Read Marching on Niagara; Or, The Soldier Boys of the Old Frontier Page 19



  At last the battle seemed to be at an end. Only a few shots sounded outand they came from a distance. The fire in the forest had died down and,thanks to an all-powerful Providence it had failed to give the Indiansthe success they had sought. It was true a number of the pioneers andsoldiers had been badly wounded, but none were killed, while on theother hand seven redskins had been laid low.

  All was in a hopeless confusion, and it was not until daylight came thatCaptain Tanner and the others succeeded in straightening matters out.Many of the women and children had fled into the forest and these had tobe hunted up, while some of the pioneers had followed the enemy on theirprivate account and did not return until they felt the Indians weresufficiently beaten back.

  When Dave recovered from his forced traveling his first anxiety was forhis uncle, who had fainted away from a fresh loss of blood. As well ashe was able, the youth bound up the wound once more, tearing off asleeve of his shirt for that purpose.

  While he was at work several alarms sounded close to him, and he heldhis breath, expecting to be discovered at any instant. But the Indianspassed him on both sides with a speed that showed him they were nowthinking only of retreat.

  With the first streak of daylight he looked around him and at a distancediscovered two rangers on horseback. They were rounding up the pioneersand their families and they readily consented to assist him all in theirpower.

  "Reckon Mr. Morris is in a pretty bad way," said one of the soldiers."The knocking around didn't do his wound no good."

  "That's just the trouble," answered Dave. "But I did the best I couldunder the circumstances. I didn't want the Indians to scalp him."

  "Oh, you did mighty well, lad--mighty well. Come, I'll take him up on myhoss."

  The ranger carried the helpless man with care and soon Dave and hisuncle reached the spot to which all the pioneers were coming. As soon asshe caught sight of them, Mrs. Morris came running forward.

  "Oh, Dave, how is he?" she questioned.

  "Not any better, Aunt Lucy," he responded, soberly. "I think you'll haveto keep him very quiet after this."

  "Did you see anything of Nell?"

  "No. Is she gone?"

  "Yes. Henry and your father are out looking for her."

  "It's too bad! I hope they find her soon."

  Dave felt very weak and gladly partook of some soup which several of thewomen in the camp had made.

  The youth was just finishing the repast when his father and Henry cameback, looking much disheartened.

  "Did she come back?" questioned both, and then as Mrs. Morris shook herhead, not daring to trust herself to speak, James Morris continued:"It's too bad! I can't believe it possible that the Indians carried heroff."

  "Yes! yes! They must have carried her off!" sobbed Mrs. Morris. "My poordarling Nell! Oh, what will those wretches do with her!" And she burstinto a flood of tears.

  Rodney had just come up, and all turned in to console her as best theycould. Yet they could say but little to soothe her sorely wounded heart.Even Dave found the tears standing in his eyes, for he loved little Nellas much as if she were his own sister.

  When it came time to count those who had been in the expedition it wasfound that two other girls besides little Nell were missing--twins namedMary and Bertha Rose, the children of a pioneer who lived fifteen milesto the north of the Morris homestead. Mrs. Rose was as grief-stricken asMrs. Morris, and both wept together when they met.

  "I shall remain behind to see if I can't find some trace of all thechildren," said James Morris.

  "And I'll do the same," said Nelson Rose. "I would rather give up mylife than leave my two girls in the Indians' power."

  "Reckon as how I'll stay behind with ye," put in Sam Barringford.Although he never admitted it, little Nell was very dear to the oldfrontiersman's heart.

  "White Buffalo will also look for little Bright-face," said the Indianchief. "But he is much afraid the French Indians have carried all threeof the maidens off."

  So it was decided, and when the expedition moved off the three white menand the Indian with his followers were left behind. Captain Tanner andLieutenant Baldwick were now pretty certain that the Indians would notmake another attack in a hurry, and this was why he readily consentedto spare them. Although he said nothing, Uriah Risley also remainedbehind, to see if he could not learn something concerning his wife.

