Read Marching on Niagara; Or, The Soldier Boys of the Old Frontier Page 28



  When the soldiers under General Prideaux reached Oswego they found thefort in ruins. Three years before the French and Indians under Montcalmhad won a victory there and before leaving had burnt up and otherwisedestroyed every building, large and small, and also every ship in theharbor, and had taken away all the guns and ammunition and a large partof the possessions of the settlers in that vicinity. On every side wereheaps of ashes and charred logs, some overgrown with weeds, and in themidst of these stood a huge wooden cross, erected by Piquet, the Frenchpriest, and on a tall pole hung the tattered arms of France. The scenewas one of unutterable loneliness and desolation, and it must beconfessed that something like a shiver went over Dave as he gazed uponit.

  "This shows what war will do," he said, to a comrade standing near."Think of how prosperous a trading post Oswego was three years ago, andnow look at this. Why even a wild animal would shun the spot--afterthose skeletons were picked clean."

  "True for you, lad," was the answer. "But I don't think it will be thatway again. General Prideaux means business, and so does General Johnson,and the French will have to do some tall fighting to win out now."

  The first of the soldiers arrived on the site of Oswego about the middleof June, and it was only a few days later the remainder of the army cameup from Lake Oneida bringing the stores and baggage, including a greatmany barrels of pork, which in those days formed a staple article ofsoldiers' diet.

  Dave was anxious to see Henry and Barringford again, and when the lastof the soldiers came up and went into camp not far from the lake and theriver, he hurried in that direction as soon as he was off duty.

  "Oh, Sam!" he cried, when he caught sight of the old frontiersman andsaw the serious look on his face. "Where's Henry?"

  "I can't tell you, Dave."

  "Can't tell?"

  "No, lad. After we went ashore at Lake Oneida he disappeared like as ifthe earth had opened and swallowed him up."

  "But--but didn't you look for him?"

  "Dave you oughter know better nor to ask sech a question. Look? Why, Itramped miles an' miles a-looking fer him,--an' fer them Injuns. But theredskins got away, and we couldn't find Henry, alive or dead."

  "Then they must have taken him prisoner."

  "Thet's it, unless----"

  "Unless what, Sam?"

  "Wall, I don't like to say, lad. Let us hope fer the best."

  "You mean they might have killed him and thrown his body into the lake?"


  Dave drew a long breath. The thought was a horrible one. He shook hishead dismally.

  "You didn't hear any shots, or any struggling?"

  "Nary a sound, Dave. We went along as silently as ghosts and with ourears wide open. I know Henry was along when we moved up the lake, but Imissed him jest as soon as we turned to come back. He had been next tothe lake front and I walked over to find out if he had seen anything ofthe Injuns. But he was gone--and that was the end of it--although I andthe others hunted around until we simply had to give it up and come backto report."

  It was dismal news, and all Barringford could do did not cheer Dave up."First it was little Nell and now it's Henry," he said, soberly. "Ifneither of them return what will Aunt Lucy say?"

  As soon as the army was settled at Oswego General Prideaux had all ofthe batteaux and other boats made ready for the trip along the lakeshore to Fort Niagara, a distance of about a hundred and thirty miles.In the meantime Colonel Haldimand was placed in charge of the garrisonto be left at Oswego, with orders to rebuild the fort, and otherwisestrengthen the place, as speedily as possible. Haldimand, who during theRevolution became Governor of Canada, was an able and energetic officer,and went about the work assigned to him without delay. Soon the ring ofthe axe was heard in the forest and the big timbers for the new fortwere being brought out as fast as the pioneer-soldiers could handlethem.

  Prideaux had expected to embark for Niagara within a few days afterreaching Oswego where he was joined by Johnson with his seven hundredIndians, but numerous delays occurred and it was not until the first ofJuly that his novel flotilla of boats, batteaux, and canoes set sailwestward over the mighty waters of Lake Ontario. All the time that thearmy was at Oswego a sharp lookout was kept for the possible appearanceof French ships of war, or of transports carrying French troops, butnone came in sight.

