Read Marjorie's New Friend Page 7



  But though Marjorie made her brave resolutions in good faith, it was hardto keep them. School was awful. The very sight of Gladys's empty seatmade Midge choke with tears.

  Miss Lawrence appreciated the case, and was most gentle and kind toMarjorie, but still the trouble was there.

  "Wouldn't you like to have Katy Black sit with you, dear?" asked theteacher.

  "No, thank you." said Midge, "I can't bear to put any one in Gladys'splace. Don't bother about me, Miss Lawrence, I'm not going to cry."

  She didn't cry, but she sighed so frequently and so deeply, thatkind-hearted Miss Lawrence almost wept in sympathy.

  At home it was better. The Maynards always had good times at home, and ofcourse when there, Marjorie didn't miss Gladys so much. But the longmornings in the school-room, and the long afternoons when she wanted torun over to Gladys's house were almost unbearable.

  Merry, madcap Midget became a sober-faced little girl, who was all themore pathetic because she tried to be cheerful.

  Mrs. Maynard felt worried about the matter, and proposed to her husbandthat she should take Marjorie, and go away for a trip somewhere.

  "No," said Mr. Maynard; "let her fight it out. It's hard for her, butit's doing her real good, and bringing out the best side of her nature.We'll all help her all we can, and if I'm not greatly mistaken ourMarjorie will come out of this ordeal with flying colors."

  "It's will-power, little daughter," said Mr. Maynard to her one evening."Just determine that this cloud shall not entirely obscure the sun foryou."

  "Yes," said Midge, smiling, "it's just an eclipse, isn't it?"

  "Yes, and it seems to be a total eclipse; but even total eclipses pass,if we wait long enough. Any letter from Gladys this week?"

  "One came this morning. Would you like to read it?"

  "Of course I should, very much."

  "It's strange," said Marjorie, as she produced the letter, "for allGladys loves school so, and is a good student, she can't seem to spellright."

  "I know another lady who has difficulty in that direction," said Mr.Maynard, smiling.

  "Yes, but Glad is different. She can spell the spelling-book stickers,'embarrassed,' and 'cleemosynary,' and such words, 'cause she studiesthem; and then she'll misspell simple every-day words. Now, you see."

  Mr. Maynard smiled a little as he read the letter.

  _Los Angeles, Cal._


  We are having a lovely time. We have not found a house yet, but arestaying at the hotel till we do find one to suite us, I like it here verymuch. I miss you very much, dear Marjorie. There are lovely people in thehotel, and we go for walks to pick flowers. The flowers here arebeautiful. Now I must close. With lots of love and kisses, your


  "Between you and me and the post, Midget, I don't think that's a veryinteresting letter, do you?"

  "No, Father, I don't. I thought Glad would write more as she talks. Shedoesn't talk a bit like that, when we're together."

  "I know it, Mops, I've heard her. But some people never can write as theytalk. As soon as they get a pen between their fingers, their brain seemsto freeze up, and break off in little, cold, hard sentences. Now, whatsort of a letter do you write?"

  "Here's the answer I wrote to-day to Gladys. I haven't sent it yet."


  I wish you would come back. It's perfectly horrid at school without you,and though Miss Lawrence said Katy Black could sit with me, I don't wanther. She's a nice enough girl, but she isn't you. And nobody is, Dear oldGlad, I do miss you so. Of course as there's no remedy under the sun, I'mbeing cheerful and gay about it, but my heart misses you just the same.We don't have the Jinks Club any more. It made me sick to go to itwithout you. I expect you're having good times in California, and I'mglad of that. Write soon to


  "Now, of the two, Midge, yours is the much better letter. Don't ever tryto copy Gladys's style, will you?"

  "No; I'm glad you like mine best. You see, I write without thinking aboutanything except not to spill the ink."

  "A very good plan. Stick to it all your life. Midget, I don't want to beunkind, but has it struck you that Gladys is not so heart-broken overyour separation as you are?"

  A look of pain came into Marjorie's loyal eyes, as she said:

  "It does seem so, I know. But I think it's because Gladys has all sortsof new places and new people to amuse her, while I'm left here alone."

  "It's partly that, little girl; and partly because Gladys hasn't such awarm, loving loyal heart as my Marjorie's."

  "She is different," admitted Midget; "but I know she loves me, even if itdoesn't say so right out in her letter."

  "Perhaps she forgot to put it in, because she was so busy trying not tospill the ink."

  "Perhaps so," agreed Marjorie, answering the twinkle in her father's eye.

  "And now, Miss Mops, I have a bit of news for you. The Fulton house isrented to some people from New York."

  "Is it?" said Marjorie, indifferently.

  "And in the family is a girl twelve years of age."

  "And you think she'll take Glad's place!" cried Midge, indignantly."Well, I can just tell you she won't! A girl from New York! She'll bestuck-up, and superior, and look down on us Rockwell girls!"

  "How do you know all this?"

  "I know; 'cause Katy Black had a girl from New York visiting her, and shewas just horrid! All stiff and mincy, and dropping curtseys every twominutes!"

