Read Marianne's Vacation Page 35

remained the Big Night of the year. Luke told Marianne that Lisa had always referred to it, disparagingly, as Prom Night. Whatever one called it, this particular night was important to Luke, and he meant to stage-manage it down to the last detail.

  Originally, the plan was for the family, including Marianne, to by-pass the Red Carpet and meet Luke inside the auditorium. While they were waiting for the kids to come to lunch at Luke's house on Saturday, he and Marianne sat on the beach. He took her hand and asked her if she would be willing to accompany him for his grand entrance. He knew it would be hard for her, but he said he wanted to share his greatest triumph with his dearest love, if she were willing to humor him.

  She put her hand over his and said, "Of course, I'll do it, if that's what you want. I know I'll be terrified. Please don't make me say anything to those interviewers and don't let go of my hand for an instant, but I can do it, if you want me to, at least this once." She looked up into his face and added, "You know I'd do almost anything you asked."

  He kissed her. Just then, the kids walked up. Paul laughed and said, "Oh, geez, already with the mushy stuff. He put on an Archie Bunker Brooklyn accent and added, 'It's the middle of the daaaaaaaaaaaaay!'" They all laughed.

  The family spent the rest of the day relaxing and talking. Marianne showed everyone the wedding pictures so many times that finally even Madeleine said, "You know, Maw Maw, you might want to give that a rest." Everyone laughed, but nobody disagreed.

  Sunday, the day of the Awards dawned bright and clear. Luke and Marianne took a walk on the beach early in the morning and then stopped by the house where the kids were congregated. They approached from the beach and walked into a moderately chaotic scene.

  The day had been planned out by Paul, Christiane and Christa with almost military precision. Paul's company had VIP tickets to the viewing area just outside the door of the auditorium. He, Christiane, Georges and Madeleine planned to go there early to watch the stars make their entrances. Everybody knew that for Paul, Christiane and Georges the entire event was strictly business. Christiane and Georges would be laying the ground work for the Cannes Film Festival in May, and Paul would be twisting arms of studio execs to get first run movies for his theater chain. Madeleine was going along for the experience. They planned to leave the house by 1:00 p. m.

  Christa and Richard would bring Lucas with them later in the afternoon, so Lucas could have a nap and to minimize the amount of time he would have to be still. Their limo would drop them off at the back of the auditorium shortly before the show was to begin. They would join the others in the reviewing area in time to watch Luke and Marianne make their entrance.

  Just as Luke and Marianne walked into the living room house, Christiane and Christa were barking orders and Madeleine was mapping out a bathroom schedule.

  Nobody noticed Luke and Marianne. Marianne took his arm and said, "Come on. Let's not interrupt them. I don't want to go in there and get all wound up. I'm nervous enough."

  They walked back down to the beach to his house where they relaxed in Adirondack chairs arranged around a fire circle, watching the waves. In the late morning, Christa and Madeleine brought Lucas out to play in the sand, in the hope he would tire himself out enough for a nap. The women joined Luke and Marianne. A caterer came out and asked if they wanted anything. All three women asked for sweet tea with mint. The waiter and Luke exchanged disgusted glances. Marianne thunked Luke on the back of the head, "I didn't ask you if you wanted any."

  Luke asked for a Diet Coke. Marianne, who hated any kind of carbonated soft drinks, made a face and drawled, "Now, if you want to talk about somethin' totally disgustin'...."

  They laughed and talked while Lucas played in the sand. Soon Luke could resist no longer, and he joined Lucas on the ground, where they concentrated on building a sand fort.

  Too soon, Chantal came outside and said, "Mesdames, the hairdressers and makeup artists are here. Mme Christa and Mlle Madeleine, they have finished with Christiane. If you please, you should go now to meet them." She pointed up the beach to the house where they were staying, then she turned to Marianne and said with the dignity of a courtesan, "Madame." She held her arm out directing Marianne toward Luke's house.

  Marianne stood up and kissed Christa and Madeleine. She grinned and said, "I guess my Pumpkin Coach is waiting."

