Read Marked by Destiny Page 5

  Groaning, Thomas flopped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, his heart torn. He wanted to share his joyous news with his parents, but knew that if he did it now, before Angelica was ready to tell her own parents, things would blow up for them. This had to be handled with a delicate hand if they were to stand a chance of having a future together.

  Chapter Nine

  The next day, Angelica couldn’t wait to talk to Thomas so they could figure out how they were going to handle going to prom together. She had no idea that Thomas was worried about how to ask her to be his mate.

  When he met her and Amy at the bus with Tracy, Angelica was thrilled to see him. Every time she saw him, he made her toes curl and heart flutter. She wanted to run to him, throw her arms around him and hold him close, but she held back. So far, they’d only held hands walking between classes. He was the perfect gentleman and highly respectful of her, almost too respectful in her opinion.

  When they were all seated on their usual wall in front of the school, and Alex had joined them like he usually did, the discussion about prom began.

  “I don’t want to lie to my dad, but I don’t see any other way.” Angelica said, her voice sad but resigned.

  “Maybe it’s time the two of you told your parents what’s going on.” Alex said to them, knowing they weren’t allowed to associate with each other.

  “I’d never be allowed to go to prom if my parents knew that I was going with Thomas.” Angelica argued. She wondered if her dad would be as angry and upset as she knew her mother would be.

  “They’re going to find out at some point. The two of you are pretty serious.” Tracy told them.

  “I’d rather not rush it though.” Angelica said, thinking about her mother’s reaction at the news that her daughter was destined to be mated to her enemy’s son.

  “It’s probably better to just rip the band aid off quickly than to drag it out Angie.” Tracy told her. She knew her friend only had her best interests at heart but she didn’t know the whole story.

  “The right time will present itself.” Thomas said, taking Angelica’s hand in his own and giving her a reassuring smile.

  “Well, if neither one of you are ready, or willing, to tell your parents about your relationship, then Tracy’s idea is the best one I’ve heard. Angelica will tell her parents that she’s going to prom with the girls and Thomas will go with the guys. The two of you will just have to meet up at the dance.” Alex said as if was decided.

  “We’ll figure it out.” Thomas told Angelica in a soft voice.

  She smiled at him and the conversation moved on for a few minutes more before the bell signaling the beginning of school rang out and their day began.


  When school let out that day, Angelica headed out of the building with Thomas and Amy as usual, heading toward the bus. She was shocked when she saw Jerome standing by the sedan he’d picked her up in the day she’d found out Thomas was her mate. Her eyes widened and her stomach sank like a ton of bricks.

  Saying a quick good bye to Amy and Thomas, she rushed over to where Jerome was waiting for her.

  “Is everything okay?” Angelica asked him in a rush, worried that something had happened to someone in the family, or some other major emergency.

  “Everything is fine, please get in.” Jerome responded and opened the door to the passenger seat for her.

  Giving him a quizzical look, she got in the vehicle, and he closed the door for her. She buckled up as the tension within her built. Other than when she’d had to go home sick, Jerome had never picked her up from school. It was against her mother’s rules.

  Jerome got into the driver’s side, closed the door and buckled his own safety belt before starting the car and pulling away from the curb. He didn’t say a word, which put Angelica even more on edge.

  When they stopped for a red light, Angelica’s nerves had finally gotten the best of her.

  “Will you please tell me what is going on?” She asked him, her voice almost panicked.

  “I am sorry I’ve worried you. I just wanted to talk to you.” Jerome said in a soothing voice, which only served to put her even more on edge.

  “About what?” She asked, her voice shaking.

  “You have a lot of inner turmoil going on. I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help. You are not in trouble for anything and your parents have no idea this conversation is even happening.” He told her with a quick glance in her direction.

  “I don’t understand.” Angelica said with a shake of her head.

  “I know more about what is going on than you think. I figured you could use someone to talk to, and maybe offer some advice, to help you get through this predicament you’re in. I was once in your shoes. My mate was the daughter of an enemy of my parents. It was a difficult road to travel. You are conflicted because you wish to honor your parents, but at the same time, you also wish to honor yourself and your heart.” Jerome said and Angelica’s eyes nearly popped out of her head in shock. Here was a man that almost never spoke, and he was offering to help guide her through the worst position of her life.

  “Where is your mate?” Angelica asked hesitantly.

  “She passed away several years ago. I miss her every day. It is a fight not to fall into the insanity they tell you about when you are separated from your mate. I do not recommend it at all.” He confided in her with a tear making its way down his cheek. He didn’t bother to wipe it away.

  “I am so very sorry for your loss.” Angelica told him from the bottom of her heart and laid a comforting hand on his arm for just a moment before pulling it back and laying it in her lap.

  “I do not want to see the same thing happen for you.” He told her with the understanding only someone who’d been through what she was currently going through could.

  “I have no idea what to do. My mother will kill me for this. I doubt my father would be as upset, but she will be furious.” Angelica told him, letting all the fear that had been building inside of her flood her voice.

