Read Marked Page 12

  “But I’m glad the mating happened.” Nothing else on earth was the true green color of his eyes.

  Her shoulders hunched. “Right. Because now you can use my powers and keep me from the Kurjans.”

  His hold tightened. “No. Because you’ve been mine your entire life, and I’m tired of waiting.”

  A humming erupted in her core. The guy sure liked to control everything around him, and the strong hold and possessive tone promised the real Zane was showing up. So much for the sweet kid she’d once known. That kid she could’ve easily swayed. This guy? Not so much. A new determination hardened his jaw and made her pause. She tried to lever herself back but didn’t move.

  “Let me go,” she murmured.

  “Not a chance.” He stretched his neck. “I’m tired of fighting what I want. I want you, Belle, and now I have you. No regrets, no recriminations. Mine.”

  That humming exploded into flapping wings, igniting an ache just for him. “I’m not into the whole vampire caveman routine, Zane.”

  “That’s unfortunate.”

  Her hand folded into a fist. For years she’d wrapped the most dangerous immortals in history around her finger, even while carrying an impossible mantle of responsibility. For once, a predator looked at her, and she had no clue how to handle him. No clue if she could handle him. Irritation swept through her at his changing the game. “You’re nicer than this,” she whispered.

  He slowly shook his head. “I’ve never been nice, Belle.”

  “What do you want?” she asked, digging her free hand into the quilt.

  Satisfaction lifted his upper lip. “Glad you asked. Want to know what I like best about you?”

  He’d thrown her off balance, and she didn’t like it. Not one bit. “Sure.”

  “Your independence and willingness to throw yourself into danger for those you love.” His free hand flattened over the blanket, capturing her thigh.

  “Thank you.” She eyed him, wondering at his point, even as her nipples hardened.

  “That ends today.”

  Damn it. “You are such a vampire.”

  “Vampire-demon hybrid,” he said without a hint of a smile. “I protect what’s mine, and nobody, including you, will change that.”

  All right. The possessive words shouldn’t thrill her in such a way, so she frowned. “Listen, you can’t just start issuing orders because you chose to mark me. I choose to go my own way.”

  His smile seemed more of a warning. “You chose to get into bed with me, and any consequences we’ll accept together.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “You consider marking me and binding us together for eternity a consequence?”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  All control had been wrestled from her, and she needed to reclaim some power. “I make my own way. Just because we mated doesn’t mean you’re responsible for me.”

  Amusement, genuine and dark, sparkled in his eyes. “That’s exactly what it means.” He cocked his head to the side. “You are now my number one priority, and even you aren’t going to hinder my ability to ensure your safety.”

  She blew out air. “God, you remind me of my father.”

  Zane’s head jerked back. “I do not.”

  “Do too.” Although she’d always thought her father rather charming and his overbearing ways cute. It felt different coming from Zane, and she wanted to rebel instantly.

  Zane licked his lips. “Maybe there’s more vampire in me than I thought, because I meant exactly what I said. Get on board now, Belle.”

  What an arrogant ass. “Speaking of your vampire-demon heritage, how the hell did you mark me with a damn Z?”

  “All demons mark their mates with the first letter of their demon family name.” That amusement deepened. “Didn’t you know?”

  “No.” Her mind spun. “I thought only the Kayrs family marked their mates because they’re the ruling family. Most vampires just mate with a good bite during sex.”

  He chuckled. “Pride. So much pride in that Kayrs family.”

  “Meaning what?” Anger prickled her skin.

  Zane leaned closer. “Vampires don’t mark mates. Demons do. Figure it out.”

  She blinked. Once. Twice. A third time. “Oh.”

  “Yes. Oh. Not only that, vampires can’t teleport. Well . . . except for the king. Many demons have the gift.” Zane settled back. “The Kayrs family wants people to think they’re purebred vampires, but there’s a dirty little demon somewhere in their far past. Like it or not. That’s why they can mark their mates.”

  Well. Unfortunately, that did make sense. Janie shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Didn’t think it would.” Zane caressed her nape, sending tingles through her entire scalp. “I care little about your family’s heritage, so long as you understand mine.”

