Read Marrying the Millionaire Page 21

A GENTLE OCEAN BREEZE ROSE from the depths of the nearby glistening blue water, then swirled down over Kayla’s face as she sat on the bench beside Sandella at the community park. Across the street from the beach, she watched the kids run around on the playground and became quite acquainted with the pretty lady Richmond was so smitten of—his good friend’s wife—Sandella Wexler.

  The cool autumn breeze blew leaves around Kayla’s feet. She swiped a piece of hair behind her ear. “So, Sandella,” she said, looking at CJ and Isabelle chasing after the pudgy pigeons, “do you and Braylon want any more children?”

  Bouncing Logan on her knee, Sandella nodded. “Yes, we do. But not right now. My bakery, SugarKanes, keeps me so busy, I’d probably lose my mind if I had another baby right now. The company is growing by leaps and bounds, and sooner or later I’m going to have to open up another location. Probably sooner than I’d planned, too.”

  If Kayla found the right man and got married, she’d love to have more children. “That’s great. Did you always want to go into business for yourself?”

  “Yes. But if it hadn’t been for Braylon, SugarKanes would’ve never happened.”

  “Why not?”

  Sandella shrugged. “I didn’t believe in myself or my abilities. Braylon drafted the business plan for SugarKanes, and without my knowing he started selling my baked goods over the Internet. He even found the lot to build upon. He did everything for me.”

  Kayla enjoyed hearing about Sandella and Braylon’s love story, which eventually led to a beautiful marriage and an adorable daughter. “Your husband obviously loves you. You’re both so lucky to have one another. I’d do anything to find love like that one day.”

  Placing baby Logan on the bench between them, Sandella tilted her head. “Ah, Kayla. You’ll find love someday. I’m sure there’s some man out there that would love to marry you and treat your son as his own.”

  Kayla waved her hand in the air. “Girl, please. Men these days look at women with kids like they have a disease. They run as fast as they can from women with children. No man is going to want to take care of me and my son.”

  “What about Richmond?” A flash of sincerity crossed Sandella’s face.

  Kayla’s head jerked. “What about him?” I know she’s not implying what I think she is. Richmond’s not in the least bit interested in me now. Nor will he ever be interested in someone like me.

  “He’s single. Nice. Attractive. Probably lonely. He’s a great guy. Been through so much. Braylon and I would love for him to meet someone new to bring a little joy in his life.”

  Kayla giggled at the wild thought. “With all these stretch marks on my stomach, a man like Richmond would never date a woman like me.”

  Sandella bent over and kissed Logan’s cheek. “What do you mean, a woman like you? You obviously have no clue how pretty you are, Kayla. Although we just met, I can tell how nice and fun you are. And just so you know, men are attracted to you. I even happened to overhear a few men talking about you the other day while having lunch at SugarKanes. In fact, you may know one of the guys. He works for Richmond. His name is Jason.”

  Kayla’s heart dunked at the mention of Jason’s name. Forgoing any further conversation about Jason, she rounded up the kids. Afterwards, she and Sandella drove down the street and had lunch at SugarKanes.

  Sitting at the table next to the window inside the sweet-smelling bakery, Kayla opted for the chicken pesto Panini and a side salad. Sandella had had her employees whip up a bowl of tomato bisque and grilled cheese for her and Logan.

  As Kayla and Sandella sat there enjoying each other’s conversation, someone snuck up behind her and covered her eyes with their large hands. The hands shielding her vision felt strong and callous. Had to be a man’s hands. Just knowing it had to be Richmond, she smiled. Oh, Richmond.

  The gentleman covering her face pressed the side of his face to hers. “Guess who?” The sound of Jason’s voice caused her grave disappointment. When he removed his hands from her face, she glared up at him to find a wicked grin plastered on his lips. Tempted to throw Sandella’s soup into his stupid face, she offered him a curt smile instead.

  “Mind if I join you ladies?” Jason’s southern drawl boomed over her head. He pulled out the chair and took a seat before either of them could answer.

  “Sorry, I can’t stay. I’m on my way to the equestrian.” Kayla reached into her purse, pulled out a twenty dollar bill, and handed it to Sandella.

