Read Marion Fay: A Novel Page 12



  "You'd better ask the old Traffords down here for a few weeks.Hampstead won't shoot, but he can hunt with the Braeside harriers."

  This was the answer made by Lord Persiflage to his wife when he wastold by her of that divorce which had taken place at Trafford Park,and of the departure of Lady Frances for Hendon. Hampstead andLady Frances were the old Traffords. Lord Persiflage, too, was aConservative, but his politics were of a very different order fromthose entertained by his sister-in-law. He was, above all, a man ofthe world. He had been our Ambassador at St. Petersburg, and was nowa Member of the Cabinet. He liked the good things of office, but hadno idea of quarrelling with a Radical because he was a Radical. Hecared very little as to the opinions of his guests, if they couldmake themselves either pleasant or useful. He looked upon hissister-in-law as an old fool, and had no idea of quarrelling withHampstead for her sake. If the girl persisted in making a bad matchshe must take the consequences. No great harm would come,--except toher. As to the evil done to his "order," that did not affect LordPersiflage at all. He did not expect his order to endure for ever.All orders become worn out in time, and effete. He had no abhorrencefor anybody; but he liked pleasant people; he liked to treateverything as a joke; and he liked the labours of his not unlaboriouslife to be minimised. Having given his orders about the oldTraffords, as he called them in reference to the "darlings," he saidnothing more on the subject. Lady Persiflage wrote a note to "DearFanny," conveying the invitation in three words, and received a replyto the effect that she and her brother would be at Castle Hautboybefore the end of November. Hampstead would perhaps bring a couple ofhorses, but he would put them up at the livery stables at Penrith.

  "How do you do, Hampstead," said Persiflage when he first met hisguest before dinner on the day of the arrival. "You haven't got ridof everything yet?"

  This question was supposed to refer to Lord Hampstead's revolutionarytendencies. "Not quite so thoroughly as we hope to do soon."

  "I always think it a great comfort that in our country theblackguards are so considerate. I must own that we do very little forthem, and yet they never knock us over the head or shoot at us, asthey do in Russia and Germany and France." Then he passed on, havingsaid quite enough for one conversation.

  "So you've gone off to Hendon to live with your brother?" said LadyPersiflage to her niece.

  "Yes; indeed," said Lady Fanny, blushing at the implied allusion toher low-born lover which was contained in this question.

  But Lady Persiflage had no idea of saying a word about the lover, orof making herself in any way unpleasant. "I dare say it will be verycomfortable for you both," she said; "but we thought you might be alittle lonely till you got used to it, and therefore asked you tocome down for a week or two. The house is full of people, and youwill be sure to find some one that you know." Not a word was said atCastle Hautboy as to those terrible things which had occurred in theTrafford family.

  Young Vivian was there, half, as he said, for ornament, but partlyfor pleasure and partly for business. "He likes to have a privatesecretary with him," he said to Hampstead, "in order that peoplemight think there is something to do. As a rule they never sendanything down from the Foreign Office at this time of year. He alwayshas a Foreign Minister or two in the house, or a few Secretaries ofLegation, and that gives an air of business. Nothing would offendor surprise him so much as if one of them were to say a word aboutaffairs. Nobody ever does, and therefore he is supposed to be thesafest Foreign Minister that we've had in Downing Street since old----'s time."

  "Well, Hautboy." "Well, Hampstead." Thus the two heirs greeted eachother. "You'll come and shoot to-morrow?" asked the young host.

  "I never shoot. I thought all the world knew that."

  "The best cock-shooting in all England," said Hautboy. "But we shan'tcome to that for the next month."

  "Cocks or hens, pheasants, grouse, or partridge, rabbits or hares,it's all one to me. I couldn't hit 'em if I would, and I wouldn't ifI could."

  "There is a great deal in the couldn't," said Hautboy. "As forhunting, those Braeside fellows go out two or three times a week. Butit's a wretched sort of affair. They hunt hares or foxes just as theycome, and they're always climbing up a ravine or tumbling down aprecipice."

  "I can climb and tumble as well as any one," said Hampstead. So thatquestion as to the future amusement of the guest was settled.