  "But you're taught to drop curtseys."

  "Yes, when I enter or leave a room where there are ladies, but that girlwas always at it, in school and everywhere."

  "Sort of a jumping-jack, wasn't she? Well, try to like this new girl,dearie; it's the best I can do for you in the way of neighbors."

  "Oh, I may like her,--and I'll be polite to her, of course; but I know Ishan't want her for an intimate friend, like Glad."

  "Perhaps not; but I was so pleased when I heard a little girl was comingto live across the street, that I think you ought to be pleased too."

  "Well, I will! I am! And if she isn't too stuck-up, I'll try to likeher."

  A few afternoons later, King, who was sitting by a front window, calledout:

  "Hi! I say, Mops! Here's the new family moving into the Fulton house!"

  Marjorie only upset a waste-basket and a very small table as she ran tothe window to look out.

  Kitty raced after her, and Rosy Posy toddled up too, so in a moment thefour were eagerly gazing at the new-comers, themselves quite hidden bythe lace curtains.

  "Nice looking bunch," commented King, as he watched a well-dressed ladyand gentleman get out of the carriage.

  "And there's the girl!" cried Marjorie, as a child followed them. "Oh,she _is_ a stuck-up!"

  "How do you know?" said King. "I think she's a daisy!"

  They could only see her back, as the new neighbor walked up the path tothe house, but she seemed to be of a dainty, not to say finicky type.

  She wore a large hat with feathers, and a black velvet coat that coveredher frock completely.

  A mass of fluffy golden hair hung below the big black hat, and the littlegirl tripped along in a way that if not "mincing," was certainly"citified."

  "No, I don't like her," declared Midge, as she watched the stranger go upthe steps and into the house; "she isn't a bit like Gladys."

  "Neither am I," said King, "but you like me."

  "Yes, you dear, cunning little sweet thing, I do like you," said Midget,touching King's hair in a teasing way.

  He promptly pulled off her hair-ribbon, and as Marjorie felt in thehumor, this began one of their favorite games of make-believe.

  "The diamond tiara!" she shrieked, "the villain hath stole it!"

  "Horrors!" cried Kitty, "then shall he be captured, and forced to restoreit!"

  She pounced on King, and aided by Marjorie, they threw h
im on the couch,and wrapped his head in the afghan. Horrible growls came from theprisoner, but no word of surrender.

  "Art vanquished?" asked Kitty pulling the afghan away from one of hiseyes.

  "I art not!" he declared in a muffled voice, but with so terrific a glarefrom that one eye, that they hastily covered him up again.

  But he managed to free himself, and stood towering above theterror-stricken girls, who now knelt at his feet and begged for mercy.

  "Spare us!" moaned Kit. "We are but lorn damsels who seek food andshelter!"

  "Me wants a selter, too," announced Rosy Posy, joining the others, andclasping her little fat hands as they did. "What is a selter?"

  "A selter for none of you!" roared King, with threatening gestures. "Tothe dungeon, all three! Ha, varlets, appear, and do my bidding!"

  "I'll be a varlet," said Midge, suddenly changing her role. "We'll putLady Katherine in the dungeon, and let the fair Lady Rosamond gofree!"

  "As thou sayest," said King, agreeably, and, though bravely resisting,Kitty was overpowered, and thrown into a dungeon under the table. Fromthis she contrived to escape by the clever expedient of creeping out atthe other side, but as it was then time to get ready for dinner, the gamecame to an untimely end.

  "We've seen the new girl, Father," said Marjorie, as they sat at thetable.

  "Have you? Well, I've seen the new man,--that is, if you refer to our newneighbors across the street."

  "Yes, in Gladys's house. What's his name, Father?"

  "Mr. Spencer. I met him at the post-office, and Mr. Gage introduced us.Mr. Gage is the agent who has the Fulton house in charge, and he told webefore that these newcomers are fine people. I liked Mr. Spencerexceedingly. I'm sorry, Mops, you're so determined not to like thedaughter. Mr. Spencer tells me she's a lovable child."

  "Oh, of course he'd think so,--he's her father."

  "Well, I admit, fathers are a prejudiced class. Perhaps I have too highan opinion of my own brood."

  "You couldn't have," said Kitty, calmly, and Mr. Maynard laughed as helooked at the four smiling faces, and responded:

  "I don't believe I could!"

  "Don't spoil them, Fred," said Mrs. Maynard, warningly, but King brokein:

  "Too late, Mother! We're spoiled already. Father's high opinion of us hasmade us puffed up and conceited."

  "Nonsense, King," cried Midge; "we're not conceited. Not nearly as muchso as that girl across the way. You ought to see, Father, how she hoppedup the walk! Like a scornful grasshopper!"

  "Marjorie," said Mrs. Maynard, repressing a smile, "you must notcriticise people so; especially those you don't know."

  "Well, she did, Mother. She thinks because she came from New York,Rockwell people are no good at all."

  "How do you know that, Midge?" said her father, a little gravely.

  "Oh, Midget is a reader of character," said King. "She only saw thisgirl's yellow hair, hanging down her back, and she knew all about her atonce."