  Why did that sound like a threat? “So the vampire in you bit me, and the demon in you marked me.” Talk about doubly bound.

  He nodded. “I’m just as mated and marked as you are.” Slowly, he opened his free palm. “See?”

  She traced the lines on his hand. Zane Kyllwood was hers. A deep thrill coursed through her, warming her heart. “The design really is beautiful.”

  “You should see it on your back,” he rumbled, an erotic tension cascading off him.

  “I saw.” She glanced up and frowned. “Why two markings? I mean, both hands?” All the Kayrs men had one marking on one palm.

  Zane shrugged. “I haven’t figured that out. It’s unheard of as far as I know.”

  Well now. Sounded like destiny, fate, and a whole lot of pressure. But she’d known Zane her entire life; she could reason with him. “Even so, no marking and mating is going to keep us from doing our jobs. You understand that, right?”

  “I completely agree.”

  Relief filled her. Good. Zane was Zane. “I’m glad.”

  “So long as you now understand your job.”

  Damn it. Time to take the bull by the horns. She flattened both hands over his chest, wanting to purr at the warm hardness. Instead, she leaned in, and he allowed her to inch toward his face. “Stop dancing around with innuendo and vampire-esque orders. What are you saying?”

  His expression didn’t change. All thoughtful determination. One that dampened her panties while ticking her off. “I’m saying that you stick to the plan,” he said softly.

  “What plan?”

  “Mine. Which means you stay safely at Realm headquarters until I deal with both Suri and Kalin.”

  Janie shook her head. “Just those two?” she asked, trying to refrain from rolling her eyes.

  “And anybody else who threatens you.” He captured her lips in a hard kiss, going deep until she sagged against him. Then he leaned back, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes as he slowly stood, keeping her in his arms. “Hold on, and when we get to your home, stay out of the way when your father tries to kill me.”

  Chapter 15

  Zane landed in a war zone: barricades, vampire special forces, so many guns pointed at him, he couldn’t focus. The Realm had quickly prepared for his return. Slowly, he set Janie onto her feet and pushed her behind him.

  She tapped his shoulder. “They won’t shoot me.”

  Maybe. Maybe not.

  The demons had spies in the vampire organization, and Zane had no doubt one would take the shot if possible. “Just stay back,” he said, blocking her the best he could.

  Barricades parted to allow for Dage and Talen Kayrs to stalk his way. Fully armed and wearing combat gear, they allowed no expression to lighten their hard faces.

  Zane relaxed his stance although his mind reeled. He needed to know that Sam and Logan were all right. “Where are my brothers?”

  The two vampires came to a stop.

  “Janie?” Talen asked.

  Janie peered around Zane. “I’m fine, Dad.”

  “Walk this way, please,” Dage said evenly.

  Janie stepped to Zane’s side. “I’d really rather you didn??
?t shoot Zane.”

  Zane nudged her toward safety. The hulking vampires wouldn’t let anybody harm her, and it was too difficult to concentrate with so many weapons pointed her way. “Go to your family.”

  “If I go to my family, there’s a good chance you’ll get shot,” she muttered under her breath. “Kidnappers don’t get much leniency from the Realm.”

  “I understand. Now go.” He had to get her out of the line of fire. There hadn’t been time to fully recuperate from the previous day’s jumps, and today he’d already teleported three times. His strength was subpar at the moment. He focused on the king. “Where are my brothers?”

  Talen stepped up. “Release my daughter.”

  “I’m trying to.” Zane nudged her again.

  She sighed. “I don’t suppose Garrett or your brothers broke the news to my family?”

  Doubtful. The young soldiers were all too smart to be the messengers of bad news. “No.” Zane angled to the right to prevent a clean line to Janie, hoping the vampires crossed to the left. “Please get out of the line of fire.” Every instinct he owned pushed him to grab her and toss her to her family, but if he moved too quickly, somebody would shoot. He couldn’t risk her safety.

  Rioting red hair came into view as Moira Dunne Kayrs shoved her way past a barricade. “Where the hell is my cousin?”

  Zane frowned. Dark circles marred the pale skin under the witch’s furious eyes. “Which cousin?” he asked, a weight sinking into his gut.

