Read Mariposa (2173) Page 4

  Chapter 04 - PROMOTION

  28 January 2173 – Friday


  Xiu-Li raised her glass for the traditional toast (the Captain had already given “Absent Friends,” the other traditional toast, at this traditional promotion dinner). “It is very strange and wonderful to be so proud, and yet have this opportunity occur at the expense of others. I honor and respect them, and as I expect to serve with them again soon, it is with special feeling that I now say – to the Service, past, present and future!”

  “The Service!” Everyone drank.

  Matisou nodded at her. She took a deep breath and sat down. As junior officer, she had now countered the Captain’s toast and now they could all finish dessert and start to break up the dinner.

  For Xiu-Li it had been a surprise to be called to the bridge earlier for a discussion with the Captain.

  Matisou was in a pensive mood. “Ahh, Crewperson Chen.” It was hushed on the bridge.


  He looked at his DPaT. “Crewper, it seems that recent events have left us short on our duty rosters. The only question is –” He looked at her. “Which Division would you like to be promoted into as Ensign?”

  “S-sir?” She was very aware that bridge crew was actively and visibly ignoring them as they listened hard for every word.

  Matisou nodded and smiled. “Yes; promotion to Ensign. The question: which Division? Science or Tactical? Both have duty roster openings, each can use your skills.” He chuckled. “You have strengths and talents in each area, and would learn in each.”

  “Tactical? You trust me after – ? Uh, sir.”

  Matisou looked at Debitts, who looked down at his array board. Aria and the bridge crew all looked elsewhere.

  He leaned closer and said quietly, “Ensign Chen, you... saved my life, and other members of your party. You applied unconventional force and technique, but the task required a certain specific outcome, and you managed to apply your skills to the situation to achieve it. Had you not acted in the best interest of the service, many people would now be dead or injured – that was a flechette gun that trooper was holding, did you know that?”

  Xiu-Li shivered. “No, sir,” she squeaked.

  The bridge had fallen dead silent.

  That little bit had not come out, as only Matisou had seen it close-up. Had the woman squeezed the trigger, even a brief burst from a flechette gun would have killed Matisou and anyone up to twenty feet behind him – which was most of the team.

  Matisou looked at Takaguchi, who folded his arms (after the action their own discussion became heated at this point, as his first officer had once more railed about the risks he kept taking). Matisou looked back at Xiu-Li. “You do know the weapon type?”

  “Yes, sir. I couldn’t see what it was and had no chance to check later. Sorry sir.”

  His voice dropped lower, so only she could hear. “I think I need to add that I overestimated their technical skills – I worried they were hiding a reserve force, and held mine back – had we sent them in as your original plan was, we’d have had more people available in the treeline and would have had the extra stun charges we needed to suppress pursuit. You might not have been placed in that position.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that. “I never thought about that, sir, and I should have considered it; their weapons were all current issue, they could easily have camouflage. I won’t miss that again.”

  Matisou and Takaguchi exchanged glances. “Aria tells me you have done a good job in your systems intergration team assignments as well as your Science Division tasks. I know they would hate to lose you, Jool...”

  Xiu-Li frowned just a second. “Sir, I am ready to go where you think I can help us best.”

  “You have no preference then?”

  She smiled. “Sir, I’m just a crewperson on board your ship. I don’t think I’m in position to know which job I could do that would help our mission best. All provide challenges I find acceptable.”

  Aria looked down at her board suddenly. Takaguchi’s eyebrows went up.

  Matisou shook his head slowly. “Well, then, since I trust you, let’s make it Tactical.” He drew to attention. “At 0700 tomorrow you will report to Commander Takaguchi for your Division orientation.” He saluted.

  “Aye, sir!” Xiu-Li saluted. As she turned to exit she saw Tania wave at her, and she blushed and smiled.

  That evening there had been a traditional after-action dinner attended by those surviving it who were able (Chef and Truhart made certain the injured got special meals as well, of course). Eating a meal after a disaster was the best way to reconnect people and ease through the shock, and Chef had fresh fish appetizer, a sausage lasagna, fresh bread, salad, and a maple silk pie. They had eaten, had wine and wild Velvet coffee – then the Toasts, with shots of Deep Blue Belter.

  Now the traditional dinner was over. They all seemed to have liked what she had said, which she had thought about since leaving the bridge earlier.

  Lieutenant Commander Threnody left first – she almost lived in her engine spaces. The Doctor followed, and then Tania Manda, the Captain, and Enronn Debitts. That left her exiting with Commander Takaguchi. “Good evening, Ensign. We start early in Tactical, not like those Science sleep-ins.”

  “Yes, boss.” Takaguchi almost glared, but couldn’t quite bring himself to be that tough yet. He nodded curtly instead and headed to the bridge.With Jonson and Forbben down, he needed people and Chen had sensors expertise which Tactical Division needed as a whole. He was tired of relying on Threnody, who had literally only a percentage of time she could give them for their esoteric and slightly hostile projects. He knew Chen could probably handle 80% of their weapons engineering, and could obviously fight. She had been an obvious choice to make up the injury losses in his Division.

  Xiu-Li slept poorly that night, but she was pretty happy anyway. Ensign Chen – Space!