Read Marked by Destiny Page 49

  “I have another appointment in fifteen minutes,” said O’Darby, looking at his watch. “I don’t have time for this. I’m just going to have to add him to the pot right now, forget about playtime.”

  “Pot?” gasped Ben.

  “Playtime?” I asked.

  “I usually let Shannon play with the children, then rock them to sleep before the transformation. No time tonight.” Then, there was a flash of light and the large pot from Shannon’s bedroom appeared next to O’Darby.

  “Did you like my treasures?” he asked, staring directly at me. He dipped his hand into the pot and brought out a handful of coins. “They’re lovely, aren’t they?”

  As I stared at the coins, images of young faces began to appear. Frightened faces.

  “No!” I gasped, realizing what he’d done with the children.

  O’Darby stared at the coins in delight. “Treasures, all of them. I think so, at least. So does Shannon, obviously. She takes care of them even after they’ve transformed.”

  “How could you do this?” I asked. “You have a daughter of your own! How could you?”

  His eyes regarded me curiously. “You look at me like I’m some kind of monster,” he said. “But their parents, they’re the ones who’ve traded them. They gave them up for riches, fame, and fortune.”

  “What they did,” I said, staring at him in horror, “was give up the most precious gifts they’d already owned for things that are worth nothing in comparison.”

  O’Darby smiled. “Very good, boy. Very good.”

  “And you carry them around in a pot,” I said, glaring at him. “Like that is any better.”

  He frowned. “They are my treasures now. I keep them safe.”

  “Are you kidding me? They’re prisoners! Look at their faces! They’re miserable!”

  He stared at the coins for a few seconds and then shrugged. “It’s the way it is. Always has been that way through the generations. At least we still value them more than their parents.”

  “If you value them, then set them free!”

  He licked his lips and nodded. “I feel your passion for the children, young man, really I do, but…”

  “Do you think you’re any better? They are suffering!” I said, staring at the coins. “Look, they’re crying!”

  Sure enough, the faces on the coins were covered in tears and if you listened hard enough, you could hear them sob.

  “Wait,” said Shannon, stepping around me. “There is another way.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “What say you, daughter?”

  “Father, a riddle. Let’s ask him a riddle and if he gets it right, release all of them. Remember the old days?”

  O’Darby’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I do love a riddle, yes I do. That’s a splendid idea, my darling.”

  “If I answer your riddle,” I said. “You’ll leave them all go?”

  “Well…” mumbled the Leprechaun, rubbing his chin. “I’d hate to lose them but then again, I doubt you’ll ever answer my riddle correctly.”

  “But if I do, will you let them all go?”

  He waved his hand. “Yes, very well.”

  I inhaled. “Okay, lay it on me.”

  “Wait!” yelled Jake, who’d been listening in stunned silence. “Can I help solve the riddle?”

  “No,” said O’Darby. “Only the young man. His heart is pure, unlike yours.”

  “But…” argued Jake.

  “Why don’t you do the honors,” interrupted O’Darby, turning towards Shannon. “Since it was your idea.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Really?”

  “Yes. But don’t you dare give him an easy one, or I will take back my offer.”

  “Okay, father.” She turned to me. “Trent, think hard – a mile from end to end, yet as close to you as a friend. A precious commodity, freely given. Seen on the dead and on the living. Found on the rich, poor, short and tall, but shared among children most of all. What am I?”

  I closed my eyes and thought about the words. If I got this wrong, it would be the end of Ben.

  “Trent?” asked Ben.

  I let out a ragged breath and opened my eyes. “Something these coins haven’t felt for a long time. A smile.”

  O’Darby stared at me and then smiled. “Very good, unfortunately, that one was a little too easy, I see.”

  “But, father!” protested Shannon.

  He raised his hand. “Just wait, Shannon.”


  “Silence!” He then turned to me. “I need one more thing from you, boy. You see, if I release these children, they’ll need homes and I’ll need to know that you’ll find loving ones. Give me a good reason why I should trust you with my treasure?”

  I thought back to what Shannon had said to me the other day. It was beautiful and summed up the love that a parent should have for their children. “Because I believe that every child should be kept closest to the heart, and I would never squander what is innocent to gratify that which is wicked.”

  His face darkened and he looked at Shannon. “You shared this with him?”

  She didn’t say anything.

  “You know in your heart,” I said, “If you really have one, that I hold these words just as true as you, Leprechaun.”

  He stared at me for a few seconds and then threw his head back and laughed. “Oh,” he said, shaking his finger at me. “You know, I like you, boy. You are quite amusing.”

  “Are you going to let them go?” I asked. “You promised!”

  He sighed and nodded. “Yes, indeed. Sometimes a pot needs to be emptied.”

  “Thank God,” I said, falling to my knees as Ben rushed over to me. I pulled my brother into my arms and held him tight to my chest.

