Read Mara's Story Page 7

him poking, pushing and yanking me in directions to the hotel's lobby room taking a public route to there and going to the hotel clerk a Human male wearing goggles who ignored me to fill out some forms. The male didn't seem to care that John was covered up or me covered up. After that John got me outside the hotel while standing with a hand up fisted in front of him indicating some ride status to me. A vehicle appearing to be a jeep not looking like it was military but for rides by the ride sign on top stopped and we both got inside. I found the cab driver was some kind of Human male wearing some uniform and turban on top of his head including goggles covering his eyes. He who drove us out of the city taking a route passed shanty towns again and again ignoring people's attempts to flag down the jeep. He wound up swerving around them just to avoid them to a field where there was a plane sitting on the ground.

  We got out of the vehicle to meet a female pilot standing at the steps holding a clipboard and speaking in Tago I lip reading her "Destination please and write that down now."

  I eyed the female pilot warily to see her frown further seeing what John wrote using his right hand.

  She speaking still using the Tago language after handed back the clipboard "I must insists that you sit in the cockpit with me. That's due to you indicating on being fluent in that nation's official spoken language despite I still having trouble getting it."

  I frown inwardly at her talk till we got inside and she shut the door and folded up the stairs.

  I found John joining her in the cockpit after he ordered towards me mentally "Go sit down and keep your seatbelt on now. Pilot needs my help with gaining entrance into the United States' province of Yukon to where we're going to land so sit."

  I obeyed and kept the remainder of the plane ride with my eyes shut clutching the laptop very tightly while feeling the plane's fast speed feeling of pressure pressuring me into the seat. I feeling sick enough to throw up which I willed myself not to do that by shutting my eyes finding that the sickness feeling stopped being too much for me after I did the eye shutting. I felt relief when the plane landed and John ordering me out. He led me to an unfamiliar tinted window vehicle which inside it was driven by a male Bloody seated in the driver's seat that looked at us while baring his fanged teeth on both upper and lower teeth in some grin smile like look. Then the male began driving us out of the airport towards a forest driving a dirt road seemingly lengthy boring me. That till a building looking huge and vast in size including very tall came into sight in the middle of the forests of trees. The vehicle whatever it was wound up getting no trouble gaining entrance inside and parking the car in some underground parking lot blocked outside lights from being seen.

  I got out and followed John removing his sunglasses and scarf mask including his hood covering him to see a female Sonya wearing some feminine version of an army combat suit judging by the looks of her. She appearing to ogle him while looking him up and down forming some smirk look on her face making me jealous and annoyed.

  I lip read her speaking in Tago language while forming some smirk look on her face "My King what are you doing here?"

  I eyed John in response to see that he was making hand gestures with his hands signing words I assumed was what he doing. I figuring out that it was a way of communicating towards people other than just me and using his Bloody mental abilities' looks.

  I shifted to look at the female that stopped the ogling and formed a big frown on her face before speaking I again lip reading her "Fine I agree with what you said. The fight between Bloodies indicating a purebred status having special mental abilities to fight to death to gain the King position ends in our society. Besides there's some rules in Bloodies' society in Brazil I didn't agree with period hence I here avoiding those society rules. I insist that you give me sanctuary for living here in the United States. Plus avoiding going back to Brazil. In return I'll teach you how to be known as Lion publicity among the pathetic Human species have dubbed the leader of this facility. Lion was reportedly was formerly some male Bloody that had King like abilities himself just prior to going to Brazil to challenge the current King for his leadership title. I haven't heard a word since on what happened to him but heard some rumor that he's contained in some prison tortured every day via unsure of what methods used and not dead despite the challenge made. I will teach you how to behave like Lion when around people visiting this facility involving holding the mentally insane violent Bloody Human hybrids too animalistic to function normally, including his mannerism publicity. The Bloodies living here as guards have indicated that they don't want me to lead them or lead this facility. They have been pressuring me repeatedly for too much time to pick one of them or a male to take the leadership position. I kept putting them off using my rank authority on their pressuring. It's gotten to the point that their getting furious with me enough to want to cause me harm. I already selected you to do that job. I'll make sure you know how to run this facility without acting like a puppet to my teaching period. Besides the government's leaders who visit the facility to see if they can get any of the hybrids trained to do hunting and assassin work, is getting quite suspicious to why Lion as he's dubbed isn't showing himself around here very much. That despite unexpected visitors from the government's top military members holding General leadership titles using illegal authority means to gain entrance inside to demand for Lion himself. I had to claim repeatedly in their faces including using my army rank to get the subject changed that he was on a vacation with his female declared by this titled term of wife. Him needing a life out of running this facility that their not buying the explanation and have said it's a lie in my face. I'm sick and tired of using that same old excuse and using my army rank onto them. Its disgusting having to have some pathetic Human male accuse me of lying. Come with me while I teach you and your mate declared your wife publicity on what you should learn of being Lion."

  I found that John was a quick learner of what this female dubbing herself Major taught him on running the facility and going around as Lion wearing a business suit and a mask covering the face from the nose down. That's due to Lion publicity not willing to bare mouth to people visiting the facility. Including told that Lion used some handheld computer to type words down in some language dubbed English as the U.S.'s official language to people in his presence. I'm wound up pestering him to teach me the English language soon after we got into Lion's official apartment in the city of Novakova. The city is bordering the forest where the facility's location was. I still not knowing what's the facility and forest called despite pestering John to tell me the name of both. He has refused to give a name or any name. He obeyed to the English language teaching me to the point that I was able to read the English language and read the books scattered around in the apartment in bookcases. He also refused to let me join him at the facility instead ignored my requests. That despite me having to go out of the apartment to explore the city by myself finding the explorations could only be done when the sun wasn't shining due to developing some sunburn like rash that was very painful on my skin indicating its why the Bloodies were covered up in the sunlight. I also have kept up the Tago language when it comes to typing onto the laptop. The town appeared to be some town focused onto tourists visiting the area or traveling through it on the way to the U.S.'s state of Alaska bordering the town's limits due to seeing signs on roads indicating that.



  Dear Elizabeth,

  I gave up on pestering John to give me any wording of love towards me despite wanting that very badly from him. I still upset as always he balking on saying it towards me. He as always whenever I bring up the subject gets us into some mating ritual after clothes are removed. I having hands running through his hair but I stopped touching him recently whenever he does that mating ritual and allowed him to have his way with me. My lack of touching him has made him indicated on losing interests in wanting to mate with me. I bringing up the subject of love instead has started to ignore me in response. I'm not happy that I'm stuck living
with him and stuck living in this city of Novakova with nothing to amuse myself other than staying inside the apartment all day during the daytime and only going out at nighttime. That's whenever he's not home just to wander around the city and feeling dejected from the treatment he's giving me. I've managed to frequent bars in hopes of attracting a male's eye for getting this love status I craved from people. The males seemed interested in wanting females for mating judging by the familiar behaviors and comments they aimed at me. I lip reading males saying it while gathered in a group and appearing to be interested in targeting a female for mating only. This targeting interest got me creep out one night at a bar that I walked home. That was after an enough of being in a bar seeking a male for love. Only to find myself followed by creepy feelings indicating that status to the apartment building's entrance. It's in a dead end alleyway I had to take that always creep me out at nighttime. The alleyway despite lighted by lights low used is seedy and disgusting it was looking judging by the piles of garbage strewn around including the dumpster at the end