Read Marly's Choice Page 15

  She saw love in the black and white haze of sexual need and possessiveness. Not that Cade wasn’t possessive. He would kill a man, outside of his brothers, if they dared touch her. But the thought of watching her, dazed and filled with lust, the sole recipient of, love, not just for her, but each other, was nearly more than he could bear. It was also something he knew he would be forever denied with Marly.

  “Marly’s not as timid as you think she is, Cade,” Brock offered quietly, his voice low and charged with excitement.

  Cade shook his head. “No, Brock. I won’t do it to her. I can’t stand the thought of her horror if I tried. She won’t be with us long now, let me have her while I can.”

  The other two men lowered their heads. They knew Cade’s love for Marly went much deeper than did their own. She was loved, desired and needed by all three of them. But she was Cade’s heart.

  “Where is she now?” Sam finally asked.

  “Asleep for now. She was awake most of the night after I passed out from that damned shot Bennett gave me. She finally went to sleep after I woke up.” Curled in his bed, her hair tangled around her body like living silk. He had to fight to control the urge to go to her now.

  “So what do we do from here?” Sam asked him slowly.

  “We keep Marly safe and let your commandos do their job.” Cade told him firmly. “We’ll all three stick as close to the house as possible, and make certain the bastard doesn’t get anywhere near her.”

  Cade could feel his fear for her crawling through his body. He leaned his head back against the chair, closing his eyes and fighting the need to take her and run. To get her the hell away from the ranch and the danger he could feel was closing in on her.

  “Cade, go easy on her,” Sam said carefully, his concern for Marly now that Cade had made his decision to take her to his bed uppermost in his mind.

  “Too late, Sam.” He shook his head wearily. “You know me, man.” He opened his eyes, staring at him with an edge of anger. “She’s too damned innocent for this. For me. But it’s what she wanted, and what you helped push at me. Now both of you can live with it.”

  He rose from his chair, steeling himself and beating back his own concern.

  “Get out of here now. Check with the boys we left up on that damned hill and make sure they’re okay. I want to know the minute they see anything. Keep the chopper ready, and stay on standby. I want this bastard the minute he pokes his head out of whatever hole he’s hiding in.”

  “He hasn’t come back to the cabin. Bret’s still there, and he hasn’t seen anything yet.” Brock shook his head. “Somehow, the bastard knows we’re onto him.”

  “Call Bret. Tell him to gather those fucking pictures up and get the hell back here. Better yet, you and Sam head out in the chopper and pick him up. You get the pictures yourselves. I don’t want to risk anyone unnecessarily. He knows we know about him. It will make him more dangerous.” Cade stood to his feet, walking around the desk. “The house is still locked up, make sure you lock the front door as you leave.”

  There was no mistaking the intent in his voice, and Cade knew it. He had been pushed too far, tempted too long, and now his fear for Marly was the breaking point. There was one way, and one way only to tie her to him, to be certain she stayed at his side where he could protect her.

  “Cade,” Sam said hesitantly. “Be careful of her.”

  He stopped; staring at his brother for a long, tense moment.

  “I’ve always been careful of her, Sam, because I loved her. It’s the one and only reason I never touched her after she came of age. It’s too late for warnings now.”

  He strode quickly from the room, his body driving him to Marly, his desire for her reaching the breaking point. He needed her. He would take her. And he would take her now.

  Chapter Nineteen

  He was aroused nearly past bearing, and Cade knew it. He also knew himself and his desires. Many could be controlled, but there were many that couldn’t be. He was extremely dominant sexually. He required, no, he needed submission no matter the demand he made. He was also highly sexual to the point that he would often ride his lovers for hours at a time. His first ejaculation would only build his need for another.

  He stepped into his bedroom, closing the door behind him and locking it securely. Marly was still asleep, which was just as well for now. He would arouse her before awakening her, keeping her relaxed, ensuring she didn’t become frightened before he took her. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he had never taken a virgin before, and the thought of taking Marly’s innocence made his palms sweat with fear.