  "Not a sail in sight anywhere," said Dave to Schnitzer one day, when thetwo were at the beach. "If the French are near they are keepingthemselves well hidden."

  "Maybe da vos vaiting for a chanct to cotch us nabbing," answered theDutch soldier. "Dose Frenchers peen mighty schmart let me tole you. Ofda don't vos schmart den dis var vouldn't peen so long vinded, hey?"

  "Oh, they know what they are doing, no doubt of that. I wouldn't besurprised if they attacked Colonel Haldimand after we go away."

  "Yah, dot is it, Tave--da vaits bis ve peen sphlit by two bieces und denda fights first one bard und den der udder bard--und ve peen licked ourpoots out, hey--maybe--of da peen schmart enough." And Hans Schnitzernodded his shaggy head vigorously.

  Dave had been wondering if he would be ordered to remain behind withthose left at Oswego or if he was to go forward to Fort Niagara. He halfwished he would be told to remain behind, that he might have a chance togo in search of Henry.

  But this was not to be, and a few days later came word that the companyto which he belonged would go forward under General Prideaux.

  "But I'm a-going to be left behind," said Sam Barringford. "I've gotorders to take charge o' the sharpshooters as is going to watch out herewhile Colonel Haldimand rebuilds the old fort."

  "Oh Sam, if you stay behind, won't you keep an eye open for Henry?"

  "To be sure I will, lad--thought o' thet myself."

  "Do you think those Indians are still sneaking around?"

  "More'n likely not, Dave. Not if they war French spies. They've goneacross the lake to give warning of our coming."

  "If they had Henry a prisoner they would take him along."

  "Yes,--or worse."

  Dave shook his head sadly, and went about his work, which was to see tothe loading of two batteaux, that were piled high with utensilsbelonging to the culinary department of the army--for soldiers, likeordinary mortals, must eat and if they are not served properly there isapt to be a good deal of grumbling.

  One day later the army was off, in a long string of batteaux and othercraft stretching out a distance of over a mile. It was truly an imposingsight, for the leading batteau was flying the flag of England, and otherbanners were by no means lacking. There was music, too, to lighten upthe hearts of the soldiers, and ringing cheers for good luck to theenterprise.

  It was General Prideaux's plan to hug the shore of the lake,consequently the trip would be a little longer than if they sailed in adirect line from Oswego to what is now the coast town of Carlton. Thereason for hugging the shore was, that the French might swoop down uponthe flotilla at any moment when out of sight of land, whereas, if theEnglish kept close to shore, they could at any moment turn into one ofthe numerous bays or creeks, and there hide or throw up a temporarydefense.

  The southern shore of Lake Ontario is to-day dotted with villages andtowns, but when General Prideaux's army sailed along this coast itshowed an almost unbroken front of gigantic timber, rough rocks andstretches of sandy waste. Here and there was an Indian village, but thewarriors were away, either with the French or the English.

  Much to Dave's disgust Lieutenant Naster was placed in charge of thebatteau, which contained besides Dave several soldiers who were hardlyknown to our young soldier. When Naster saw Dave, he scowled but saidnothing.

  "He has it in for me, that's certain," thought Dave. "I'll have to keepmy eyes wide open."

  "I want none of your laziness," said the lieutenant, to Dave, an hourlater, and when all hands were resting on the oars. "I see you are notpulling as well as the others, and it won't do."

  "I thought
I was doing my full share," answered Dave.

  "Hi don't answer back, boy! Do as I tell you!"

  In a few minutes the rowing was resumed. One of the soldiers, unnoticedby the lieutenant, winked at Dave.

  "He's a regular bear," he whispered. "Look out, or he'll make troublefor you."

  "He's tried to make trouble for me before," answered Dave, in an equallylow tone. "He doesn't like me because I stood up for old Campwell whenhe was browbeating the man."

