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going to the gorge today, and I have every intention of having a great time.”

  “Good.” Marc’s smile broadened. “Wear the white bikini top.”

  “I will wear whatever I please.” Aimee turned her back to Marc and dug through the drawers of the old armoire.

  It was good to see her exercising her assertiveness, even if it was with him. She rifled through several things before she pulled out the white bikini top, a flannel shirt, and a pair of cutoff jeans. Marc chuckled quietly to himself. “I am wearing it because I want to. It’s not my concern if you like it or not,” she shot back. It did cross her mind though. She loved to push Marc to the verge of shattering his careful composure, and to know it was all because of her. They were a wonderful distraction to one another. The solace that they found together offered such sweet sanctuary from the demons that plagued them.

  It was a hike down to the gorge, but the view when they got there was worth the mosquito bites and briar scratches. The sun broke through the tree canopy, casting an otherworldly ambiance to the river. It was beautiful, the kind of beautiful that makes your mind go blank of everything except what is right in front of you. The air was crisp and fresh, barely damp from the mist that rose from the waterfalls. The water roared its power, echoing off of the rocky cliffs. Aimee lost herself in thought for a moment, contemplating the beauty and the power of it all. This was the perfect getaway for the three of them. In this place, they were so far removed from the concerns of councils and obligations, curses, and stalker ex-lovers. In all of the world, there were not two men more perfect to share such a day with. There would undoubtedly be some sort of masculine competition of strength and will, but there would also be laughter and the peaceful companionship that they always shared when they were together. Most of the morning was spent wading through the shallows. The sun beat down on their backs, making the cool water much more pleasant. Liam kept ahead of them, never walking out of earshot.

  Throughout the day, Liam and Marc spoke of some of the adventures they had had near rivers all around the world. Some of the rivers the spoke of were grand in size or power, others were in exotic places. Aimee remained mostly silent as they spoke, just enjoying the peacefulness and the calm she felt inside. The three of them had not spoken of Damian or of the nightmares again since their conversation back at the house. They would need to sit down together soon, but not today. Today was a day for peace, and to enjoy one another’s company. Aimee was tired, and her fatigue was growing, but the fun that Liam and Marc had imagined for midday got her adrenaline going. Apparently Liam especially prided himself on his cliff diving abilities. Marc, of course, had decided that he would try to do it better. Sometimes Aimee wondered how long their competitions had been going on, if it had been decades or centuries.

  The bond and understanding that Liam and Marc had was obviously forged over much time, and many shared experiences with one another. Aimee felt very grateful that Liam had offered her his friendship so immediately and completely. Aimee had not had many true friends in her life. She probably could have counted them on one hand. She had always found it hard to trust other people. Her idea of friendship included loyalty, trust, and sacrifice. These ideas were not modern ideas of friendship, they are however a similar standard of friendship that Liam and Marc held. Aimee did trust Liam. She knew that he would do everything in his power to help her. There was no way that she could ever really repay him, but she did respect him, and held him as dearly as she considered her family. The idea of family was far more than just blood to her. Family and friendship were similar institutions of respect, commitment, and loyalty. Watching the two of them, Aimee was filled with the love that she felt for them, and how happy she was that she was here with them in this moment.

  Aimee’s quiet moment was shattered with the primal yells that Marc and Liam shouted when they jumped from the top of the highest waterfall. Liam, being of larger size than Marc, fell with greater speed and surprising grace. Aimee wondered if Liam would use his wings, but he and Marc decided some time ago that using such abilities was considered unfair advantage. Maybe Marc knew from the beginning that he couldn’t have beaten Liam at this game. All Aimee had to do was see the look on Liam’s face when he came up from the water to understand why Marc had put him up to this particular competition. He threw his head back, using his hands to wrench the excess water from his hair. Aimee had never seen Liam smile so fully and so genuinely. The combination of the happiness on his face, and the sun that glistened in reflection of the water that dripped away from his head and shoulders brought to mind full remembrance of what he really was. Liam was an angel after all, and in this moment he looked every bit the part.