  “You’re right, your father only wishes to see you happy. He won’t be upset at all over this. Your mother, however, is a different story. You are going to have to find a way to let your father handle her for you. As her mate, he will be the only one who will be able to.” Jerome advised.

  “I don’t know. I don’t want them to fight, especially not because of me.” Angelica worried.

  “Believe me, telling your father, and letting him help you handle your mother, is your best course of action. Of course, it is up to you as to how you proceed.” Jerome said as he drove around in circles so they could talk. The drive from the school to the mansion was only a few minutes. She just hoped that by dragging it out, they weren’t asking for trouble from her mother.

  “I don’t want to lie to him.” Angelica told him what had been bothering her most.

  “Then don’t. He will listen, and he will help you.” Jerome told her with confidence.

  “How do you know? Did he tell you to talk to me?” Angelica asked, suddenly suspicious.

  “No, he didn’t tell me to talk to you but I can see that he has been worried about you, as have I. Your father has no idea I know what is going on with you, as much as he wishes he knew.” He told her and she could hear the honesty in his voice.

  “How did you know that day you picked me up? I know you said you could sense people’s emotions, but is that it?” Angelica asked him, curious.

  “I did sense your emotional grid. I know you’ve had a crush on that boy for years, even though you’ve hidden it very well. There was a joy inside of you, I’m not sure even you recognized, after you discovered the two of you were destined to be mated. There was also the terror that was making you feel sick, which told me everything I needed to know.” Jerome told her with ease. Angelica nodded her head in response.

  “Thank you for everything Jerome. You have given me a lot to consider.” Angelica said with true gratitude filling her.

re very welcome.” Jerome said. “I am always here if you need me.”

  Angelica smiled at him in response until a thought occurred to her.

  “Do you mind if I ask you something?” She asked hesitantly.

  “It depends on what it is.” Jerome responded, wearily.

  “Anna and Patrick, is everything alright between them?” Angelica asked, thinking of when they were over for dinner.

  “That is not for me to say. All I will say is that not all is what it seems to be.” Jerome said as he pulled up to the front of the house. Without him saying so, she knew the conversation between them was over and got out of the car with a brief good bye and headed inside.

  Chapter Ten

  After sitting in her room for a while, Angelica finally decided to take Jerome’s advice and talk to her father about what was going on in her life. She knew Marcus loved her with all of his heart and only wished to see her happy in the end. Maybe, just maybe, he could help her through all of this.

  She made her way down to her father’s study and knocked on the door. When he opened it, the butterflies in her stomach tried to make an escape through her throat, so she couldn’t speak at first when he opened the door.

  “This is a nice surprise, what can I do for you my beautiful daughter?” Marcus asked her when he saw it was her. He moved aside and motioned for her to enter, but she shook her head.

  After a few tries, she finally managed to get her nerves to calm down enough to speak.

  “Dad, do you think we could go for a walk and talk about something?” She asked him before she could think twice and run back to her room. One thing she knew, without a doubt, was that she couldn’t talk to her father anywhere inside the house. Camilla could be anywhere listening to their conversation.

  “A walk? It’s been forever since we’ve gone for a walk together and talked. Is everything okay my dear?” Marcus asked as he moved out of his study and closed the door behind him. He looked at Angelica with sincere concern on his face.

  “Yes, I’ve missed our walks Dad.” Angelica said from the heart. In that moment, she realized she really did miss the walks they used to take and talk about nothing really, or the most important things going on in her life, depending on the day. She couldn’t remember when they’d stopped taking those walks, but she was going to have to try to make sure they took more of them again.

  “I have too my dear. I’d love to take a walk with you.” Marcus said, extending his arm for her and she took it with a large smile on her face.

  They left the mansion arm in arm and talked about nothing in particular as they walked until they reached their favorite garden to sit and talk in. Letting go of her father’s arm, she moved over to what she’d always thought of as their bench and sat down, looking around at all of the beautiful flowers they were surrounded by as she waited for Marcus to come and sit down next to her. She knew he would, and she wasn’t surprised when he sat down less than a minute later.

  “Okay my darling daughter, what is going on with you that is so secretive, we had to come all the way out here to talk?” Marcus asked her as she raised her eyes to meet his.

  “Daddy, I am so confused. Something’s happened that I know will make Mother furious at me, even though I have no choice in the matter. I’m not even sure how you’re going to react when I tell you.” Angelica said, fear making her eyes tear up. The last thing she wanted was for her father to end up hating her, like her mother was sure to, because of this.

  “Have no doubt there is nothing in this world that could make me hate you. You are my beautiful daughter and I love you with all of my heart and soul. I will cherish you until the day I die. Please don’t ever be afraid to tell me anything.” He told her with such love and adoration in his eyes some of Angelica’s fears evaporated.

  “I know you, mother and the Daniels’ family have had this feud going on for quite a while and nobody will tell me what it’s about.” Angelica started, but Marcus held up his hand and stopped her.

