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you want to know who you are? I can tell you, that and many other things.” The voice was softening. “Come to me, and I can give you what you seek.”

  This was real. It had to be. It was speaking to her, interacting with her thoughts. Aimee could sense that despite the offer, this was something that she did not want to be talking to at all. Fear shook her. She started running as fast as she could in the direction of the car. Branches slashed at her face and arms. They stung against her cheeks. She could hear the footfalls again, louder this time. It was chasing her. She ran faster, pressing deep into the wilderness. The cold air forced its way into her lungs with each breath. Her chest was tight. It hurt so much. She ignored the pain, and did not stop running. She couldn’t stop. It was right behind her.

  She could feel it, but she was too afraid to look back. She just kept running. The words echoed in her mind. What was this thing? How did it know her? Her legs felt weak. She pushed through it. She knew, she just knew that if she stopped she would die. Tears filled her eyes. She tried not to cry, it would cloud her vision, and she needed to see. She wanted to scream, but she could not make a sound.

  Finally, she could see the headlights of the car. She ran toward it as fast as she could, pushing herself even harder. They saw her coming. Marc could tell that something was wrong. She ran into him full force, knocking him back onto the side of the car. Instinctively, he spun her around so that her back was against the car, and he stood between her and the forest.

  “I just... there was...” Aimee could barely breathe.

  “It’s okay, you’re safe now.” Marc tried to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her, rocking her restless body back and forth. She looked over his shoulder. She could feel it. It was watching her from the edge of the woods. Then, he stepped forward, right at the edge of the tree line. The moonlight barely cast through the branches to faintly illuminate his face. It was Damian. Her body collapsed through Marc’s arms and she fell onto the ground. There was a terrible feeling, right at the center of her. She felt so much fear, so much despair.

  “There!” She pointed to the trees. She wanted Marc and Liam to see. She had to warn them that he was there. Damian smiled, turned, and disappeared into the shadows. He was gone before Liam or Marc had the time to see him.

  “I’ll go check it out.” Liam took off into the woods. Marc stayed at Aimee’s side. He opened the car door and helped her into the seat. She could not stop crying now. It was overpowering, this horrible feeling that would not go away. So many questions ran through her mind. Why was Damian there? What could he possibly want to tell her?

  “What happened, Aimee?” Marc seemed so concerned, but she wasn’t even completely sure of what had just happened.

  “I don’t know! Something was chasing me.” Aimee fought to try and put the pieces together. She tried so hard to calm her fear and just think.

  “What was chasing you?”

  “I don’t know! I was just walking and then I heard a voice.” She could still hear the voice, whispering in her mind as she replayed the scene, trying to make sense of it all.

  “A voice?! So it was a person?”

  “At first, I didn’t think so.”

  “What do you mean?” Marc wanted so much to protect her. She wasn’t sure if he’d be able to this time.

  “I saw someone standing at the edge of the woods.” Aimee didn’t know if she should tell him what she thought she saw. She was so afraid, and maybe that had played tricks with her mind.

  “Who?” Marc’s voice was demanding. He was fearless, if only she had that kind of courage.

  Aimee was too afraid to tell him. It didn’t make any sense at all. If it had been Damian she did not understand why he would have let her go. He could have easily overpowered her while she was alone. She worried too, that Marc wouldn’t believe her. It would have been equally disastrous if he did believe her and went to Damian. Damian would not like being accused or threatened, and if he did do this, then he would not be stopped.

  “I’m not sure.” This was the first time Aimee had lied to Marc. She felt guilty, but didn’t know what else she could do.

  Marc sighed deeply. He got frustrated when he couldn’t take control of things. He was never one to use a bunch of idle words or actions. He liked straight answers, and he liked to get things done. Whatever this was, he couldn’t protect her from it if he couldn’t see it and she couldn’t name it. That was a revelation that weighed heavy on them both. They were still sitting in the car when Liam returned. He was very winded and sweat poured down his face and chest.

  “Did you find anything?” Marc couldn’t wait to spring into action.

