobelow with her. Wilfrid and the two Allens were now on the poop, as Mr.Atherton had told them that they had better remain there instead ofplacing themselves at other points. The Grimstones and the three otherpassengers forward were gathered near the ladders.

  As usual the chiefs accompanied the captain on to the poop, followed byhalf a dozen of the minor chiefs; and Mr. Atherton noticed that severalof the others, instead of sitting quietly in the canoe, slipped up afterthem on to the deck. The flotilla of small canoes, which had as usualput out in the train of the large one, was edging in towards the vessel.Mr. Atherton leant over the poop rail and spoke to the second officer,who was engaged in the waist with the men.

  "Mr. Rawlins, I do not quite like the look of things. I think that itwould be as well if you were to gather as many of the hands as you canat the foot of the ladder here, without, of course, alarming thenatives, as it may be only my fancy."

  The second-mate nodded, and at once told the men with him to knock offfrom their work. "Get hold of your cutlasses quietly," he said, "andgather near the foot of the starboard port ladder." Then going to thegangway he stopped a native who was just climbing up from the canoe, andmotioned to them that no more were to come on board.

  The talk with the chiefs was a short one. The stewards brought up twocases of rum, and when these were handed over to them the natives roseas if to go. Suddenly the leader drew his axe from his girdle, and witha loud yell buried it deep in the captain's head.

  The yell was echoed from some hundred throats, the crew of the canoeleapt to their feet and began to clamber up the side of the vessel,while those in the smaller craft dashed their paddles into the water andurged their boats towards it. At the same moment the natives on boardall drew concealed weapons. So quick had been the action of the chiefthat Mr. Atherton had not time to prevent it, but before the body of thecaptain touched the deck that of the chief was stretched beside it witha bullet through the brain.

  Wilfrid and the Allens seeing the natives rise to go had thought thedanger over, and two passengers had been struck down before they broughttheir rifles to their shoulders. They were within a few feet of thechiefs, and each of their shots told. For a minute or two there was ascene of wild confusion. The natives in the waist fell furiously uponthe sailors, but these, fortunately put upon their guard, received theattack with determination. The sound of the lads' rifles was followedalmost instantly by the sharp cracks of a revolver Mr. Athertonproduced from his pocket, and each shot told with fatal effect. When therevolver was empty not a native remained alive on the poop.

  The other passengers had been taken so completely by surprise that eventhose who had brought up their arms did not join in the fray until thepoop was cleared. "Keep them back there!" Mr. Atherton shouted as thenatives came swarming up the ladder on the port side. Several shots werefired, but the passengers were too startled for their aim to be true.

  "Give me your musket, Renshaw!" Mr. Atherton exclaimed, snatching thepiece the latter had just discharged from his hands, "my rifle is toogood for this work." He then clubbed the weapon, and whirling it roundhis head as if it had been a straw fell upon the natives, who were justpouring up on to the poop, shouting to the passengers, "Fire on the massbelow! I will keep these fello
ws at bay!" Every blow that fell stretcheda man lifeless on deck, until those who had gained the poop, unable toretreat owing to the pressure of those behind them, and terrified by thedestruction wrought by this giant, sprang over the bulwark into the sea.Just as they did so the little party of sailors and steerage passengers,finding themselves unable to resist the pressure, made their way up tothe poop by the starboard ladder, hotly pressed by the natives.

  By this time several of the male passengers who had rushed below fortheir weapons ran up, and Wilfred and the Allens having reloaded, such adischarge was poured into the natives on the port ladder that thesurvivors leapt down on to the deck below, and the attack for a momentceased. The whole of the forward portion of the ship was by this timein the hands of the natives. Three sailors who were at work there hadbeen at once murdered, only one of the party having time to make hisescape up the fore rigging. Spears now began to fly fast over the poop.

  "We must fall back a bit, Mr. Rawlins, or we shall be riddled," Mr.Atherton said. "Your men had better run down and get muskets; we willkeep these fellows at bay. I do not think they will make a rush againjust at present. Will you see that the door leading out on to the waistis securely barricaded, and place two or three men there? Mr. Renshaw,will you and some of the other passengers carry down those ladies whohave fainted, and assure them all that the danger is really over."

  Mr. Atherton had so naturally taken the command that the second mate atonce obeyed his instructions. Most of the ladies had rushed belowdirectly the fray began, but two or three had fainted, and these weresoon carried below. The male passengers, eighteen in all, were now ondeck. Several of them looked very pale and scared, but even the mosttimid felt that his life depended on his making a fight for it. Aperfect shower of spears were now flying over the poop from the nativesin the canoes alongside, and from the ship forward.

  "We had best lie down, gentlemen," Mr. Atherton said. "If the nativesmake a rush up the ladders we must be careful not to fire all at once orwe should be at their mercy. Let those by the bulwarks fire first, andthe others take it up gradually while the first reload. Of course ifthey make a really determined rush there will be nothing to do but tomeet them and drive them back again."

  Unfortunately the four cannon of the _Flying Scud_ were all amidships,and were therefore not available for the defence.

  "If we could make a breastwork, Mr. Atherton, so that we could stand upbehind it and fire down into the waist we might drive these fellowsout," the second officer suggested.

  "A very good idea. Wilfrid, will you run down and ask the ladies to getup to the top of the companion all the mattrasses, trunks, and otherthings that would do to form a barricade? It will be a good thing forthem to have something to do. Mr. Rawlins, will you send down thestewards to help? they might get some cases and barrels up. As fast asthey bring them up we will push them along the deck and form abreastwork."