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  “No shit.” Talen rolled them over and shoved them both up on their feet. “Run and follow my pattern so you keep your legs.” He turned and began to run through the forest toward two just landed copters. Land mines exploded all around them.

  Zane ran, his back warmed by fire, his temper heated by rage. What in the hell? How did Talen know where to run? Wait a goddamn minute.

  As they jumped inside the transport, the helicopter quickly rose into the air. Zane took a moment to make sure Nick and Sam had made it safely to the other helicopter before rounding on Talen. “You fucking ass-wad son-of-a-bastard fucking bitch.” Zane’s right-cross knocked Talen’s head against the metal side with a satisfying thunk.

  Green sizzled through Talen’s golden eyes, and he slowly wiped blood off his chin. “That was a freebie, demon.”

  “Fuck.” Zane shoved his bulk onto a seat and ran a rough hand through his hair. “You knew it was a trap.”

  The king turned around from the front seat. “Of course it was a trap. Suri wants you and me dead a lot more than he needs Kalin gone. Think about it.”

  Zane’s hands shook with the need to hit Talen again. “You set this up to test me? The full contingent of soldiers, all of the helicopters?”

  Talen lifted a massive shoulder. “We had to know we could trust you.”

  Oh, Zane just might throw the asshole out of the helicopter. The bastard would probably bounce on the ground and then laugh. “So I passed?”

  “Well, you didn’t fail.” Talen crossed his arms.

  Asshole. “How did you know the placements of the land mines?” Zane asked.

  “Infrared and some damn good satellite technology.” Dage turned back toward the billowing storm outside the window.

  Zane shook his head. “Still. Suiting up so many soldiers for one test is crazy.”

  Talen’s grin flashed hard and dangerous. “Who said we suited up for just a test? Now, we fight.”

  Chapter 24

  The cliffs of Baffin Island rose from the depths of a cold and merciless sea as the sky began to lighten outside. The Kurjan headquarters for so many years. Zane had spent the journey to Canada deciding to refrain from killing Talen and Dage for the dangerous test in California. Trust had to be earned, and he couldn’t blame them too much. Plus, if he killed Janie’s family, she’d be seriously pissed.

  So the vampires lived for now.

  He glanced down. “Our only chance is a full out assault.”

  “Then get ready for full out,” Talen said. “I’m done playing with the Kurjans, and it’s time we took Kalin.”

  Dage nodded and tapped an ear communicator. “Orders remain at level ten. Kill on sight any Kurjan except for Kalin, who’s to be taken alive. His second in command, his cousin Dayne, is also to be taken if possible. Leave Kurjan mates alone unless you need to defend yourselves. Even then, kill as a last resort.”

  “What’s the Intel on personnel here?” Zane asked, sliding open the door. Wind rushed him, and he steadied his legs.

  “Armed and protected, but Kurjan soldiers are spread around the world fighting right now, just like us,” Talen said, strapping another knife to his hip. He tapped his ear. “Fire.”

  Two helicopters shot missiles into the cliffs, and rocks exploded out in a glorious display of flames and shooting stones.

  “Now,” Talen ordered.

  Zane jumped from the helicopter and hit hard rock. Heat blasted into him from the fires. All feeling, all sensation, he shoved into nowhere to deal with later. Now was for war. He pointed to an opening blown into the rock. “We go there.”

  Talen nodded and signaled for troops. “The soldiers dropped into the sea should be at destination.” He paused and put a hand on Zane’s shoulder as soldiers dropped to the ground all around them. “You’ve been in combat before?”

  Humor tickled Zane’s lips, but he remained stoic. “For a decade.”

  “A whole decade?” Talen asked, sarcasm evident in the low tone.

  “Not all of us are ancient,” Zane returned, adrenaline flooding his veins. His body hadn’t recuperated fully, but his mind was ready to go. “I can fight. Don’t worry.”

  Talen cocked his weapon. “Just don’t die.” He whistled and gave an attack signal before turning to run full bore for the opening.

  “Don’t plan on it,” Zane said, ducking low to follow. Before they reached the opening, Kurjan soldiers poured out, already firing. Zane dropped and rolled, returning fire and nailing one soldier in the neck. He jumped up and ran forward, tackling a soldier off Talen. The soldier punched Zane in the face, and he hit back, reaching for his knife.

