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  Yes, but then she felt guilty. “No. I need this family we’ve built.” Hell. She owed the family. Everything.

  Cara chuckled. “It’s all right to regret what you missed and even be angry at this pressure cooker of a destiny you’ve been slammed over the head with. You didn’t get a normal childhood, and it looks like your adulthood isn’t going to be much different. That’s what you feel you lost.”

  Janie bit her lip. True. She’d spun dreams about her and Zane ending the war and having a happily-ever-after that included kids, trips to Disneyworld, and even the PTA. “God. I’ve been so stupid.”

  “No.” Cara patted her hand. “Not stupid. Your path isn’t an easy one, sweetheart. But it might just end up being spectacular.” She turned brilliant blue eyes on her daughter. “You have to fight for what you want, and I know you’ll win. Every damn time.”

  Warmth flushed through Janie. Now she just had to figure out what she wanted and how to fight for it. Did she even know Zane enough to factor him into the equation? “I love you, Mom.”

  “Love you more.”

  Heavy boot steps echoed down the hallway, and they both turned as Talen stalked into the room.

  He lifted one dark eyebrow over a golden eye. “You two drinking?”

  “Yes.” Cara tilted her head toward the remaining glass. “Want one?”

  “No.” He frowned and strode closer, his gaze on his wife’s face. The massive vampire loomed over them, in an awesome shelter of protectiveness. One Janie had always counted on. “Headache?” he asked.

  Janie blinked and turned toward her mother. No wonder Cara was so pale. “I’m not sure alcohol is a good numbing agent for headaches,” she said slowly.

  “No, but this is.” Talen wiped two knuckles across Cara’s forehead, smiling when she leaned into his touch.

  Cara moved back, her eyes clearing. “Now you have the headache.”

  Talen shrugged. “It’ll go away within seconds. Besides, you know I can’t stand to see you hurting.”

  Janie’s heart warmed. Her dad could be half-dead, and he’d still try to take their pains away. She’d always thought it very cool that vampires could take most illnesses or aches from their mates. Unfortunately, Virus-27 seemed impervious to the vampires’ talents and refused to be unwound from mates. Her dad would definitely get rid of the virus if he could. She shook herself into the present. “Any news on the peace talks?”

  Talen sighed and shoved a large hand through his dark hair. “Just the same. We go back tomorrow to fight some more.”

  “Fighting for peace?” Cara shook her head. “Was anything accomplished today?”

  Talen lifted a muscled shoulder. “We all gave our demands after the demons dropped the bomb about Zane.”

  Janie rubbed her eyes as the alcohol started to slow the blood pumping in her veins. “Why wouldn’t he have told me?” She lifted her head.

  Talen grimaced. “It’s irrelevant at this point. I’m sorry, but there can be no more contact with Zane, and you know it. Whatever they’re planning is now in motion.”

  Cara slipped off the stool. “Do you think the demons are against peace?”

  “Yes.” Talen tangled his fingers with hers. “Let’s grab something to eat. You hungry, Jane?”

  “No.” She’d probably never be hungry again with this stone in her stomach. “You two go ahead. I need to think.”

  Talen leaned in and brushed a kiss across her forehead. “Make sure you eat something today.”

  Janie nodded, wanting nothing more than to dive into his arms and have him fix the world for her like he’d done when she was young. Even now, as an adult, she knew Talen Kayrs to be invincible. But it was time to grow up and fix her own problems. “I just need a little time to think and will see you both later.”

  Cara paused, her blue gaze taking in her daughter. Understanding lifted her top lip. “Don’t think too hard, and be careful.” She stressed the last with a knowing tilt of her chin and then allowed her husband to lead her from the room.

  Janie watched them go, her head reeling. She’d never sleep if she didn’t at least talk to Zane and find out what was going on. Yeah, she was thinking with her heart and not her head. Silly woman. More than anything, she wanted him to tell her that she was right about him and that he cared for her. That they’d work together to save their peoples.

  Realistically, she needed to find out his agenda. Friend or foe?

