Read Marked by Destiny Page 8

  Tears streamed down her face at his beautiful words and at the hope that lit up his face as he watched her closely.

  “Thomas, there is no other I would even consider having as my mate. My world revolves around you and I could never imagine my life without you in it. Of course I will have you as my mate.” She said as she smiled through the tears of joy that were making the mascara she was wearing streak down her cheeks.

  Marie came over and handed her several tissues before pulling her in for a tight hug.

  “It doesn’t matter who your mother is and what she’s done in the past. You are nothing like her and are more than worthy of being my son’s mate. I look forward to having you as a part of our family from here on out.” She told Angelica with a huge smile on her face as Angelica wiped the tears and mascara rivers away.

  “Wait, from here on out? What’s going on?” Angelica asked as she caught onto Marie’s words.

  “Please, come sit in the limo and you’ll see. We’re going to go for a little ride.” Marcus told her as he placed his hand gently on the small of her back and nudged her toward the vehicle.

  “What about Tracy and Amy? How will they get home?” Angelica worried.

  “Don’t worry, it’s all been arranged. They will get home safely.” He told her with a reassuring smile. Having all of her arguments refuted, she climbed into the waiting limo and was surprised when Thomas held up a blindfold and tied it around her head, covering her eyes.

  “It’s a surprise.” He whispered in her ear, which made her even more nervous as to what they all had planned.

  To Angelica, it felt like they drove around forever, when it had actually, only been a few minutes. When the car came to a stop, Thomas helped Angelica out of the vehicle, showing the utmost care, and guided her along a rocky path before they came to a stop and he removed the blindfold.

  Opening her eyes, the sight before her made her heart melt. They were at one of her most favorite places in the world, the garden in the park with a large gazebo where she’d come and sit for hours to think things through. Waiting for them were Anna and Patrick, which made her eyes open even wider in surprise.

  Hugging her sister tight, she asked, “What are you doing here? What is going on?”

  “What do you think sis?” Anna asked her with a wide grin.

  Looking around, all Angelica could think of was they were going to perform hers and Thomas’ mating ceremony right there and now, the night of the prom.

  “Really?” She breathed when she figured it out.

  “Why should we wait?” Thomas asked her, almost afraid of her answer.

  “It’s perfect. This night has been the most wonderful night of my life. I can’t think of a better way to end it than this.” She said with a brilliant smile on her face.

  “I feel the same way.” He said as he gave her a chaste kiss.

  “But, where is your father?” She asked when they pulled away from each other.

  “Don’t worry about that now. My mother’s here and that makes it perfect for me. You have your father, who’s mating us to each other, your sister, who you’ve missed more than you’ll even admit to me and Jerome, who’s been a great friend to you your entire life. Who else do we really need?” Thomas asked her with a twinkle in his eye.

  “You’re right. Everything is perfect.” She agreed and turned toward her father.

  “Then let’s get started.” Marcus said as Marie began moving people into their positions for the ceremony. Angelica could not stop smiling at the unexpected turn of events.

  “Before the ceremony begins, I would like to say how happy I am that the two of you have found each other. I hope that you cherish each other forever, through the good times and the bad. Hold tight to each other whenever life gets hard and nothing will ever be able to tear you apart. You are such a beautiful couple and I know you will always do the right thing for each other.” Marie spoke such heartfelt words that tears filled Angelica’s eyes once more. Choked up, she nodded her head at her soon to be mother-in-law, gratitude for the beautiful woman’s blessings making it impossible for her to speak. It seemed to start something in everyone and they all felt the need to wish the couple the best for their future together.

  “Thank you Mom. That means the world to us.” Thomas told her and then placed a loving kiss on the woman’s cheek, right before she moved into position next to Marcus.

  “I am so happy for you my dear sister. All I wish for you is happiness.” Anna said, stepping forward and gave her sister a quick hug before stepping back into her position.

  “I know we don’t know each other well, but I hope you and Thomas are very happy together for the rest of your lives.” Patrick said with a nod in their direction.

  “Thank you both, Anna and Patrick. Thank you for the well wishes, but most importantly, thank you for being here with us during this special moment in our lives. You have no idea how much this means to us.” Angelica said from the bottom of her heart.

  Both her sister and brother-in-law smiled in response to Angelica’s gratitude, but didn’t say anything else.

  Jerome then stepped forward to stand right in front of the couple.

  “You are a very special young lady and it has been my privilege to watch you grow from a baby to the wonderful young lady standing here today. Nothing makes me happier than being a part of your joy on this evening. If you ever need anything, do not ever hesitate to call me and I will be there for you, always.” Jerome said and leaned forward placed a soft kiss on her cheek before turning his focus to Thomas.

  “I know you are a very special young man because fate has chosen you for this very special young woman, who happens to mean a lot to me, her father and her sister. You take good care of her from here on out. She deserves only the best out of life. You are a very lucky young man, don’t take that for granted. Love, honor and cherish her every day you are blessed to have each other.” Jerome said and it was obvious to Angelica he was thinking of his mate as he spoke.