  The Kurjan shoved up with a blade, neatly slicing Zane’s vest.

  Zane plunged his weapon down, severing the Kurjan’s carotid artery before decapitating the soldier. A Degoller Star whizzed by his head and stuck into Talen’s back.

  With a roar, Zane lunged up and threw his knife end-over-end into the eye of the Kurjan who’d thrown the star. Fucking Degoller Stars. Zane rushed toward Talen to reach gingerly for the razor-sharp weapon. “So much for the treaty banning these.” Zane withdrew the deadly star, which made a squishing noise as Talen’s flesh released it.

  Talen tapped his ear as hell reigned around them. “Watch your necks. Degoller Stars being deployed.”

  A series of muttered curses emerged through the ear devices.

  Talen rolled his shoulders.

  “Your vest protected you mainly.” Zane tucked the star into his back pocket. “Although there’s blood on it.”

  “It cut my shoulder blade, not bad enough to worry about.” Talen lifted his chin. “Let’s go in.”

  All around them, vampires and Kurjans fought hand to hand with an occasional shot fired. The sky opened up to rain down on the smoky, fiery landscape, making visibility difficult. Zane caught Nick and Sam fighting over on the perimeter. Good. They’d cover each other. He nodded at Talen. “Let’s go.”

  Together, they fought their way to the entrance into the rocks, protecting each other’s backs like they’d fought together for centuries. Zane took a Kurjan down to the ground, and another white-faced monster jumped through the smoke to stab Zane in the leg. Talen had the soldier face down in the mud and headless within seconds.

  Zane finished off his opponent.

  Talen reached down and yanked out the knife from Zane’s thigh. “That might hurt.”

  Agony rippled through Zane’s leg, and he shoved to his feet. “Didn’t feel a thing.”

  Talen nodded and turned again for the entrance, pausing at the top step. “Watch your head.”

  “I know.” Zane held a gun in one hand and a blade in the other. Truth be told, he preferred the blade for fighting. “I’ve got your back. Go.”

  Talen immediately jogged down the stairs toward blackness darker than any night. Silver flashed, and Zane rushed him, knocking him into concrete blocks that made up the walls. The Degoller Star ripped into the concrete wall. They crashed to the rough stone steps. A slicing pain ripped through Zane’s neck from a spinning Degoller Star, and he kept hold of Talen’s shoulders while they plunged end over end down the hard stone. Zane grunted with each abusing impact.

  Finally, they reached the bottom, and Talen swept a flashlight wide. Nothing. “Thanks,” he muttered, grabbing Zane’s arms to drag him up.

  “No problem.” Zane cleared his throat.

  Talen stiffened. “I smell blood.” He focused the light on Zane. “Shit.”

  Zane reached up to cover his neck. “The wound isn’t deep.” Well, except his head felt like it might fall off his body, and his vision wavered.

  The light disappeared, and the sound of tearing fabric filled the small cavern. Talen wrapped the sleeve of his T-shirt around Zane’s neck and pulled tight. Zane fought not to wince.

  “Go above and get medical help,” Talen ordered.

  “No. This ends now.” Zane pushed the vampire aside and ducked low, heading into smoke. A strong hand grabbed the back of his
vest, and he was yanked behind Talen.

  “Stay behind me, jugular injury,” Talen muttered just as three Kurjans poured out of a far doorway. “Fight back-to-back.”

  Zane gripped his blade and jumped into the fray.

  More vampire soldiers filled the steps behind them. Shouts of pain echoed in the distance, and an explosion rocked through the underground labyrinth. The soldiers from the ocean must’ve breached the cliffs.

  Zane fought hard, keeping his head low and watching for any spinning silver discs. He and Talen slowly made their way through the Kurjan headquarters, finally reaching an elaborate hallway lined with priceless oil paintings and burnished antiques.

  “Go left,” Talen ordered, turning to the right. “If you sight Kalin, detail his location.”

