Read Marjorie at Seacote Page 13



  Marjorie's thirteenth birthday dawned bright and clear.

  Her opening eyes rested on some strange thing sticking up at the foot ofher bed, but a fully-awakened glance proved it to be a big No. 13,painted on a square of white pasteboard, and decorated with paintedfour-leaved clovers.

  The motto "Good Luck" was traced in ornamental letters, and the wholewas in a narrow wood frame.

  "That's my birthday greeting from Cousin Jack and Cousin Ethel!"Marjorie said to herself; "I recognize her lovely painting, and it'sjust like them, anyway. I'll hang that on my bedroom wall, till I'm asold as Methusaleh."

  "Happy Birthday, darling!" said her mother, coming in, and sitting onthe side of the bed; "many happy returns of the day."

  "Oh, dearie Mother! I'm so glad I've got you! and I'm _so_ glad you'rereally my very own mother! Give me thirteen kisses, please, ma'am!"

  "Merry Birthday, Midget!" called her father, through the crack of thedoor. "You two had better stop that love-feast and get down tobreakfast!"

  So Marjorie sprang up, and made haste with her bathing and dressing, sothat in less than half an hour she was dancing downstairs to begin herLucky Birthday. Her presents were heaped round her plate, and theparcels were so enticing in appearance, that she could scarcely eat forimpatience.

  "Breakfast first," decreed her father, "or I fear you'll become soexcited you'll never eat at all."

  So Marjorie contented herself with pinching and punching the bundles,while she ate peaches and cream and cereal.

  "Oh, what _is_ in this squnchy one?" she cried, feeling of a looselydone-up parcel. "It smells so sweet, and it crackles like silk!"

  "Kitty sent that," answered her mother, smiling, "and she wrote me thatshe made it herself."

  But at last the cereal-saucer was empty, and the ribbons could beuntied.

  Kitty's gift proved to be a lovely bag, of pink and blue Dresden silk.

  "What's it for?" asked King, not much impressed with its desirability.

  "Oh, for anything!" cried Marjorie. "Handkerchiefs,--orhair-ribbons,--or,--or just to hang up and look pretty."

  "Pretty foolish," opined King, but he greeted with joy the opening ofthe next bundle.

  "Jumping Hornets!" he exclaimed; "isn't that a beauty! _Just_ what Iwanted!"

  "Whose birthday is this, anyhow?" laughed Marjorie, as she carefullyunrolled the tissue-paper packing from a fine microscope. Uncle Stevehad sent it, and it was both valuable and practical, and a thing thechildren had long wished for.

  "Well, you'll let a fellow take a peep once in a while, won't you?"

  "Yes, if you'll be goody-boy," said Midget, patronizingly.

  Grandma Sherwood's gift was a cover for a sofa-pillow, of rich Orientalfabric, embroidered in gold thread.

  "Just the thing for my couch, at home," said Midget, greatly pleased.

  "Just the thing to pitch at you, after it gets stuffed," commented King."Go on, Mops, open the big one."

  The big one proved to be a case, from Mother and Father, containing acomplete set of brushes and toilet articles for Marjorie'sdressing-table. They were plain shapes, of ivory, with her monogram oneach in dark blue.

  "Gorgeous!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Just what I longedfor,--and so much nicer than silver, 'cause that has to be cleaned everyminute. Oh, Mothery, they are lovely, and Fathery, too. Consideryourselves kissed thirteen hundred times! Oh, what's this?"

  "That's my present," said King. "Open it carefully, Mops."

  She did so, and revealed a pincushion, but a pincushion so befrilled andbelaced and beflowered one could scarce tell what it was.

  "I picked it out myself," said King, with obvious pride in hisselection. "I know how you girls love flummadiddles, and I took the veryflummadiddlyest the old lady had. Like it, Mops?"

  "Like it! I _love_ it! I adore it! And it will go fine with this beautyivory set."

  "Yes, you'll have a Louis Umpsteenth boudoir, when you get back toRockwell."

