Read Marianne's Vacation Page 24

morning. We've both had a good night's sleep. What do you say?"

  He put his arms around her and said, "Oh, God, how many times have I dreamed of hearing those words from you... or maybe not those words exactly, but something to that effect."

  She laughed, "How about, 'Take me to bed or lose me forever.'"

  He kissed her and said, "That's very funny. I can tell you, ma'am, I know Meg Ryan, and you're no Meg Ryan."

  "So sorry."

  "That's okay. She's way too young and perky for me anyway."

  He motioned her toward the stairs, and she led him back to the bedroom, laughing. They were still laughing when they came back downstairs some time later.

  They spent the rest of the day sitting around the pool, alternately talking nonstop and simply relaxing quietly, enjoying one another's company without feeling the need to talk. Chantal served them a simple dinner, after which they watched TV for a little while. When it came time to go to bed, neither of them made any pretense about Marianne spending the night in the guest room. Luke had requested Chantal to move Marianne's personal items into his room. They curled up in bed and talked for a while before falling asleep in one another's arms.

  The next day, while they were reading the morning paper, Luke asked Marianne if she would like to spend Christmas with his family in Gordes. He handed her the email contact information for the inn, saying "There will be too many people for my place at Christmas. Since you're such a whiz at the computer, please send Marie-Claire an email and ask her if she could save us four rooms for Christmas."


  "My son Paul and his son Lucas in one room. Christiane and her husband, Georges, in one room. Your Christa and her husband in a room. Madeleine should have her own room; she could bring a friend if she wants."

  "Am I going to get in hot water with Diane for doing her job?"

  "Oh, probably, but do it anyway."

  She started typing in the email address and then did a small double take. She asked, "Is Marie-Claire still running the inn?"

  He laughed, "Well technically her son and his wife are supposed to be running the place. Marie-Claire took some time off after Jean-Michel had a stroke a couple of years ago. He recovered enough to allow her to go back to do what she calls 'helping out'. What it actually amounts to is playing general manager."

  "How is Jean-Michel?"

  "He's recovered pretty well. He has some paralysis in his left arm so he can't cook any more, but he hangs out in the inn and plays host."

  Marianne tapped out the message to Marie-Claire. She signed it "Sent on behalf of Luke Payne by Marianne."

  Only a few minutes later, she received a message from Marie-Claire acknowledging the reservation and confirming they would hold the rooms. At the bottom of the message, Marie-Claire had added, "Marianne? Are the same 'Marianne' who stole M. Payne's heart so many years ago?/"

  She replied, "I think the answer to that is, yes."

  Marie-Claire responded, "How marvelous!! Yes. Yes. We will reserve the rooms for your family. You may reserve the entire inn if you wish!"

  Marianne read the email exchange to Luke. He said, "Dammit, I hate it when Diane is right. This email stuff is really cool. Tell Marie-Claire we want the whole inn for the entire holiday. We'll pay the full rates for all rooms. Then, let's get on the phones and call the kids."

  Marianne sent the message to Marie-Claire who received it with glee.

  After that they each called their kids to discuss the change in plans for Christmas. Luke's kids were already planning to go to Gordes for the holiday. They were a bit surprised at being bumped to the Inn next door, but neither of them objected, after Luke explained the situation.

  "Marianne had a slightly more difficult time with Christa. She had no objection to the idea of Marianne spending Christmas with Luke and his family. She just didn't understand why her family was expected to join them. Marianne made it clear that it was important to both her and Luke to have all their kids together. Ultimately Christa agreed. She suggested Marianne should work out the arrangements with Madeleine directly.

  After they hung up the phone Luke asked, "Where does Madeleine go to school?"


  "That is just up the road. Do you want to stop in and see her while you're here?"

  "That would be fun. Do you think we could take her out to lunch?"

  He thought about that for a minute and said, "I am not sure you're ready to go out to lunch with me just yet. We might have to do a little preparation for that kind of thing. We could, however, have Chantal fix us a boxed lunch and take your granddaughter for a picnic somewhere along the coast highway. The weather is supposed to be great all week."

  She nodded, "That's a super idea." She paused and said softly, "I guess there are still a few hurdles to overcome. One of them being the public nature of your life."