  “I give you my word I will do just that every day of our lives, sir.” He replied and was surprised when Jerome pulled him in and gave him a tight hug, before moving back where Marie had positioned him.

  “I cannot tell you what an honor it is to perform this ceremony for the two of you. Angelica, you and Anna are the two greatest accomplishments in my life. I cherish you both with every breath I take. Angelica, you are now and always will be, mated or not, my baby girl. I wish only the best for you both and know that together you will do great things. I trust you both to make each other happy for the rest of your days. Now, before I get all teary-eyed and can’t do this, let us begin.” Marcus said as his eyes filled up with the tears that he was fighting back.

  Each person nodded and gave their blessing over the proceedings officially and all Angelica and Thomas could do was smile, with love and gratitude, at each other as everyone gathered around them.

  “Thomas, please say your official vows to Angelica.” Marcus said in a choked up voice.

  “I am yours forever with no end. You are mine forever with no end. I love you. We are one.” Thomas said, looking Angelica in the eyes and she could see the love shining there for her, and her alone.

  “I am yours forever with no end. You are mine forever with no end. I love you. We are one.” Angelica repeated without being prompted by Marcus because all of a sudden, nothing else mattered to her but completing the ceremony and knowing without a doubt, Thomas was hers forever.

  “And so let them be mated for all of time to one another. No man or woman shall come between, and only death shall part them. It is done.” Marcus said as everyone around them cheered with loud and wild abandon. Thomas leaned forward and kissed her with a passion he’d never kissed her with before.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After the ceremony was over, everyone gathered together and chatted for a while. Anna and Patrick headed home because Patrick had to be at work early in the morning. A little while later, Marie left to go home and
find out if her mate Jacob was home, so she could tell him how beautiful the ceremony had been for their son and his new mate.

  Angelica felt bad because Thomas’ father had been unable to come and share in their happiness, but then wondered if he was as against their mating as her mother was. She decided to ask Thomas about it later because she was too happy to be the one to spoil it.

  They talked for a little longer, laughing and enjoying the happiness of the moment. All of a sudden, Jerome’s face became serious and worried as Angelica and Thomas both caught the scent of smoke.

  Looking around, the four of them became worried when they saw there was a ring of fire surrounding the gazebo, they were now sitting in. Thomas stood and picked Angelica up in his arms, ready to run for it with Marcus and Jerome when Camilla stepped out of the tree line with an evil look of glee on her face.

  “Camilla, what are you doing here? You’re not allowed to leave our home.” Marcus said, obviously upset by her appearance and by the fire that was slowly closing in around them.

  “You didn’t honestly think I would sit at home, doing nothing, while you were all out here betraying me did you?” She asked, stepping further into the garden towards them.

  “Go home Camilla. This is not about you. This is about our daughter and her happiness, which you care nothing about.” Marcus said, stepping closer to her. He was trying to draw all of her attention toward himself so Jerome, Angelica and Thomas could escape to freedom safely.

  “I am not going anywhere until you all pay for this. I am not such a forgiving woman, or have you forgotten so easily Jerome?” Camilla asked him, with a satisfied smile when Jerome roared in fury and heartache at her question. Before anyone could do anything, he took off at a dead run for Camilla.

  “Since you broke the terms of your sentencing for the murder of my mate, I have every right to avenge her myself.” He yelled as he ran toward her. Marcus tried grabbing ahold of him as he ran past, but couldn’t catch him.

  Jerome crashed into Camilla, knocking her to the ground. He wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed with everything he had. Being a Solarian, he refused to use his powers to attack her because he was afraid it would add to the fire already surrounding them and harm Marcus, Angelica and Thomas.

  “Jerome, stop!” Angelica shouted as she struggled against Thomas’ hold on her body. He wouldn’t let go of her knowing, if he did, she would run toward the fire to try to pull Jerome back from her mother. “Let me go Thomas. We have to stop him.”

  “Let your father handle it. I can’t let you go over there and get hurt.” Thomas said, pleading for her understanding with his eyes.

  “We can’t just stand here and watch. That fire is getting closer and closer to them. We have to do something.” Angelica pleaded with him, still fighting against his hold on her.

  Thomas looked around at the scene playing out before them, like a horrible nightmare, and nodded his head in agreement. He saw Marcus pull Jerome off of Camilla as he set Angelica back on her feet.

  “We’re going to work on putting the fire out. Let your father handle your mother and Jerome.” He told her and she nodded at him in agreement. They both turned in unison and focused their powers on the fire. Being Lunarians, they could at least keep it from closing in on them even more.

  Angelica did her very best to tune out the struggle going on between her mother, father and close friend. All people who mattered deeply to her.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she kept tabs on what was going on with them though. She couldn’t help herself.

  “Don’t do me any favors Marcus.” Camilla sneered as her mate struggled with the nearly insane Jerome, to keep him from killing her right there.

  “I may not agree with the decisions you make or the things you do, but you are my mate and I love you no matter what. Go home Camilla. We will figure all of this out when I get there.” Marcus told her in such a heartfelt manner it brought tears to Angelica’s eyes. For the first time, she completely understood why Marcus didn’t always stand up to Camilla for her when her mother was going through her many rants. Even now, he was doing everything he could to protect her when he knew she deserved everything Jerome wanted to do to her for killing his mate.