  So, with a resigned sigh, she crossed the room and headed through the main lodge and outside into a drizzly day. Ducking her head against the rain, she hurried down the sidewalk to her home with its spectacular view of the ocean.

  Once inside, she flipped on the fire and settled down at a pillow. Warmth surrounded her, and the fire’s crackle helped soothe raw nerves. She took in several deep breaths, exhaling slowly. The alcohol helped her to drop into a meditative state almost immediately.

  The dream world environment matched her mood. Gray, wet, and stormy. She stood beneath a sheltering pine, her gaze on the ocean. Rain splattered against rocks, competing with the spraying waves. She shivered, even in the dream world.

  He didn’t keep her waiting.

  Zane walked across the sand, combat boots leaving large indents. Rain beat against his dark T-shirt, outlining ripped muscles in an impressive chest. Cargo pants covered his powerful legs as they ate up the distance between them. Even through the rain, his green eyes sizzled in a masculine face. Soon, he reached her, his expression guarded.

  So many questions whirled through her that her mind blanked. “Why?” she whispered.

  Something flashed in his eyes, and those generous lips smirked. “Why what?”

  That easily, that quickly, she roared from sad to furious. In one smooth, well-trained motion, she slid back a foot, pivoted, and nailed him in the cheek with a right cross. The hit shocked her probably more than him.

  Zane’s head jerked back.

  Pain ripped from her wrist to her shoulder. His jaw was made of granite.

  Thunder split the imaginary sky in waves of blue and red.

  He pivoted back toward her, danger cascading off him.

  Her wrist aching, she punched again.

  This time he blocked her, easily capturing her fist in one broad palm. “No fighting in dream worlds, remember?” he rumbled, closing his hand over hers in warning. The thunder clapped again as if in agreement, a deadly reminder of when Zane and Kalin had come to blows in a dream world that had nearly exploded.

  Violence wouldn’t be tolerated in the dream worlds, and Janie tried to pull herself back to reality. To start thinking and stop feeling.

  Too late. Regret, pain, sorrow—every emotion slamming through her ripped to the surface, and all she could do was fight. She slammed a fist into his gut and then pivoted to nail him in the thigh.

  With a low growl, he took her down.


  Her butt hit the sand first, followed by her head. Zane sprawled over her, one hand manacling her wrists above her head, his jeans soaking hers.

  Fire lanced through her so quickly her breath heated. Well over two hundred pounds of hard-muscled warrior pressed her into the soft sand, making it nearly impossible to gain purchase and fight. Air panted out of her lungs, rubbing her breasts against him.

  Desire flared her nerves awake, multiplied to the nth power by the fury consuming her. She struggled futilely against him, her hips bucking. This was her dream world, and she’d change it.

  Sucking in air, she tried to concentrate.

  “Stop.” Zane gripped her hip, yanking her closer.

  The world stilled as his groin met hers. An erection harder than steel pressed against her. Heat pooled at the apex of her legs, stunning her with need, and lava unleashed through her body with an intensity unmatched by any other feeling. Ever.

  He groaned. “Don’t try to leave the world. We’re not done yet.” His hold tightened.

  She bit back a whimper at the unreal thirst, fighting the very real
urge to pin him with her thighs and rub against him to find relief. Any relief from the fierce demand gripping her body.

  His hardness shut down her brain, and she needed to think. To focus and plan. “Let go of me,” she breathed out.

  “No.” He lifted his head to pin her with a hungry gaze. “I hadn’t wanted to talk this way, but here we are.”

  Oh yeah? She blinked and tried to wake up in Oregon. Frustration welled through her when she remained in place. Worse yet, a horrible relief loosened her muscles as her body remained enveloped by his.

  “I have as much power as you here since I took your blood.” Pure fact and no triumph colored his words. “And you’re going to goddamn stay here and talk this out whether you like it or not.”

  Okay. A bit of a vampiric ego there.

  Janie glared up at him. So much for two decades of training. Against a vampire/demon, her human strength didn’t amount to much. But she had more tricks up her sleeve. Flashing him a smile, she slightly spread her legs, wiggling her butt in the sand.