  She had kicked the blankets off her body, displaying her slender body for his eager gaze. Her breasts were full and hard, her nipples tight in the air-conditioned coolness of the room. Her hand was lying against her flat stomach, her slender thighs parted marginally, allowing him to glimpse the pale perfection of her bare pussy.

  His mouth watered, his hands tightening to fists at the sight of her. His cock throbbed, demanding release. Slowly he undressed, watching her carefully, eagerly. He had denied himself for two years now, knowing deep inside how desperately he wanted her. Joe had been right in his accusation that there was nothing Cade wanted more than to fuck her. And Cade rarely denied himself when he needed something this badly.

  Naked, his body hard, demanding action, he strode quickly to the bed. Ignoring the now minor ache of his ribs, and the wound at his shoulder, he lay down beside her, drawing her carefully against his body. Today, Marly would become his lover.

  * * * * *

  The dream was back, vivid and hot, torturing her with need. Marly’s lips opened beneath Cade’s harsh growl, her mouth accepting the smooth thrust of his tongue as he kissed her. His lips ate at her as he kissed her, making her arch against him, her skin to sensitize, her body to heat with longing. Her hands went to his shoulders, feeling the smooth, hard muscles beneath his skin, her nails flexing against it. She groaned harshly, fighting to get closer, to make the kiss deeper, rougher. She wanted him as she had heard he was. A demon, kisses hot and addicting, his touch demanding.

  “As sweet as candy,” she heard him groan as he finally gave her what she wanted.

  His lips ground down on hers as he raised over her, his tongue a conquering warrior as it captured hers. He bit at her lips, licked them, sucked her tongue into his own mouth as his hands went crazy on her.

  His palms cupped her breasts, his fingers tweaking at her nipples, plumping them, driving her crazy with the hot flashes of sensation that arrowed between her thighs, making her arch closer to the thigh that suddenly wedged itself between hers.

  “Yes,” his voice was a hiss of approval as she moaned at the caresses.

  His lips left her lips to travel to her neck, his teeth scraping at her flesh as his lips and tongue had her crying out at the sensations he produced there. Marly’s eyes opened slowly, realizing it was no dream lover biting at her skin, licking the small wound gently. It was Cade, unlike she had ever known him to be.

  His big body was braced over her, a large muscular thigh pressed tightly between her legs as she rode it languorously. She could feel the moisture of her desire seeping from her body and coating his flesh as well.

  “Cade?” Her nails bit into his shoulders as his lips moved to her breast, his tongue stroking one nipple with quick, hot flicks of his tongue.

  “I can’t wait any longer, Marly,” He gasped against her nipple, his teeth clenching on it briefly as she cried out.

  Her heart was thumping out of control. Her thighs tightened around his, her hips arching against him as pulse after pulse of need tormented her inner body. His lips were playing at her breasts, sipping from them, suckling them tightly into the fiery depths of his mouth.

  Marly could only arch closer, pressing the painful tips of her flesh into his mouth. Her head tossed on the pillow as sensations assaulted her body, one after another, too quick to grasp or make sense of.

  “Cade?” She called his name out with
a vein of fear. She needed to catch her breath, to make sense of the painful clenching between her thighs and the fire racing through her system like nothing she had known before.

  “It’s okay, Marly,” he whispered against her stomach as he moved lower. “I won’t hurt you, baby. I swear I won’t hurt you. But don’t fight me. Don’t fight me or it may be more than either of us can handle.”

  “He likes it rough, is what my sister says.” The words haunted her now as his hands clasped her hips, his teeth biting at the smooth skin of her stomach. “She says he goes crazy if she resists something he wants. Makes her take him and makes her love it. He loves it when she fights him. She says it makes him harder, makes him ride her forever. Like an animal.”

  Fear skated beneath the hot need he was drawing from her body. He wasn’t giving her time to assimilate the sensations. To control her body.