  Sandella shooed the money away with her hand. “Lunch is on me today.”

  An appreciative smile curved Kayla’s mouth. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “But I want to.” Sandella picked up the pink box with teal lettering from the table and extended it to Kayla. “Don’t forget your cupcakes.”

  “Thanks. I can’t wait to eat one later, especially the pumpkin-flavored one.” Lord knows, she didn’t like this Jason guy. “Aren’t you supposed to be giving Isabelle her horseback lessons in thirty minutes?” She disapproved of the curious, deep longing sparking in his eyes as he stared at her.

  Jason looped his fingers through the holes of his jeans and smiled as big as the ocean across the street. “Nope. Not anymore. Richmond promoted me to Operations Director. I started my new job today. Someone else will be giving Isabelle her horseback riding lessons.”

  Hmm. If Richmond promoted him, maybe he’s not as bad as I think he is. She really needed to work on not judging people before getting to know them. “Congratulations.”

  Jason gave a quick nod of his head. “See you around.”

  “Mmm-hmmm. Have a good day, Sandella. Thanks again for the delicious lunch.”

  “You’re welcome. Can’t wait to do it again next week.”

  Kayla strapped CJ and Isabelle in their car seats and drove down Ocean Drive. Making a left at the traffic light, she drove down another long road filled with trees on either sides. Reaching Spaulding Drive, she made a right, and a few minutes later she drove the Range Rover that Richmond had insisted she drive up into Spaulding Equestrian Center and parked.

  Holding Isabelle and CJ’s hands, Kayla lead the kids to the rear of the building, toward the horse trails. Spotting Richmond riding a horse while playing Polo with three other guys, the scent of freshly cut grass permeated her nose. Letting go of CJ and Isabelle’s hands, Kayla stopped walking and observed the domineering, masculine sight of Richmond as he dominated the game of Polo.

  Galloping horses’ hooves stomped over the grounds, drumming loud noises into Kayla’s eardrums. The horse carrying Richmond hurtled in the direction of the white fence. Dressed in complete Polo gear, Richmond raised his polo stick and swung. The orange ball flew in the air.

  With his Polo stick gripped in his hand, Zeke steered his cantering horse toward the flying ball and swung. The ball then went flying back in the other direction.

  “They’ve been at it all day,” Chelsey said, coming to stand beside Kayla.

  “Must be nice to play Polo in your leisure.” Kayla found the way Richmond played the sport attractive. The way his toned, muscular butt bounced up and down on the horse’s saddle enticed her. When Richmond spotted her glancing his way, his lips pulled into a sexy smile and she just about wilted like a flower in the hot summer sun.

  If Sandella thought the two of them had a chance at kindling a romance, she was dead wrong. Apparently, her new friend had trouble seeing. For all she knew, he probably had a girlfriend.

  Chelsey folded her arms over her breasts. “Just so you know, Richmond was in a rotten mood earlier today.”

  Must have something to do with why he stormed out of the house this morning. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she looked down at the children, then back up at Chelsey’s face. “Do you know why?”

  Chelsey shook her head. “I don’t have a clue.”

  Waiting for Richmond to finish playing the sport, Kayla grew quiet and focused her eyes on him. Hearing heavy footsteps walking along the grass behind her, she kept her
face forward. A minute later, she felt the strong presence of a man standing behind her and assumed it was Jason.

  “Suade and Richmond ain’t gon’ get nothing done around here if all they do is play all day.” Kayla whirled to find Russell standing behind her. “How you doing, young lady?” he asked with a big, hearty smile.

  Kayla’s eyes squinted against the sun shining down over the stables. “I’m doing fine. And you?” Lying man. Talking about you never knew my grandfather. Just because he didn’t have any money like you, don’t give you the right to deny your friendship with him.

  “I’m doing quite well.” Russell’s eyes turned to Chelsey. “Hi, Chelsey.”

  “Afternoon, Russell.” Chelsey rubbed the back of her neck. “Here comes Isabelle’s new riding instructor. His name is Samuel Adkins.”

  “Why is my granddaughter getting a new instructor? Jason did a mighty fine job, if you ask me.” Russell’s tone was laden with discontentment.

