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was glad she was finally talking to him about it. “What did you find?”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “That I would have done better to cherish my good memories. I know that you were trying to protect me, and I admire you for that. I wish now that I had let you.”

  Marc kissed her forehead. “You’re safe now. We can put this behind us, have a new start.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes filled with sadness, “No, I’m not.”

  He rose up. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve been having these really bad nightmares. I can’t get him out of my head.”

  “That life is over. It cannot affect you any more, unless you let it.” He didn’t understand how some bad dreams were what was coming between them. It was more than that.

  “No, it’s not. It was not any mortal man. His name was Dacian. We lived together in Romania, many centuries ago.”

  Marc had begun to piece things together. “No…No…That can’t be.”

  “Marc,” she pleaded with him, “It was Damian.” She needed him to hear her. It was hard for him, but she needed so much for him to understand. Aimee could not hold back her tears.

  Marc felt so sorry that Aimee had believed she had to keep such a secret. He couldn’t imagine what she had been going through. He felt guilty. He had delivered her into Damian’s hands. How could he be so blind? Things made sense now, looking back, the way his eyes lingered on Aimee, the dress change, the boy, all of it. “How long have you known?”

  “Only since I spoke with Elsie.”

  He hugged her closely. “I’m so sorry, Aimee. I never would have taken you there if I had known.”

  Aimee pushed free of his hold and looked him eye to eye. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “I never tried to find out about your past before ours together. I should have, it was an oversight that will cost us both. I knew better. I should have known better.” Marc would not accept her comfort. This was his responsibility. She was his responsibility.

  “It doesn’t matter. There was no way to know. I wish we didn’t, either of us.” Aimee would not let him shoulder this.

  “Has he spoken to you?”

  She looked down. You could call it that. “Yes.”

  “What has he told you?”

  It was almost too painful to discuss this with Marc. “He says that I belong to him.”

  Anger rose in Marc’s eyes. She had never seen him like that before. There was such a storm beneath his calm demeanor. “What do you want to do?”

  Aimee laughed softly. “Kill him.” She did really want to kill him. She wanted to be free. “I spoke with Liam this morning, and he thinks he knows what to do to help me.”

  “Then, I need to speak with Liam.” Marc stood up to go find his friend.

  “Go ahead, I’ll wait for you.”

  She had no way of knowing how comforting her words were. It was difficult to learn the truth of what was happening, but it gave Marc hope that their relationship was well. He was ready to help her find a solution. He was happy that she was able to be open with him. He loved her more than she could ever know. Her past, no matter how horrible could never change that.

  Liam had just hung up the phone when Marc entered the living room. Liam could see from the look in his eyes that he knew, at least part, of what was going on. He was glad that he had followed his intuition and stayed in America. He was certain that he was the only one who would be able to help his friend. He needed to begin preparing right away, but he waited a moment. He knew that Marc needed to talk about this. “So, she told you?”

  “Yes, just now.” Marc valued Liam’s advice, and he sought it now. “What should we do?”

  “I’ve contacted two friends of mine. They should get here later today. I know of only way to help you.” Liam had never been one for lengthy speeches.

  “I don’t understand.” This all seemed to make sense to Liam. Marc was still completely confused.

  “She’s been marked. It’s like a brand on her spirit. It is seared deep into her subconscious. It connects her to him. That is why her lives have been so tragic, and it is why she won’t be able to get away from him, no matter where she goes, or how much time passes.” Liam tried to explain as quickly and simply as possible.

  “Even if he wanted to, how would he do such a thing?” Marc knew that power, especially over humans was closely watched by God and his agents.

  “He made a deal with a demon. The demon agreed to mark Aimee and bring her back to him.” This was the only answer. This was not God’s work. It wasn’t the way he liked to do things.

  “Why would a demon care about what Damian wants?”

  “In return he must have been asked to pay a price. Damian’s life has been filled with evil toward men. I’m sure that it is no coincidence.”