  "I shan't use it down here," said Marjorie, fingering the pretty trifle,"for the sea air spoils such things. But when I get home I'll fix myroom all up gay,--may I, Mother?"

  "I 'spect so. It's time you had a new wallpaper, anyway, and we'll getone with little pink rosebuds to match King's pincushion."

  The Bryants' gift came next.

  It was in a small jeweller's box, and was a slender gold neck chain andpendant, representing a four-leafed clover in green enamel on gold, onone petal of which were the figures thirteen in tiny diamonds.

  "Oh, ho! Diamonds!" cried King. "You're altogether too young to weardiamonds, Mops. Better give it to me for a watch fob."

  "I'm not, am I, Father?" said Marjorie, turning troubled eyes to herfather.

  "No, Midget. Not those little chips of stones. A baby could wear those.And by the way, where is Baby's gift?"

  "My p'esent!" cried Rosy Posy, who had sat until now silent, inadmiration of the unfolding wonders. "My p'esent, Middy! It's apalumasol!"

  "Then it's this long bundle," said Marjorie, and she unwrapped abeautiful little parasol of embroidered white linen.

  "Oh, Rosy Posyeums!" she cried. "This is _too booful_! I never saw sucha pretty one!"

  "Me buyed it! Me and Muvver! Oh, it's _too_ booful!" and the baby kickedher fat, bare legs in glee at her own gift.

  Grandma and Grandpa Maynard sent a silver frame, containing theirphotographs, and Grandma sent also a piece of fine lace, which was tobe laid away until Marjorie was old enough to put it to use. It was hercustom to send such a piece each year, and Marjorie's collection wasalready a valuable one.

  There were many small gifts and cards from friends in Rockwell, and fromsome of the Seacote children, and when all were opened, Midget beggedKing to help her take them to the living-room, where they might bedisplayed on a table.

  And then the Bryants arrived, and the house rang with their greetingsand congratulations.

  "Unlucky Midget!" cried Cousin Jack. "Poor little unlucky Mopsy MidgetMehitabel! Oh, what a sad fate to be thirteen years old, and to be soloaded down with birthday gifts that you don't know where you're at!

  "Mopsy Midget Mehitabel May Has come to a most unlucky day! Nothing will happen but feasting and fun, And gifts,--pretty nearly a hundred and one! Jolly good times, and jolly good wishes, A jolly good party with jolly good dishes. Every one happy and everything bright, Good Luck is here--and bad Luck out of sight. 'Tis the luckiest day that ever was seen, For Marjorie Maynard is just thirteen!"

  "Oh, Cousin Jack, what a beautiful birthday poem! I'm sure there_couldn't_ be a luckier little girl than I! I've got everything!"

  "And we've got _you_!" cried her father, catching her in his arms with aheart full of gratitude that she was safe at home with them.

  * * * * *

  The party was to begin at four o'clock, and the guests were invited tostay until seven. In good season Marjorie was dressed, and down on theveranda ready to receive her little friends.

  She wore a pretty, thin white frock, with delicate embroidery, and thependant that had been her birthday gift.

  The family were all assembled when she came down, and though it would behalf an hour before they could expect the guests, they all seemed filledwith eager anticipation.

  "What's the matter?" asked Midget, looking from one smiling face toanother.

  "Nothing, nothing!" said King, trying to look unconcerned.

  "Nothing, nothing," said Cousin Jack, pulling a wry face.

  But Mrs. Maynard said, "There's another birthday surprise for you,Marjorie dear. It has just come, and it's in the living-room. Go andhunt for it."

  Marjorie danced into the house, and they all followed. She began lookingabout for some small object, peering into vases and under books, tillher father said:

  "Look for something larger, Midget; something quite large."

  "And be careful of your frock," warne
d her mother, for Midget was downon her hands and knees, looking under the big divan.

  "Keep on your feet!" advised King. "And look everywhere."

  "Pooh! If I keep on my feet, I can't find anything big!" exclaimedMidget. "Where could it be hidden?"