  She screamed out his name when his mouth suddenly covered her clit. He drew it quickly into his mouth, his tongue flickering over it with light, quick strokes that threw her instantly into orgasm. And he didn’t stop. Despite the near painful sensitivity that attacked the hot knot of nerves, he kept the flickering assault on her, holding her hips between his hands as he suckled at her in time to the caress.

  She pushed at his head, thrashing against the bed as she fought to escape the building inferno he was commanding. He growled, the sound vibrating against her clit as he locked her hips in place, his mouth never once releasing her from the torment.

  “No!” She screamed out against the shattering intensity of sensation.

  “She says never tell him no, because he’ll make you take it. It makes him so horny he goes crazy.”

  The words hit her mind as the assault increased, and Marly felt her blood pounding at her clit, his mouth working her, destroying her. He was intent, focused and out of control. When the second orgasm hit her, her wail echoed around her, then she screamed again as his mouth dived for the small slitted entrance to her body.

  His tongue pushed into her vagina as he held her hips arched to his mouth. Growling sounds of pleasure pulsed against her as his tongue drew the slick heat from her, his mouth sucking at it harshly. She twisted in his grip, lust ripping through her until it terrified her. Not yet. Not again. She was flying too high; she would shatter beneath his mouth if he made her—

  His thrusting tongue flung her into another pulsing dimension of sensation. She could feel the slick essence of her climax flowing from her body, into his mouth. It coated the bare flesh of her cunt, and her inner thighs, made his lips and cheeks slide against her hotly, no barrier between his ravenous desire and her flesh.

  Then he was rising above her, pulling her thighs apart. Her eyes met his, and she cried out weakly. His pupils were nearly black, his face flushed and damp from her cum.

  “Now,” he growled.

  She felt the thick head of his cock lodge at her entrance.

  “Tell me no,” he whispered roughly, his teeth bared, his expression so carnal it was sin.

  “Cade.” Her head twisted weakly against the sheets, perspiration coating her skin, glistening on his as he lodged the head of his erection in her tight entrance.

  She felt the entrance to her vagina stretch impossibly, and her eyes widened as his went to the point where he nearly possessed her.

  “You’re stretched so tight around me.” His voice was guttural as his fingers went to where the lips of her cunt flared around his erection. “Tell me to fuck you.”

  His eyes darkened further as he commanded her.

  Marly was breathing harshly, blinking up at him as he stared down at her.

  “Cade.” Her voice was a protest.

  “I warned you,” he whispered harshly. “I warned you, Marly. Now tell me. Tell me to fuck you. Say ‘fuck me Cade. Hard.’ Say it now, Marly.”

  His voice was so thick and rough it didn’t even sound like him. Then his hands went to her breasts, his fingers gripping her nipples erotically as he rocked against her.

  “Say it,” he demanded. “Now, Marly.”

  “Fuck me, Cade. Hard.” Her head fell back as the breath left her body.

  His cock plunged inside her, tearing past her hymen, sinking furiously to the hilt as the words left her mouth. Marly couldn’t breath for the pleasure. Her inner muscles gripped his pulsing flesh, stretching impossibly to accept him, protesting the intrusion with a bite of pain that nearly had her climaxing on the spot.

  Cade arched over her, bracing his arms at her shoulders as he bent his head to her. His tongue speared into her mouth as his hips began a harsh thrusting tempo that had her gasping for breath, for release. He was killing her. The powerful pistoning strokes slammed into her body over and over again, drawing her closer, ever closer to death. The orgasm would kill her. No woman could bear such pleasure. She couldn’t stand it. Not yet.

  She began to fight him. Her nails bit into his shoulders as she bucked against him, tearing her mouth from him, unable to control herself, her body, or the pleasure/fear racking her.

  He ripped her hands from his flesh, pounding her harder as he slammed them to the mattress, holding them there. His mouth went to her neck as he fucked her forcefully, yet kept her from release, driving her higher, harder.

  “No. No, Cade!” she screamed out as he controlled her thrashing body.

  “Don’t fight me, Marly,” his groan was a tormented plea. “Please, baby, don’t fight me now.”