  But the glory of the house of Hauteville,--Hauteville was the Earl'sfamily name,--at present shone most brightly in the person of theeldest daughter, Lady Amaldina. Lady Amaldina, who was as beautifulin colour, shape, and proportion as wax could make a Venus, wasengaged to marry the eldest son of the Duke of Merioneth. The Marquisof Llwddythlw was a young man about forty years of age, of greatpromise, who had never been known to do a foolish thing in his life,and his father was one of those half-dozen happy noblemen, each ofwhom is ordinarily reported to be the richest man in England. LadyAmaldina was not unnaturally proud of her high destiny, and as thealliance had already been advertised in all the newspapers, shewas not unwilling to talk about it. Lady Frances was not exactlya cousin, but stood in the place of a cousin, and therefore wasregarded as a good listener for all the details which had to berepeated. It might be that Lady Amaldina took special joy in havingsuch a listener, because Lady Frances herself had placed her ownhopes so low. That story as to the Post Office clerk was known toeverybody at Castle Hautboy. Lady Persiflage ridiculed the ideaof keeping such things secret. Having so much to be proud of inregard to her own children, she thought that there should be no suchsecrets. If Fanny Trafford did intend to marry the Post Office clerkit would be better that all the world should know it beforehand. LadyAmaldina knew it, and was delighted at having a confidante whoseviews and prospects in life were so different from her own. "Ofcourse, dear, you have heard what is going to happen to me," shesaid, smiling.

  "I have heard of your engagement with the son of the Duke ofMerioneth, the man with the terrible Welsh name."

  "When you once know how to pronounce it it is the prettiest word thatpoetry ever produced!" Then Lady Amaldina did pronounce her futurename;--but nothing serviceable would be done for the reader if anattempt were made to write the sound which she produced. "I am notsure but what it was the name which first won my heart. I can sign itnow quite easily without a mistake."

  "It won't be long, I suppose, before you will have to do so always?"

  "An age, my dear! The Duke's affairs are of such a nature,--andLlwddythlw is so constantly engaged in business, that I don't supposeit will take place for the next ten years. What with settlements, andentails, and Parliament, and the rest of it, I shall be an old womanbefore I am,--led to the hymeneal altar."

  "Ten years!" said Lady Fanny.

  "Well, say ten months, which seems to be just as long."

  "Isn't he in a hurry?"

  "Oh, awfully; but what can he do, poor fellow? He is so placed thathe cannot have his affairs arranged for him in half-an-hour, asother men can do. It is a great trouble having estates so large andinterests so complicated! Now there is one thing I particularly wantto ask you."

  "What is it?"

  "About being one of the bridesmaids."

  "One can hardly answer for ten years hence."

  "That is nonsense, of course. I am determined to have no girl who hasnot a title. It isn't that I care about that kind of thing in theleast, but the Duke does. And then I think the list will sound moredistinguished in the newspapers, if all the Christian names are givenwith the Lady before them. There are to be his three sisters, LadyAnne, Lady Antoinette, and Lady Anatolia;--then my two sisters, LadyAlphonsa and Lady Amelia. To be sure they are very young."

  "They may be old enough according to what you say."

  "Yes, indeed. And then there will be Lady Arabella Portroyal, andLady Augusta Gelashires. I have got the list written out somewhere,and there are to be just twenty."

  "If the catalogue is finished there
will hardly be room for me."

  "The Earl of Knocknacoppul's daughter has sent me word that she mustrefuse, because her own marriage will take place first. She wouldhave put it off, as she is only going to marry an Irish baronet, andbecause she is dying to have her name down as one of the bevy, but hesays that if she delays any longer he'll go on a shooting expeditionto the Rocky Mountains, and then perhaps he might never come back. Sothere is a vacancy."

  "I hardly like to make a promise so long beforehand. Perhaps I mighthave a young man, and he might go off to the Rocky Mountains."

  "That's just what made me not put down your name at first. Of courseyou know we've heard about Mr. Roden?"

  "I didn't know," said Lady Frances, blushing.