  "Oh, so you were the soldier who interfered, eh? I heard of that case.They say----"

  "Silence over here, and attend to your rowing!" shouted the lieutenantfrom his comfortable seat in the stern. "Don't you see how we arelagging behind? Pull up there, all of you, or somebody will get the lashto-night, instead of his supper."

  After that but little was said, and the rowing continued steadily untilnoon, when a brief halt was made for dinner. The lake was almost likeglass, so that while some of the batteaux drifted together, no damagewas done.

  "If I know anything about it, this weather won't last," said one of thesoldiers, after a careful survey of the sky.

  "It looks like a storm to me, too," said Dave. "But it may blow aroundbefore it reaches here."

  Yet the day passed without the storm coming, and that night theoccupants of the batteaux slept soundly on the shore of a tiny bayopening up from the lake. At sunrise the army was again in motion andonce again the flotilla continued its journey westward.

  Several soldiers who had been taken sick on the march to Oswego had beenleft behind, but now others were overcome by the heat and the glare ofthe sun on the water, and one batteau had to be turned into a floatinghospital. At one time Dave himself felt dizzy, but he said nothing, forhe well knew that Lieutenant Naster would have no mercy on him, sick orwell.

  The sun had come up over the water like a great ball of fire and by nineo'clock the day promised to prove more than usually hot. But an hourlater the clouds began to show up in the west and it became rapidlycooler.

  "We're in for that storm now," said a soldier to Dave. "See how the windis rising."

  "Yes, and we are pretty far out from land now, too," added Dave. "Ireckon we ought to turn in."

  One of the soldiers appealed to the lieutenant, but he would not listento advice. "Straight ahead," he roared. "You only want to go in that youmay rest. We have no time to fool away. A little rain won't hurtanybody."

  The wind rapidly increased in violence, and soon the black cloudsovershadowed the sun, making the surface of the lake dark and ominouslooking. Then came a gust that whirled the batteau around in spite ofall the rowers could do to keep the craft up to the wind. The wavesdashed up, drenching everybody.

  "Oh!" cried Lieutenant Naster, for he had received some of the waterfull in the face. "Steady there, you fools! Don't let her swing around!"

  "If we don't pull to shore we'll be swamped!" cried one of the soldiers."I was a sailor for six years and I know this is going to be a big blow.Give the order, lieutenant, unless ye want to see bottom putty quick."

  At these words Lieutenant Naster turned pale. "Very well, turn about andpull for the shore," he said. "And don't lose time," he added, as he sawthe white caps chasing madly toward them.

  With much difficulty the clumsy batteau was swung around and the journeyshoreward began. But valuable time had been lost, and now the rain camedown in a deluge, shutting out the view on every side. The wind whistleda gale and in the midst of the downpour came a vivid flash of lightningand a crack of thunder that was deafening.

  As much for his own safety as for the others, Dave bent to his oar witha will, pulling with might and main. The sight of land was now shut outand the task was therefore a blind one. On they went, the wind blowingthe waves into the batteau until the craft was speedily in danger ofbecoming waterlogged.

  "Bail her out!" roared the lieutenant, who was now as much alarmed asanyone. "Bail her out, or we'll go to the bottom!"

  "Bail her out," roared the lieutenant.]

  "Bail her out yourself;" came a voice from the front of the craft. "Noneof us can leave the oars. Pull away, boys,--it's our only chance!"

  It was the man who had been a sailor who spoke, and all the othersoldiers obeyed him, leaving the lieutenant to take up an iron dipperand begin the bailing as best he could.

  A moment later came a wild cry from beyond the batteau. "Look out, youare running into us! Back water!" The cry was followed by a thump and acrash and half a dozen yells of pain, and then ensued a wild scramblefor safety, for two of the batteaux had come together with such forcethat the bottom of each was broken away on one side, letting in thelake water with a rush.

  When the collision came Dave was thrown over backward, into the lap ofthe soldier who had once been a sailor. Each clutched the other, andboth struggled to their feet wondering what would happen next. Then thebatteau began to settle and in a moment more Dave found himselfstruggling in the waters of Lake Ontario.