  Somehow Marianne managed to get through the preparations without freaking out too much. They had set her dressing room up in the guest bedroom to allow Luke's barber to work on him in his room. First, the hairdresser did her hair. Then the makeup artist painted her face. She thought she looked like someone else, but even she had to admit she looked pretty good, for someone her age. Both the attendants helped her into her dress which was heavy ivory silk that fell in soft folds around her slender body. She put on the cameo-and-pearl necklace herself and turned to the dressers, asking, "What do you think?"

  Both women stood with their hands folded in front of them beaming. The hairdresser spoke first, "Mrs. Payne, you look magnificent. You are gonna knock the socks off Hollywood."

  The other woman laughed, "Yeah, and the best part is that Mr. Payne has managed to somehow keep you and your marriage a secret. He has always loved to pop surprises. This is the biggest one ever. It's gonna be a hoot."

  Marianne turned and looked at herself in the mirror. She was old, but she was healthy and in love. The love showed, and in many ways counteracted her age. She knew that she had perhaps only looked that good once or twice before in her life. She blinked furiously to prevent tears from messing up the makeup or spilling on the dress. She stood up and walked across the hall. Luke's dresser was tying his bow tie.

  Marianne stood in the doorway with her hands folded primly in front of her waist. "May I come in?"

  Luke shooed away his dresser and opened his arms. Marianne stepped into the circle of his embrace, being careful not to get makeup on his pristine shirt. They said nothing, but merely stood staring at each other for a long time.

  Luke said, "I know the rest of this day will be terribly difficult for you. I promise I'll never put you through anything like it again, but I am so very glad you agreed to do it this once."

  She smiled up at him and touched his cheek, whispering, "It will be worth all the crowds and noise and photographers to see the man I love be so honored by his professional peers."

  She helped him into his jacket and then they walked down the stairs hand in hand. Chantal and Diane were both waiting in the living room. Chantal's son and Diane's husband were there as well. They were dressed in formal attire and sipping champagne. Luke said, "Chantal and Diane have been with me through most of my career. They have always been consummate professionals and we have always guarded the boundary between professional and personal. They helped my career more than anyone. Tonight, I have invited them to join my family."

  Marianne applauded and exclaimed, "Oh, how perfectly wonderful!"

  She noticed that both Diane and Chantal seemed a bit more somber than she would have expected. Come to think of it, so did Luke. She wondered what was up, but didn't have time to dwell on it because the butler they had hired for the day informed them the cars were waiting. Chantal and Diane and their escorts were driving separately. They planned to join Paul and Christiane's group in the VIP area. Luke and Marianne would ride alone.

  She started trembling as soon as they settled into the back seat. He took her hand and said, "It will be okay."

  She managed to stop shaking, but she was still nervous. The line of limos moved slowly and frequently not at all. Marianne fretted that they would be late. Luke patted her hand and told her not to worry. After a particularly long delay, she said she thought they could get out and walk faster than the car was moving. He told her that he was sure they could and often people did walk for blocks and blocks to arrive early. He said that defeated the whole purpose of making a big entrance. Minor celebs and Hollywood newbies walked to avoid being late. His stature was such that he intended to make an entrance
. He told her to quit fretting. The show would not start without them.

  Marianne concentrated on breathing slowly so as not to hyperventilate. Her heart pounded furiously. Luke looked like the picture of calm and serenity. She touched his wrist and felt his heart pounding as fast as hers. She smiled and said, "I'd love to learn how to do that."

  "Do what?"

  "Look so calm when you're as wound up as I am."

  He shrugged. "I guess it's more experience than anything. I've been here and done this before, lots of times. It's always nerve wracking especially when the god-damned traffic backs up like this." An irritated look passed over his face and was replaced immediately by a totally placid visage. "It's very exciting, but part of the game is not to act too excited about it. Remember, this is the Super Bowl of the movie business. The key thing is that the Academy Awards is all about business. We all have to play our parts."

  He smiled at her, "Your part tonight is Cinderella, and you fill it magnificently."

  "Aren't I a little old to be playing Cinderella?"

  "Okay, your part is an elderly Cinderella, but a fabulous one nonetheless."

  That made her laugh and she was still laughing when the car stopped and someone yanked the door open. Luke stepped out to wild cheers and applause. The ?clat of