  "Oh dear, yes. Everybody knows it. And I think it such a brave thingto do,--if you're really attached to him!"

  "I should never marry any man without being attached to him," saidLady Frances.

  "That's of course! But I mean romantically attached. I don't pretendto that kind of thing with Llwddythlw. I don't think it necessary ina marriage of this kind. He is a great deal older than I am, and isbald. I suppose Mr. Roden is very, very handsome?"

  "I have not thought much about that."

  "I should have considered that one would want it for a marriage ofthat kind. I don't know whether after all it isn't the best thing todo. Romance is so delicious!"

  "But then it's delicious to be a Duchess," said Lady Frances, withthe slightest touch of irony.

  "Oh, no doubt! One has to look at it all round, and then to form ajudgment. It went a great way with papa, I know, Llwddythlw beingsuch a good man of business. He has been in the Household, and theQueen will be sure to send a handsome present. I expect to have thegrandest show of wedding presents that any girl has yet exhibited inEngland. Ever so many people have asked mamma already as to what Ishould like best. Mr. MacWhapple said out plain that he would go to ahundred and fifty pounds. He is a Scotch manufacturer, and has papa'sinterest in Wigtonshire. I suppose you don't intend to do anythingvery grand in that way."

  "I suppose not, as I don't know any Scotch manufacturers. But mymarriage, if I ever am married, is a thing so much of the future thatI haven't even begun to think of my dress yet."

  "I'll tell you a secret," said Lady Amaldina, whispering. "Mine isalready made, and I've tried it on."

  "You might get ever so much stouter in ten years," said Lady Frances.

  "That of course was joking. But we did think the marriage would comeoff last June, and as we were in Paris in April the order was given.Don't you tell anybody about that."

  Then it was settled that the name of Lady Frances should be put downon the list of bridesmaids, but put down in a doubtful manner,--as isdone with other things of great importance.

  A few days after Lord Hampstead's arrival a very great dinner-partywas given at the Castle, at which all the county round was invited.Castle Hautboy is situated near Pooly Bridge, just in the countyof Westmoreland, on an eminence, giving it a grand prospect overUlleswater, which is generally considered to be one of the CumberlandLakes. Therefore the gentry from the two counties were invited as farround as Penrith, Shap, Bampton, and Patterdale. The Earl's propertyin that neighbourhood was scattered about through the two counties,and was looked after by a steward, or manager, who lived himself atPenrith, and was supposed to be very efficacious in such duties. Hisname was Crocker; and not only was he invited to the dinner, but alsohis son, who happened at the time to be enjoying the month's holidaywhich was allowed to him by the authorities of the office in Londonto which he was attached.

  The reader may remember that a smart young man of this name sat atthe same desk with George Roden at the General Post Office. YoungCrocker was specially delighted with the honour done him on thisoccasion. He not only knew that his fellow clerk's friend, LordHampstead, was at the Castle, and his sister, Lady Frances, with him;but he also knew that George Roden was engaged to marry that noblelady! Had he heard this before he left London, he would probably haveendeavoured to make some atonement for his insolence to Roden; forhe was in truth filled with a strong admiration for the man who hadbefore him the possibility of such high prospects. But the news hadonly reached him since he had been in the North. Now he thoughtthat he might possibly find an opportunity of making known toLord Hampstead his intimacy with Roden, and of possibly saying aword--just uttering a hint--as to that future event.

  It was long before he could find himself near enough to LordHampstead to address him. He had even refused to return home with hisfather, who did not like being very late on the road, saying that hehad got a lift into town in another conveyance. This he did, with theprospect of having to walk six miles into Penrith in his dress boots,solely with the object of saying a few words to Roden's friend. Atlast he was successful.

  "We have had what I call an extremely pleasant evening, my lord." Itwas thus he commenced; and Hampstead, whose practice it was to bespecially graceful to any one whom he chanced to meet but did notthink to be a gentleman, replied very courteously that the eveninghad been pleasant.

  "Quite a thing to remember," continued Crocker.

  "Perhaps one remembers the unpleasant things the longest," saidHampstead, laughing.