  “If you’re asking what it’s about, I will not tell you. You are too young to be concerned about such things.” Marcus told her in a no nonsense voice.

  “No Daddy, that’s not what I was getting at but it would be useful information to have in dealing with what’s going on.” Angelica said in response.

  “Is their son harassing you? Is that what your dilemma is?” Marcus asked, his eyes blazing with anger. He seemed to have forgotten Angelica telling him she’d found her mate, but wouldn’t give him details about who he was.

  “No, he’s not harassing me. He’s my mate.” Angelica said in a rush before her father could interrupt her again. The stunned look on her father’s face made her wish she hadn’t said anything to him at all.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy, I shouldn’t have said anything…” Angelica started but was cut off when Marcus pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Everything will work out my dear. I understand why you don’t want your mother to know this. She will have to find out eventually, but I don’t think now is the time. How long have you known?” Marcus asked her.

  “Do you remember the day a few months ago when you had to send Jerome to pick me up from school because I was sick?” Angelica asked him.

  “You were sick because you found out he was your mate? Why on Earth would that make you sick? Finding your mate is supposed to be a wonderful and happy experience.” Marcus asked her with wide eyes.

  “Because of who he is. Mother has forbidden me from even looking in his direction, let alone talking to him or being his mate. Whatever this feud is about, I’m terrified about what the consequences will be for Thomas and I.” Angelica admitted to her father. She had to admit she’d missed being able to confide in him and it felt good to have someone who loved her to talk to now about her problems.

  “You don’t worry about your mother, let me worry about her. What I am wondering is why you’re telling me this now? You’ve kept it a secret from me for this long, what made you change your mind?” Marcus asked his daughter in a gentle voice.

  “Jerome picked me up from school today and gave me a ride home. He offered me some advice I thought over and decided might not be such bad advice. I guess he’s been sensing my distress because prom is coming up and Thomas and I would like to go together but I don’t want to lie to you Daddy.” Angelica admitted and hoped Jerome would not get into trouble for breaking the rules and giving her a ride home when he wasn’t supposed to.

  “I am going to have to thank him for that. He knows how worried I’ve been about you. He’s a good man with a sad story. He’s also an invaluable friend.” Marcus said with a smile as he gave his daughter a hug.

  “He’s not going to be in trouble for breaking the rules is he?” She asked in a worried tone.

  “Not if your mother doesn’t find out.” He told her with a conspiratorial grin.

  Angelica smiled and nodded her head in agreement. They sat there for quite a while talking. Marcus asked quite a few questions about Thomas and their relationship up to this point, as well as their plans for prom together. Angelica answered him happily, going into great detail. She could see how happy it made her father seeing her radiant joy whenever Thomas’ name was mentioned.

  After an hour or so, Marcus finally asked Angelica if her homework was finished and she had to admit to him she hadn’t even started it, since her mind was so consumed over whether he would still accept her after she admitted to him who her mate was.

  “You will never have to worry about me not accepting you. Who your mate is was not your choice. Everything will be okay. Go get your homework done so you can join us for dinner.” Marcus told her with a smile.

  “Thank you Dad. I love you so much.” Angelica said and gave him a tight hug and kiss on the cheek before heading back to the mansion and her room. Marcus stayed behind to think about everything his daughter had just told him and how this would play out with Camilla. He knew his daughter was correct in thinking Camilla would reject her because of who her m
ate was. That worried him more than anything else, because when Camilla was angry, everyone paid the price.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next day at school, Angelica couldn’t tell Thomas about her conversation with her father soon enough. She was still apprehensive about what her mother’s reaction would be, but at least she knew her father still accepted her with Thomas as her mate.

  Thomas was thrilled she’d confided in her father and hoped he’d receive the same acceptance from his parents when he finally told them about Angelica being his mate. They talked like normal every chance they got throughout the day. Her relief about not having to lie to her father about their going to prom together was making her light-hearted and almost giddy. He couldn’t help but smile at how happy she was all day long.

  After watching her get onto the bus with Amy, Thomas began to wonder if it wasn’t time to talk to his parents about what was going on between himself and Angelica. All the way home he thought about it. The more he thought about it though, the more his instincts screamed for him not to tell them just yet. If they reacted negatively then they could go to her parents, which would alert Camilla as to what was going on and, in the end, would hurt Angelica more than it would him.

  As he climbed the stairs to his bedroom, he decided to wait a bit longer to tell them. He couldn’t risk Angelica being hurt because he’d told his parents before they were both ready for the news to come out to her mother as well.

  Reaching his room, he was surprised to find his mother already inside waiting for him.

  “Uh, hey Mom.” Thomas said cautiously as he entered and set his backpack down by his desk.

  “Will you please close the door?” Marie asked in a soft voice.

  Thomas didn’t say anything as he went over and closed his bedroom door, then moved back to where his mother was seated on the corner of his bed, in the same place she’d sat the last time she’d come in and talked to him.

  He sat down in the chair to his desk and waited for her to let him know why she was waiting for him in his room. A sick feeling in his gut told him it had to do with Angelica.