  His erection jumped against her, while his eyes darkened and his chest hitched.

  “Problem, Zane?” she whispered, throwing challenge into every syllable. The sensations coursing through her threatened to reduce her to a begging mass of nerves, and she had to fight herself as much as him. Yeah, fury filled her, but even so, he felt so damn good. She’d always wondered, and now she wanted more. So much more.

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. “You’ve pushed enough, Belle.” His voice lowered to a guttural tone that licked right across her skin. Demon low and far too sexy.

  If he didn’t get his hard body off her, she just might explode. She slowly licked her bottom lip in one last desperate attempt to force his retreat. “I’m just getting started.”

  He sucked in air. “You want to play, baby? Fine.” His hard shaft slid against her, and even through their clothing, she could feel him pulse. His chest flattened hers with restrained strength.

  She swallowed, bombarded with instant hunger. “This isn’t real.”

  His heated breath brushed her face. “Feels real though, doesn’t it?”

  Yes. God yes, and she was seconds away from offering him everything. “No. Although you weigh a ton. Get off.”

  His upper lip quirked. “I’d love to.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to struggle, but he’d effectively pinned her in place. The wet sand cooled her backside, while the heated male warmed her front. Too much. “Say your piece and get the hell off me.”

  He settled into place, his jaw hardening. “I appreciate your need for the smart-ass attitude, and usually I rather enjoy it, but I suggest you refrain for the moment.”

  “Or what?” she asked, meeting his gaze evenly.

  “Don’t push.”

  She tried to focus on anything but the desire uncoiling too fast inside her. He covered her head-to-toe, and each nerve begged for movement. For release. “I don’t need to be a smart-ass.”

  “Sure you do.” His gaze finally gentled. “You’re a small human surrounded by vampires who think you’re going to save them all. The smart-ass attitude reassures them and keeps you from spiraling into fear.”

  She blinked. Twice. How was it possible he could see her so clearly when they’d only met in person once across a deep cavern? Nobody knew her that well. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” The rain continued to batter the sand around them, while the tree boughs protected them for now. “You lied to me.” As hard as she tried, she failed to keep a tendril of hurt from her words.

  He sighed, his gaze softening. “I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you I’m a demon.”

  “Half-demon,” she muttered.

  His smile broke out, a flash of white against his bronze skin. “Half-demon.” The hold on her hands relaxed. “My uncle ordered me not to tell you, but I wouldn’t have anyway.”

  She frowned. He didn’t trust her? Hurt competed with desire inside her. “Why not?” she whispered.

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Because you would’ve told the king, and he would’ve figured out a way to use it to his advantage. Like I would in his place.”

  True. Janie flexed her hands. Nope. Still couldn’t move. “Did you know about my uncle Jase?” she asked.

  “No.” Sympathy twisted Zane’s lip. “I was fighting in Iceland for years and had no clue Suri had taken your uncle or was torturing him. Once I did find out, I tried to discover where, but Suri kept the truth from me. I am sorry.”

  So perhaps Zane and Suri weren’t on the same page. Relief helped Janie to focus. She hoped he was telling her the truth. Her body relaxed, and his pressed her harder into the sand, flushing desire through her again. Could she trust him? “How did you get the scar on your face?”

  He blinked. “Suri. Training with him, was . . . difficult.”

  Sympathy softened her. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t want to let emotion rule her, but she felt so much for him it was difficult to maintain logic. “What’s your plan, Zane?” she asked.

  He glanced toward the tree line and frowned. “My plan is in place and includes you staying out of the way for now.”

  “Out of the way?” she spit. “I’d love to stay out of the way, but that’s impossible. Either let me in on your plan, or get the hell out of my way.” If he wasn’t going to help her, then he was part of the problem. “Make a choice.”

  His focus returned to her. “Just because our people are enemies, doesn’t mean we have to fight each other.”

  She shook her head, sand spraying. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

  He exhaled, his shoulders dropping. “No. Anything I tell you, you’ll tell your uncle.”