  This was one of those times that Marc valued the extent of Liam’s understanding. His old friend was as wise as he was strong and powerful. “How can we stop it?”

  “I’ll need to use your attic.”

  “Of course.” Marc would have agreed to anything. Liam could have asked for his life and he would have given it to save her.

  “If you want to be there, you must stay back. You cannot interfere.” Liam held his eye contact. This was very important.

  “I am grateful for your help. I will do whatever you ask of me.”

  Liam nodded. He knew that Marc meant what he said. What else could he do but submit to Liam? He had no control in this. He could not begin to grasp an understanding of what was happening that even neared Liam’s understanding of the situation. Despite his confusion, he trusted Liam with this. He had to believe that whatever he was going to do would work. He had to believe that there was some way out of this terrible situation.

  Liam put his hand on Marc’s shoulder. “There are some things that I’ll need to know in order to do what I’ll have to do.”

  Marc nodded in agreement. “Okay. What can I do to help?”

  “I’ll need to speak with Aimee. It will be hard for her. It might be easier if you are there.”

  Marc’s heart was heavy walking up the stairs ahead of Liam. Aimee was so emotionally drained already. He hurt for her. He knew that this would only cut deeper into her wounds. There was nothing he could do but be there for her. Liam would not have asked if it were not necessary.

  While Marc was downstairs, Aimee was overwhelmed by fatigue. She tried so hard to stay awake. The thought of falling asleep, knowing that he was still there waiting, was terrifying. Still, her body cried out for rest, and her head fell back onto the pillow. There she was in the wilderness, walking. It always started out so peacefully. It was serene. The breeze was light and cool. It made the trees sway gently.

  There is something different about night air. It’s crisp and clean, and it flows right into you. Automatically, you breathe in more deeply, feel your lungs expand with it. It’s decadent, like some luxurious indulgence. The moonlight falls on everything, making it all look more magical, more romantic. You could believe that the earth is alive during these times. It is so beautiful. She would have enjoyed it more if she didn’t know what was coming. He was there. She could feel it in the force of the wind against her neck. She could see it in the shadow that cast slowly behind her, darkening the path. This time she didn’t even run. She knew that he would catch her.

  She felt his face beside of hers, his breath in her ear. “Are you warming to me?”

  “Not in the least.” She tightened her body as much as she could.

  He looked her over. “You seem much more reasonable in any case.”

  “I want to talk with you.” She looked at him.

  He backed off a little. “What is it?”

  “I can’t take this anymore, it needs to stop.”

  He laughed. “You know how to make it stop.”

  This was not going well, but at least he wasn’t touching her. “Can we make a deal of some kind?”

He was thinking, trying to figure out what her plan was. “So, you would like to negotiate?”

  “I want you to let me go.”

  “Then we are at a standstill, because I will not do that.”

  She furrowed her brow, and pleaded him to reconsider. “Would it not be better for you to take a companion from the coven, someone willing to pledge their devotion to you?”

  “Their minds are weak, and they lack our history.” He ran his hands through her hair, and down her neck and shoulders. “There was a time that you made me very happy.”

  There were many reasons that she dove out of that window, and into the sea. Her soul was in torment. She could not escape Damian’s domination. It was a lot like now. There were details that she had never shared. Only her thoughts were private, she didn’t even have that now. He could see into her mind. He could hear her thoughts, and twist them. She could feel him in her head. She tried to think of nothing. He backed her into a tree, and he placed his hands beside her head, pinning her down.

  “What are you thinking of?” His playfulness quickly turned to rage. “What? I have no children, except those that I have turned with my own blood.”

  Aimee smiled in satisfaction. At last, she found something that hurt him. She had that if nothing else. She was surprised that he never knew. “I was pregnant when I leapt into the sea.”

  “No.” Damian seemed taken back. His mouth fell open. He could not believe that she kept this from him. He would have known, surely. “You’re mistaken. I would have seen it.”

  “It had already begun to move inside me when I died.” She watched his