  He reached across the table and touched her hand, "We do need to address that at some point, but we don't have to go there today. Let's plan a picnic with your granddaughter. We can figure out how to face the paparazzi another time."

  Marianne nodded. She was happy to put that off as long as necessary. She knew she did not have the option of chickening out again, but the prospect of living under such public scrutiny made her want to run away.

  Marianne called Madeleine and asked if she was free for lunch. Madeleine said she was free until 2:00 when she had a meeting with her study group. Marianne suggested a picnic at a nearby park. Madeleine agreed and said there were some beautiful picnic spots either on or near the campus. She suggested they meet on campus. She said she would love to show her grandmother around. Marianne said, "We will be there by noon-ish. I'll call you when we get close."

  Madeleine said, "I can't wait to see you, Gram. Who is 'we'?"

  "I will be accompanied by a friend, a very dear friend."

  Madeleine said, "How wonderful. I can't wait to meet her."

  Marianne said, "It's a man."

  Madeleine laughed out loud, "Oh, wow, now I really can't wait! I will be on the sidewalk outside my dorm."

  A couple of hours later, Luke and Marianne pulled into the steep driveway leading to Pepperdine University. Madeleine was sitting on a bench reading a book. Marianne hopped out of the car and greeted her granddaughter with hugs and kisses. They chatted for a minute and then Marianne led Madeleine to the car. Luke had suggested they picnic at Malibu Canyon State Park. Madeleine climbed into the back seat while Marianne returned to the passenger's seat in front. Madeleine looked up at the driver and gasped. "Oh, my God!"

  Marianne smiled and said, "Madeleine I want you to meet my oldest and dearest friend, Luke Payne. Luke, this is my granddaughter, Madeleine."

  He reached between the front seats and took her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

  "I can't tell you what a thrill it is to meet you, Mr. Payne. I'm a huge fan."

  He smiled his movie-star grin, winked at her and said, "It's always a thrill to hear that."

  He drove to a beautiful picnic spot where they spread out their lunch and talked for more than an hour. Madeleine was amazed and astonished to hear the highlights of their story, and said she wanted a detailed version later, "... at Christmas ... in France. Oh, God, I'm so excited!"

  Marianne asked, "Do you have a passport?"

  "Yes. I had to get one when I went on that foreign study program after high school. I can't wait to tell people I'm going to France with Luke Payne's family.... " She stopped, and looked from one of them to the other. She said, "Then again, maybe I should keep my mouth shut about that part."

  Luke looked at her and said, "Perhaps it would be best if you didn't mention any names. At least not just yet."

  Madeleine smiled at him and said, "Okay, but I've gotta tell you that isn't going to be easy. I'm taking a film class this quarter on the iconic movies of the late 20th Century. You are in four of the twelve movies we are watching. Right now, we're doing an almost scene by scene dissection of When the Bombs Came Dow
n. It is such a wonderful movie. Every scene, every performance, almost every shot. It may be as close to perfect as a movie can be."

  "Thanks. Quite honestly, I haven't see it in years, but periodically I have been asked to speak at film schools and they always want to talk about that movie. Are you a film student?"

  "Yes, sir."


  "No. I'm not pretty enough or courageous enough for in-front-of-the-camera stuff. I'm interested in sound design. When I was in high school I did the sound effects for a play and was totally hooked. I love all that creaking-door and breaking-glass stuff. It's so cool!"

  Luke grinned and took her hand between both of his, "Both of my parents worked behind the scenes. That can be a great life. Some of the wisest and most wonderful people in the movies work on the other side of the camera. When you're ready to get some hands-on work experience, I'll make some calls. I know a couple of people in the business, if you can believe that. I may be able to help you."

  Madeleine dimpled and then looked into his eyes with the kind of naked adoration only the young and innocent can manage without looking pathetic. She gushed, "Oh, thank you!"

  Marianne watched them and beamed.

  Marianne was supposed to return to Aiken the following day, but neither she nor Luke was ready for her to go home. She postponed her departure for a few days, then for a few more days.

  After she had been in LA for two weeks, she said, "Luke, I have to go home to pack for the trip at Christmas, not to mention that I have to pick up my mail, and pay my