  Owing to the condition of the wounded the onward march to Winchester wasnow slower than ever, and when night came only half the distance to thatfrontier town had been covered. But a messenger had been sent ahead andnow several wagons came out to carry in the disabled on the followingday. This made the remainder of the journey less of a hardship forJoseph Morris, and while he did not improve neither did he seem to growworse.

  The news of the massacre, as it was called, had spread in alldirections, and when the pioneers reached Winchester they found the postalive with many others who had come in from all points of the compass,some with all of their belongings and others with nothing but theclothing on their backs. As a consequence every cabin and house wasfilled to overflowing, and it was only by good luck that the Morrisesobtained shelter at the cabin of an intimate friend named MauriceGibson. Gibson himself was a trader like James Morris, and his wifeAbigail and Mrs. Lucy Morris had been old schoolmates.

  Joseph Morris was placed on a comfortable bed and without delay asurgeon was called to attend him. The medical man probed his wound andhad it thoroughly washed, and then left a strong tonic as a medicine.

  "I think he will recover before long," said the doctor. "But he mustremain quiet until the wound is thoroughly healed. If not fever may setin and then I will not be responsible for the consequences."

  "He shall remain here as long as he pleases," said Maurice Gibson. "Andhis family also;" and so it was settled.

  Of course Mrs. Morris felt relieved to think that her husband wouldrecover, but she could not forget her little daughter, and as shethought of Nell in the hands of the Indians the silent tears wouldcourse down her cheeks in spite of all she could do to stay them.

  "It is awful, awful!" she said to Dave. "Oh, I would give my right handto know that she was safe!"

  "I'd give a good deal myself, Aunt Lucy," he returned. "But keep up yourcourage. Father, and Barringford, and White Buffalo will do all in theirpower to bring her back to us."

  Two days of anxiety passed in the town and then it was reported that themajority of the hostile Indians had retreated in the direction of FortDuquesne, to join the French located at that stronghold. Some of theregulars had followed a portion of the enemy and brought down threebraves at what was called Three Posts. Among these Indians thus laid lowwas Crooked Nose, a half brother to Spotted Tail, a celebrated chief ofthat time.

  "And still no trace of Nell," sighed Mrs. Morris, when the news came in."Dave, did you hear anything of your father?"

  "Not a word, Aunt Lucy."

  "I hope he is safe."

  "Oh, you can trust him to take care of himself--especially whenBarringford and White Buffalo are with him. I think they'll bring ussome certain news when they return."

  But none of the party did return, and at the end of a week even Davegrew anxious. By this time Joseph Morris felt strong enough to do alittle talking although he was not allowed to move further than wasabsolutely necessary.

  Even though there were no telegraph lines in those days, it did not takethe news long to travel throughout the length and breadth of Virginiaand her neighboring states, and it was felt on all sides that thatwhole territory would not be safe from Indian and French raids so longas Fort Duquesne remained in the hands of the French.

  "Give me the authority and men to march against that fort and takepossession and our frontier will be at peace," wrote Colonel Washington."But the longer we delay the more dangerous will this situation becometo us." These are not his exact words but they are the gist of numerouscommunications which he addressed to th
ose in authority over him.

  Two weeks later James Morris came in, pale and careworn, having traveleda distance of several hundred miles in half a dozen directions, on ahunt for little Nell and the Rose twins.

  "We found traces of them, but that is all," he said. "They areundoubtedly in the hands of the Indians, who are taking them either toFort Duquesne or else northward to Lake Erie. I left Mr. Rose,Barringford and the Indians still looking for them. I was anxious tolearn how it was going with brother Joseph and the rest of you."

  "But you will go back--you won't give up the hunt so soon?" pleaded Mrs.Morris.

  "Yes, I will go out again," answered Dave's father. "Just as soon as Ican have one square meal and one good night's sleep."

  The meal was speedily forthcoming, and the trader went to bed at seventhat evening and did not awaken until noon of the next day. Then hedeclared that he felt as if he had been made new all over, and two hourslater, bidding the others good-bye, set off to continue his search. Itwas a long while before Dave saw his father again.