  “I am not going anywhere near that place, ever again.” Her mother told her father in a disgusted voice.

  “Please, just go. Nobody ever has to know you left the house. I will get him under control and we will work this out.” Marcus pleaded once again.

  “You know, I am quite frankly tired of listening to your sniveling drivel.” Camilla said as she unsheathed a long, silver dagger from behind her back and stepped over to where Marcus and Jerome were still struggling. Marcus was barely holding onto his friend and keeping his mate alive. The fire was so close he could feel the blazing heat licking at his skin.

  “What are you doing?” Marcus shouted at her, as his shock caused him to lose his grip on Jerome and the man fell to the ground from the unexpected release.

  “I am doing what I should have done a long time ago. I am freeing myself of you.” She sneered as she drove the blade deep into Marcus’ heart. Jerome grabbed her from behind, having climbed back on his feet. As he yanked her away from Marcus, she kept her grip on the handle of the dagger and ripped it out of her mate’s chest.

  Horror filled Angelica as she watched the scene play out in front of her. “NO!” She screamed and diverted her attack from helping to contain the fire, toward her mother. Thomas grabbed hold of her as she started toward Camilla, anguish fueling her to confront her over the murder of her father.

  “It’s too late, you can’t save him. Don’t get yourself killed trying.” Thomas tried reasoning with the distraught Angelica, but she struggled against his hold regardless of everything he said to her. He felt a deep sadness in his heart as he watched his new father-in-law fall bleeding and dead into the fire, now licking at their heels. Thomas grabbed Angelica’s hands and pulled them down to her sides to stop her attack on her mother, before she ended up pushing both Camilla and Jerome into the fire herself.

  “What are you doing? Let me go. She has to pay for this.” Angelica screeched out, with tears flowing down her cheeks like waterfalls, washing all of the make-up left on her face away, fighting against Thomas’ hold with everything she had inside of her.

  “It’s over Angelica. Don’t turn yourself into what she is because of your pain.” Thomas told her as he held on tight. Angelica went limp in his arms at his words. He knew she was deathly afraid of being like her mother.

  “I’ve got her sweet girl. The two of you go. Run, now and save yourselves. The two of you are much more important to the future of our race than either of you know.” Jerome yelled at the couple as he swung Camilla around to face him. “Go.”

  Thomas wasted no time in sweeping Angelica up into his arms and running through the flames to get them out of there and to safety. He used every ounce power he had to keep the flames from burning either of them as he quickly ran through them. Once they were clear, he didn’t pause as he went straight for the waiting limo they’d arrived in.

  Angelica had stopped fighting as they’d ran through the ring of flames and that worried Thomas more than her need to avenge her father’s death. He didn’t have time to find out why though, they had to get out of there and to safety, before Camilla could catch up to them. He yelled at the chauffer to get in the driver’s seat and start the vehicle as he ran closer and closer.

  Seeing the condition of the couple, he didn’t hesitate in following Thomas’ orders as they reached the limo. Thomas threw open the door and placed Angelica’s, now limp body, inside before climbing in behind her. The limo took off without hesitation once he’d closed the door behind him.

  “Are you alright?” Thomas asked Angelica, terror pumping through his blood as he checked her for any injuries. “What’s wrong?”

  “They’re gone. They’re gone.” Was all she would say, over and over again. Shock was setting in, which worrie
d him even more. He was thankful the driver knew to take them to his family’s estate like they’d planned before the ceremony. His parents would know what to do to help her. He had to have faith they would, because the last thing he could do was lose his mate on the night of their mating ceremony.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The entire trip to his home, all Angelica could do was repeat, over and over again, “They’re gone.” Thomas was nearly frantic with worry for her. Several times he told the driver to hurry up because the trip felt like it was taking forever. When they finally reached his family’s home, he threw the door open before the limo even came to a complete stop, scooped Angelica up into his arms and climbed out of the vehicle. He ran up the porch stairs.

  “Mother, Father!” He yelled as he ran.

  The door flew open with a wide-eyed maid standing there staring in shock.

  “Move.” Thomas hollered, as he almost barreled through her into the mansion. She moved out of the way just in time.

  “Mother, Father.” He yelled again. Thomas didn’t pause for a second as he headed straight for the living room and laid Angelica out on his mother’s favorite couch.

  His parents came flying into the room behind him, surprised at the commotion upon their son’s arrival home with his new mate.

  “What is going on?” Jacob’s voice boomed.

  “Help her, you have to help her.” Thomas pleaded as he hovered over Angelica. He kept smoothing her hair back from her face and trying to dry the tears from her eyes, which seemed like they’d never stop flowing.

  She was still repeating “They’re gone.” Over and over again, as if by saying it enough would make it untrue and her world right again.

  “Who’s gone my dear? What happened after I left?” Marie asked as she kneeled down next to the couch to examine her new daughter-in-law.