  "That's for you to find out!" returned King.

  "I'll give you a hint," said Cousin Jack. "Turn, Mehitabel, turn."

  Marjorie turned slowly round and round, but that didn't help her any.

  "Turn, turn, turn, turn," Cousin Jack kept saying in a monotone, andsuddenly it flashed on Marjorie that he meant for her to turn somethingelse beside herself.

  She turned the key of a bookshelf door, and opened it, but found nothingbut books.

  "Turn, turn, turn, turn," droned Cousin Jack.

  "Oh," thought Marjorie, "the closet!" and flying to the door of a largecloset in the room, she turned the knob, the door flew open, and thereshe saw,--Uncle Steve and Kitty!

  "Oh, Kit!" she cried, and in a moment the two girls were so tangled upthat detriment to their party frocks seemed inevitable.

  But they were persuaded to separate before too much damage was done, andthen Marjorie turned to greet Uncle Steve.

  "I daren't rumple your fine feathers," he said, standing 'way off, andextending his fingertips to her. "But I'm _terrible_ glad to see you,and to find that you've grown up as good as you are beautiful."

  This made Marjorie laugh, for she didn't think she was either.

  "How _did_ you happen to come?" she cried, for she couldn't realize thatKitty was really there.

  "Oh, it was just a stroke of good luck," said Cousin Jack. "You knowto-day is your lucky day."

  "'Deed it is!" declared Marjorie. "Come on, Kit, let's go and sit in theswing till the people come to the party."

  The sisters had time for a short, merry chat, and then the guests beganto arrive. There were about twenty-five boys and girls, and with thegrown-ups this made quite a party.

  It was fun, indeed, to have both Cousin Jack and Uncle Steve present,for these two men just devoted themselves to the cause, and made somuch fun and merriment that they seemed like big children themselves.

  They gave a burlesque wrestling match on the lawn that sent the youngpeople off into peals of laughter. They made up funny dialogue, and werealways playing good-natured tricks on some of the children. Then CousinJack said:

  "Now we will play the Good Luck game. Into the hall, all of you!"

  The children scampered into the hall, and on the wall they saw a largeplacard which read:

  "Pins one Hairpins two Four-leafed clovers five Horse-shoes ten Pennies fifteen Black cats twenty-five."

  Each guest was given a small fancy basket, with ribbons tied to thehandle. Then they were instructed to hunt all the rooms on the lowerfloor, the veranda, and the nearby lawns, and gather into their basketssuch of the above mentioned articles as they could find. A prize wouldbe given to the one who had the most valuable collection, according tothe values given on the placard.

  At the word "go!" they scuttled away, and hunted eagerly, now and thenstooping to pick up a pin from the floor, or reaching up to get ahorseshoe from the mantelpiece. The rooms had been literally sown withthe small objects; the clovers and horseshoes being cut from pasteboardand painted, and the black cats being tiny china, wooden, or bronzeaffairs.

  Cousin Jack must have had an immense store of these findings, for thebaskets filled rapidly, and yet there seemed always more to be found.

  "How are you getting along, Hester?" asked Marjorie as she met her.

  "Can't find any hardly. I never have any luck! I s'pose you have abasket full!"

  "Nearly," said Marjorie, laughing at Hester's ill-nature in the midst ofthe others' merriment.

  "Say, Hester, I'll tell you what! I'll change baskets with you. Wantto?"

  "Will you?" and Hester's eyes sparkled. "Oh, Marjorie, will you?"

  "Yes, I will, on condition that you'll be nice and pleasant, and not goaround looking as cross as a magpie!"

  "All right, give me your basket," and Hester put on a very bright smilein anticipation of winning the game.

  "What did you do that for?" asked Kitty, who saw the transfer ofbaskets.

  "Oh, because. Never mind now, Kit, I'll tell you to-morrow," and Midgetdanced away with Hester's almost empty basket hanging from her arm.

