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sleeping. He felt more bonded to her than ever. Gently, he brushed back strands of stray hair from her face. Each breath was easy and calm, her chest rising and falling ever so lightly. As she opened her eyes, it took a moment for things to come into focus. Her head ached. Her thoughts were chaotic. She was in a bedroom, in a bed with four tall dark posts. There was a small side table with a large white porcelain bowl on top. The windows were lined with deep mahogany book cases and draped in crushed velvet. The bright rays of sun as they broke the horizon were overwhelming. She recoiled quickly, shielding her face with her right arm. She could hear the sounds of the draperies being quickly drawn shut.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you would be so sensitive to the light.” Marc tried to pull the curtains as quick as he could so that Kate would have a moment for her senses to adjust. She slowly put down her arm and searched the room for his face. That first time their eyes met since her change was more than Marc could have anticipated. Her eyes had always been a beautiful shade of blue. As impossible as it seemed, they had become even more captivating. They were brighter, wilder. They were like his own. He wanted to rush to her and kiss her with the most passionate kiss he could, but he knew that would take time. It would take time for her to trust him, to love him again. She would again; they were not whole without one another.

  “My head hurts so much.” Kate shut her eyes again.

  Marc sat down beside her and held his hand to her face. She let her head fall heavily into it. She breathed deeply in and out, and then glanced up at him. She took a deep breath in and looked at Marc. “I don’t know where to begin.”

  He ran his fingers gently along her cheek. His smile was warm and comforting. “There’s no rush. We have all the time that we need.” It was a wonderful thought that they had all that span of time out before them now. It had been so long that he had dreamed of holding her again. What a comfort it was to know that he would hold her forever.

  In spite of Marc’s reassurances, Kate felt an urgency to share what she had experienced in the underworld. So many profound things had woven the circumstances that brought her back to this life. There were so many things that she could have told Marc, but there was one certain thing that would give him assurance as they began their relationship together. “I saw it all happen.” Kate had actual memories of her life with Marc. He had alluded to their time together before her change, and Kate had searched for that piece of her past when she left to go to the underworld. There was a whole lifetime that she had gained. She felt all the emotion that it carried with it.

  Marc didn’t try to hide the smile on his face when he heard her speak the words. He had hoped that she would regain some sense of who they were together. He had not even dared for memories, but would have contented himself with knowing she understood the depth of his feelings for her. Human memory is a strange thing. It creates a sort of radio signal into the world, repeating over and over what is in the blood. Memories and experiences are constantly being played and built upon. Marc knew that she would see part of his past, but that she had true memories, from her own eyes and with her own senses was overwhelming. “I knew you would see. I just wasn’t sure how much.” He was beaming, and Kate smiled back at him just as sincerely.

  “Some of it I saw, not as you saw it, but with my own eyes. I saw it. I saw it all happen.” Something in Marc’s memories had triggered Kate’s own memories. She had gained her own recollections of her past life together with him.

  It was more than he could have hoped for. His blood had changed her, and his voice was her guide back. Marc could not help but wonder if the memories Kate had found were because of his influence. She had grown quiet. “Aimee?” His smile would not fade, and she smiled back at him as she looked up. He wondered if she would remember her name. He hadn’t realized until that moment how much he had missed speaking it.

  “I have had a few names, you know.”

  “None are equally as beautiful to my ears.” He loved the playfulness in her tone. He knew now that he had her back. It was more than just the essence of her. She was here, mind body, and soul.. Sharing all the same memories of the life they had experienced together was breathtaking. The bond they had between them could only grow stronger. Marc just sat there a moment. He was stunned. He was happy, but stunned. For all the years he had imagined this moment, he could barely breathe let alone act or speak.

  During their silence, Kate became acutely aware that the only thing covering her was the thin satin sheet. She pulled her arms close and wrapped them tightly around her chest. “Are you surprised that I can remember?”