  “You know what cousin.” Moira pressed her hands to her hips, electric blue energy gathering on her arms. Her mate, Conn Kayrs, jogged up behind her, fury darkening his expression.

  Shit. Zane was about to take a plasma ball to the face from a pissed-off witch. “For the sake of argument, let’s pretend I don’t.” He kept his voice calm and his stance nonthreatening. “Which cousin?”

  She swallowed. “Simone Brightston.”

  Zane huffed out a breath, his mind reeling. The witch Nickolas Veis had gladly risked exile to help. “Did Suri take Simone?” Zane asked quietly, his gut churning.

  “You know he did,” Moira spat. She turned to the side and sneezed.

  Did witches sneeze when angry?

  Zane closed his eyes. Okay. He needed to think. “Get me a phone and I’ll see what I can find out.” If Simone had been taken to influence Nick, then Suri would know Zane had betrayed him. For the witch, Nick would’ve talked. Time was counting down too rapidly. “I didn’t take your cousin.”

  Talen growled, the sound vibrating through the tense air. “Kidnapping’s your specialty, right?”

  “No.” Zane eyed Janie’s father. At over three centuries, the soldier was in fighting shape. Incredible fighting shape. “Get your daughter to safety, and we’ll talk.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” Janie snapped.

  “Now, Janie,” Talen ordered.

  The hair bristled down Zane’s neck. “Don’t yell at her.” Then he gave her a small push. “Go.”

  Janie dug in her heels, exasperation escaping on her sigh. “Everybody calm down and listen. Dad, let’s go inside and have a discussion . . . with Zane.”

  Talen’s eyes morphed into a glittering gold. “Not a chance. Get inside, Janet.”

  Janie faltered and scanned the bristling weapons surrounding them. “We really need to talk privately.”

  “Okay. Go inside and wait for me,” Talen said, his gaze never leaving Zane.

  Zane shook his head. Talk about stubborn, and he could see where Janie got it. “Would you please go inside so I can talk to your father?”

  “It’s a little late for that talk, isn’t it?” Janie shot back.

  Talen’s chin lowered. Slowly. “What does that mean?”

  Janie held her ground. “You can’t shoot Zane if he’s my mate.”

  “He won’t be if I kill him,” Talen said conversationally. “That’s not a decision you’re ready to make.”

  Zane’s ears rang. “Okay. Everyone just calm down a little bit. How about I follow Janie inside, and then you can shoot me?” That way, at least he’d be able to cover her back until she reached safety.

  “How about I shoot you right now?” Talen growled.

  Enough of this shit. “Fine. Shoot me. But first make sure Janie is covered, damn it.” Zane had about had it with vampires. With the Kayrs family, actually. There were too many of them. “Get inside, Belle.”

  She grabbed his arm, trying to slide in front of him.

  To take a bullet meant for him? Zane saw red. “Take your daughter out of the line of fire, Kayrs.” He couldn’t say it any plainer than that.

  Talen took a step toward them.

  Janie planted her feet. “I will not let you harm my mate.”

  God. She had to quit saying that before somebody figured out they’d actually mated and started shooting.

  Talen snarled. “He’s not your mate, and he won’t be if I cut off his head. Please go inside, Janie.”

  She sighed and her shoulders went back.

  Oh shit. She wouldn’t—

  “We mated last night,” Janie said clearly.

  The damn earth ground to a stop. A weapon hit the pavement a yard away. Dage Kayrs’s eyes widened, and Moira Kayrs gasped.

  Zane sighed and focused just as a locomotive the size of Talen Kayrs tackled him midsection, throwing him ten yards and landing hard on his chest. Zane’s head crashed onto the asphalt. Stars exploded behind his eyeballs, and unbearable pain cut into his brain. He tried to concentrate, to say something, when a fist plowed into his face.

  Unconsciousness was a fucking blessing.

  Janie paced in front of the long window in the gathering room of the main lodge, her hands flailing. “And then Dad hit him.” Why did the vampires always hit first and then hit again? Forget ever asking questions. She turned toward the two women watching her with their mouths open. “Can you believe it?”