  Zane nodded and forged down the plush red carpet, sweeping his gun wide, the hair rising down his neck along with fresh blood. The first doorway, of heavy metal, all but vibrated with the energy flowing through it. Kalin. Drawing in a deep breath of smoke and blood-scented air, Zane gathered his strength and kicked open the door.

  He immediately dropped, rolled, and came up firing.

  A hard body tackled him, and they crashed into a desk, sending splinters of wood flying. Zane’s gun spun out of his hands. He punched out, hitting flesh, and back-flipped to his feet.

  Kalin slowly stood, blood dripping down his white chin. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “Here I am.” Zane circled around the richly appointed office. One entire wall looked into the dark and fathomless ocean, and he fleetingly wondered how far down they were. All pain, all concern, dissipated. “I’m surprised you didn’t meet the fight up above.”

  Kalin hissed, his eyes churning greenish purple. “I figured the fight would come to me.”

  “You figured right.” The fight raged closer outside, and a battle shriek echoed through the walls.

  Kalin nodded toward Zane’s makeshift bandage. “Looks like you weren’t quick enough to duck.”

  “Fucking coward, using stars.” Zane crouched and attacked, drawing his knife from his boot and slashing across Kalin’s neck. Blood arced gracefully through the air, burning Zane’s chin.

  A double-edged pain slashed into his abdomen, just under his vest.

  He gasped and punched Kalin’s forearm, which pulled the knife out of Zane’s gut. He growled and sent healing cells to the area. The Kurjan had height and reach on Zane, but Zane had speed and muscle. Time to use his demon side, which he’d never thought he’d do. But to protect his woman, he’d do anything. Zane focused a mental attack at his enemy while drawing out his other knife. Silver flashed in both his hands.

  Kalin’s head jerked back, and he growled.

  Then heavy shields shoved back against Zane’s brain. “Not bad,” he said.

  “I’ve been practicing.” Kalin yanked a gun from the back of his waistband.

  Zane ducked low and moved in, hitting the Kurjan at his center and driving him across the room to smash into the wall. A painting of Degas nudes crashed to the ground. He increased his mental attack. Though the Kurjan could counter, he wasn’t a match for a demon.

  Kalin slammed both hands into Zane’s ears.

  Excruciating pain hacked through Zane’s head, and his ear communicator dropped to the floor. His neck still bled, the wound to his gut remained open, and now his brain began to swell. Dots danced across his eyes.

  He turned toward the window as the faintest sunlight tried to pierce the deep.

  It was past time to teleport the bastard away from safety. Digging deeper than Zane had believed possible, he manacled Kalin in a bear hug, turned, and sucked the universe up through his feet.


  They didn’t move.

  Damn it.

  Kalin bellowed and hit him in the gut. Pain exploded inside Zane’s stomach. Zane held on with everything he had. He couldn’t transport. He shook his head and drew on every ounce of strength he had left. Turning them, he powered into the heavy window.

  Kalin bellowed and shoved against him, his head impacting the window first. Glass shattered, crashing in, and freezing water poured into the room. Zane kept his hold and forced his enemy through the opening, fighting both the Kurjan and the rushing water.

  The chill stole his breath but cleared his mind.

  He kicked hard, shooting them up to the churning surface. As they broke free, Kalin let out an ear-piercing shriek when the sun hit him. The weak rays poked through thick clouds, yet Kalin’s skin sizzled across his face.

  Zane coughed out sea water and waved toward a hovering helicopter. Then he grabbed Kalin’s vest and punched the Kurjan in the jaw. Twice. Kalin slumped unconscious.

  A head popped up next to Zane, and Talen spit out bloody water while reaching for the unmoving Kurjan. “You still bleeding?”

  “Yes.” Zane helped Talen to support Kalin as the helicopter dropped ropes down. They quickly tied knots around Kalin, and soldiers above lifted the leader into the copter. Minutes later, Talen and Zane climbed up.

  Wind battered the vehicle, shoving Zane into his seat.

  The pilot flew over a battlefield littered with bodies, their blood seeping into the rocks. He landed quickly, and Dage Kayrs leaped inside, his silver gaze taking in the Kurjan trussed up on the floor.

  “Sam and Nick?” Zane asked.