  “But,” said O’Darby, grinning darkly, “mark my words, the pot won’t stay empty. There are many people in this world, too willing to refill it.”


  O’Darby was true to his word and the children were released from the pot. Some of them had been imprisoned for centuries, some for only a week or two. Most, mercifully, couldn’t remember anything, including their parents, who’d given them up.

  Fortunately, Shannon volunteered to help care for the children, in an old family castle in Ireland, while we searched for loving homes. Again, without her magic, there is no way we could have succeeded without going to the police and sending some of them back to the people who’d given them up like a pair of shoes.

  It took us four years to find homes for three hundred-and-twenty-two children. During that time, Shannon and I fell in love and eventually married. During the ceremony, her father, who I still despised and kept a close eye on, offered us a castle of our own, to live out the rest of our days.

  I refused.

  “You’ll do,” he said, nodding in approval. “You’ll do.”


  The End

  Kristen Middleton lives in the Midwest with her husband, Dave, and daughters, Cassie and Allie. She spends her days chasing kids, drinking iced-coffee, and obsessing over completing her current book or starting the next one. Besides spending time with her family, she enjoys reading, movies, traveling, cooking, and watching 'The Walking Dead' and 'Shameless' on Sunday Nights. She also LOVES getting emails from her readers, so (unless you're craving brains or blood) don't be afraid to send her a message at: [email protected].

  Other Books

  Zombie Games Series:

  Origins (Book One)

  Running Wild (Book Two)

  Dead Endz (Book Three)

  Road Kill (Book Four)

  End Zone (Book Five)

  Night Roamers Series:

  Blur (Book One)

  Shiver (Book Two)

  Vengeance (Book Three)

  Illusions (Book Four - Available April 1st, 2014)

  Witches of Bayport Series:

  Enchanted Secrets

  Enchanted Objects

  Author Links

Facebook Author Page


  Part 1


  CM Doporto


  CM Doporto


  Copyright © 2012 by CM Doporto

  Thank you for downloading this book. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form for any commercial or non-commercial use without permission from the author. If you enjoyed this book, then please encourage your friends to download their own copy.

  Published by: CM Doporto

  Cover art by: Amygdala Design

  Edited by: Melinda Fulton

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

  Thank you for your support.

  For my husband,

  thank you for sharing your dream with me and helping me make my dream come true.

  You are the love of my life.


  First, I would like to thank our Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to do what I love, write. You have proven to me over and over that everything is possible through you.

  There are so many people that have helped me along this journey and I would be remiss in not mentioning them. My dear friend, Amy, thank you for reading the very first few chapters and encouraging me to continue. Looking back at that first draft, I don’t know what you liked, but I’m happy I took your advice. To my sister, Melissa, thank you so much for reading the first draft, all 140,000 words, and offering your recommendations. I think you should put that talent to good use. Melinda Fulton, my editor, for all your coaching and advice. I appreciate you holding my basket and reassuring me that I was on the right track!

  To my author friends, CL Pardington and Chrissy Peebles, I appreciate your guidance on self-publishing. I’m glad I decided to be an Indie author! To all my beta readers, Amber, Amy, Jaime, Jennifer, Johnny, Missy, Sam, Sheri, and especially my husband, Louis, thank you for taking the time to read through the story and provide me valuable feedback. Jenny, Susa, and Kim, my critique partners, I appreciate the advice and honest opinions. Everyone’s feedback and recommendations have helped make Element a stronger story.

  I have to give a big shout out to my street team, CM’s Heroes and Heroines. You guys rock and I’m indebted to you! Lastly, I would like to thank all the bloggers and book reviewers for taking the time to read my story and provide an honest review. You all help get the word out about great books and play a huge role with influencing readers to buy them. If I missed anyone at all, I’m sorry, but know that I appreciate your help.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: New Beginnings

  Chapter 2: Undeniable Feelings

  Chapter 3: A Leap of Faith

  Chapter 4: Feelings Unleashed

  Chapter 5: Unexplainable Changes

  Chapter 6: There’s No Denying

  Chapter 7: The Transformation

  Chapter 8: Inevitable

  About the Author

  Chapter 1: New Beginnings

  “Ladies and gentlemen we are approaching a storm and it’s going to be a little rough until we clear it.” The captain announced. “Please stay seated and turn off all electrical devices immediately. Thank you.”

  Natalie looked out the small oval window. Raindrops smeared across it, dancing their way to the side. Lightening flashed and she shuddered. She hated flying when there was a storm. For a moment, she wished she would have taken the later flight, but she wanted to get back early since classes resumed tomorrow. She reminded herself that she had a great Spring Break in Chicago with her family and ending it with her cousin’s fairytale wedding made it all worth it.