  Her aunt Emma glanced sideways at Janie’s mother as they sat side-by-side on the wide sofa. “Um, no?” Emma whispered.

  Cara didn’t move. “You, ah, mated.”

  Janie paused. “Yes.” She studied her mother closer. “Are you okay?”

  “Am I okay?” Cara asked, her voice rising two octaves. “Am I okay?”

  Emma slid an arm around her sister’s shoulders. “I think maybe your mom is a bit taken aback, Jane. You know. With the mating and all.”

  Frankly, Emma sounded taken aback as well.

  Janie’s face heated. “Right.”

  Emma, ever the scientist, leaned forward. “Only demons have markings, huh? Interesting, and it clears up a couple of questions I’ve had. Can we see it?”

  Janie paused, embarrassment flooding through her. “Sure.” She turned and lifted her shirt.

  Her mother made a sound similar to a cat being strangled.

  Janie dropped the shirt and turned around. “I know this is, er, a surprise.”

  “A surprise,” Cara said weakly.

  Emma cleared her throat. “Are you okay, Janie? I mean, he didn’t force this on you, did he?”

  Cara’s head jerked up, her blue eyes darkening. “Janie?”

  Janie shook her head. “No, he didn’t force me. The marking took us both by surprise, but I, ah, fully participated.” Her blush actually burned her face. “I care about Zane—I always have. Please help me keep him alive.”

  Emma swallowed and shoved dark hair away from her face. “Ah. Hmm.”

  Cara nodded. “Yes.”

  Janie frowned. Somebody needed to speak in a complete sentence. “Are you two all right?”

  Cara stood. “I don’t know.” Emma tugged on her arm, and she fell back to the sofa. “Mated. To a vampire-demon.” She turned her gaze on her sister. “Mated. Like mated.”

  Janie lifted her chin. “Wait a minute. You’re upset because he’s part-demon?”

  Emma patted her sister’s hand. “I think your mom is overwhelmed by the thought of you mating anybody. It’s not like you’ve had
dates, gone to prom, had your heart broken a couple of times.”

  Yeah. She knew she was odd, with a heavy destiny. “So?” She’d gone from indignant to ready to defend Zane to plain old confused.

  “Well”—Cara played with her hair—“mating is pretty heavy duty, well, you know . . .”

  “Sex?” Janie asked, her face heating again.

  “Beyond sex,” Emma snorted. “Waaaay beyond.”

  “And before, you haven’t, I mean that you really haven’t, um . . .” Cara lifted her chin and squinted. “Have you?”

  “Ah, no.” Janie coughed into her hand. “I’ve been a bit busy for sex. You know?” God? Could this get any more embarrassing?

  Emma straightened her shoulders. “Yes. I do know. So. Well. Um.”

  For Pete’s sake. One of the most brilliant women in the universe was spitting out nonsense words. Janie sank into an overstuffed chair. “I liked the sex.” Wasn’t she supposed to?

  Cara coughed out a garbled expletive.

  Emma sighed. “That’s actually good, right?” She turned toward her sister. “If she’s having sex, we want her to enjoy it. To have a good experience.”

  Janie buried her face in her hands. This was unbelievable.

  Cara cleared her throat and waited until Janie looked back up. “Sex is good and natural.”

  Oh holy fuck. “I know that, Mom.” Janie rubbed her temples. “I don’t understand why you’re both so surprised. You had to know I’d end up with a vampire or immortal someday.”

  Cara swallowed. “Sure, but to end up with a soldier, a warrior? It’s not the easiest of roads, sweetheart. No matter how much you love the man.”

  “Although it is totally worth it,” Emma said.

  “Yes.” Cara exhaled slowly.

  Janie shook her head. “Who did you think I’d end up with?”

  “A nerdy scientist,” they answered in unison, identical blue eyes flashing.

  Wow. “Why?” Janie asked.

  Cara wet her lips. “You’ve been surrounded by soldiers and war your entire life, and I figured you’d find somebody calm and mellow to love. A brilliant man who wasn’t deadly or so over-the-top dominant like, well, the Kayrs men.”

  Emma nodded. “Yeah. What she said.”