  “Injured but healing and en route home,” Dage returned. “Everyone has lifted off except one helicopter. We’ve taken care of the Kurjans and didn’t run into any mates. Dayne and his mate aren’t here, so we’ll have to deal with him another day.” Dage tapped his ear communicator. “Salt the earth and burn it down. Then return home.”

  The helicopter swung toward the south.

  Zane closed his eyes, concentrating on healing his wounds.

  “You can fight,” Talen said.

  Zane let his head drop forward to release the tension in his neck. His new father-in-law sounded somewhat impressed, but only a bone-tiredness swamped Zane. “Yeah. I can fight,” he said wearily.

  Talen sighed and clapped him on the back in a fatherly gesture. “I know, kid. Believe me, I know.”

  “My dad was a good guy. You would’ve liked him,” Zane said. Now where in the hell had that come from?

  Talen exhaled, the sound somehow reassuring. “I’ve researched the vampire side of your family ever since you and Janie started meeting in dream worlds. Your father was a great man, a phenomenal soldier, and I think we would’ve been friends had we met,” he said, his hand still on Zane’s shoulder.

  “Yes.” In that moment, in a helicopter racing through the sky to transport the biggest threat known to Zane’s mate, to the only woman he’d ever love, he felt the weight on his shoulders spread to those around him.

  He didn’t have to do this alone.

  Chapter 25

  Janie pushed her front door open with a sore hip and slid inside to stop short. The scent of male permeated her senses, and a slow flush shivered across her skin. “What’s wrong with your neck?”

  Zane sprawled in a chair near the fireplace, a bag of ice held to his jugular. “Just a paper cut.” Wet hair curled over his collar, while fresh bruises marred his face. Despite his relaxed pose, he still appeared as if he might decide to lunge at any second. After his shower, he’d dressed in worn jeans and a T-shirt depicting a cat falling off a roof.

  “Nice shirt.” Janie shut the door and toed off her tennis shoes, keeping her face bland. How in the world did the sight of him send her entire body into overdrive so easily? Several deep breaths calmed her.

  Zane glanced down. “Logan gave it to me for my last birthday. Said I was being a pussy about taking out Suri.”

  Men. They never made any damn sense. “So? How was the raid?” She’d already gotten reports about Zane taking Kalin alive, and she’d seen several battered vampires head into the infirmary as she’d trained outside, but she wanted to hear Zane’s take.

  He flexed his hand, working bruised knuckles
. “We took out the Kurjan headquarters and captured their leader. Damn good raid.” His eyes darkened, and his gaze swept her training outfit. “Been out hitting things?”

  “Vampires, mainly.” And a couple of shifters. “Hand-to-hand and some blade training.” She rolled aching shoulders and finally padded across the room to drop onto the sofa. He drew her and always had.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, the question and tone loaded with intimacy.

  When would she get used to seeing him in person and not in dreams? He was just so much more than she’d expected. More intense, more handsome, more dangerous. “I’ve felt better.” She ran a hand down her still flat stomach. “I think the nausea is more from Virus-27 than being pregnant. All mates are sick, but witches seem to be bouncing back already.”

  Zane sat up, his focus narrowing on her. “Is that significant?”

  “Yes.” Janie pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Anything that gives us a clue about the virus is important. We don’t know what it means, but we can work with the knowledge.” She cleared her throat, her mind humming. “How did you feel working with vampires?” Her breath felt tight in her chest.

  “They can fight.”

  Janie bit back a grin. The three tiny words meant much more than most people would suspect. Zane and her family had reached an understanding. Her shoulders relaxed. “How are you feeling?” She returned his question.

  His dark eyebrows rose. “I’m healing.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He removed the ice pack to reveal a long scratch along his neck. “Yeah, I know what you mean.” His gaze raked her and warmed. “Come here.”

  Two simple words, said in a low tone that trapped her breath in her chest. Tingles flared alive in her abdomen. “I think we should talk.”

  “Me too. Come over here and talk.” A dimple flashed in his right cheek, below his scar.

  “Are you flirting with me?” Her lips tingled with the need to smile.

  “Maybe.” He tossed the icepack on the table. “Now get over here and do your duty.”