  But no one asked you, now did they? Kayla thought, watching Samuel head their way.

  Chelsey quickly made the introductions to everyone. It was hard to tell, but Kayla’s discernment told her that this Samuel guy was nice and would be way better at teaching Isabelle than Jason.

  “Well, I got to get back to work, y’all. Good seeing you, Kayla.” Chelsey began walking away.

  “You, too, Chelsey.”

  “I’m about to head on home, too.” Russell requested, “Do me a favor, Kayla…tell my sons, Richmond and Suade, I’ll catch up with them later.”

  Kayla had no clue that Richmond had a brother named Suade. “Which one is Suade?”

  “The one in the blue shirt, riding the black stallion.” Russell’s cowboy boots pivoted in the dirt, and he stalked away.

  Once Isabelle’s new riding instructor got her off to a good start with her riding lesson, Kayla and CJ made their way to the inside of the building. Bladder full, boy, did she have to use the bathroom. She pulled open the door to the front of the equestrian and stepped inside the cool building. The receptionist, Darla, sat at the circulation desk, waving her over.

  “Hey, CJ. Want a lollipop?” Darla asked.

  CJ looked up at his mother so she could answer for him. “Go ahead, it’s okay.”

  Darla handed CJ the purple lollipop, and he took it. “So, tell me, Ms. Lady…how do you like working for our fine boss, Richmond?”

  I love it. What single woman wouldn’t like working for him? “So far, so good. Excuse me, but I’ve really got to go to the restroom.”

  “I’ll watch CJ for you, if you want,” Darla offered. She reached under her desk, then held up a key in Kayla’s face. “Here, take this key and use the restroom upstairs. It’s much nicer and more private than the one the customers use down here.”

  Kayla snatched the key from Darla’s hand. “Thanks.” Leaving CJ at the receptionist desk with Darla, she hastened away. When she reached the end of the hallway, she hiked up the stairs, walked all the way to the end of another hallway, then burst through the door of the restroom.

  Hovering over the toilet urinating, discomfort about both Jason and Russell entered Kayla’s spirit. She wiped herself, then just as she pulled her jeans up, the door flung open.

  “Come on, Russell. No one ever comes in here. It’s always empty.” Shocked to hear Chelsey speaking with Russell, Kayla gasped. Inside the last stall at the end, she climbed on top of the toilet and hid so they wouldn’t see her shoes.

  “Don’t you think I know this here restroom is always empty? Now get your fine ass in there, woman.” Russell’s hoarse groans echoed. The heels of his hard boots clacked against the tile as he entered the restroom behind Chelsey.

  With her feet standing on the toilet, Kayla put a hand to the wall to balance herself. Nervous about what she was about to witness, she peeked through the crack in the door, and what she spotted happening next shocked her. Stole her breath. Made her head spin.

  Russell lowered the zipper on his jeans, jerked Chelsey off her feet, and slammed her behind on the edge of the sink. Gazing into her green eyes, Russell spread Chelsey’s legs as wide as they’d go. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Good thing you wore the dress like I told you to.” He hiked her dress to her hips.

  “I do everything you tell me to do. Including our little secret,” she giggled.

  With his jeans puddled at his ankles, Russell slapped a hard hand to Chelsey’s mouth. Facing his reflection in the mirror, his face scrunched. “Shhh. Don’t you ever breathe a word about our secret around here,” he demanded in a grudging voice.

  Wrapping her fingers around Russell’s wrist, Chelsey’s eyes widened, then she nodded. Russell snatched his hand from her pinched lips. Regret softened Chelsey’s green eyes as she blinked pitifully. “I’m sorry to make you so mad, Big Daddy.” Tilting her head, she smiled. “Just lay that hairy monster between your fine legs on me, Big Daddy.”

  Russell’s frustrated, bearded face lightened. “Sure thang, pretty twang.” He reached inside his underwear, pulled out his shaft, and inserted it inside Chelsey’s sex. Not wanting to see the disgusting sexual act between them, Kayla covered her mouth with her hand and turned her freaking head.

  Chelsey’s loud moans of pleasures filled the bathroom. “Oh yeah, Big Daddy! I love it when you fuck me like this! Harder! Harder!”