  “I didn’t know that would happen, if that’s what you mean.”

  “But it pleases you?” Kate knew it pleased him. The smile on his face made it more than obvious. He seemed so easily content with her. The heavy emotion that the time they spent together the last few days was a low shadow cast upon it, but even through that, Marc was content in her company. He let her see how happy being near her made him. He did not hide his emotion when she awoke from her dangerous sleep. All of these things endeared him more closely to her. Combined with the memories of their past together, Kate was beginning to feel more and more connected to him.

  “Yes.” He unfolded one arm from around her so that he could rest her hand inside of his. “I want to thank you for trusting me. I have missed you, so much that I doubt you can comprehend it. Whatever you need, I am here for you. I love you.”

  Normally she would have taken a moment to contemplate the seriousness of his proclamation. Time for that would have to wait, pain wracked through her head like a knife. She had to close her eyes for a moment her head ached so badly.

  “Are you okay?” He held her hand tightly, searching her face to try and read her expression.

  “It’s just a headache.” His touch was soothing. She had never felt this before, so loved, and so cared for. Sounds thundered in her ears. She could hear everything. She could hear the drops of rain falling rhythmically outside the window, the soft roar of the fireplace across the room. Even the scent of saffron, white cedar, and a deep rich citrus of some kind lingered in the air. It was his scent. She had never noticed it so strongly before. It was nice, but overwhelming at this intensity. “It’s hard to concentrate. It’s like things are jumbled up and amplified in my head.”

  “You need to feed soon.”

  “No, I’m not ready.”

  “If you don’t, that feeling will grow until you will no longer be able to control it.”

  There were many things that she would have to adjust to. The feel of fangs in her mouth was strange, and her eyes seemed to focus on the tiniest movements. For instance, there was a draft at the window that caused the drapes to blow out, just a bit, at the bottom.

  She must have been staring at it too long. Marc laughed softly. “You’ll get used to that. Your senses are much more keen now.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this.” The thought of biting into someone’s flesh was more than appalling.

  The memory of Marc’s first feed was faded. He could see from the emotion on her face that the idea of having to do this was one that tormented her. He offered what comfort he could. “I’ve spoken to Enric already. He knows what to expect, and he wants to help you.”

  “What if I hurt him?” What if she did? She certainly felt like she could. Part of her wanted to. She was so hungry. One corner of her mind screamed to feed; the other was disgusted at the thought.

  “You won’t hurt him. You can control this. It will take time, but I will show you how to control it. It’s going to be alright. I promise you.” She believed him the moment he spoke the words. He kissed her softly and gently on the forehead and then walked over to the door. He opened the door slowly and spoke into the hall. “Natasha, Enric.” In only a moment they were there. They must have been waiting outside.

  “I brought you some clothes.” Natasha laid the most beautiful dress over the top of the bed. It was a woven dress in a soft cream color. It was a sweat
er and seemed warm, but the material was not bulky. It looked comfortable, but still elegant.

  She was sure it must be worth more than any dress she had owned before. Colors seemed so much richer now. She noticed every color in vivid detail, and the textures of things stood out like she was wearing 3D glasses. Marc and Enric remained by the door. Her concentration was broken suddenly by the sound of Marc’s voice.

  “Just open the door when you’re dressed. We’ll talk more then.” With that, they were gone. She was left alone with Natasha who walked over by the window, peering through the tiny opening between the drapes.

  “It will be a good day today.” Natasha tried her best to reassure her new friend. It was difficult to imagine what Kate must have been going through. Natasha was human, after all. She had spent years by Marc’s side as a close friend, but she could never really fully experience what it was like to go through the transition, or to let go of your humanity in any varying degree. Still, Kate appreciated the effort she made to bring her comfort.

  The cashmere felt amazing as it glided over her body. The belt was nice too. She was always drawn to things that looked like that. The turquoise insets stood out beautifully against the dark leather. It looked like little beads of water,