  They explored the river and its cliffs and inlets for hours more before they decided to rest beneath the shade of a large maple tree. Marc and Liam argued over the details of the day’s competitive games and imagined advantages or disadvantages. Eventually the heightened excitement calmed and they were left staring off into the distance in between intermittent random conversation. Aimee leaned against Marc’s right shoulder, listening and enjoying the cam, and then she fell asleep.

  Her sleep was peaceful at first. The sun was shining brightly and warmed her face as she gazed upward toward the clear blue sky. She was wearing a gauzy white dress that floated out with the sweeping of the breeze across her skin. She could feel the texture of the grassy meadow beneath her feet.

  She could see the tall oak in the distance. It was standing by itself, strong and solid at the bottom of the sloping hill. It was beautiful, and its shade was inviting, but not at all what she wanted. She wanted to stand in the sun. The heat on her face warmed her through. It felt magnificent. She was standing on her own too, out in the meadow, bust like the big oak, and it felt good. Suddenly, she was tired, so overwhelmingly tired that she lay down in the grass where she was standing. Almost as quickly as her eyes had shut, a dark shadow was cast over them. She opened her eyes to see where the sun had gone, and a single bead of rain, heavy and stinging, fell to her cheek. One after another, the drops began to fall, harder and harder, and so quickly that the rain began to form puddles at her sides. She was soaked completely by the time that she stood up. First, she heard the thunder, and then the lightning struck, at first behind her, and then seemingly all around her. The flashes were blinding. Every hair on her arms stood on end. She could feel the energy pound into the ground, and the vibrations resonated through the soles of her feet. Adrenaline was pulsing through her, forcing her heart to beat quicker and harder with each shallow breath. The storm raged around her until all the noise gave way to a strange inner silence. The sounds all faded and the sensations dulled until she was standing there in a kind of stupor, still and staring out in front of her. Fear had given way to an unnatural calm. Then, she felt his hand running down the front of her arms until his fingers interlaced over hers. He crossed them around her waist, throwing her balance backward into him. The side of his face was cool contrast to the heat of his lips as he bent his head toward her ear.

  “Hello, my beauty.”

  Aimee longed that the calming storm would rage with thunder and lightning if only it meant the absence of this man, the sound of his voice, and his embrace. She reminded herself that this was a dream. He could only hurt her if she let him, and she was not about to.

  He waited a moment for her to ask why he was there, or what he wanted. When she did not ask, he began to speak again. “You’re not afraid.”

  She could feel the smile on his face. He kissed a gentle line down her cheek and against the side of her neck as he continued to speak. “Have you been waiting for me then? To come back and feed the spark we last ignited?” He expected her to fight, to resist, so that he could press each intimate combination that he knew would soften her body to him.

  She didn’t. Instead, she relaxed a little against his tightening grip. She knew she could not over power him, or outsmart him, but if she was careful and intelligent, she could out maneuver him. “You like t
hat I know what you are capable of.” Aimee leaned her head back against Damian’s chest. “You like that I know your strength. I know that I am no match for you. You like to let me see your anger, and to know that if you wanted to kill me, my life would be yours to take. You like that I know your violence is matched only by your passion. You like that I understand how your body can bring pleasure or pain at your whim.”

  Aimee could feel the muscles in Damian’s chest, arms, and abdomen tense and tighten. She kept leaning against him, aiming for as deep a cut as she could accomplish. “You can force me to submit to your will, you can hurt me, you can take my body, or my life. You can make me want you. You have power over me in all except one thing. “

  “And what is that?” Damian asked, his breathing quickened by her proximity.

  “You can never make me love you.” She could feel him draw a quick sharp breath when she spoke. Her words were well aimed. She had done what she could, and she was amazed with her ability to strike at him and land a true blow. She was unfortunately and equally amazed at the speed in which he recovered. Only a few short