  “No, friend. Whatever this was it’s not there now. I’m sorry, Aimee.” Liam would have found anyone who was still there to find. He felt a sense of responsibility for Aimee since she was Marc’s partner. He would fight to protect them both in almost any circumstance.

  “It’s okay. Thanks for even going out there.” Aimee reached her hand out to his. It was so tiny in comparison. She forgave him.

  Liam nodded and sat down in the driver’s seat. He took a big drink of water, and then he threw his head back onto his seat and looked back at Aimee. He should not have played the silly game. He should have walked with her. She was still so young, and her skill as a fighter was yet untested. “Are you going to be alright? Are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m not hurt. Let’s just get out of here.” Aimee was ready to leave. If it hadn’t been Damian, she didn’t want to find out what it was. If it was him, then she wanted to get out of France as soon as possible.

  The ride to the airport was much more quiet than the drive down there had been. The events of the night were on everyone’s mind. There were so many unanswered questions. Aimee was lost in thought, leaning her head against the window. This was the first time that she had felt that she could not talk with Marc about something. It wasn’t a good feeling.

  He held her hand and watched her face. Her eyes followed the passing scenery. They were empty. He wanted so much to help her, but he didn’t know how. He sat there with her in silence. Something seemed to be on Liam’s mind as well. Marc wondered if they were thinking about the same thing. It hurt to be so connected with Aimee and to not really understand what she was feeling. He knew that he shouldn’t have left her alone. That was a stupid mistake. She had been through so much. He shouldn’t have left her, not to play some juvenile game. What had happened at Damian’s mansion had obviously made its mark on her. He had hoped that he would be able to protect her from ever having to kill a man. No one should have to know that feeling. It lives inside you, eating at you. He felt guilty. It didn’t matter how hard he tried, he always failed at protecting her.

  The elements were unaware of their troubles. In spite of them, it was a beautiful day. The sun was bright, which made it seem warmer than what it really was. Marc wished that they had more time to enjoy it. Even with what happened with Damian, Marc was glad to have gotten to share Paris with Aimee once again. That first passionate kiss at the Eiffel Tower was one of his best memories of all time.

  It felt good to hold her hand, and to be able to touch her again. Even after all those years, and everything that had happened since, he was still in absolute awe of her. She was such a beautiful, confusing woman. Her inner spirit was so powerful, but yet she was so susceptible to what everyone else thought of her. She was open about life, but she could never fully trust. There were many contradictions within her, and she captivated him. He never grew tired of studying her face. He could easily contemplate her thoughts for hours. She was more than a companion to him, she was his whole world. When they pulled up to the airport there were many things left unsaid. Many questions had yet to be answered. For Aimee though, one was about to be.

  Liam handed her two books as he said good bye. “Au revoir, Aimee. Here, I want you to have these.”

  “What are they?” Aimee was surprised. She couldn’t wait until she could look them over.

p; “They are the answer to what you asked me back at the hotel.”

  Aimee took the books in her hands. “Thank you, Liam.”

  Liam gave Aimee a hug. She was so glad to have gained his friendship. Then, Liam turned to Marc. “I have some time saved up for holiday. Can I come check on you in a few weeks?”

  “Of course, you’re always welcome. You’re a good friend, Liam. Take care.” Marc’s good bye was standard male, but Aimee could feel that it was still heartfelt. She was glad to know that Marc had friends like that, especially when she knew that this whole thing with Damian may not be over just because they were going back home.

  It wasn’t long before they were allowed to board their flight. Aimee and Marc tried their best to prepare for their long trip home. Many things were going through Marcs mind, but right now, one thing had really piqued his curiosity.

  “What was Liam talking about?” Marc was glad to see Aimee and Liam getting along, but he did not like being kept out of the loop on anything.

  “I had asked him if he were like us.” Aimee had no reason to hide their interaction, so she was open and honest.

  Marc laughed openly. He couldn’t believe that anyone would be so bold, especially with Liam. “What did he say?”

  “He said that the question was unexpected. He also said that he was neither vampire,