  Of course. Her family came first, and they wanted to end the war. “Ditto.”

  “I know,” he said softly, his gaze going to her mouth.

  Her lips tingled. Just from one little glance. “Zane?”

  He shook his head, a low growl rumbling from his chest. “This is madness.”

  Her breath caught. “What is?”

  He blinked and slowly, so damn slowly, lowered his mouth to hers. “This,” he whispered against her.

  Yeah. True, crazy, and untamed. Without thinking, she allowed her tongue to dart out and lick his lips. Yum.

  His chest hitched, and a new tension spiraled around them. “Belle.” A question—a warning.

  She did it again.

  He growled again, and his mouth enclosed hers. Warmth, fire, and male surrounded her, plunged, and went deep.

  She opened her mouth, taking all of him, feeling every inch of his body covering hers. His mouth consumed her with a primal force that both ignited and startled her. Hard and pulsing, his arousal pressed against the apex of her legs in an overwhelming demand.

  Her entire body burned for him, and she kissed him back with everything she had.

  His shoulders stiffened, and he broke away.


  He lifted his head toward the tree line, his focus cutting hard. “I have to go.” Desire, lust, and something all male darkened his tone. Rising to his knees, he slowly stood and tugged her to her feet. “Stay out of trouble until I figure things out.” He released her and stepped back.

  She glanced toward the quiet tree line, her body on fire, her mind fuzzing. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know.” He leaned down to brush sand off her legs.

  Warmth vibrated to her core, and she forced down a moan. Then she glanced around and shook her head to regain reality. “I’m surprised Kalin didn’t jump in here.” Ever since Kalin had bitten her in a dream world, he’d been able to come and go at will.

  Zane frowned. “Me too. Since he’s not here, he must be busy, which is a bad sign.”

  Yeah, it was. She tilted her head and cleared her throat. “You’re not forgiven for lying to me.”

  His instant grin reminded her of better times, of when he had been young and rather carefree. “Of that, I have no doubt.”

“Are we going to find peace together?” she asked, hope weakening her knees as she tried one last time while trying to calm her rioting body.

  Regret filled his eyes. “I’d like to find peace.” Turning on his heel, he strode toward the tree line, stopping to glance over his shoulder. “Be safe, Belle.” With that, he disappeared behind two pine trees.

  That wasn’t exactly a yes.

  Chapter 5

  Zane stood on the balcony, his body rioting with a hard-on strong enough to punch through concrete. If they hadn’t been in the dream world, he might not have been able to hold back.

  Janie wanted him as badly as he craved her, but now was a bad time.

  A seriously bad time.

  Plus, the first time he took her, he wanted it to be real. She needed to make the decision facing the real him and not a dream-world mellowed-out version of the killer he’d become. Even so, one more minute, and he might have taken what she’d offered on that sandy beach.

  But something had alerted him to head home, and he lifted his head to the moon-filled night.

  Power. A different sort of power hinted on the breeze, bringing a tension that tightened his gut. No fucking way.

  Turning on his heel, he jogged into his quarters and through the old whorehouse, reaching Suri’s door within seconds. A wave of power slammed into him, and he gasped.

  Schooling his face into calm lines, he nudged open the door. Suri faced a Kurjan across a battered desk. A Kurjan with long black hair tipped with red.

  Kalin stood and turned to face him. “We finally meet in person and not in a dream world or an underground cavern surrounded by vampires.”

  It took every ounce of Zane’s control to keep his composure. Just the tension in the room from the Kurjan made his fingers itch to hold a blade. He looked beyond Kalin to his uncle. “What in the hell are you doing?” Stepping inside, he closed the door.

  Kalin laughed, flashing incredibly sharp canines. “Peace makes for strange bedfellows, demon.”

  Zane glanced up about four inches to Kalin’s face. At six-foot-six, Zane didn’t look up to many people, but Kurjans were a tall race. “We going to bed, Kurjan?”

  Kalin’s eyes morphed from odd green to a flashy purple. “You’d be ruined for all other beings.” His blood-red lips twisted. “Even Janet.”