  His words barely registered as she felt her inner flesh clutching at him, heating, melting, a painful pleasure unlike anything she had known building in her body as she fought for breath. And she fought him, fought the pleasure and the rising vortex taking over her body.

  “Don’t fucking fight me.” He raised to his knees, his face a mask of tormented desire as he slammed his hips harder against her, driving his cock so deep inside her she felt as though it were lodged in her stomach rather than her vagina. “Damn you, don’t fight me.”

  He held her thighs apart, ignoring her struggles, her gasping pleas as sweat dripped from his body, and her vagina pulsed around the driving cock possessing it.

  It was happening. She was going to die. Marly fought it. Her nails bit into his arms, raking his flesh as she fought to get away from it, as she writhed beneath the pounding cock. When it struck, she couldn’t scream. She couldn’t move, she could only gasp, her vision darkening as the explosion tore through her body. She heard Cade cry out, but only the driving flesh between her thighs commanded her attention. The involuntary tightening of her flesh around his thrusting erection, the sharp, painful orgasm that wouldn’t stop.

  She was going to pass out. Cade pushed himself toward his own ejaculation as he felt the spasms of her body, the continual gush of her orgasm along his heated flesh. The multiple orgasms ripping through her body were too much for her. She was dazed, uncomprehending as he tried to hold her to him. She shuddered against him, pulse after pulse of her rich cream washing over him. Finally, with one last harsh push into the heated, tight depths of her slick flesh he felt his sperm erupt from his body, blasting her with his hot, thick release.

  She gasped, pulsed again, then again, and went limp.

  Cade was breathing roughly as he collapsed over her. His cock was slowly losing its desperate hardness, as her vagina trembled around it. He withdrew slowly, grimacing in pleasure at the feel of her slick flesh sliding over him. Marly was limp beneath him, her breathing shuddering in and out of her body as she lay unconscious beneath him.

  “Shit,” he whispered, wiping the sweat from his brow as his body shook from his own release.

  It had never been that good. Never, in all the years of sexual exploits had an orgasm ripped through his own body like that. Suddenly weary, the scratches on his arms and shoulders from Marly’s nails throbbing like badges of courage, he grinned tiredly and lay down beside her. Pulling her into his arms, he jerked the blankets over them and fought to catch his own breath.

  He felt exhilarated. The blood ran t
hrough his veins, energizing him rather than tiring him. His cock was limber for now, sated with the hard ejaculation it had experienced. But he couldn’t wait to touch her again. Cade knew that at a moment’s notice he would be thick and throbbing again, ready to fuck her until she was screaming for more. Damn, he couldn’t wait until she learned how to control the intensity of the desire, and scream for more.

  He closed his eyes, pushing back such thoughts. She would sleep for a while, and when she awoke, he seriously doubted she would be ready for more. She would be hesitant, he would have to convince her to take him again, to risk the hot rush of pleasure that destroyed her control. He looked forward to it. He could hardly wait.

  * * * * *

  Marly awoke slowly, peeking through her lashes and seeing the bare spot in the bed beside her. She breathed in shaky relief. He was gone. She licked her swollen lips slowly, feeling the sensitivity there, as she did in the rest of her body. She ached, between her thighs, her breasts. She closed her eyes again, swallowing tightly. She hadn’t expected the sensation, the intensity of the pleasure that bordered on pain. She hadn’t expected it, and she wasn’t certain she could handle it again.

  “I have your bath ready.” Cade’s voice was smooth black velvet, drawing a gasp from her lips.

  She clutched the blankets to her breasts and turned her head slowly. He was propped against the doorframe of the bathroom, dressed in low-slung jeans, his erection bulging beneath the material. His eyes were dark, heavy-lidded and watching her carefully.

  She licked her lips again, then nearly gasped as his gaze flared intently, tracking the move.

  “I’ll bathe later,” she whispered.

  He shook his head slowly.

  “You’re sore, Marly. And frightened now. I promise you, I have no intentions of taking you again for a while. I just want to help you.” He came toward her, making her heart beat quickly at the slow, rolling walk. He was too damned sexy.