  "Oh, no, my lord, not that. I always forget the unpleasant. That'swhat I call philosophy." Then he broke away into the subject that wasnear his heart. "I wish our friend Roden had been here, my lord."

  "Is he a friend of yours?"

  "Oh dear, yes;--most intimate. We sit in the same room at the PostOffice. And at the same desk,--as thick as thieves, as the saying is.We often have a crack about your lordship."

  "I have a great esteem for George Roden. He and I are really friends.I know no one for whom I have a higher regard." This he said with anearnest voice, thinking himself bound to express his friendship moreloudly than he would have done had the friend been in his own rank oflife.

  "That's just what I feel. Roden is a man that will rise."

  "I hope so."

  "He'll be sure to get something good before long. They'll make him aSurveyor, or Chief Clerk, or something of that kind. I'll back him tohave L500 a year before any man in the office. There'll be a shindyabout it, of course. There always is a shindy when a fellow is put upout of his turn. But he needn't care for that. They can laugh as win.Eh, my lord!"

  "He would be the last to wish an injustice to be done for his owngood."

  "We've got to take that as it comes, my lord. I won't say but whatI should like to go up at once to a senior class over other men'sheads. There isn't a chance of that, because I'm independent, and theseniors don't like me. Old Jerningham is always down upon me just forthat reason. You ask Roden, and he'll tell you the same thing,--mylord." Then came a momentary break in the conversation, and LordHampstead was seizing advantage of it to escape. But Crocker, who hadtaken enough wine to be bold, saw the attempt, and intercepted it. Hewas desirous of letting the lord know all that he knew. "Roden is ahappy dog, my lord."

  "Happy, I hope, though not a dog," said Hampstead, trusting that hecould retreat gracefully behind the joke.

  "Ha, ha, ha! The dog only meant what a lucky fellow he is. I haveheard him speak in raptures of what is in store for him."


  "There's no happiness like married happiness; is there, my lord?"

  "Upon my word, I can't say. Good night to you."

  "I hope you will come and see me and Roden at the office some ofthese days."

  "Good night, good night!" Then the man did go. For a moment or twoLord Hampstead felt actually angry with his friend. Could it be thatRoden should make so little of his sister's name as to talk about herto the Post Office clerks,--to so mean a fellow as this! And yet theman certainly knew the fact of the existing engagement. Hampsteadthought it impossible that it should have travelled beyond the limitsof his own family. It was natural that Roden should have told hismother; but unnatural,--so Hampstead thought,--that his friend shouldhave made his sister a subject of c
onversation to any one else. Itwas horrible to him that a stranger such as that should have spokento him about his sister at all. But surely it was not possible thatRoden should have sinned after that fashion. He soon resolved that itwas not possible. But how grievous a thing it was that a girl's nameshould be made so common in the mouths of men!

  After that he sauntered into the smoking-room, where were congregatedthe young men who were staying in the house. "That's a kind of thingthat happens only once a year," said Hautboy, speaking to all theparty; "but I cannot, for the life of me, see why it should happen atall."

  "Your governor finds that it succeeds in the county," said one.

  "He polishes off a whole heap at one go," said another.

  "It does help to keep a party together," said a third.

  "And enables a lot of people to talk of dining at Castle Hautboywithout lying," said a fourth.

  "But why should a lot of people be enabled to say that they'd dinedhere?" asked Hautboy. "I like to see my friends at dinner. What didyou think about it, Hampstead?"

  "It's all according to Hampstead's theories," said one.

  "Only he'd have had the tinkers and the tailors too," said another.

  "And wouldn't have had the ladies and gentlemen," said a third.

  "I would have had the tailors and tinkers," said Hampstead, "and Iwould have had the ladies and gentlemen, too, if I could have gotthem to meet the tailors and tinkers;--but I would not have had thatyoung man who got me out into the hall just now."

  "Why,--that was Crocker, the Post Office clerk," said Hautboy. "Whyshouldn't we have a Post Office clerk as well as some one else?Nevertheless, Crocker is a sad cad." In the mean time Crocker waswalking home to Penrith in his dress boots.