  A sudden jolt called her attention back to the situation at hand. The plane shook and rattled as it flew on the edge of thick, dark clouds. Within seconds, darkness consumed the plane and the day turned into night. Out in the blackness of the sky she saw powerful flashes of light stretching out like tentacles waiting for the plane to enter. She pulled the blanket closer to her, clutching it up against her chest, somehow hoping it would calm the drumming of her heart.

  “What the —” she blurted out when the plane hit another patch of rough turbulence. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  A horrible rumble echoed through the plane as it wavered from side to side. Gasps and sighs along with people begging and pleading to God were heard throughout the plane. She swallowed hard, feeling the vitamins she took ten minutes ago ease their way up. Without warning, the plane dropped several feet. Her heart hit the bottom of her stomach. An alarm sounded and emergency instructions echoed through the overhead speakers. Gasping for air, she grabbed the arm rests and her body stiffened. Her eyes stayed fixed on the flashing red and white lights above her head. Please God, don’t let me die! Please.

  “Natalie… Natalie, wake up. You’re having another nightmare.” Her college roommate, Lise, shook her several times before she finally awoke.

  “What?” She sprung up in her bed. Sweat trickled down the sides of her forehead and she breathed heavily.

  “You’re okay. It was just a nightmare.” Lise turned on a bedside lamp and then sat down next to her.

  It took her a few seconds to realize that she had been dreaming. She wiped the sweat away and the pounding of her heart turned into a slow thud. She flopped back onto the bed and took a few deep breaths. “I don’t know why I keep having these darn nightmares.”

  “I do.” Lise replied.

  Natalie looked at her. “You do?”

  “Uh, yeah… because you said you nearly died on that plane. You’re probably experiencing post stress or something like that.”

  Natalie swallowed hard. She couldn’t be experiencing post-traumatic stress because only soldiers suffer from things like that, right? “No, I don’t think so. I mean, it was horrible and scary but…”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Lise’s green eyes softened.

  “What is there to talk about?” Natalie sat up. She hadn’t told anyone the full details about what she experienced on the plane, including her parents. She wasn’t about to tell Lise either.

  “Sometimes it’s good to talk about horrible events. It can help you get over them.” Lise played with the edge of her t-shirt, rolling it up.

  “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.” She glanced over at the clock on the window ledge. “I guess we should start getting dressed.”

  Lise turned and looked at the clock. “Crap, I don’t want to be late.”

  Natalie threw back the covers. “Neither do I. First impressions are everything.”


  Lise kicked Natalie’s foot under the table. “That guy keeps looking over here. He is way too cute.”

  Natalie adjusted her glasses and did a quick glance over to where the guy sat. “I think I know him.”

  She leaned in closer to Natalie. “You do? From where?”

  “I went to high school with him.” Natalie shot another quick glance to make sure.

  “You did. How lucky can you be? Did you ever go out with him?” Lise whispered.

  Natalie put her hand in front of her mouth, to muffle her words. “No. He had a girlfriend. I don't even think he knows who I am.”

  “Well, the guy sitting next to him is cute too.” Lise played with her hair, twirling it around her finger while glancing up occasionally at them.

  She nudged Lise’s arm. “Quit staring. They know we
're talking about them.”

  Lise huffed and rolled her eyes, eventually turning her attention back to the front of the room. Ms. Thompson, the human resource representative for Kronberg Laboratories, spoke in a low monotone voice. After two hours of literally reading Power Point slides, she had half the room yawning, including Natalie.

  The door opened and a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair sauntered into the conference room. Everyone sat up straight. It was as though he demanded everyone’s undivided attention without speaking a word.

  “Mr. Hayle. I, uhhh, didn’t realize you were stopping by.” Ms. Thompson quickly perked up when she saw the sleek suited man. “Everyone, this is Mr. Russ Hayle, CEO & President of Hayle Industries and Kronberg Laboratories.”

  The room erupted into a welcoming cheer. Natalie clapped her hands and stood up, like everyone else but something about him rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe it was the way he flaunted his arrogance like a proud king over his country. Prior to applying for the internship, she had done her research on this business tycoon. Although he impressed her with the empire he had built, Dr. Albin Kronberg, the scientist behind the natural supplement line, had her full attention. She couldn’t wait to meet him. Especially since she had been testing out some of his products and would be interning in his lab.

  “Thank you. Thank you.” He held up one hand in the air, in a dictatorial manner. The clapping came to an abrupt stop. “I know everyone is getting great information from Ms. Thompson but I wanted to take the time and welcome each of you. This is the largest summer internship group we have hired since opening our doors.” He surveyed the room, meeting the eyes of several students. “We are expecting wonderful results from each of you in this program. While this is only a summer program, many of you will be offered an opportunity to continue working here while you pursue your college education. The rest of you may not. It all depends on your performance and I expect the best from each and every person whether you are an intern or an executive.”