  She picked up a few more things here and there, and then Cousin Jackrang a bell to announce that the game was over. The baskets, each havingits owner's name on a card tied to it, were all put on the hall table,and Mrs. Maynard and Cousin Ethel appraised the contents, while thechildren went to another game.

  This time Uncle Steve conducted affairs. Several tables in theliving-room were surrounded by the players, and each was given a paperand pencil.

  "I see," Uncle Steve began, "that this is a Good Luck party. So each ofyou write the words 'good luck' at the top of your paper. Have you doneso? Good! Now, I hope you will all of you have all good luck always, butif you can't get it all, get part. So try your hand at it by makingwords of four letters out of those two words you have written. Use eachletter only once,--unless it is repeated, like _o_ in 'good.' However,that's the only one that _is_ a repeater, so use the others only once inany word you make. The words must be each of four letters,--no more andno less. And they must all be good, common, well-known English words.Now go ahead, and the best list takes a prize."

  How the children scribbled! How they nibbled their pencils and thought!How they whispered to each other to ask if such a word was right!

  Marjorie was quick at puzzles, but she didn't think it would be politeto take the prize at her own party, so she didn't hand in her list.Neither did Kitty nor King. So when the lists were handed in, UncleSteve rapidly looked them over.

  "The longest list," he announced, "contains ten words."

  "Oh, dear!" sighed Hester. "Isn't that just my bad luck! I had nine."

  "So did I," said several others, but it was Tom Craig's list that hadten, so he received the prize. His list, as Uncle Steve read it out,was: Cook, loud, duck, cool, cold, lock, look, dock, clod, gold. Theprize was a box of candy made in the shape of a four-leafed clover, soit was really four boxes.

  Tom generously offered to pass the sweets around at once, but UncleSteve advised him not to, as supper would be served pretty soon.

  The children all liked the game, and clamored for a repetition of it,but Cousin Jack said it was his turn for a game now, and if they'd allstay at the tables, he'd give it to them.

  "This is my own game," he said, "because it is called jackstraws, and myname is Jack. I am not a man of straw, however, as you'd soon find ifyou tried to knock me over! The game is almost like ordinary jackstraws,but with slight additions."

  Then there were passed around bunches of jackstraws for each table. Theywere just like ordinary jackstraws, except they were of differentcolors, and a little card told how to count. White ones were one; redones, two; blue ones, five; silver ones, ten; and gold ones, twenty.Then one marked Good Luck counted fifteen, and another, marked_thirteen_, counted twenty-five. This proved that thirteen was _not_ anunlucky number!

  It's always fun to play jackstraws, and the children went at it with azest. Midget, at the next table, was not surprised to hear Hestercomplaining, "Oh, you joggled me! That isn't fair! I ought to haveanother turn! I _never_ have any luck!" Marjorie smiled across at her,and, seeming to remember the condition of the basket exchange, Hestertried to smile, and succeeded fairly well.

  Milly Fosdick won that prize, and they all laughed when it turned out tobe a straw hat of Indian make. It was of gay pattern basket work, andadorned with beads and feathers. Milly was delighted with it, and saidshe should always keep it as a souvenir.

  By that time the ladies had completed their task, and the prize for theGood Luck hunt fell to Hester Corey. This was the prettiest prize ofall, being a beautifully illustrated copy of
Grimms' "Fairy Tales," andHester was enchanted with it. She took it eagerly, and never seemed tothink for a moment that perhaps it wasn't quite fairly won; nor did shethank Marjorie for the assistance she gave.

  Then they all went out to supper. And such a supper as it was! The tablewas decorated with green four-leafed clovers, and gilt horseshoes, andblack cats, and yellow new moons. And every one had a little rabbit'sfoot, mounted like a charm, for a souvenir; and also a bright luckypenny of that very year.

  And the sandwiches were cut like clovers, and the cakes like new moons,and the ice-cream was shaped like horseshoes, and everybody wishedeverybody else good luck all through Marjorie's thirteenth year. Andwhen the young guests went away they all sang:

  "Good luck, ladies; good luck, ladies; Good luck, ladies; We're going to leave you now."