  "She had a velvet coat," protested Marjorie, "and a short dress and longblack legs--"

  "You wouldn't want her to wear a train, would you?" put in Kitty.

  "No, but her frock was awful short, and her hat was piled with feathers."

  "That will do, Marjorie," said her father, very decidedly, now. "It isn'tnice to run on like that about some one you've never met."

  "But I'm just telling what I saw, Father."

  "But not in a kind spirit, my child. You're trying to make the littlegirl appear unattractive, or even ridiculous; and you must not do that.It isn't kind."

  "That's so," said Marjorie, contritely; "it's horrid of me, I know, andI'll stop it. But she did look like a flyaway jib!"

  "What is a flyaway jib?" said her father, with an air of one seekinginformation.

  "I haven't an idea," said Mops, laughing; "but I know I've heard of itsomewhere."

  "And so you describe a girl whom you don't know, in words whose meaningyou don't know! Well, that's consistent, at any rate! Now, I _do_ knowsomething about this young lady. And, to begin with, I know her name."

  "Oh, what is it?" said Midge and Kitty together.

  "Well, Mops is such a reader of character, she ought to be able to guessher name. What do you think it is, Midget?"

  Marjorie considered. She dearly loved to guess, even when she had no hintto go by.

  "I think," she said, slowly, "it is probably Arabella or Araminta."

  "'Way off," said her father; "you're no good at guessing. Kitty, what doyou say?"

  "It ought to be Seraphina," said Kitty, promptly. "She looks like a waxdoll."

  "Wrong again! King, want to guess?"

  "'Course I do. I think her name is Flossy Flouncy. She looks so dressyand gay."

  "That's a good name, King," said Marjorie, "and just suits her. I shallcall her that, what ever her real name is. I suppose it's Mary Jane, orsomething not a bit like her. What is it, Father?"

  "Well, it's not a common name, exactly. It's Delight."

  "Delight!" cried King. "What a funny, name! I never heard of it before."

  "I think it's lovely," declared Marjorie. "It's a beautiful name. Whydidn't you name me Delight, Mother?"

  "You didn't say you wanted me to," returned Mrs. Maynard, smiling, forMarjorie often wished for various names that pleased her better than herown for the moment.

  "Well, I think it's sweet, don't you, Kit?"

  "Beautiful!" said Kitty, enthusiastically.

  "And she's not at all 'stuck-up,'" went on Mr. Maynard; "she's rathershy, and though she wants to get acquainted with you children, she'safraid you won't like her. I didn't tell Mr. Spencer that you had decidedalready not to like her."

  "I like her name," said Marjorie, "but I don't like her because she livesin Gladys's house, and she isn't Gladys!"

  "So that's where the shoe pinches!" said Mr. Maynard, laughing atMarjorie's troubled face. "A foolish resentment because strangers are inyour friend's home. Why, dearie, Mr. Fulton was most anxious to rent thehouse, and he'll be glad to have such good tenants. And, by the way,Midge, don't say anything more unpleasant about the little Spencer girl.You've said enough."

  "I won't, Father," said Midget, with an honest glance from her big, darkeyes into his own, for truth to tell, she felt a little ashamed of herfoolish criticisms already.

  "Delight!" she said, musingly as she and Kitty were preparing for bedthat night. "Isn't it a dear name, Kit? What does it make you think of?"

  "A princess," said Kitty, whose imagination Was always in fine workingorder; "one who always wears light blue velvet robes, and eats off ofgold dishes."

  "Yes," agreed Marjorie, falling in with the game, "and she has whitedoves fluttering about, and black slaves to bow before her."

  "No, not black slaves; they're for princesses named Ermengarde orFantasmagoria." Kitty was not always particular about any authority fornames, if they sounded well. "A princess named Delight would havehandmaidens,--fair-haired ones, with soft trailing white robes."

  "Kit, you're a wonder," said Marjorie, staring at her younger sister;"how do you know such things?"

  "They come to me," said Kitty, mystically.

  "Well, they sound all right, but I don't believe handmaidens ought towear trailing gowns. How could they handmaid?"

  "That's so," said Kitty, a little crestfallen.

  "Never mind; I spect they could. They could gracefully throw the trailsover their arms, as they glide along in their sandalled feet."

  "Yes, and strains of music came from concealed luters--"

  "Huh! looters are burglars, and it's slang besides."

  "No, not that kind. Luters that play on lutes, I mean. And the PrincessDelight would sniff attar of rose, and fan herself with waving peacockfeathers."

  "A slave ought to do that."

  "Well, all right, let him. And then the Princess falls asleep 'neath hersilken coverlet, and lets her sister put out the lights,--like this!" andwith a jump, Kitty bounced into her own little bed, and pulled
up thedown coverlet to her chin.

  Imitating the white-robed handmaidens, Marjorie swayed around to animprovised chant of her own, and putting out the electric lights withmuch dramatic elaboration, she finally swayed into her own bed, and afterthey had both chanted a choric good-night, they soon fell sleep.